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Auto Recycler 1.0.7

$21.95 $11.95
   (1 review)

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About Auto Recycler

Plugin Description

"Auto Recycler" is a Rust plugin that offers players advanced recycling features. It enables automatic item recycling, access to a virtual recycler, and special recycling crates. With admin permission, you can configure which items players are not allowed to automatically recycle.



Automatic Recycling: Players can set specific items for automatic recycling. These items will be recycled automatically when they enter their inventory.

Virtual Recycler: Allows players to access a virtual recycler to recycle items directly from anywhere in the game.

Recycling Crate: A special item that functions as a portable recycler.

Customizable Configuration: The plugin configuration can be customized to exclude or allow specific items from recycling.



autorecycler.admin: Grants access to all admin functions of the plugin.
autorecycler.autorec: Allows players to use automatic recycling.
autorecycler.recvirtual: Provides access to the virtual recycler.
autorecycler.characteristics: Allows modification of item characteristics related to recycling.
autorecycler.recboxbuy: Enables the purchase of the Recbox.


Chat Commands

/ar: Allows players to use the automatic recycler.

/vrec: Allows players to use a virtual recycler (configurable command).

/recbox: Displays information about the costs of purchasing a Recbox.

/recboxbuy: Allows players to buy a Recbox if they have the required resources.

/autorectoggle activate and deactivate the AutoRecycler


Additional Information

The plugin offers extensive UI integration to simplify interaction with its features. It stores player data to maintain automatic recycling settings between sessions. The configuration file allows admins to customize the plugin's behavior, including Recbox costs and adjustable recycling properties of items.


Ensure that players have the appropriate permissions to fully utilize the plugin's features.

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