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Capture Zone 1.1.4

$19.95 $11.95
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2 Screenshots

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About Capture Zone

Adds a new event to the server - zone capture. If you gather resources on the territory of the occupied zone, a commission is removed from you and falls into the "capture cupboard".



  • Markers on the map
  • Spawn in crates/barrels
  • Percentage setting with permissions
  • Setting limits with permissions
  • Bypass setting (for teammates, friends, clanmates, cupboard)



  • give.capturezone [target] [amount] - gives out a cupboard for capturing a zone



  • capturezone.ignore - allows you not to pay resources for tax






  "Work with Notify?": true,
  "Zone Radius": 40.0,
  "Permission (ex: capturezone.use)": "",
  "Item Settings": {
    "DisplayName": "Zone Сapture",
    "ShortName": "cupboard.tool",
    "SkinID": 2767790029
  "Marker": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Display Name": "Zone by {owner}",
    "Radius": 0.3,
    "Refresh Rate": 3.0,
    "Duration": 0,
    "Color 1": "#EA9999",
    "Color 2": "#A73636FF"
  "Drop Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Drop Settings": [
        "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab",
        "Min amount": 1,
        "Max amount": 1,
        "Chance": 50.0
        "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_2.prefab",
        "Min amount": 1,
        "Max amount": 1,
        "Chance": 5.0
        "Prefab name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab",
        "Min amount": 1,
        "Max amount": 1,
        "Chance": 5.0
  "Notification during mining in the occupied territory": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Cooldown": 5.0
  "Percent Settings": {
    "Default": 20.0,
    "Permissions": {
      "capturezone.vip": 25.0,
      "capturezone.deluxe": 30.0
  "Limits Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Default": 3,
    "Permissions": {
      "capturezone.vip": 5,
      "capturezone.deluxe": 7
  "Bypass Settings": {
    "Teammates (Rust in-game system)": true,
    "Friends": true,
    "Clanmates": true,
    "Authorized in the cupboard": true
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