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About Me

  1. Version 1.0.9


    Admin Tools is an all-in-one plugin designed to make your job as a server owner/admin easier. This plugin has a wide range of features and commands that allow you to control your server easily, both in-game and via Discord. It also adds custom quality of life features exclusive to this plugin! ★ Inventory Viewing System - View an NPC or player's inventory in Discord and in-game ★ Custom Combatlog System - View a player's combatlog in Discord and in-game ★ Backpack Viewing System - View a player's backpack (uMod plugin) in Discord ★ Custom ID System - Get the ID of players on your server quick and easy, copy directly from chat ★ Warn System - Inform players of their wrongdoings and keep track of them (Warn Visuals: UI, Chat, Chat + Toast/Gametip) ★ Watchlist System - Lets you put suspicious players on a list for you to monitor, logs in-game and to discord ★ Server Command System - Reload/load/unload plugins and other console commands in Discord and in-game ★ and more! (Rest of features below) (Changed/Exclusive): * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. * Timestamps for video in video's description - Make sure to up video quality if watching from this site. ★ Permission System - Grant/revoke permissions to groups and players from Discord and in-game ★ Minecraft Creative System - While enabled, hold middle click to get the item you're looking at ★ Rename System - Rename the players who think they are funny (toggle in config) ★ F7 Report Logging System - Log F7 reports to discord with their combat log attached (if enabled) ★ Tempban System - Tempban players with no database required ★ Unique ID System - Find players even when they have the same or similar names -- Thanks to nivex ★ Kill, Wound, Revive & Respawn System - Kill, wound (down), revive and respawn players from Discord and in-game ★ Team Viewing System - View a player's team members from Discord and in-game Q: How do I set up the bot? A: Set Up Instructions - If you miss any permissions, can always add them to the Admin Tools role in discord after you invite the bot. Q: Does this plugin link players to Rust? A: No. You can use the free plugin DiscordCore by MJSU if you would like to link your players. Q: Does this plugin log kills/PMs/F1 Spawn/chat? A: No. Admin Tools only logs the following if enabled: F7 Reports, Bans, commands from this plugin, and players who are watchlisted. You can always view a player's combatlog from discord though. You can use the free logging plugins DiscordLogger by MONoH or DiscordChat by MJSU depending on your goal. However, personally, I recommend against using logging functionality that would be occurring very frequently due to Discord's rate limiting. Though, DIscordLogger is made in a way that combines messages if possible to prevent limiting. Q: Can this log to multiple Discord servers? A: YES. All you need to put for logging to multiple servers is the channel ID you want to log to in the list of channel IDs in the config. Q: Does this plugin ONLY work with Discord Extension 3.0.0+? A: YES. You need to download the 3.0.0+ version from GitHub, it is linked at the top (and right here) as a required dependency. Any version prior to 3.0.0 will not work with this plugin, but any version 3.0.0 and later will. Q: Will this work on a shared hosting server? A: Yes, BUT you will not be able to take advantage of the threading done within the plugin. It should still work fine, but when you're on a shared host, you may only have access to a single core/thread (not positive on which) and as a result the threading I am doing in the plugin will just be ran on the main thread. As a result some of the discord functionality (ie: image generation) may affect the server as its now running on the main thread (what the server uses to run the game on) instead of a separate thread which would normally not affect the server. The image generation stuff (backpack and inventory) is normally pretty quick depending on number of items and pictures being used/sent, and can be between 100-250ms to generate on my server, however that was while no players were on. Q: How do I fix this error Response Code: Forbidden Discord Error Code: 50001 Discord Error: Missing Access ? A: All you need to fix this issue is MFA/2FA on the account used to create the bot. This issue is caused by Discord requiring your account to have either MFA or 2FA due to the bot being in a Community Discord server. After you add 2FA/MFA this error will go away. Q: Renaming isn't working, how do I fix this? A: The issue is likely that you don't have it enabled in the config, make sure to enable it in the config, its above the warning options and the discord API options. Q: Can I forcibly update my bot's commands? A: Sort of. You can do the following in an attempt to try and force the bot to update its commands: Discord > Server Settings > Integrations > Admin Tools Bot > Toggle one of the checkboxes it shows in either Roles & Members or Channels > Save > Undo toggle > Save again. Q: Does this work with Rustcord? A: Yes, however you need this version here by MJSU as it has been updated to work with DiscordExtension 3.0.0+ versions. Special thanks to Nivex for creating the method used to generate unique IDs. For support, please make a support ticket or join the Cobalt Studios Discord.
  2. Version 1.0.5


    Clan Homes allows your players to set one or more clan homes for their clan! This plugin was designed for configurability, with this permission and config system you and your players can control every aspect. Note: this plugin requires a Clan plugin to function. ★ Optional Multi-Home System - Allow players to set a single clan home or multiple ★ Cooldown System - Fully configurable cooldowns based on permissions you create in the config ★ Teleport Configuration System - Configure what is and isn't allowed when teleporting to the clan home(s) ★ Easy Cancel System - Easily cancel your teleport home by typing /ch c or /tpc (works with NTeleportation) ★ Notify System - Notify your clan mates where the new clan base is (if enabled by clan leader) ★ and more! (Rest of features below) ★ Custom Permission System - Allow your clan leaders to choose what roles in the clan can set the clan home(s) ★ Blacklist System - Prevent setting clan homes on a configurable list prefabs ★ Home Limit System - Limit the number clan homes, number of times a clan home can be teleported to, and or the number of home teleports each permission has ★ Clan Member Threshold - Prevent the ability to set clan home if the clan does not meet the configurable number of members required Q: Does this work with X clan plugin? A: Most likely yes. If your plugin is compatible with K1llY0u's clan plugin, it will be compatible with this plugin. If its not listed in the "Works With " section, feel free to ask in the Discussions section. For support, please make a support ticket and include any pertinent info (like how to recreate/what you were doing at the time) and any errors that occur.
  3. IIIaKa

    Fuel Status

    Version 0.1.3


    The plugin displays the vehicle's fuel level in the status bar. Depends on AdvancedStatus plugin. The ability to display the vehicle's fuel level(gauge) in the status bar; The ability to notify when a low fuel level is reached; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder (*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to set a color for each percentage of fuel. { "Fuel indicator refresh interval in seconds": 5.0, "Notifications - The percentage(0.0 to 1.0) of fuel at which notifications will occur. A value of 0 disables this": 0.2, "Notifications - The effect that will be triggered upon a warning. Choose the effect carefully! An empty string disables the effect call": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", "Status. Bar - Height": 26, "Status. Bar - Order": 1, "Status. Background - Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. Background - Transparency": 0.15, "Status. Background - Material(empty to disable)": "", "Status. Image - Url": "https://i.imgur.com/LP54lLZ.png", "Status. Image - Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "FuelStatus_Fuel", "Status. Image - Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Status. Image - Is raw image": false, "Status. Image - Color": "#E2DBD6", "Status. Image - Transparency": 0.55, "Status. Text - Size": 15, "Status. Text - Color": "#E2DBD6", "Status. Text - Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Status. Text - Offset Horizontal": 7, "Status. Progress - Transparency": 0.8, "Status. Progress - OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Status. Progress - OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5", "Status. Progress - Zero Text Size": 12, "Status. Progress - Zero Text Color": "#F70000", "List of Gauge Indicators": [ { "MinRange": 0.0, "MaxRange": 0.2, "Color": "#F70000" }, { "MinRange": 0.2, "MaxRange": 0.6, "Color": "#F7BB00" }, { "MinRange": 0.6, "MaxRange": 1.0, "Color": "#B1C06E" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 3 } } The values of MaxRange and MinRange set the range of values over which the color applies. The values for MaxRange and MinRange must be between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), where 0.0 equals 0%, and 1.0 equals 100%. The value of MaxRange must be equal to the value of MinRange of the previous. EN: { "MsgProgressZero": "Out of fuel, refill required!", "MsgFuelLow": "Warning: Fuel level is low!" } RU: { "MsgProgressZero": "Нет топлива!", "MsgFuelLow": "Внимание: уровень топлива низкий!" }
  4. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.11


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. I asked the author of DynamicPVP to add the missing hooks. In the meantime, if you're using the DynamicPVP plugin, you need to use this DynamicPVP.cs file. The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Players can't gather resources within the Building Privilege of someone else; Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/5VtWZZVr All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat command": "realpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time(in seconds) to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Is it worth allowing a backpack to drop upon player death?": true, "Is it worth blocking damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. A value of 1 or above will make the helicopter behave as it did before the April update": 1.0, "Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "1 1 1 1", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/oi5vIkk.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "1 1 1 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 11 } } ENG: https://pastebin.com/ZMUL6pYL RUS: https://pastebin.com/Mx8cbMts admin: loot - Enables/Disables the ability for the player who enter the command to loot other players' boxes, bodies, backpacks, etc. Permission "realpve.admin" required. vehicle: find - helps to find a player's vehicle; unlink - unlinks the vehicle without the need to approach it; clear - unlinks all vehicles. team: ff - Enable/Disable damage to teammates. Only the group leader can use this command. Example: /realpve admin loot /realpve vehicle find *netID* /realpve team ff This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/XY1d9YaM This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Time in seconds(1-15) given to respond for purchasing monument looting": 5.0, "ShowSuffix": true, "Broadcast": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other, and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - Sets the delay in seconds that a player remains in PvP mode after leaving a PvP monument. 0 disables the delay": 10, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for monuments if they are PvP zones?": true, "LootingTime": 900, "Price": 15.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/awUrIwA.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.8, "Progress_OffsetMin": "", "Progress_OffsetMax": "" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/QHZCqpji An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/rpDng7Fd Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them.
  5. Version 0.1.3


    Adds a reputation system, similar to the well-known Infestation Survivor Stories(The WarZ). More information on how the plugin works can be found at the bottom in the "Principle of work" section. The ability to create an unlimited number of reputations. The only condition is that their value ranges must not overlap; The ability to flexibly customize the bar for each reputation; The ability to automatically reset reputations upon detecting a wipe; The ability to show your reputation by waving to players; The ability to see a player's reputation when aiming at them with scope items. Unfortunately, the reputation will also be displayed if a player is in certain bushes; The ability to see the reputation of all players in the bandit zone; The ability to prohibit players with a certain reputation from entering safe zones (except for the bandit zone). Also, notifying players about it; The ability to set fake reputations to confuse players. reputationmaster.vip - Provides the ability to set a fake rank value. reputationmaster.admin - Provides the ability to set or reset reputation value to other players. { "Chat command": "rep", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth resetting reputations upon detecting a wipe?": true, "Use ddraw command, for displaying the rank? NOTE! To use, an administrator flag is required, which is granted before rendering and revoked immediately after issuing the command": true, "Is it worth displaying reputation when aiming at a player with a scope (ddraw should be enabled)? NOTE! The player's reputation may be displayed in certain bushes": true, "The time of self-defense for a lawman against an attack by another lawman(in seconds)": 900, "Forbid bandits from visiting the SafeZone(except for Banditcamp)?": true, "The time(in seconds) a bandit can stay in the SafeZone before being killed, and anyone can loot their loot": 10.0, "The prefab name of the effect upon killing a bandit in the SafeZone": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "The minimum value for fake reputation": -10000, "The maximum value for fake reputation": 10000, "Is it worth using the AdvancedStatus plugin?": true, "UI. Position - Left to Right": true, "UI. Position - AnchorMin": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - AnchorMax": "1 0.9", "UI. Position - OffsetMin": "-208 -15", "UI. Position - OffsetMax": "-16 15", "UI. Reputation Positive Value Image - URL": "https://i.imgur.com/HKqyHO8.png", "UI. Reputation Negative Value Image - URL": "https://i.imgur.com/mMdm55h.png", "UI. Added Value Sound - Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/item.select.fx.prefab", "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 3 } } Note: To use ddraw, an administrator flag is required, which is granted before rendering and revoked immediately after issuing the command. The player's reputation may be displayed in certain bushes. [ { "Name": "Assassin", "MinRange": -3.40282347E+38, "MaxRange": -1000.0, "Reward": 20.0, "Penalty": 0.0, "IsLawman": false, "AllowSafeZone": false, "Bar": { "Order": 20, "Height": 30, "Main_Color": "#FF341E", "Main_Transparency": 0.6, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/CdDKpwv.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FF341E", "Text_Size": 14, "Text_Color": "#FF341E", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FF341E", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, ... { "Name": "Civilian", "MinRange": -4.99, "MaxRange": 9.99, "Reward": 1.0, "Penalty": -1.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "Bar": { "Order": 20, "Height": 30, "Main_Color": "#5EC0CA", "Main_Transparency": 0.6, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/cgi9T1D.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#5EC0CA", "Text_Size": 14, "Text_Color": "#5EC0CA", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#5EC0CA", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, ... { "Name": "Paragon", "MinRange": 1000.0, "MaxRange": 3.40282347E+38, "Reward": 20.0, "Penalty": -125.0, "IsLawman": true, "AllowSafeZone": true, "Bar": { "Order": 20, "Height": 30, "Main_Color": "#0AFBFB", "Main_Transparency": 0.6, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/6yzrXE0.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#0AFBFB", "Text_Size": 14, "Text_Color": "#0AFBFB", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#0AFBFB", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } } ] MinRange, MaxRange - Range of values for the group rank; Name - Name of the rank; Reward - Reward for killing or reviving(divided by 2) a player in this rank. If the initiating player has IsLawman = true, the value will be positive, otherwise, it will be negative; Penalty - Penalty for a peaceful player of this rank, for killing another peaceful player. If the target did not initiate this pvp first; IsLawman - Does the rank apply to peaceful players? AllowSafeZone - Is this rank allowed to visit Safe Zones (except Bandit Camp)? The "Forbid bandits from visiting the SafeZone (except for Banditcamp)" config should be set to true. Path: *SERVER*\oxide\data\ReputationMaster\ReputationsData.json EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permissions to use this command!", "MsgPlayerNotFound": "The specified player was not found!", "MsgPlayerMoreThanOne": "More than one player found!", "MsgResetAllValues": "Successfully reset {0} reputations!", "MsgResetPlayerValue": "{0}'s reputation successfully reset!", "MsgFakeValueSucceeded": "Value {0} successfully set as fake!", "MsgFakeValueFailed": "You need to specify a digit value for the fake reputation.", "MsgBanditZoneSet": "Position {0} successfully set for Bandit Camp!", "MsgBanditZoneFailed": "Failed to set {0} as the position for the Bandit Camp!", "MsgPlayerNewValue": "Player {0} assigned a new reputation value: {1}({2})!", "MsgPlayerNewValueWrong": "Incorrect format! Example: '/rep *userNameOrId* *value*'.", "MsgReputation": "Reputation", "MsgNewReputation": "Congratulations! You've reached a new reputation rank {0}!", "MsgKillNoPenalty": "You have killed {0}({1}). However, since he attacked you first, you will not be penalized.", "MsgLawmanToLawman": "You attacked {0}({1}) first. If he kills you within {2} minutes, he will not receive a penalty.", "MsgBanditEnterSafeZone": "You are not welcome here! If you do not leave this place, you will be killed in {0} seconds.", "MsgBanditLeaveSafeZone": "Do not return here anymore! Individuals like you belong in the Bandit Camp!", "MsgLawmanEnterBanditZone": "You've entered the Bandit Camp! Be cautious, there are plenty of outlaws around here!", "MsgLawmanLeaveBanditZone": "You've left the Bandit Camp! We recommend avoiding this place.", "MsgBanditEnterBanditZone": "Welcome to the Bandit Camp! Make yourself at home!", "MsgBanditLeaveBanditZone": "You've left the Bandit Camp! We hope for your swift return!", "MsgShowPlayerReputation": "{0}'s rank is {1}({2})." } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "MsgPlayerNotFound": "Указанный игрок не найден!", "MsgPlayerMoreThanOne": "Найдено игроков больше чем один!", "MsgResetAllValues": "Успешно сброшено {0} репутаций!", "MsgResetPlayerValue": "Репутация игрока {0} успешно сброшена!", "MsgFakeValueSucceeded": "Ложное значение {0} успешно установлено!", "MsgFakeValueFailed": "Вам необходимо указать числовое значение ложной репутации.", "MsgBanditZoneSet": "Позиция {0}, успешно установлена для Лагеря Бандитов!", "MsgBanditZoneFailed": "{0} не удалось установить как позицию для Лагеря Бандитов!", "MsgPlayerNewValue": "Игроку {0} установлено новое значение репутации: {1}({2})!", "MsgPlayerNewValueWrong": "Не верный формат! Пример: '/rep *имяИлиИд* *значение*'.", "MsgReputation": "Репутация", "MsgNewReputation": "Поздравляем! Вы получили новый ранг репутации {0}!", "MsgKillNoPenalty": "Вы убили {0}({1}). Но так как он первым вас атаковал, вас не накажут.", "MsgLawmanToLawman": "Вы первым атаковали {0}({1}). Если он вас убьет в течении {2} минут, то не получит штрафа.", "MsgBanditEnterSafeZone": "Вам здесь не рады! Если вы не покинете это место, то вас убьет через {0} секунд.", "MsgBanditLeaveSafeZone": "Больше сюда не возвращайтесь! Таким как вы место в Лагере Бандитов!", "MsgLawmanEnterBanditZone": "Вы пришли в Лагерь Бандитов! Будьте бдительны, здесь полно отморозков!", "MsgLawmanLeaveBanditZone": "Вы покинули Лагерь Бандитов! Советуем обходить это место.", "MsgBanditEnterBanditZone": "Добро пожаловать в Лагерь Бандитов! Будьте как дома!", "MsgBanditLeaveBanditZone": "Вы покинули Лагерь Бандитов! Надеемся на скорое ваше возвращение!", "MsgShowPlayerReputation": "Ранг игрока {0}: {1}({2})." } fake *value* - Sets a fake reputation value for display to other players. Permissions "reputationmaster.vip" or "reputationmaster.admin" required. reset *userNameOrID* - Resets the reputation of the specified player. Permission "reputationmaster.admin" required. reset all - Resets the reputation of all players. Permission "reputationmaster.admin" required. *userNameOrID* *value* - Sets a new reputation value for the specified player. Permission "reputationmaster.admin" required. Example: /rep fake 150 ReputationValueUpdated: Called after the player's reputation value has changed. Works only for players that are not NPCs. void ReputationValueUpdated(ulong userID, string repName, float repValue) { Puts($"{userID} updated a reputation value to {repValue}. Current reputation rank is {repName}."); } ReputationUpdated: Called after the player receives a new reputation rank. Works only for players that are not NPCs. void ReputationUpdated(ulong userID, string oldRep, string newRep, bool isLawman, bool allowSafeZone, float repValue) { Puts($"{userID} has updated their rank from {oldRep} to {newRep}. Is peaceful: {isLawman}\nSafe Zones: {allowSafeZone}\nReputation Value: {repValue}"); } (float) GetReputationValue(ulong userID) - Returns the reputation value of the specified player. Returns null if the player is not found. (string) GetReputationName(ulong userID) - Returns the reputation name of the specified player. Returns null if the player is not found. (bool) GiveReputationNPC(BasePlayer npc, float value, float fakeValue = 0f) - Sets the reputation for NPCs. Returns true if successful, and false otherwise. You can create as many reputation ranks as you want, but there are only two main groups: Lawmen(peaceful or civilians); Outlaws(bandits). Each kill has a different scores depending of the reputation rank of the victim and attacker. For exampe, if you are a Civilian, you will receive: Paragon: -20 Vigilant: -15 Guardian: -10 Lawman: -4 Deputy: -3 Constable: -2 Civillian: -1 Thug: +2 Outlaw: +3 Bandit: +4 Hitman: +10 Villain: +15 Assassin: +20 Reviving: For reviving a player, you will receive a reward divided by 2. If the target is a lawman, the reward will be positive, else if a target is a bandit, it will be negative. Also, this is the only way out of bandit rank for bandits. Outlaw: When you reach the outlaw reputation, you have no more back! Except for reviving a peaceful player. You can kill other bandits but still counting as negative reputation! So, after you reach the outlaw reputation rank, scores by killing a player of a certain reputation will be as follows(negative reward value) : Paragon: -20 Vigilant: -15 Guardian: -10 Lawman: -4 Deputy: -3 Constable: -2 Civillian: -1 Thug: -2 Outlaw: -3 Bandit: -4 Hitman: -10 Villain: -15 Assassin: -20 Lawman: The scores will be as follows for each kill a outlaw reputation ranks(positive reward value) : Assassin: +20 Villain: +15 Hitman: +10 Bandit: +4 Outlaw: +3 Thug: +2 But for killing a peaceful player, you will receive penalties based on your rank. A list of penalties for each reputation rank: Paragon: -125 Vigilante: -60 Guardian: -40 Lawman: -15 Deputy: -2 Constable: -1 Civilian: -1 There is also a self-defense system that works as follows: If a peaceful player initiates an attack on another peaceful player, a timer of 15 minutes(sets from config) is activated, during which the victim can kill the attacker without penalties. So, it's very hard to become a lawman, and it's very easy to get out from lawman.
  6. ZEODE

    Bradley Drops

    Version 1.1.14


    About Bradley Drops. Bradley Drops allows players with permission to call a Bradley APC to their location with a custom Supply Signal, where it will patrol a set distance for a set time, allowing players to fight it to win the valuable Bradley crates. A cargo plane will deliver and drop the APC via parachutes. The APC can be configured in different ways and there are many config options to suit all servers. The plugin comes with 4 default settings for Bradley Drops, Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite, each with their own custom supply signal skin. But server owners can add as many options as they like in the config by copying and pasting an existing profile within the config. This would however require the server owner to create their own custom skin for the inventory item. (I will add more custom skins in the near future for this.) BotReSpawn compatibility, with the option to specify a BRS spawn profile at the Bradley kill site. IMPORTANT: Each heli profile or wave profile in the config MUST have its own unique name and skin ID, otherwise you will have issues. NOTE ABOUT SHOPS: The profile name in the config should match the Custom Supply Signal name which the shop gives the player. The Bradley Name is now separate and can be set independently. Plugin default Supply Signal Skin ID's to add items to various shops, loot plugins, kits etc are: Bradley Drop (Easy) : 2905355269 Bradley Drop (Medium) : 2905355312 Bradley Drop (Hard) : 2905355296 Bradley Drop (Elite) : 2911864795 Default Permissions: bradleydrops.admin (to use give|hsclearcd command) bradleydrops.buy (to use /bdbuy command) bradleydrops.bypasscooldown bradleydrops.easy bradleydrops.medium bradleydrops.hard bradleydrops.elite Commands (Prefix with / to use in game): bdgive <Profile ShortName> <Steam64ID> <Amount> bdbuy <Profile Shortname> bdbuy list bdreport (list all active Bradleys and their state) bddespawn (Despawn all Bradleys called by a player or their team, no refunds) bdclearcd (clear all cooldowns) bdclearcd <SteamID|Name> (clear cooldown for player) (Buy, Report and Despawn command can be customised in the config) Please note correct use in config file for supply signal name and Bradley APC display name. These values CAN be different if you wish: Custom Loot: Check out the example loot items in the default config below to see how to add custom loot items to crates. How to Add Custom Loot Table Item: Config: For Other Developers: The following hook is available to use in your plugins to check custom Supply Signals, Cargo Planes and Supply Drops to avoid conflict with your plugins: object IsBradleyDrop(ulong skinID) This will return true if the item is a Bradley Drop item/entity, or null if not. Call it directly without referencing the plugin: if (Interface.CallHook("IsBradleyDrop", skinID) != null) return true; // IsBradleyDrop Or reference my plugin and call like this: [PluginReference] Plugin BradleyDrops; if (BradleyDrops.CallHook("IsBradleyDrop", skinID) != null) return true; // IsBradleyDrop
  7. Version 1.0.0


    A place to build your base These places to build your base will bring variety to your map. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base I 85 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height, Splat ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base J 175 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height, Splat ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base K 95 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base L 883 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base S,S1 [S-506]/[S1-504] Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base T 122 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base U 526 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base V 1628 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base W 55 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height ---------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Base X 443 Prefabs for this build Installation Modifiers: - ---------------------------------------------------------------- Check out more of my work here! If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to improve / supplement this pack, please contact me. (Discord: jtedal#8448)
  8. Version 1.3.7


    Apocalypse Spain, Map of Spain, contains a great variety of custom prefabs and the real terrain of Spain. • Apocalypse Spain is a map with all the main rivers of Spain. • It contains the terrain, topology and real biome of Spain. • Size: 4500. • Objects: 47898. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - Contains all Official Monuments: • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform • Small oil platform • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site • Satellite dish • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield (with Bradley tank) • Giant excavation pit • Outpost • Lighthouse - Prefabs and custom monuments: • The Spanish Zeppelin (puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Civil Guard Barracks, a construction zone for the server administrator. This monument-zone contains helicopter respawns and loot. • Event Zone, an area with flat terrain where you can use any plugin to generate events, for example: Raidable Bases, Defendable Bases, Event Manager. There is a great variety of plugins to generate events, use your imagination. • Arena, zone with loots, defenses, towers, barricades and crate with code, everything you need for your server to contain a PVP zone. You can also use this zone for other things. • Bank, a monument created for the Bank Heist plugin. If you do not have this plugin, you can use this monument for the player to search for resources. • Two aircraft carriers, these aircraft carriers have been created especially for the Biplane plugin, you can also use them as monuments, they contain helicopters, loot and NPCs. • Inferno Arena, is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Aerial platforms, each aerial platform contains several platforms connected to each other. • Cumbre Vieja, volcano with puzzle, NPC and loots. • Epic Tower Construction Zone for players. • Meteorite, with resources: iron, sulfur and stone, radiation, NPC and lotts. • Monorails, scattered around the map, monorails and underwater monorails. • Train tracks scattered all over the map, carefully designed. • The great bullshit, a Christmas hero, contains NPCs and boxes with codes. • City (Simulating Madrid), with collapsed skyscrapers, buildings in ruins and emblematic building of Madrid (Realia Tower - The Icon). - Monuments will be added to recreate-simulate Spain.
  9. Steenamaroo


    Version 1.2.6


    Give kits to all Rust npcs by location/type. Also mods weapon drop and condition. Configurable via UI. General information. Give custom Kits to all default Rust npc types, and control what, if anything, becomes lootable when the npc is killed. Also has control for dropping weapon on death, weapon condition, and magazine contents, corpse duration, and backpack duration. Notes : All options have full descriptions in UI, accessible by clicking the option's name. Please make sure that the weapons you're giving to the npcs are suitable. Oilrig npcs, in particular, seem to become stupid with certain weapons. Place weapon in the first, left-most, slot of the kit's belt container. Frankenstein clothing can be given in UI, instead of via kit. Optional dependencies. Kits. Permissions. NPCKits.allowed - allows use of UI customisation, by chat command. Chat commands. /npckits - Opens UI, if user has NPCKits.allowed permission Configuration. NPC types. OilRig Excavator CompoundScientist BanditTown MountedScientist JunkPileScientist DungeonScarecrow ScareCrow MilitaryTunnelScientist CargoShip HeavyScientist TunnelDweller UnderwaterDweller Trainyard Airfield DesertScientist ArcticResearchBase LaunchSite Gingerbread MissionProviderOutpost MissionProviderFishing MissionProviderStables MissionProviderBandit BoatShopkeeper BanditShopkeeper Options per type: "enabled": false, "Kits": [], "Health": 100, "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 100, "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100, "Dropped_Weapon_Has_Ammo_Percent_Chance": 100, "Wipe_Default_Weapons", Removes default spawn weapons from npcs. "Wipe_Default_Clothing", Removes default spawn attire from npcs. "Wipe_Main_Inventory_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in main by Kits plugin "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in clothing by Kits plugin "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in belt by Kits plugin "Default_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100 - Remove from corpse default loot given by Rust Note : Kits follows the same format as BotSpawn kits. If multiple are listed, one is chosen at random each time. "Kits":["Kit One"] "Kits":["Kit One", "Kit Two", "Kit Three"] API: Object hook OnNpcKits(ulong) is provided. Return non null to prevent this plugin from giving kits to your spawned npcs.
  10. Monster


    Version 2.1.13


    XStatistics - statistics for your server. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XStatistics or MySQL or SQLite. - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - UI settings in the configuration. - Display TOPs in game chat. - Ability to customize the privacy of the default statistics. - Ability to delete a player's stats after they have been banned. - Ability to customize grades of building blocks. [ To be recorded in statistics. ] - Ability to add a player to the blacklist. [ Player's statistics will not be displayed in the TOPs and will not be available to other players. ] - Ability to use MySQL or SQLite database. - Ability to automatically give awards and clear data after a WIPE. [ Settings in the configuration. ] [ Plugin economics or any other. Also [ RU ] GameStores. ] - A player can hide/open his statistics. [ Need permission. ] - A player can view the statistics of other players. [ Need permission. ] - A player can reset their statistics to zero. [ Need permission. ] - The player can view the entire list of players and search. [ Need permission. ] - Creating an unlimited number of categories, subcategories and pages. - Creating custom TOPs, coefficients and awards. [ Unlimited number. ] - Various admin commands to manage player statistics. - Support and compatibility with many plugins. - Server events (Bradley, Chinook, and Patrol Helicopter) count as stats for the player who did the most damage. - Checking OwnerID of Building blocks, Constructions and other entities. - Ability to create a Global TOP of your project. [ For this purpose it is enough to enter MySQL data and server name into the configuration.] [ This TOP can be disabled in the configuration and only the TOP players of the server can be used. Or you can use two TOPs at the same time! ] - Ability to use pages for categories with subcategories. - Administrator Mode. [ View hidden player stats, open player search and more ]. - Automatic deletion of statistics of players who have not logged connection the server for N days. - Ability for players to disable messages with the TOP players in chat. If your server is visited by more than 500 players, it is recommended to use SQLite or MySQL. Statistics were tested on a server with 120 online and 5000 players in the database. Excellent result on optimization. To display player avatars you need to customize the configuration of the ImageLibrary plugin! What are the statistics at this point? Global TOP data is manually deleted from the MySQL database. [ It is important that the servers are turned off so that online players data is not written to the database ]. Or after all servers are wiped, run the command - player_stats_reset globaldata null - on one of the servers. [ Also take into account the servers parameters, for a fair TOP they should be the same! ] Shortnames to customize statistics Permissions xstatistics.use - access to the statistics menu. xstatistics.top - access to the TOPs of subcategories. xstatistics.coefficients - access to view the coefficients. xstatistics.player - access to view player statistics, player list and player search. xstatistics.resetwipe - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - WIPE. xstatistics.resetall - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - ALL TIME. xstatistics.shstats - access to the ability to hide/open your statistics. [ If the permission has been revoked, the statistics privacy will automatically change to default. ] xstatistics.admin - access to admin mode. Commands /stat, /stats, /statistic, /statistics - to open the statistics menu. [ Commands can be changed in the config. ] Server console --- Admin commands. stats_ct <customTopName> - to see the top players. [ Custom TOP. ] stats_t <subcategoryName> - to see the top players. [ TOP subcategory. ] player_stats_reset statswipe <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE. player_stats_reset statsall <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - ALL TIME. player_stats_reset all <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE and ALL TIME. player_stats_reset global <steamID> - delete a player from the database Global TOP. [ Player must be offline! ] player_stats_reset globaldata null - Delete data from a table in a MySQL database - Global TOP. [ Use this command after all of your servers have been wiped. ] [ The command can be used on any of the Global TOP servers. ] player_actstats global true/false - change statistics privacy for all players. player_actstats <steamID> true/false - change statistics privacy for a player. stats_give_award - start giving out awards for TOPs. stats_clear_data_wipe - to clear all statistics - WIPE. [ Same as after a server wipe ] Config
  11. Niko


    Version 125 061024a


    Colony is a Map on and Alien World with unique mechanics and play techniques Survival does not get much harder than this. Oxygen required outside, Unique settler buildings and Habitat Domes, Aliens to discover, Unique Monuments. A World under constant bombardment from Meteors either destroying your base or supplying much needed ore. There are no standard monuments on this map, it has been designed to be as unique as possible within the constraints of Rust, to this effect there are a number of unique plugins that are required to play this map and additional server configs - All instructions are provided within the ReadMe file and are all included. UNIQUE LOCATIONS CENTRAL COLONY BASE - many rooms to explore, safe zones, air transport, rail transport, ground transport, bandit and outpost in one. You can even live within your own base in the Colony LASER MINES - Replacement for Quarries, Lasers blast the ground producing ore to collect DOMES - Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon & Gamma. The only source of wood and limited water supplies UFO - Crashed and damaged, enter, explore, escape NUCLEAR WASTE & REPROCESSING - Irradiated but what broke through the floor TRANSPORT HUB - The place to pick up a cool ride OBSERVATION POST - Simple monument SPACE TELESCOPE - Take a look into deep space UNDERGROUND ACCESS - Allows access to the train tunnels LANDER - Where the first explorers landed ROCKET - Crashed, exposing a satellite, guarded M577 APC - Giant rover, guarded Mt SHART VOLCANO - It can get hot but a great place for ore SATELLITE GRAVYARD - Old wrecks and guarded ATOM SMASHER - Underground collider ALIEN TOMB - Find who lived here before you ALIEN CUBE - They have come back, high in the sky, only one way in - Teleport AGRIFARM - Large dome for growing the Colonists food FEATURES PLAYER BUILT BASES - Build inside Tugs encased in an outer shell, build in smaller domes, build your own limited to 6 foundations and 2 levels, perfectly balanced SOLAR POWER PLANTS - If they are close enough then you can tap into the free power METEOR BOMBARDMENT - These rain down constantly, leaving behind ore to collect, just pray they don't hit your base - They arrive every few minuets SPACEDROPS - Rapid decent from Space. Marked with trails - Every 1-2 hours OXYGEN SYSTEM - All white buildings will have Oxygen, very specific to the shape and size. Outside you will need Oxygen tanks and Spacesuits FORCE FIELDS - Certain areas are separated by force fields allows the smooth transition to oxygenated areas and those without
  12. Version 3.0.1


    Small custom map, perfect for an action-packed one grid server. This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! FEATURES Balanced map layout Detailed landscape Cliffs are designed to be easily climbable Ring road (compatible with various plugins) Compatible with all game modes Tugboat spawn points Underground train tunnels Custom ziplines CUSTOM MONUMENTS Secret Hideout - A hidden hideout where players can obtain the red keycard and some loot. - Also contains recycler and oil refinery Underground Vault - A monument where players obtain the blue keycard and loot. Also contains an oil refinery. - Radio Tower at the surface with 2 zipline points at the top, 1 leading to fishing village and the other to lighthouse. Bandit Fishing Village - Safe zone: contains vending machines, recycler, marketplace & more Bridge Custom decor along the shore line: players can find loot barrels and food boxes FACEPUNCH MONUMENTS – 2 Lighthouses – Gas station // added 1 more recycler outside, giving solo players a better chance at recycling – Radtown – Fishing Village – Underwater Lab – Small Oil Rig – Large Oil Rig // added recycler inside red card room NOTES – The password for the editor is included with the map, just in case you want to remove/edit something. – Need help? I’m most active on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge
  13. Version 2.0.0


    As soon as the event starts, several troops (NPCs) are spawned to defend an hackable crate that will be delivered by the CH47. This crate may contain a lot of loot, so the troops have the duty to defend it. For this purpose, there is a variety of troops such as snipers, close-range shooters, and long-range shooters. If a player manages to initiate the hacking of the crate, all the airfield troops will be relocated to a combat position. In other words, all troops that you haven't seen yet or that are hidden will be moved to the center of the airfield to defend the crate. After a few minutes, a plane will be sent with supply drops containing weapons to assist the troops in defense. However, airborne troops will also be dispatched from the plane to parachute down and aid in defending the crate. If the crate is looted, all troops will be destroyed, leaving only the crates, supply drops, and bodies to be looted by intruders. /ma start to start the event /ma stop to stop the event /ma position to get the current position based in the airfield monument (used to config) militaryairfield.admin to access all commands private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventStarted(); - // Called when the event starts private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventEnded(BasePlayer? lootedBy); - // Called when the event ends
  14. Version 125 061024a


    Eden Falls is a fully custom map 3000 in size It features a road, river and now a rail network covering most corners of the map, Some standard monuments are here along with a number of new and unique monuments created by me. The additional monuments are LUMBER MILL MISSILE SILO MARINA ICESTATION THULE EDEN FALLS CANYON RAVENSCROFT ASYLUM FORT KNOX COLDITZ CASTLE BAYOU HMS RACE HORSE CAR REPAIR RACE TRACK OIL DERICK ALCATRAZ SKULL TUNNEL Video is not fully representative of the map as it was originally done many years ago, E&OE Finally, please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions for use
  15. Version 1.1.2


    Extra VendingMachine adds a vending machine at outpost with custom items to be added via a config All items has a refill timer . Setting it at 0 disables the timer for that item (time in seconds) Permission ExtraVendingMachine.use - if config is set to true this is needed from player to use vending machine Config file example item to buy will be the item sold to client item to sell will be what player pays for the buyitem so in this example itemtobuy is 5.56 ammo and itemtosell is scrap vending machine is selling ammo for scrap max stock is amount of ammo in vending machine to sell NOTE : only first 7 sellorders will be listed in vending machine { "ShopName": "The Awesome Shop", "SpawnCorrection": { "x": -2.5, "y": 0.0, "z": 7.0 }, "SpawnRotation in degrees": 0.0, "Use Permission to access Vending machine": false, "SpawnRotation": 0, "VendingSellOrder": [ { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 10000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1002156085, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 50, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1442559428, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 1, "Refilltime": 600 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -152332823, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 128, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1211166256, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10000, "RefillAmount": 128, "Refilltime": 1500 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 500, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1003665711, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 20, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": 602628465, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 50, "RefillAmount": 10, "Refilltime": 300 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 2000, "ItemSkinID": 2478929353, "ItemToBuy": -2049214035, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 50, "RefillAmount": 10, "Refilltime": 600 }, ] }
  16. Monster


    Version 1.0.3


    XCustomGenes is a versatile gene editor plugin offering a user-friendly UI, multilingual support, sound effects, and robust features for editing or deleting genes through chat commands or the UI, with options for payment integration using in-game currency. -> In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true <- Features Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. Sound effects when interacting with the menu. User-friendly UI gene editor. To change/delete genes, player/administrator can use: chat commands or UI editor. Ability to change/delete genes on a selected item, as well as on all items in inventory simultaneously. Ability to make gene changing/deletion paid. Balance of any plugin or Scrap can be used as currency. Various chat messages. Protection against incorrect input of genes. The administrator can quickly give himself seeds with the right genes using the UI editor. Permissions xcustomgenes.use - access to menu / access to genes editing. xcustomgenes.admin - access to admin functionality. Commands /g, /gene, /genes - to open the menu. [ Commands can be changed in the config. ] /genes item genes(xxxxxx) - to change/delete genes on the selected item. /genes all genes(xxxxxx) - to change/delete genes on all items in inventory simultaneously. xcustomgenes_give steamID shortname genes(xxxxxx) amount skinID - to give seeds with genes to the player. [ Arguments - genes, amount, skinID - is not a mandatory. ] Config { "General settings": { "SteamID profile for custom avatar": 0, "Chat prefix": "<size=12><color=#FFFFFF50>[</color> <color=#00FF0050>XCustomGenes</color> <color=#FFFFFF50>]</color></size>\n", "List of commands to open the menu": [ "g", "gene", "genes" ], "Gene list for quick selection": [ "GGGGYY", "GGGYYY", "GGYYYY", ... ] }, "GUI settings": { "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75", "Block color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5" }, "Payment settings": { "Use payment": false, "True - plugin with balance | False - scrap": false, "Price formation - [ True - per stack | False - per seeds ]": true, "Price": 10.0, "Price - gene delete": 2.0, "Plugin name": "Economics", "Method name(API) - Balance": "Balance", "Method name(API) - Withdraw": "Withdraw", "Method(API) data type - [ 0 - int | 1 - float | 2 - double ]": 0 } }
  17. Version v1.2.3


    This custom map has a story behind it, its a 1.5k Size custom map however there is plenty of building space for up to 50 - 100 people and 12 monuments with a Bradley path. Map originally made by @Umer778 Cave Excavation: Abandoned Tunnel: Project Medusa: Custom Monuments : Information Hub (Mid Tier loot) Project Medusa (High Tier loot) Trader (Safe Zone) Business Man (Safe Zone) Cave Excavation (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Abandoned Military Base (Mid Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Abandoned Tunnel (Low Tier Loot) Customized Lighthouse (Mid Tier Loot) Makeshift Harbor (Low Tier Loot) Rust Monuments: Dome (Mid Tier Loot) Oxums Gas Station (Low Tier Loot - Chinook Drop zone) Large Oil Rig (High Tier Loot) Mining Outpost (Low Tier Loot) Fishing Village (Safe Zone) There is a Bradley setup that goes from Dome to the crossroads near Oxums gas station and then back again, this is for the story. If you don't want this then simply disable Bradley spawn in the rust config! There are a few plugins that will enhance the experience of this map, the BradleyGuards Plugin and Plagued Murderers Plugin! This map does require https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit to work, as do all custom rust maps.
  18. Version 1.3.11


    This plugin adds custom portals, which could be deployed on players' bases, vanilla and custom monuments. Custom maps To use Custom Portals on your map you need to place any prefab and create a custom prefab from it. Name it CustomPortals.<portal name> 2 portals with the same name will link. ! Make sure not to break the prefab and not to add them as part of other prefabs ! Commands Player Chat Commands /buyportal - buy portal (requires customportals.buy permission) /spawnportal - spawns portal (requires customportals.spawn permission) Admin Chat Commands All of the commands that are mentioned below require customportals.admin permission! /customportals add <portal name> - spawns portal on the monument you stand on /customportals remove - removes portal from the monument /customportals reset - removes all portals from the monument /changeportal - setup any portal Admin Console Commands giveportal <amount> <player name> - gives portal(s) to the specified player Permissions customportals.use - required to use portals customportals.admin - allows usage of /customportals and giveportal commands customportals.buy - allows players to buy portal, using /buyportal command customportals.free - allows players to get portal for free, using /buyportal command (buy permission is still required) customportals.freeuse - allows players to use the portal for free (if the use price is set) customportals.bypasslimit - allows players to place infinite amount of portals customportals.bypasslinkinglimits - allows players to link any portals customportals.spawn - alllows players to spawn portals using a command, instead of placing them manually If you are an admin, you can specify individual portal permissions. They are saved as customportals.portal.<portal permission name> Localization This plugin has built-in support for the following languages - English Russian API BasePortal SpawnPortal(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, string name) // spawns portal Item CreatePortalItem() // returns portal item
  19. Version 1.0.6


    Norddream Island is a map on which many custom places to build a base are waiting for you, such as: an underwater place, a glass sphere in the snow, many places with a ready-to-use farm, floating islands, modern houses, underground places and many others. All custom places are marked on the map. There are also custom monuments here, such as: Motel, in which players can find a research paper, which can be used to buy something in the motel shop. The bradley arena is a place where 3 bradleys are located, to destroy them, the player needs several red access cards. Helicopter defense tower - here players can conveniently shoot down a helicopter. Car service - here players can find parts for the car and much more. The landscape is well suited for spawning raid bases. The external railway is connected to the metro. Specifications • Map size: 4500 • Prefab count: ~56 500 • Editing of the map is allowed, the password is in the ReadMe file Custom monuments • Motel • Bradley Arena • Challenge House • Heli Tower • Mine • Car Service • Railway Station • Large Warehouse • 20 Custom Places To Build A Base Standard monuments • Arctic Research Base • Fishing Villages • Harbor 1 • Harbor 2 • Ferry Terminal • Airfield • Giant Excavator Pit • Nuclear Missile Silo • Military Tunnel • Powerplant • Water Treatment Plant • Lighthouses • Bandit Camp • Outpost • Junkyard • Radtown Small • Military Base • Oilrig 1 • Oilrig 2 • Trainyard • Roadside Monuments • Sulfur Quarry • Stone Quarry • HQM Quarry • Satellite Dish • The Dome • Underwater Labs • Launch Site • Large Barn • Ranch
  20. Version 1.0.1


    Meet the Monster Tower, the result of watching the film The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers, while I was drinking a can of Monster Energy. This monument has several options to use: • You can use this tower for the Chopper Survival plugin (Event Manager). • You can use it like a monument, it contains both NPC respawn and Loot. • You can also use it like a Public Tower so players can defend themselves against the Attack Helicopter. - The Monster Tower consists of five floors with a lift, plus two hidden floors with an extra difficulty (NPC). - You can access these hidden floors via an invisible staircase containing green rings.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    - Inferno Arena Inferno Arena is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. Enter the real hell in this scenario full of traps and fire, survive your opponent, watch your back. There can only be one left. - Includes: Gods of War (Giant statues). Traps, Watchtowers, Barricades, Poisonous liquid and fire.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    - Inferno Arena Lite Inferno Arena Lite is an optimized version of Inferno Arena. Inferno Arena is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. Enter the real hell in this scenario full of traps and fire, survive your opponent, watch your back. There can only be one left. - Includes: Gods of War (Giant statues). Traps, Watchtowers, Barricades, Poisonous liquid and fire.
  23. badgyver

    Arena Dome

    Version 1.0.0


    Create epic player vs. player battles with this original arena. Arena Dome is fully compatible with Zone Manager and Event Manager. Arena Dome contains NPCs, loot, walls for players to cover their backs, and several towers for players to shoot from above.


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