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Version 1.4.8
This plugin adds jet skis with customizable physics! Chat Commands /jetski - Spawns jet ski near player (requires jetski.spawn permission) /jetski remove - despawns player's jet ski (requires jetski.despawn permission) /buyjetski - allows player to buy jet ski item and deploy it later (requires permission) Console Commands givejetski <amount> <player name> - give specified amount of jet skis to specified player (can be run in the server console or by player with jetski.admin permission) Admin Chat Commands (requires jetski.admin permission) /jetski_debug - show buoyancy points Each buoyancy point has force and size parameters Permissions jetski.admin - admin permission jetski.spawn - allows players to spawn a jetski via /jetski - allows players to buy jet ski deployable via /buyjetski - allows players to use /jetski for free (if price is not 0) jetski.despawn - allows players to despawn a jet ski via /jetski remove Localization English Russian Configuration Example of JetSki.json { "(1.1) Jet ski price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 75, "SkinID": 0 }, "(1.2) Spawn cooldown (in seconds)": 120, "(1.3) Allow only 1 jet ski per player": false, "(1.4) Allow spawning jet skis only on beaches": false, "(1.5) Amount of jet skis /buyjetski command gives": 1, "(1.6) Starting fuel": 0, "(2.1) Allow picking up the jet ski only in building privilege": false, "(2.2) How much HP is reduced when the jet ski is picked up (0-100)": 25.0, "(2.3) Jet ski item name": "Jet Ski", "(2.4) Jet ski item skin ID": 2935987835, "(2.5) Jet ski item ID": 794443127, "(3.1)Make all snowmobiles jet ski": true, "(3.2) Allow Jet ski to drive on land": true, "(4.1) Enable 'boost' button (Left Shift)": false, "(4.2) 'Boost' button thrust": 10000.0, "(4.3) 'Boost' duration (seconds)": 5.0, "(4.4) 'Boost' cooldown (seconds)": 30.0, "(5.1) Engine thrust": 5000, "(5.2) Engine thrust on land": 49, "(5.3) Move slowly on grass or roads": true, "(5.4) Steering scale": 0.05, "(5.5) Automatically flip jet skis": false, "(5.6) Off axis drag": 0.35, "(5.7) Buoyancy force": 730.0, "(6.1) Jet ski prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "(6.2) Thrust point position": { "x": -0.001150894, "y": 0.055, "z": -1.125 }, "(6.3) Buoyancy points": [ { "Position": { "x": -0.62, "y": 0.09, "z": -1.284 }, "Size": 1.3 }, ... } ] } API BaseEntity SpawnJetski(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) Item CreateJetskiItem()$16.99 -
Version 1.3.1
This plugin adds variety of NPC sets with very high number of parameter sets on standard and custom monuments. Also it is added during dropping the server AirDrop, locked crate and destroying a tank or helicopter Dependencies (optional, not required) AlphaLoot CustomLoot True PVE Kits Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Custom maps Maps that have default settings for their custom monuments. For these maps, you will not need to create places for the appearance of NPCs, they have already been created by the map developer and are located inside the archive when buying the map You can also download all these files for all maps here Detroit: Irreparable Damage Oregon 2: Last Hope Lostly Island Frontier – American Old West Oregon: Land of Dead Badlands Foreign Lands Namalsk Kong: Skull Island Destroyed World Deathland Dreamland Last Train Pandora Railway Island Wasteland Cataclysm: Fury of Nature Last Oasis Crazy Island Standard monuments This item of the plugin settings is used for appearing NPCs in all standard monuments. All these settings are located in the Monument folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument). Each file in this folder corresponds to a standard monument If there is no standard monument file in the folder, you can create it (you need to name the file the same way as the standard monuments on the map inside the game). You can copy the settings from any other standard monument Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply The size of the monument – this parameter contains two values. It is the length and width of the monument. This parameter is necessary for random appearance of NPC on the monument and indication of limits of removal of standard NPCs on the monument (if it is necessary) Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It deletes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Custom monuments This item of the plugin settings is responsible for the appearance of NPCs on custom monuments. All these settings are located in the Custom folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom). Each file in this folder corresponds to a custom monument If you have bought a map with already configured NPC appearance files for custom monuments you will copy these files into the Custom folder. If you want to create and configure the appearance of NPC in your custom location on the map, you will use the command in the administrators’ chat /SpawnPointAdd {name} (see the description of this command below in the instruction) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Position – It is a position of the custom monument on the map Rotation – It is a rotation of the custom monument on the map (this parameter is necessary for using custom places to appear of NPC on the monument, if the monument is used on more than one map) Radius – It is the radius of the custom monument from the position on the map Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It removes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Roads This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of roads. All these settings are located in the Road folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Road). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular road type ExtraNarrow – It is a narrow, unpaved walkway ExtraWide It is a wide, paved, two-lane, beltway road Standard – It is a regular, paved road Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the road. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the road (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Biomes This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of biomes. All these settings are located in the Biome folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Biome). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular biome type (Arctic, Arid, Temperate, Tundra) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the biome. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the biome (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) In-game events This item of the plugin settings is used to appear the NPCs in standard Rust events. All of these settings are located in the Event folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event). Each file in this folder corresponds to its own type of event The supported events: When the plane drops the server AirDrop, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets CH47 – When the chinook drops a locked crate during patrolling the map, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets Bradley – When someone destroys a tank, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Helicopter – When someone shoots down a patrol helicopter, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the event. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Radius – NPC appearance radius Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the event (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) The NPC preset parameters Enabled? [true/false] – It is enabling/disabling the preset Minimum numbers – Day – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the day preset Maximum numbers – Day – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the day preset Minimum numbers – Night – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the night preset Maximum numbers – Night – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the night preset NPCs setting – It is all NPC settings of this preset (see the description of NPC settings for details) Type of appearance (0 – random; 1 – own list) – It is a type of NPC appearance. You can create your own list of places of NPC appearance. The NPC will appear only randomly. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types Own list of locations – It is your own list of NPC appearances. You need to use the number of locations at least the maximum possible number of NPCs in this preset. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types The path to the crate that appears at the place of death – It is the full path to the crate prefab that appears at the place of death of an NPC. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank Which loot table should the plugin use (0 – default; 1 – own; 2 – AlphaLoot; 3 – CustomLoot; 4 – loot table of the Rust objects; 5 – combine the 1 and 4 methods) – It is the type of the NPC loot table in this preset. Type 5 includes two types (1 and 4) at the same time and locates items from both types Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5) – It is a setting of the loot tables from Rust objects. You can see the loot table of Rust objects description for more details Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5) – It’s NPC’s own loot table. You can see the description of your own loot table for more details The NPC settings description Names is a list of NPC names. It is selected from the list randomly Health – It’s the HP amount of the NPC Roam Range – It’s the patrolling area distance. It’s the distance that the NPC can move from the place of appearance during patrolling Chase Range – It’s the chase range of the target. It’s the distance that the NPC can chase his target from the place of appearance Attack Range Multiplier – It’s the attack range multiplier of the NPC’s weapon Sense Range – It’s a target detection radius Target Memory Duration [sec.] – It’s the time that the NPC can remember his target Scale damage – It’s the damage multiplier from NPC to the player Aim Cone Scale – It’s the spread of NPC shooting, the default value in Rust is 2. It doesn’t take negative values Detect the target only in the NPCs viewing vision cone? [true/false] – It’s the parameter that allows detecting the target only in a certain NPC viewing. If you want to detect the target in 360 degrees, you will set the parameter “False” Vision Cone – It’s the NPC viewing. The range of values is from 20 to 180 degrees. If the previous parameter is False, this parameter is not used Speed – It’s the NPC speed. The default value in Rust is 5 Minimum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the minimum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Maximum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the maximum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Disable radio effects? [true/false] – You can disable/enable radio effects Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false] – If this parameter is True, the NPC will not move or run Remove a corpse after death? [true/false] – This parameter can control the deleting of NPC corpses (only backpacks are left). This parameter improves efficiency if there are a lot of NPCs Wear items – It’s a list of NPCs’ clothes and armor Belt items – It’s a list of weapons and items NPCs’ fast slots. Medical syringes are used for healing. If you give grenades to an NPC, he will use them. Smoke grenades are used for creating smoke screens (if you don’t need them, you should remove them from your inventory). If you give a Rocket Launcher to an NPC, he will raid the target’s building (if the target is inside it) Kits – It gives a pack of Kits plugin. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank. I recommend using the previous 2 points to configure NPC items A description of the Rust loot table settings Minimum numbers of prefabs –It’s the minimum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Maximum numbers of prefabs –It’s the maximum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of prefabs – It’s a list of prefabs that need to add in the loot table. It is necessary to indicate the full path to the prefab and the probability of falling out this prefab A description of the own loot table settings Minimum numbers of items – It’s the minimum number of items Maximum numbers of items – It’s the maximum number of items Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of items – It’s a total list of all items that can fall out in the NPC loot table. You can specify any standard items, their blueprints and any skinned or custom items The commands in the chat (for admins only) /SpawnPointPos {name} – To show the local admin’s position coordinates relative to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAdd {name} – To create the NPC appearance point {name} in the Admin’s custom coordinates. A file with this name will be created in the folder Custom and you can configure it as you need /SpawnPointAddPos {number} {name} – To write the local admin’s coordinate into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddWear {number} {name} – To write all the admin’s dressed clothes into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddBelt {number} {name} – To write all the admins’ quick slots cells into a preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name} – To show to the Admin all the custom NPC appearance points in the preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) in the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointReload {name} – Reload Spawn Point with the name {name} Console commands (RCON only) ShowAllNpc – Shows the number of all NPCs of the BetterNpc plugin on your server Hooks object CanAirDropSpawnNpc(SupplyDrop supplyDrop) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard an AirDrop. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanCh47SpawnNpc(HackableLockedCrate crate) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard a locked chinook crate. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanBradleySpawnNpc(BradleyAPC bradley) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the boxes from crushed Bradley. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanHelicopterSpawnNpc(BaseHelicopter helicopter) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the crates from crushed patrol helicopter. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance API void DestroyController(string name) – It destroys the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} void CreateController(string name) – It creates the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} These APIs can be used with standard monuments, custom monuments (NPC locations) and roads. The name of this monument is in standard monuments {name}. It is the name of the file in the Custom and Road folder in custom monuments and roads My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal$30.00 -
Version 1.7.5
New Year Update The New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear New Year's map from the video: Halloween Update Have you already prepared your server for Halloween? On the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I have prepared for customization of all armored train cars. After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. This plugin will add an armored train to your server, which can travel both in the subway and by rail. It can consist of any number of wagons. A helicopter can accompany it. Bradley, npc, turrets, simsites can be installed on the train. The plugin allows you to create any number of train presets, for which the order of wagons, the helicopter preset, the probability of spawn and the duration of patrolling can be specified. Each wagon or locomotive can be configured separately. Any speed can be set by the locomotive.If there is no spawn of trains on the surface on your custom map, read the section “Custom spawn points” Custom spawn points If you are using a custom map in which there are no spawn trains on the surface, but there is a railway, then for the train to work on the surface, you need to add custom spawn points of the train. Instruction: Stand at the point where you want the train to spawn Enter the command /atrainpoint If you receive a message that a point has been created, enable “Use custom spawn coordinates [true/false]” in config For correct operation, it is recommended to create several spawn points of the train Chat commands (only for administrators) /atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration /atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground /atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground /atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration /atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> /atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> /atrainstop– stops the event /atrainpoint– creates a custom spawn point of the train in your position Console commands (RCON only) atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> atrainstop – stops the event Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Api bool IsArmoredTrainActive() bool StopArmoredTrain() bool StartArmoredTrainEvent() bool EndArmoredTrainEvent() bool IsTrainBradley(uint netID) bool IsTrainHeli(uint netID) bool IsTrainCrate(uint netID) bool IsTrainSamSite(uint netID) bool IsTrainWagon(uint netID) bool IsTrainTurret(uint netID) Vector3 ArmoredTrainLocomotivePosition() Hooks OnArmoredTrainEventStart OnArmoredTrainEventStop Contact me in Discord: Adem#955$29.99 -
Version 0.1.17
Useful API plugin that imitates in-game status bars, allowing the addition of custom status bars. Note: AdvancedStatus does not display any bars on its own. This is done by other plugins that work with it. An example plugin demonstrating interaction with AdvancedStatus. The ability to specify the frequency of calculating the number of bars; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to specify custom text; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; No need to pass all parameters; No need to manually delete your bar when unloading your plugin. advancedstatus.admin - Grants access to the chat command(by default /bar). { "Chat command": "bar", "Is it worth enabling console notifications for the successful loading of local images?": false, "Interval(in seconds) for counting in-game status bars": 0.5, "Interval(in seconds) for counting Building Privilege status bars. Note: Calculating Building Privilege is significantly more resource-intensive than other counts": 1.0, "Bar - Display Layer. If you have button bars, it's advisable to use Hud(": "Under", "Bar - Left to Right": true, "Bar - Offset between status bars": 2, "Bar - Default Height": 26, "Main - Default Color": "#505F75", "Main - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Main - Default Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image - Default Image": "AdvancedBar_Image", "Image - Default Color": "#6B7E95", "Image - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Image - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text - Default Size": 12, "Text - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Default Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text - Default Offset Horizontal": 0, "Text - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Text - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText - Default Size": 12, "SubText - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText - Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Default Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "SubText - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress - Default Color": "#89B840", "Progress - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Progress - Default OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Progress - Default OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 17 } } Note: Default values will be used if the external plugin does not pass the property itself. EN: { "MsgDays": "d", "MsgHours": "h", "MsgMinutes": "m", "MsgSeconds": "s" } RU: { "MsgDays": "д", "MsgHours": "ч", "MsgMinutes": "м", "MsgSeconds": "с" } images reload *ImageName* - Reloads the specified image from the image folder; all - Reloads all local images from the image folder. Example: /bar images reload all Note: To access the commands, the player must be an admin(console or owner) or have the advancedstatus.admin permission. OnAdvancedStatusLoaded: Called after the AdvancedStatus plugin is fully loaded and ready. OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player enters their building privilege. OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player exits their building privilege. void OnAdvancedStatusLoaded() { Puts("The AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to go!"); } void OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} entered the authorized building privilege zone."); } void OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} exited the authorized building privilege zone."); } [PluginReference] private Plugin AdvancedStatus; There are 15 methods: IsReady CreateBar UpdateContent DeleteBar DeleteCategory DeleteAllBars GetTotalClientBars GetTotalPlayerBars LoadImages LoadImage CopyImage DeleteImages DeleteImage BarExists InBuildingPrivilege There are 5 types of bar: Default - A simple bar that displays the provided information. Does not update the value of SubText by itself; Timed - Similar to the default bar, but it automatically disappears after the specified time in the TimeStamp parameter; TimeCounter - The SubText shows the remaining time until TimeStamp. Also automatically removed upon expiration of the TimeStamp; TimeProgress - Similar to the Timed bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar; TimeProgressCounter - Similar to the TimeCounter bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar. IsReady: Used to check if the AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to work. The IsReady method returns true if it is ready, or null if it is not. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("IsReady");//Calling the IsReady method. If the result is not null(bool true), the plugin is ready. CreateBar: Used to create a bar or update bar values for a player. To call the CreateBar method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the CreateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. Parameters not specified when creating a new bar will use the values set in the AdvancedStatus plugin's configuration file. Parameters not specified during bar update will retain the values they had before the update. Note: The plugin does not update values automatically, you need to manually send new values. Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "AdvancedStatusDemo_1" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "BarType", "Default" }, //<string>Type of the bar. There are 4 types: Default, Timed, TimeCounter and TimeProgress. { "Plugin", "AdvancedStatusDemo" }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Category", "Default" }, //<string>Internal plugin category of the bar. { "Order", 10 }, //<int>The position of your bar relative to others. Order is determined by increasing values(ASC). { "Height", 26 }, //<int>The height of your bar. A standard bar is 26 pixels. { "Main_Color", "#505F75" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar background. { "Main_Transparency", 0.7f }, //<float>Transparency of the bar background. { "Main_Material", "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat" }, //<string>Material of the bar background(empty to disable). { "Image", "scrap" }, //<string>Name of the image saved in the ImageLibrary or a direct link to the image if ImageLibrary is not used. { "Image_Local", "AdvancedStatusDemo_Scrap" }, //<string>The name of the image file(without its extension) located in *SERVER*\data\AdvancedStatus\Images. Leave empty to use Image. { "Image_Sprite", "" }, //<string>Sprite image of the bar. Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image. { "Is_RawImage", true }, //<bool>Which type of image will be used? True - CuiRawImageComponent. False - CuiImageComponent. { "Image_Color", "#6B7E95" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar image. { "Image_Transparency", 1.0f }, //<float>Transparency of the image. { "Text", "Scrap" }, //<string>Main text. { "Text_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the main text. { "Text_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the main text. { "Text_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the main text. { "Text_Offset_Horizontal", 0 }, //<int>Horizontal offset for the main text. { "SubText", "35" }, //<string>Sub text. { "SubText_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the sub text. { "SubText_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the sub text. { "SubText_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the sub text. { "TimeStampStart", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp }, //<double>Responsible for specifying the start point of the time reference and 0% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStamp", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 6 }, //<double>Specifies the end time point after which the bar will be destroyed and 100% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStampDestroy", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 3 }, //<double>If TimeStampDestroy is specified and it is less than TimeStamp, the bar will be destroyed by TimeStampDestroy. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress", (float)35 / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. { "Progress_Reverse", false }, //<bool>Progress reverse. A value of false means that the progress will increase. Used if the bar type is TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress_Color", "#89B840" }, //<string>Progress color. { "Progress_Transparency", 1f }, //<float>Progress transparency. { "Progress_OffsetMin", "25 2.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMin: "*left* *bottom*". { "Progress_OffsetMax", "-3.5 -3.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMax: "*right* *top*". { "Command", "kit" } //<string>If the field is not empty, the bar becomes clickable, and the specified command is executed upon clicking. Note: the command must be covalence. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("CreateBar", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the CreateBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. UpdateContent: Used to update only the content of an existing status bar. To call the UpdateContent method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the UpdateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "MyID" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Plugin", Name }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Text", "MyText" }, //<string>Main text. { "SubText", "MyText" }, //<string>Sub text. { "Progress", (float)amount / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("UpdateContent", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the UpdateContent method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. DeleteBar: Used to remove the bar for a player. There are two methods for removing a bar by ID: with specifying a particular player; To call this method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar and the third one is name of your plugin. without specifying a particular player (which removes it for all players) To call this method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is Id of your bar and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. If you try to delete a bar that doesn't exist, nothing bad will happen. So feel free to delete the bar without checking its existence. P.S. When unloading your plugin, there is no need to manually delete bars for players, AdvancedStatus will handle it automatically. DeleteCategory: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin's category. To call the DeleteCategory method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is category and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteCategory", "Default", Name);//Calling the DeleteCategory method by passing the category and name of your plugin DeleteAllBars: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin. To call the DeleteAllBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteAllBars", Name);//Calling the DeleteAllBars method, passing the name of your plugin GetTotalClientBars: Used to get the number of client bars for the player. To call the GetTotalClientBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalClientBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalClientBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID GetTotalPlayerBars: Used to get the number of active custom bars for the player. To call the GetTotalPlayerBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalPlayerBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalPlayerBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID LoadImages: Used to check if the local images specified in the list are loaded. If any of the images are not loaded but their files exist in the images folder, the plugin will load them. To call the LoadImages method, you need to pass only 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImages", list, false);//Calling the LoadImages method, passing a list of image names LoadImage: Used to check if the local image is loaded. If the file is not loaded and exists in the images folder, the plugin will load it. To call the LoadImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImage", imgName, false);//Calling the LoadImage method, passing an image's name CopyImage: Used to create and load a copy of an existing image. To call the CopyImage method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>source image's name, the second parameter is the <string>new image's name and the third one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force copy and reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("CopyImage", "ZoneStatus_Default", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", false);//Calling CopyImage, passing the source image name and the new image name. DeleteImages: Used to delete a list of images and their files. To call the DeleteImages method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImages", list, true);//Calling DeleteImages, passing a list of image names. DeleteImage: Used for removing the image and the image file. To call the DeleteImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImage", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", true);//Calling DeleteImage, passing the image name. BarExists: Used to check if the specified bar exists. To call the BarExists method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar. And the third one is name of your plugin. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("BarExists", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name);//Calling the BarExists method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and name of your plugin. InBuildingPrivilege: Used to check if the player has authorized building privileges. To call the InBuildingPrivilege method, you need to pass BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("InBuildingPrivilege", player.userID.Get());//Checking if the player has Building Privilege.$1.99 -
Version 2.1.5
This plugin adds to the game a variety of NPC bosses with different abilities and a very adaptable configuration Description Using this plugin you can add NPC bosses to any point on the map. You can set up any ability with the plugin configuration. If it is necessary, you can add multiple abilities to one boss. Abilities are divided into two categories, ones take place in a certain radius from the NPC, and others are triggered by damaging from an NPC. The map also displays the location of the actual bosses (their name and amount of health). You can give any clothes and weapons for NPCs using the configuration. Custom Map Maps that have a configuration for the appearance of boss on their custom monuments You can also download all these files for all maps here Dark Ages Blue Tears All files for custom maps are stored in the folder oxide/data/BossMonster/CustomMap. You don't have to delete files from there, the plugin will understand by itself which map is currently installed on the server and will download only the necessary file if there is one in this folder. The plugin will tell you about this process in the console during the plugin loading. It will write in the console what file works on the current map, and what ones don’t work If you want to create a custom place for the boss to appear on your custom map or on a map that is not in this list, you have to create the ID of this custom map. After that you need to place an item such as a RAND Switch on your map. It must be placed randomly, where it will not be visible to other players. You will get the identifier, if you add up the three coordinates of the position of this object from RustEdit (x, y and z) and write the resulting value in the parameter of your file (an example file can be taken from ready-made files) - ID As an example, let's take the coordinates (26.896, -456.158, 527.258), then our identifier is 26.896 - 456.158 + 527.258 = 97.996 Then you need to indicate a list of bosses that will appear on your map. You need to copy the configuration data block for each boss. In the database parameters you will specify the name of the boss and a list of positions where it can appear Dependencies (optional, not required) GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Chat commands (only for administrators) /WorldPos - displays the actual player’s position on the map /SavePos <name> - saves a new position to the configuration file for the boss with the name - name, relative to the nearest monument /SpawnBoss <name> - spawn of the boss with the name - name in the coordinates of the administrator Console commands (RCON only) SpawnBoss <name> – spawn of the boss with the name – name KillBoss <name> – kill all bosses with the name – name Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Boss Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Custom Map Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnBossSpawn(ScientistNPC boss) - сalled when a boss appears on the map void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC boss, BasePlayer attacker) - сalled when a player kills a boss API ScientistNPC SpawnBoss(string name, Vector3 pos) - spawns a boss named name in position pos void DestroyBoss(ScientistNPC boss) - destroys the boss My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00- 410 comments
- 12 reviews
- 21
- #abilities
- #boss
- (and 16 more)
Version 1.0.6
Want to spice up the Ferry Terminal location on your map? Look no further! Captors have taken hostages and are going to execute them if they cannot enslave them. Liberate the hostages while waves of backup arrive Johnny Blaze style on their motorcycles. They will be relentless and merciless. It's recommended that you bring a friend or two for this one! Description The event will begin with a notification that captors have taken hostages and will be trying to take them away to enslave them from the Ferry Terminal monument. First you will want to dispatch as many of the enemies on site as possible without alerting them of your intent or presence. Once you are ready though, alarms will be sounded and they will attempt to call for backup. Once the backup begins coming on motorcycle they will continue to send units to keep you from liberating the hostages, or execute them as opposed to letting you get them to freedom! Each hostage will have a small radius and a configurable countdown will begin as you work on releasing them from their shackles. Once freed you will still need to escort them to a ferry nearby, and they will thank you by opening a hackable crate for you. There are indicators that help highlight important event items such as the hostages. The configuration file gives plenty of options to customize the event, from NPCs, timers, rewards, and plenty of other options like integration with plugins you already own, in game UI, and more! Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE Pve Mode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages Alpha Loot Custom Loot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic XPerience Kits Better Npc Monument Owner Chat commands (only for administrators) /ftstart - start the event /ftstop - end the event /ftpos - determining the position coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the monument is read) Console commands (RCON only) ftstart - start the event ftstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnFerryTerminalEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) – called when the event starts void OnFerryTerminalEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnFerryTerminalEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: kpuctajl Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00- 4 comments
- 4 reviews
- 5
- #ferry terminal
- #ch47
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.1.4
Adds a new event to the server - zone capture. If you gather resources on the territory of the occupied zone, a commission is removed from you and falls into the "capture cupboard". Features: Markers on the map Spawn in crates/barrels Percentage setting with permissions Setting limits with permissions Bypass setting (for teammates, friends, clanmates, cupboard) Commands give.capturezone [target] [amount] - gives out a cupboard for capturing a zone Permissions capturezone.ignore - allows you not to pay resources for tax Video Config { "Work with Notify?": true, "Zone Radius": 40.0, "Permission (ex: capturezone.use)": "", "Item Settings": { "DisplayName": "Zone Сapture", "ShortName": "cupboard.tool", "SkinID": 2767790029 }, "Marker": { "Enabled": true, "Display Name": "Zone by {owner}", "Radius": 0.3, "Refresh Rate": 3.0, "Duration": 0, "Color 1": "#EA9999", "Color 2": "#A73636FF" }, "Drop Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Drop Settings": [ { "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 50.0 }, { "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_2.prefab", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 5.0 }, { "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 5.0 } ] }, "Notification during mining in the occupied territory": { "Enabled": true, "Cooldown": 5.0 }, "Percent Settings": { "Default": 20.0, "Permissions": { "": 25.0, "capturezone.deluxe": 30.0 } }, "Limits Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Default": 3, "Permissions": { "": 5, "capturezone.deluxe": 7 } }, "Bypass Settings": { "Teammates (Rust in-game system)": true, "Friends": true, "Clanmates": true, "Authorized in the cupboard": true } }$19.95 -
Version 2.0.5
Adds a list of players to your server with convenient options for interacting with them Commands players (open interface) Permissions Permission to use: you can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: playerlist.use)": "playerlist.use", playerlist.hide (hides a player from the player list) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config$19.95 -
Version 1.1.7
Adds to your server the ability to rent a car and ride it all over the map. You can also install bots in which you can rent a car. Commands [targetId] (give a Ferrari) share.mazda [targetId] (give a Mazda) share.skoda [targetId] (give a Skoda) share.opel [targetId] (give an Opel) Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (example: carsharing.use)": "carsharing.use", Config { "Commands": [ "rent", "carsharing" ], "Permission (example: carsharing.use)": "", "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Vehicle call item settings": { "Display Name": "RUSTSharing {carname}", "ShortName": "box.wooden.large", "Skin": 2591806406 }, "Cars": [ { "Permission (example:": "", "Command to give": "", "Image": "", "Name": "Ferrari", "Cost per minute": 25.0, "Car class": "Luxe", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example:": "", "Command to give": "share.mazda", "Image": "", "Name": "Mazda", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example:": "", "Command to give": "share.skoda", "Image": "", "Name": "Skoda", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } }, { "Permission (example:": "", "Command to give": "share.opel", "Image": "", "Name": "Opel", "Cost per minute": 10.0, "Car class": "Comfort", "Average Speed": "100", "Modular Car Settings": { "CodeLock": true, "KeyLock": false, "Engine Parts Tier": 2, "Fresh Water Amount": 0, "Fuel Amount": 140, "Modules": [ "vehicle.1mod.engine", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored", "vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored" ] } } ], "Bots": { "8833355776": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Comfort" ] }, "1317845641": { "Car Classes (* - all)": [ "Luxe", "Comfort" ] } } } VIDEO$19.95 -
Version 1.1.42
Clans is an all-in-one manager that lets you create, manage and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan, and player leaderboards, create and break alliances, modify gather rates for clan members and set clan skins to identify clan members abroad easily. Features Beautiful user interface Performance Allied clans Gather rate for players (allows you to set how much each clan member must collect resources. For example: each member of the clan must collect 10 thousand sulfur, so that later it can be used to craft explosives and attack another clan) Clan skins (allows you to set common skins for all clan players. All the clothes on the players of the same clan will be the same, which allows you to distinguish your own from the enemies during the battle) The clan TAG min- and max-length can be defined in the config The clan overview shows offline member names Clan members can toggle friendly-fire protection for clan mates and allies Clan creation can check TAG’s against a blocked word list Clan tagging can be optionally disabled Old (not updated since x days) clans can be automatically purged Clans rating Players rating Setting a personal avatar for your clan Autowipe with wipe (optional) Commands clans (display clan menu) clans help (get information about commands) clan create (create a clan) clan leave (leave from your clan) clan join (open UI with invitations) clan ff (toggle friendlyfire status) clan allyff (toggle friendlyfire status for allies) clan invite <name/steamid> (invite a player) clan withdraw <name/steamid> (cancel an invite) clan kick <name/steamid> (kick a member) clan allyinvite <clanTag> (invite a clan to ally) clan allywithdraw <clanTag> (cancel the offer of an alliance) clan allyaccept <clanTag> (accept the offer of an alliance) clan allycancel <clanTag> (cancen the offer of an alliance) clan promote <name/steamid> (promote a member) clan demote <name/steamid> (demote a member) clan disband (disband your clan) clans.loadavatars (download avatars of all players) clans.manage list - lists all clans, their owners and their member-count clans.manage listex - lists all clans, their owners/members and their on-line status clans.manage show [name/userId] - lists the chosen clan (or clan by user) and the members with status clans.manage msg [clanTag] [message] - sends a clan message clans.manage create [name/userId] [clanTag] - creates a clan clans.manage rename [oldTag] [newTag] - renames a clan clans.manage disband [clanTag] - disbands a clan clans.manage invite [clanTag] [name/userId] - sends clan invitation to a player clans.manage join [clanTag] [name/userId] - joins a player into a clan clans.manage kick [clanTag] [name/userId] - kicks a member from a clan clans.manage owner [clanTag] [name/userId] - sets a new owner clans.manage promote [clanTag] [name/userId] - promotes a member clans.manage demote [clanTag] [name/userId] - demotes a member clans.reborn.convert (convert data from Clans Reborn plugin) clans.umod.convert (convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+) plugin) clans.convert.olddata (convert data from old data) clans.convert.old.stats – used to update player data when upgrading from older versions of the game to 1.1.31 and above. Permissions clans.cancreate (permission to create a clan) clans.canjoin (permission to join a clan) clans.canleave (permission to leave a clan) clans.candisband (permission to disband a clan) clans.cankick (permission to kick a clan member) clans.admin (permission to use command 'clans.manage') Loot Types None – used for disabled loot Gather – used for gathering loot LootCrate – used for a loot crate Look – used to look at loot Kill – used to kill entities Craft – used for crafting items HackCrate – used for hacking a loot crate FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config Q: Does the Clans plugin support other plugins? A: Yes, this Clans plugin has an API similar to other popular clans plugins. If the plugin works with Clans - it works with this plugin too. Q: How do I enable the display of clan ratings on the screen? A: You need to install the Clans Top plugin Q: Does the Clans plugin work with other Rust plugins? A: The Clans plugin is designed to work with a wide range of other Rust plugins, but compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugins you are using.$45.95 -
Version 1.1.0
The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). Your players will love it! Features: Beautiful interface Voting is automatic (at the specified time in the config, without a command) Easy customization (time settings, text, interface, colors, etc.) Speeding up the day Speeding up the night White Nights (Full Moon) Commands sn.admin start_manually – Start voting manually Permissions skipnight.admin - for command "sn.admin" Video: FAQ: Where can I ask questions/get help quickly? My Discord: Mevent#4546 How do I turn on the full moon? 1. Enable nights with a full moon in the config. "Night with a full moon": true, 2. Configure the dates of the full moon in the config (you can get them from "Full Moon Dates": [ "2024-01-25T00:00:00", "2024-02-24T00:00:00", "2024-03-25T00:00:00", "2024-04-23T00:00:00", "2024-05-23T00:00:00", "2024-06-21T00:00:00", "2024-07-21T00:00:00", "2024-08-19T00:00:00", "2024-09-17T00:00:00", "2024-10-17T00:00:00", "2024-11-15T00:00:00", "2024-12-15T00:00:00" ] Config { "Time Settings": { "Day Start": "06:00", "Night Start": "18:00", "Voting time": 60, "Voting start time (time to check)": "20:00", "Time until which hour the voting will take place (time to check)": "21:00", "Time after voting (to which the night passes)": "08:00", "Fast skip the night": true, "Length of the night (minutes)": 5.0, "Length of the FAST night (minutes)": 2.0, "Length of the day (minutes)": 45.0, "Night with a full moon": true, "Full Moon Dates": [ "2024-01-25T00:00:00", "2024-02-24T00:00:00", "2024-03-25T00:00:00", "2024-04-23T00:00:00", "2024-05-23T00:00:00", "2024-06-21T00:00:00", "2024-07-21T00:00:00", "2024-08-19T00:00:00", "2024-09-17T00:00:00", "2024-10-17T00:00:00", "2024-11-15T00:00:00", "2024-12-15T00:00:00" ] }, "UI Settings": { "Destroy Time": 5.0, "Show Image?": true, "Image": "", "Image Width": 42.0, "Image Height": 33.0, "Image Up Indent": 16.0, "Left Indent": 212.0, "Bottom Indent": 16.0, "Width": 178.0, "Height for default version": 82.0, "Height for unfolded version": 184.0, "Background Color": { "HEX": "#F8EBE3", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 4.0 }, "Background Materal": "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur-ingamemenu.mat", "Voting Button": { "Width": 150.0, "Height": 30.0, "Bottom Indent": 15.0 }, "Progress Bar": { "Width": 150.0, "Height": 20.0, "Bottom Indent": 55.0 }, "Colors": { "Color 1": { "HEX": "#ABE04E", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "Color 2": { "HEX": "#595651", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 75.0 }, "Color 3": { "HEX": "#74884A", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 95.0 }, "Color 4": { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } } }, "Votes Settings": { "Number of votes": 5, "Use a percentage of the online?": true, "Percentage of the online": 30.0 } }$19.95- 25 comments
- 6 reviews
- 4
Version v2
This bundle of raidable bases is perfect to brighten up your server for the Christmas season around the corner and offer some unique bases that your players can raid themed around the holidays! Celebrate the Christmas season in Rust with our special holiday-themed raidable bases! We have 48 raidable bases with traps all over the place! all adorned with festive decorations and designed to immerse you in the true spirit of Christmas Pack Includes 40+ bases: - 14 easy bases - 23 medium bases - 7 hard bases - 3 expert base ! ReadMe.txt file for help/Discord ! Base designs Shelter design Normal base designs Ship design Tree designs Balloon design Raidable Towns Copy and paste these commands in F1 for easy setup rb.config add "Easy Bases" "santa13" "santa14" "santa18" "santa20" "santa26" "santa27" "santa28" "santa29" "santa30" "xmas-balloon" "santa38" "santa36" "santa35" "santa32" rb.config add "Medium Bases" "santa1" "santa2" "santa3" "santa4" "santa5" "santa6" "santa7" "santa8" "santa9" "santa10" "santa11" "santa12" "santa15" "santa16" "santa17" "santa19" "santa21" "santa22" "santa31" "santa32" "santa33" "santa34" "tree1" rb.config add "Hard Bases" "santa25" "santa24" "santa23" "tree2" "santa40" "santa42" "santa43" rb.config add "Expert Bases" "xmas-town-expert" "santa39" "santa41" rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" resort-nightmare$35.00- 2 reviews
- #christmas
- #bases raideables
- (and 25 more)
Version 1.2.5
Take your players to new heights in the game of Rust, and get a few laughs watching people try to fly one for the first time! Introducing Jetpack! A plugin that allows your players to soar around like never before in the game of Rust. Grab this plugin and give your players something to talk about! Many functions have already been implemented like the ability to shoot while piloting a jetpack, and the plugin will continue to expand and grow with the community. You'll find the configuration covers almost anything you can think of, and you'll see a breakdown of the configuration file in the description below. By default you can simply press the middle mouse wheel to equip and remove the jetpack quickly, you can't run around once you've equipped it. You can customize loot crates the jetpack might appear in, and all of the stats from thrust to rotation and all of the other controls. Be sure to check the permission section and feel free to use the command creatively to give jetpacks as an award for completing other tasks on your server using the commands provided. Make sure you have some lowgrade handy, let's take to the skies! Сontrols Space bar - thrust W/S keys - pitch axis A/D keys - yaw axis Chat commands (check config for permissions) /jet - toggle jetpack on & off /givejetpack - give a jetpack to yourself Console commands (admin only) givejetpack - give a jetpack to yourself givejetpack SteamID - give a jetpack to player using their SteamID Plugin config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Check out the rest of my work: Adem's Codefling Library You can reach out to me in Discord: Adem's Discord Profile Thanks to Jbird for writing, translation, & support: Jbird's Discord Profile Join the Mad Mappers Discord!$19.99 -
Version 1.4.0
The plugin allows players to visit a cold atmospheric Space void of gravity and oxygen, and visit an International Space Station! A Space Station appears high in the sky, and is surrounded by Meteorites, Spaceships, and Balloons. There is no gravity in Space, the temperature is very low and there is no oxygen. You can get to Space by a Spaceship or by a Balloon which also spawn near roads or in loot tables. The Space Station is guarded by customizable NPCs and a Space Bradley. Outer Space Meteorites, Crates, NPCs, Balloons and Spaceships will spawn in Outer Space near the Space Station, the number of each can be configured and customized. In order to survive in Outer Space, the player will need a Spacesuit. A Spacesuit can be customized to be any piece of clothing. In the config you can customize items that will perform the functions of the Spacesuit in whole or in part. To make space dark for players at any time of the day, use the NightVision plugin Space Station The Space Station consists of several compartments that are separated from each other by doors. Optionally, the doors can be locked and they will need to be raided. Inside the station there are crates with loot, NPCs, turrets, and fire turrets. At the end of the corridor there are two doors that open with blue cards and one door that opens with red. The spawn of the space station can be disabled. All objects on the space station are configured in the Data file of this station Spaceship The plugin includes spaceships that can spawn near roads, in Space, or can be added to loot tables. The ship has separate settings for flying in the normal atmosphere and in zero gravity in Space. It can shoot torpedoes, which will help the player in capturing the space station. There are two seats in each spaceship. Shuttle Control Guide: Balloon A balloon is an ordinary balloon with which you can ride into outer space. The balloon can spawn near roads, in Space, or can be added to loot tables. Also, this function can be applied to all balloons on the server. If the balloon is in zero gravity, it can be used as an escape capsule! If necessary, the player can enter, press a button, and be taken out of Space into the normal atmosphere. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Chat commands (only for administrators) /spacestart – launches the event in a random configuration /spacestart <eventPresetName> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration /spacestop – stops the event /spawnshuttle – spawn the shuttle in your position /spawnaerostat – spawn the aerostat in your position /spacepoint – creates a custom spawn point of the event in your position (after that, you need to enable custom spawn points in the config) Console commands (RCON only) spacestart – launches the event in a random configuration spacestart <eventPresetName> – launches the event in the <eventPresetName> configuration spacestop – stops the event givepurplecard <userId> <amount> – gives a space card to a player giveshuttle <userId> <amount> – gives a shuttle to a player giveaerostat <userId> <amount> – gives a shuttle to a player givespacesuit <space_suit_preset> <userId> <amount> – gives <space_suit_preset> to a player Config plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English station_en – example of station configuration in English plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian station_ru – example of station configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Hooks void OnSpaceEventStop() void OnSpaceEventStart() API bool IsPositionInSpace(Vector3 position) float GetMinSpaceAltitude() bool IsEventActive() My Discord: adem9554 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$49.99 -
Version 1.3.1
In a tense multiplayer event, players are thrust into a violent dispute between two warring gangs, witnessing a high-speed chase and explosive confrontation at Oxum's Gas Station, and then choosing sides or taking all the spoils for themselves, while customization options offer control over NPC settings, loot rooms, and crate contents Description The event begins with a message in chat that there has been a dispute between to warring gangs. One gang has taken members from their rivals hostage. A car chase ensues chase where the rival gang is coming to save or avenge their own! The chase comes to an explosive end at Oxum's Gas Station when the car being pursued crashes into the gas pumps! This is the beginning of the event for your players. Both gangs jump out of their vehicles and a shootout immediately ensues! When a player decides to approach, they will have a few choices. Will they take up arms with the ruthless gang willing to do anything? Will they stand beside the more honorable outlaws? Or will they simply kill both gangs and take all of the loot? The choice, is theirs! If the player decides to kill the first gang, the second gang will give the player access to their loot room, a bunker inside the basement of the auto repair shop, as a sign of gratitude. If the player decides to kill the second gang, then the first gang will give access to their hidden stash in the restroom inside the station, to show their appreciation. If the player decides to just wipe both gangs out, well then they deserve all of the loot! And regardless of what team the player decides to destroy, the chasing vehicle is always left unattended at the end of the event. The player can grab this as a thank you for cleaning up the servers streets! It's a junker but you can take it for parts, drive to Junkyard to scrap it, or just use it to get home quick and take the parts you want from it. The configuration file has many customization options, including NPC settings, their numbers, and you can fully customize the loot rooms, the crates and their loot for the event. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /gsstart - start the event /gsstop - end the event Console commands (RCON only) gsstart - start the event gsstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnGasStationEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnGasStationEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnGasStationEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$20.00- 73 comments
- 7 reviews
- 11
- #gas station
- #crates
- (and 20 more)
Version 2.2.0
A new event includes a lot of game mechanics Description The event starts with a warning in the chat: a submarine will soon be passed near the island. A submarine will appear on the water when the time is up. There are 4 floors in the submarine. 2 floors are over the water and 2 floors are under the water. It is possible to get into the submarine on absolutely any transport. There are 4 outside entrances, 4 underwater entrances, and 2 submarine entrances (added in the Underwater Update). There are about 50 NPCs outside the boat and two upper floors. There are about 120 crates of items, rooms with blue and red doors, locked crates, recyclers, workbenches in the submarine (it is possible to set up in the configuration). There are also 4 cameras on the submarine that you can connect to (Submarine1, Submarine2, Submarine3, Submarine4). The number and location of all NPCs and crates can be changed in the plugin configuration. It is also possible to change the dropdown items in them. It is necessary to blow up the doors on the submarine with explosives to get to the crates (it is possible to set up the amount of damage to the doors in the configuration). When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file). It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin. A timer with a countdown to the Event end and the number of crates and NPCs will display for all players in the Event zone. The conditions for the completing event are the end of the timer or the end of the loot crates. The submarine will disappear at the end of the event. It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration. It is possible to lower the FPS on the server due to the large number of entities during the submarine appearance or the end of the event! Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /waterstart - start the event /waterstop - end the event /waterpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the submarine is read) Console commands (RCON only) waterstart - start the event waterstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnWaterEventStart(HashSet<BaseEntity> entities, Vector3 position, float radius) – called when the event starts void OnWaterEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnWaterEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! The submarine is designed by Jtedal$40.00 -
Version 1.2.3
An event for the Arctic Research Base monument with a plot to rescue both a scientist and a pilot that have been captured by the security group who has been ordered to capture and deal with the attempted sabotage on the Arctic Base Description Welcome to a frosty new adventure in the more recently added Arctic Research Base to so many of our islands! This monument will now have an event with a storyline requiring you and your friends to rescue the Pilot, and the Scientist from their captivity by the Arctic Base security service. You don't want to know what will happen to these two if you don't save them! Our new event begins with a notification (if enabled by default) for players to know that a sabotage is about to take place on the island. There is a plot to come collect biological samples from the burned corpse of one of the recently discovered NPCs, class: Sledge. The players will soon find out that the sabotage has failed and that two of our team have been taken captive by the Artic Research security team! Players will need to free them both from this no prisoners no hostages situation, and protect the scientist while he finishes his portion of the mission. Once the Scientist or Pilot are released, snowmobiles will arrive bringing NPCs, tasked simply with killing the Scientist so he will not be able to carry out his task of reverse engineering a way to continue to combat everything they throw at us! Once the Scientist has completed his task, and the Pilot has been released and has prepped the escape helicopter, their evacuation can take place. The will get into their minicopter and begin their departure. Before you leave and as thanks, the Pilot is going to open up a warehouse full of supplies for you! Once you reach this point in the event, there are several options with different amounts of loot within the stash. If you are able to protect the Scientist, and they are able to evacuate with the pilot, then we can better find things of value on comms with the team as they leave and the looting will be most efficient! Be ready, this minicopter is an actual piece of... well it's Rusty! Let the pilot have some extra time if needed to make sure it is running smoothly before they take off. Here and now the security team will send everything they have at you and your friends. Protect the group from the attacks! In the configuration for the plugin you can change timers, NPC settings and numbers, snowmobile and crate numbers, the Scientists health, and the loot tables! As always the configurations are extensive and the creativity is in your hands to customize this plugin to your liking. Can you and your friends help make sure this sabotage takes place, and these rebels make it off the island? Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /abstart - start the event /abstop - end the event Console commands (RCON only) abstart - start the event abstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnArcticBaseEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnArcticBaseEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnArcticBaseEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00- 30 comments
- 6 reviews
- 5
- #arctic research base
- #ch47
- (and 21 more)
Version 2.2.7
It’s an event in the Satellite Dish location Description The event begins with a chat warning: a bioweapons deal will be in the Satellite Dish. When the time is up, extra crates, NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Satellite Dish. Then a locked zombie’s cage will appear. A CH47 will fly to this location to make a transaction. When the CH47 arrives, it will drop the locked crate as a payment for the biological weapon. Then it will land and zombies will begin boarding on the CH47. As soon as the CH47 has picked up all the remaining zombies, it will fly off the map. If you kill at least one zombie, an alarm will start. The alarm can be ended by answering the phone on the Satellite Dish within 10 seconds. If you don’t stop the alarm, reinforcements will arrive as Bradley to this location. It will parachute down from the aircraft. All crates looting, NPCs, zombies, Bradley can be changed by configuration. It is possible to change the configuration of all NPCs or use the BotSpawn plugin for NPCs. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event and lighting for night events. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (configurable in the configuration file). It is possible to set up in the configuration the PVP zone for those who use the TruePVE plugin. All players in the event zone have a timer with countdown to the end of the event It is possible to set up an automatic event appear on the map. All timers can be set up in the configuration. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /satdishstart - start the event /satdishstop - end the event /satdishpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Satellite Dish is read) Console commands (RCON only) satdishstart - start the event satdishstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnSatDishEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnSatDishEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnSatDishEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$30.00- 33 comments
- 9 reviews
- 5
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
(and 32 more)
Tagged with:
- #alarm
- #biological weapon
- #bradley
- #call
- #cargoplane
- #ch47
- #chinook
- #crates
- #event
- #facepunch
- #kpu
- #kpuc
- #kpuctajl
- #mad mappers
- #npc
- #oxide
- #parachute
- #phone
- #plane
- #plugin
- #plugins
- #premium
- #pve
- #pvp
- #rust
- #satdishevent
- #satellite
- #satellite dish
- #umod
- #zombie
- #halloween
- #pvemode
- #npcspawn
- #server event
Version 2.2.4
It’s an Event in the Power Plant location Description The event begins with a chat warning: soon CH47 will get new crates with items for scientists to the Power Plant location. When the time is up, the NPCs guarding this location will appear in the Power Plant zone. Then a water barrel will appear on the top of the central building. A CH47 will fly to this location to get new crates with items. When the CH47 arrives in the Event zone, it will fail to control and crash in a cooling tower of the power plant. All the crates from the CH47 will be on the top of the cooling tower. But they will be in the fire. You need put out the fire to get access to the crates. It is necessary to activate a fire system to put out the fire. A fire system is on the top of the central building. So a Workcart will arrive to the Event area to bring a barrel of water. You need move this water from the Workcart to the empty barrel on the top of the central building. As soon as you do this, you will be able to start the fire system by pressing a button. When the fire system has activated, the fire in the cooling tower will be out. You will be able to access the crates in the cooling tower. There is a camera in the location for viewing the event. When an event appears, a marker will display on the map (it can set up in the configuration file). All players in the event area have a timer with countdown to the end of the event Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /ppstart - start the event /ppstop - end the event /pppos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Power Plant is read) Console commands (RCON only) ppstart - start the event ppstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnPowerPlantEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnPowerPlantEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnPowerPlantEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$25.00 -
Version 2.3.5
Creates a unique event at the Harbor monument for players to participate in for rewards. Players must battle numerous NPCs and APCs to access the puzzle to open the loot room! Description This event started off as a warning on the chatbox about the ships coming soon to dock in Port, loaded with precious cargo. After the period has passed, a ship appears in one of the locations at Harbour that are accessible from the map, where the crane loads the container. The loading area is protected by one Tank and 7 NPCs by default. The container door is locked, you must push a button from inside the cranes cockpit to open the door. Inside the container, there is a default security camera, locked box, 2 DMS, 2 Elite, and 2 Military boxes. The locations and loot from all crates/NPCs can be configured within configurations, and unwanted crates/NPCs added or removed. Also, ships will generate the default ship loot, e.g. The config file allows to modify tank as well as loot inside of the ship. When the event occurs, the map displays the markers (configured in the config file). All players that are inside the event area will have a timer counting down the amount of time until the event ends. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation HeliControl Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /harborstart – starting of the event /harborstop – ending of the event /harborpos – determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs and crates.It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the cargoship is read) Console commands (RCON only) harborstart – starting of the event harborstop – ending of the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnHarborEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnHarborEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnHarborEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$35.00 -
Version 1.1.0
A new event that takes place at the Supermarket monument, made for beginners on your server Description The event begins with a message in the chat that soon a merchant who sells valuable cargo will arrive at a Supermarket on your island. The merchant and their guards with trained dogs appear around the supermarket. Players then have the opportunity to rob the Merchant in order to get all the Supermarket loot for themselves. As soon as the players begin to attack the Merchant, an armored helicopter arrives there with additional security and a Debt Collector. The Debt Collector enters the Supermarket and begins the process of collecting his loot and the Merchant for evacuation. If the player manages to kill all the guards outside the supermarket before the end of this process, then he can enter and loot. There are several more guards, the Merchant and the Debt Collector waiting for the player. The Merchant and the Debt Collector need to be eliminated to get the most valuable loot that they wanted to evacuate. There are also several loot crates inside the Supermarket to be looted. If the Merchant and or the Debt Collector survive, they will fly away in the armored helicopter and the player will not receive the juicy loot they were dealing. In the plugin configuration, it is possible to configure all timers, the guards outside the supermarket, inside the Supermarket, Debt Collector guards, and guard dogs patrolling outside the Supermarket. The Merchant and Debt Collector can also be configured as well. A list of all the loot crates inside the supermarket, map marker, event icons on the players screen, and more are all able to be adjusted in the config file. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic XPerience Kits Better Npc Monument Owner Chat commands (only for administrators) /supermarketstart - start the event /supermarketstop - end the event Console commands (RCON only) supermarketstart - start the event supermarketstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnSupermarketEventStart(Vector3 pos, float radius) – called when the event starts void OnSupermarketEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnSupermarketEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: kpuctajl Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$20.00- 34 comments
- 3 reviews
- 5
- #supermarket
- #crates
- (and 20 more)
Version 1.0.0
- BIG Xmas Tree is a gigantic Xmas Tree. Build your base anywhere on the Xmas Tree. - Moreover, BIG Xmas Tree is not only a decoration, it also contains a snowy village inside the pot. This village is known as Shit Village, your goal will be to get access to it, overcome different challenges such as: - The Star: Conquer the star to give energy to the Great Cairn of Power. - The Zipline: Your goal is to reach the pot under the Xmas Tree, move with the ziplines, but be very careful, some zip lines are sabotaged. - The Flowerpot: Access the inside of the Flowerpot to start the first test. - The Killer Tiles: Find the hole to access the next test, be very careful, some tiles contain traps. - The Maze: Your goal is easy, find the exit and you will master the clouds. - The Clouds: Show your courage in this original parkour created with clouds, jump between the clouds to go down to the Village of Shit. - The Shit Village: Take over the power of the village, kill the NPCs and get your reward. - The Exit: You will find the exit in a corner of the Shit Village, the exit is marked with a fire.$14.90-
- #bigxmastree
- #big xmas tree
(and 50 more)
Tagged with:
- #bigxmastree
- #big xmas tree
- #xmastree
- #xmas tree
- #christmas
- #christmas tree
- #xmassale
- #xmas sale
- #christmas sale
- #puzzle
- #maze
- #zipline
- #decor
- #star
- #hotel
- #build zone
- #build area
- #player build
- #player
- #pve
- #pvp
- #rp
- #roleplay
- #role play
- #party
- #gift
- #xmas gift
- #christmas gift
- #surprise
- #south park
- #mrhankey
- #mr hankey
- #señor mojon
- #señormojon
- #badgyver
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #facepunch
- #rust
- #rustedit
- #monument
- #asset
- #prefab
- #custom
- #custom monument
- #premium
- #miniature
- #rats2
- #rat
- #rats
- #epic
- #southpark
Version 2.0.4
Premium 2x is a quick template to get a server up as soon as possible. All features you get with this server template: - Better Loot - Faster Airdrops - Clans Reborn - Faster Crafting - Automated Events - Slightly Higher Stack Sizes - Welcome Controller - Better Chat - Remover Tool - Dynamic Cup Share and Automatic Authorisation - Faster Smelting - No Escape (Raid / Combat Block) - Simple Splitter - NTeleportation / Home system - 2x Gather Rates - 40 Minute Day / 20 Minute Night - Level 1 BPs - Auto Broadcast and Scheduled Messages - Faster Airdrops - SkinBox Join my support discord for more: here$14.99 -
Version 1.0.8
A plugin that spawns in NPC controlled RHIBS which act as stationary patrols in the ocean and along the coastline waiting and looking for players. Once engaged, players have the choice to attack them for loot or flee for their lives! Description This plugin will spawn RHIBs with NPCs on your server that will act as stationary patrols, they will remain in place and search for players that enter their sight, at which point they will pursue the player. The player has the option of escaping the patrol, or they can fight the NPCs and if successful and victorious, you can take the loot they hold in their boat! Should the player have a base on the beach, or decide to hide inside anywhere near the waters edge, the NPCs will not hesitate to pull out their rocket launchers and go to work trying to raid their defensive positions! In the configuration for the plugin you can create several patrol presets, each having their own population on the map. Adjust also the amount of NPCs in the boat, their clothing and weapons, all of their parameters for difficulty and challenge, as well as adjust and customize the loot table for each preset, including custom spawn locations for the stationary patrols. The best map for the plugin to work is a map with a lot of sea. I can recommend the maps of the Mad Mappers team developers.: Land Of Enmity Arhipelago Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$30.00- 177 comments
- 4 reviews
- 6
- #boat
- #facepunch
- (and 15 more)
Version 2.2.2
This event automatically takes place in the Junkyard location if on the map Finally, the crane in Junkyard will have a true meaning and be fun again! Description The event begins with a notification in the chat that soon scavengers will arrive at Junkyard, who will have a rest there. Next, NPCs appear in the location, whose presets you can configure in the plugin configuration. A message appears in the chat that the scavengers hid a signal grenade in one of the broken cars at the landfill to call for supplies. The player needs to kill all the NPCs and find the rusted car in which the grenade is hidden. In order to find and activate the signal grenade, use a crane to load rusted cars into a shredder for recycling, it's bound to be in one of them! The number of rusted cars in the landfill is regulated by the value in the configuration. The required car is selected at random from the group. The player needs to recycle the rusted cars one by one until he finds the one in which the signal grenade is located in! After the player recycles the broken car, a plane will fly to the Junkyard location, on board of which there will be a truck with supplies. The plane will drop this truck and it will land in Junkyard via parachute. Once it lands, guards will come out of the truck and guard it. But the truck is closed, it cannot be opened. The player needs to kill these guards to get access to the truck. In order for the player to get access to the crates and the loot within, they need to recycle the truck by using the crane and placing it into the shredder! Next, the crates will travel along the conveyor belt of the shredder and the player will be able to open them. You can configure all the crates, their number and the loot in them, all in the plugin configuration. Dependencies Required NpcSpawn Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot NTeleportation Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Kits Chat commands (only for administrators) /jstart - start the event /jstop - end the event /jpos - determining the position and rotation coordinates for changing the location of NPCs. It should write in the configuration (Attention! The event must be started, the current position of the administrator in relation to the Junkyard is read) Console commands (RCON only) jstart - start the event jstop - end the event Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnJunkyardEventStart() – called when the event starts void OnJunkyardEventEnd() – called when the event ends void OnJunkyardEventWinner(ulong winnerId) – called at the end of the event, where the winnerId is the player who did more actions to complete the event My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$30.00- 45 comments
- 4 reviews
- 4
- #broken cars
- #cargoplane
- (and 26 more)