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About Me

  1. Version 1.3.6


    This plugin adds personal animal assistants to your server, on which the player can ride, store resources or give them various instructions, for example, attack another object or collect resources in the area. You can choose one of 5 types of animals as a helper animal - bear, boar, chicken, deer and wolf. At the moment, the animal can: Attack various targets Collect resources Loot boxes Collect resources within a radius of 50 meters Follow the player and stand at the point indicated by the player Protect the owner and yourself if any of them is attacked You can customize: Control Which button will assign tasks to the animal Button range Displaying 3D arrows above the target Arrow display duration Interface Refresh once in how many seconds Panel layer Panel position Panel colors Personal animals by permission The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning Animal type (bear, wild boar, chicken, deer, wolf) Maximum health Re-spawn delay Animal supplements The ability to ride the animal Animal bag (inventory) Animal capabilities Can attack objects Can loot crates Can pick up resources Can defend myself Can protect the owner Can collect resources within a radius of 50 meters Interaction, loot and damage Animal damage rate Damage receive rate for an animal Can an animal damage players Can players damage an animal Configure pickup rates of resources Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag Nutrition Turn on the animal feeding system Setting health for food eaten Video: By default, the plugin has 2 localization files, for Russian and English Configuration: { "Controls setup": { "Which button will assign tasks to the animal, attack / collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE", "Range of action of the assignment button": 25.0, "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true, "Arrow display duration": 2 }, "GUI setup": { "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6, "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay", "Panel position": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "1 1", "anchormax": "1 1", "offsetmin": "-170 -104", "offsetmax": "-10 -10" }, "Second position of the panel (used if the player has a personal bot)": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "0.0 0.0", "anchormax": "1.0 1.0", "offsetmin": "0.0 0.0", "offsetmax": "0.0 0.0" }, "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d", "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7", "Health bar color": "#2ecc71", "Shortcut buttons": [] }, "Setting up personal animals by permission": { "personalanimal.wolf": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "wolf", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "wolf", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.bear": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "bear", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "bear", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.boar": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "boar", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "boar", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.chicken": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "chicken", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "chicken", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.stag": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "stag", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "stag", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.polarbear": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "polarbear", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "polar-bear", "Maximum health": 400, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } } }, "List of prefabs that the animal can loot (useful if the animal attacks loot instead of looting it)": [ "foodbox", "vehicle_parts" ] } Commands: /panimal - spawns or despawns an animal /panimal where - shows the grid where the animal is and the distance to it /panimal health - shows the current health of the animal /panimal follow - instructs the animal to follow the owner /panimal auto-pickup - displays information about auto-pickup resources /panimal auto-pickup (all, wood, stone, metal, sulfur) - assigns/removes a specific resource for auto-pickup /panimal auto-pickup enable - enables auto-pickup of resources /panimal auto-pickup disable - disables auto-pickup of resources
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Effortlessly manage plugin updates across all your Rust Servers with a single command. Upload files to a Discord thread and watch them instantly sync across your servers, with full support for Oxide and Carbon, and any OS. Also allowing any trusted Staff Members to use FEATURES Effortlessly check for required updates across all your Rust servers via RCON, with minimal server overhead. Fully Compatible with Oxide and Carbon, and works seamlessly on both Windows and Linux. Optional Automatic Update Checks on a timer schedule that fits your needs. Easy-to-use Buttons that quickly direct you to the plugins needing an update. A Dedicated Upload Thread to send plugins directly to the server(s). Smart Server Separation: Upload all plugins in a single thread, with automatic delivery, to the servers that need the update. File Validation to ensure only plugin files from the update list are uploaded and sent. Easily add as many servers as you want - just configure them in the "SERVERS" folder. Supports a wide range of plugin sites: uMod, Codefling, Lone.Design, Chaos Code, RustWorkshop, ModPulse, RustPlugins, ImperialPlugins, MyVector, SkyPlugins, Game4Freak. Automatic and effortless updates for plugins hosted on uMod.org. MAIN CONFIGURATION { "BOT_ID": "DiscordBotClientID", "DISCORD_TOKEN": "https://discord.com/developers/applications", "GUILDS": ["DiscordServerID"], "AUTO_UPDATE_CHECK": true, "COMMANDS_ROLE": "RoleID", "UPDATE_CHANNEL": "ChannelID", "UPDATE_CHECK_FREQUENCY": 60, "EMBED_HEX": "0099FF (WITHOUT THE #)", "GLOBAL_EXCLUDED_PLUGINS": [ "" ] } SERVER(S) CONFIGURATION { "ENABLED": true, "TYPE": "Oxide", "NAME": "", "IP": "", "RCON_PORT": 28016, "RCON_PASS": "", "EXCLUDED_PLUGINS": [ "" ] } APPRECIATION Thank you @Pho3niX90 for making the Server Armour API which supports this bot. Thank you @shady14u for his help making the Magic Updater plugin which does the automatic plugin updating. Thank you @KevinX8 for his help making the Bot.
  3. Version 1.3.2


    The best Rust + Discord giveaway system! This system runs externally from your server causing no performance issues. FEATURES - Giveaways that connect directly with your rust server - Gives players tickets for joining your server while entered into a giveaway - Gives players tickets for player on the server over an interval of time - Fully customizeable embed messages - Ticket leaderboard - Multiple giveaways at once - Multiple winners per giveaway - ETC* TLDR, You can run a giveaway in you discord that people can enter. When they enter the giveaway they are eligible to start earning tickets. To earn tickets players can join the server, when they FIRST join for that giveaway they will gain tickets, on top of that, they will gain tickets overtime while playing on the server. The amount of tickets that players get is 100% editable. The giveaways are ran like a raffle, the more tickets that you have, the higher of a chance you have of winning. This system requires the "Steamcord" or "Simple Link" linking system to know who people are in Discord and in game for the system to work. If you use another linking system, feel free to join my support discord and ask if I am able to add support for that system. The bot is very simple to install. The file includes a setup guide within it. All quite simple. Need support or want updates about what is coming to the bot? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  4. KpucTaJl

    Better Npc

    Version 1.3.1


    This plugin adds variety of NPC sets with very high number of parameter sets on standard and custom monuments. Also it is added during dropping the server AirDrop, locked crate and destroying a tank or helicopter Dependencies (optional, not required) AlphaLoot CustomLoot True PVE Kits Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Custom maps Maps that have default settings for their custom monuments. For these maps, you will not need to create places for the appearance of NPCs, they have already been created by the map developer and are located inside the archive when buying the map You can also download all these files for all maps here Detroit: Irreparable Damage Oregon 2: Last Hope Lostly Island Frontier – American Old West Oregon: Land of Dead Badlands Foreign Lands Namalsk Kong: Skull Island Destroyed World Deathland Dreamland Last Train Pandora Railway Island Wasteland Cataclysm: Fury of Nature Last Oasis Crazy Island Standard monuments This item of the plugin settings is used for appearing NPCs in all standard monuments. All these settings are located in the Monument folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument). Each file in this folder corresponds to a standard monument If there is no standard monument file in the folder, you can create it (you need to name the file the same way as the standard monuments on the map inside the game). You can copy the settings from any other standard monument Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply The size of the monument – this parameter contains two values. It is the length and width of the monument. This parameter is necessary for random appearance of NPC on the monument and indication of limits of removal of standard NPCs on the monument (if it is necessary) Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It deletes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Custom monuments This item of the plugin settings is responsible for the appearance of NPCs on custom monuments. All these settings are located in the Custom folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom). Each file in this folder corresponds to a custom monument If you have bought a map with already configured NPC appearance files for custom monuments you will copy these files into the Custom folder. If you want to create and configure the appearance of NPC in your custom location on the map, you will use the command in the administrators’ chat /SpawnPointAdd {name} (see the description of this command below in the instruction) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Position – It is a position of the custom monument on the map Rotation – It is a rotation of the custom monument on the map (this parameter is necessary for using custom places to appear of NPC on the monument, if the monument is used on more than one map) Radius – It is the radius of the custom monument from the position on the map Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It removes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Roads This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of roads. All these settings are located in the Road folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Road). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular road type ExtraNarrow – It is a narrow, unpaved walkway ExtraWide It is a wide, paved, two-lane, beltway road Standard – It is a regular, paved road Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the road. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the road (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Biomes This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of biomes. All these settings are located in the Biome folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Biome). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular biome type (Arctic, Arid, Temperate, Tundra) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the biome. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the biome (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) In-game events This item of the plugin settings is used to appear the NPCs in standard Rust events. All of these settings are located in the Event folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event). Each file in this folder corresponds to its own type of event The supported events: When the plane drops the server AirDrop, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets CH47 – When the chinook drops a locked crate during patrolling the map, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets Bradley – When someone destroys a tank, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Helicopter – When someone shoots down a patrol helicopter, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the event. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Radius – NPC appearance radius Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the event (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) The NPC preset parameters Enabled? [true/false] – It is enabling/disabling the preset Minimum numbers – Day – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the day preset Maximum numbers – Day – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the day preset Minimum numbers – Night – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the night preset Maximum numbers – Night – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the night preset NPCs setting – It is all NPC settings of this preset (see the description of NPC settings for details) Type of appearance (0 – random; 1 – own list) – It is a type of NPC appearance. You can create your own list of places of NPC appearance. The NPC will appear only randomly. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types Own list of locations – It is your own list of NPC appearances. You need to use the number of locations at least the maximum possible number of NPCs in this preset. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types The path to the crate that appears at the place of death – It is the full path to the crate prefab that appears at the place of death of an NPC. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank Which loot table should the plugin use (0 – default; 1 – own; 2 – AlphaLoot; 3 – CustomLoot; 4 – loot table of the Rust objects; 5 – combine the 1 and 4 methods) – It is the type of the NPC loot table in this preset. Type 5 includes two types (1 and 4) at the same time and locates items from both types Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5) – It is a setting of the loot tables from Rust objects. You can see the loot table of Rust objects description for more details Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5) – It’s NPC’s own loot table. You can see the description of your own loot table for more details The NPC settings description Names is a list of NPC names. It is selected from the list randomly Health – It’s the HP amount of the NPC Roam Range – It’s the patrolling area distance. It’s the distance that the NPC can move from the place of appearance during patrolling Chase Range – It’s the chase range of the target. It’s the distance that the NPC can chase his target from the place of appearance Attack Range Multiplier – It’s the attack range multiplier of the NPC’s weapon Sense Range – It’s a target detection radius Target Memory Duration [sec.] – It’s the time that the NPC can remember his target Scale damage – It’s the damage multiplier from NPC to the player Aim Cone Scale – It’s the spread of NPC shooting, the default value in Rust is 2. It doesn’t take negative values Detect the target only in the NPCs viewing vision cone? [true/false] – It’s the parameter that allows detecting the target only in a certain NPC viewing. If you want to detect the target in 360 degrees, you will set the parameter “False” Vision Cone – It’s the NPC viewing. The range of values is from 20 to 180 degrees. If the previous parameter is False, this parameter is not used Speed – It’s the NPC speed. The default value in Rust is 5 Minimum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the minimum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Maximum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the maximum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Disable radio effects? [true/false] – You can disable/enable radio effects Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false] – If this parameter is True, the NPC will not move or run Remove a corpse after death? [true/false] – This parameter can control the deleting of NPC corpses (only backpacks are left). This parameter improves efficiency if there are a lot of NPCs Wear items – It’s a list of NPCs’ clothes and armor Belt items – It’s a list of weapons and items NPCs’ fast slots. Medical syringes are used for healing. If you give grenades to an NPC, he will use them. Smoke grenades are used for creating smoke screens (if you don’t need them, you should remove them from your inventory). If you give a Rocket Launcher to an NPC, he will raid the target’s building (if the target is inside it) Kits – It gives a pack of Kits plugin. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank. I recommend using the previous 2 points to configure NPC items A description of the Rust loot table settings Minimum numbers of prefabs –It’s the minimum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Maximum numbers of prefabs –It’s the maximum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of prefabs – It’s a list of prefabs that need to add in the loot table. It is necessary to indicate the full path to the prefab and the probability of falling out this prefab A description of the own loot table settings Minimum numbers of items – It’s the minimum number of items Maximum numbers of items – It’s the maximum number of items Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of items – It’s a total list of all items that can fall out in the NPC loot table. You can specify any standard items, their blueprints and any skinned or custom items The commands in the chat (for admins only) /SpawnPointPos {name} – To show the local admin’s position coordinates relative to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAdd {name} – To create the NPC appearance point {name} in the Admin’s custom coordinates. A file with this name will be created in the folder Custom and you can configure it as you need /SpawnPointAddPos {number} {name} – To write the local admin’s coordinate into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddWear {number} {name} – To write all the admin’s dressed clothes into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddBelt {number} {name} – To write all the admins’ quick slots cells into a preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name} – To show to the Admin all the custom NPC appearance points in the preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) in the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointReload {name} – Reload Spawn Point with the name {name} Console commands (RCON only) ShowAllNpc – Shows the number of all NPCs of the BetterNpc plugin on your server Hooks object CanAirDropSpawnNpc(SupplyDrop supplyDrop) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard an AirDrop. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanCh47SpawnNpc(HackableLockedCrate crate) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard a locked chinook crate. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanBradleySpawnNpc(BradleyAPC bradley) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the boxes from crushed Bradley. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanHelicopterSpawnNpc(BaseHelicopter helicopter) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the crates from crushed patrol helicopter. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance API void DestroyController(string name) – It destroys the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} void CreateController(string name) – It creates the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} These APIs can be used with standard monuments, custom monuments (NPC locations) and roads. The name of this monument is in standard monuments {name}. It is the name of the file in the Custom and Road folder in custom monuments and roads My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal
  5. Amino

    Discord Link

    Version 2.1.2


    Discord Link is a very simple, performant, and feature-rich Discord and Rust linking system. 2 Simple steps and a player can link to Discord! NO DISCORD.DLL!! FEATURES - NO DISCORD.DLL REQUIRED!!! - Link Rust and Discord accounts - Grant a role in discord and group in game for linked players - Soft unlinking (All past data on a user's account links will be forever stored) - 2 Way role syncing between rust to discord and discord to rust - Supports multi server linking - Booster perks for linked players boosting your discord - Steam to discord name syncing (Auto renames users in discord to their steam name) - Admin perms to unlink players - Search link commands in discord and in game to get who a player is linked to - Logs to discord when players link and unlink - Auto remove players from being linked when they leave the Discord - Syncing your old database files from steamcord, discord auth, or discord core PERMISSIONS discordlinkbot.search - ability to search players and use the UI The Plugin and Discord Bot both have very simple installations. We have included a readme.md file to make it even easier to setup! Need support or want updates about what is coming to the bot? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7 This will require bot hosting to run the bot 24/7 since we do not use the Discord DLL therefore the server cannot host the bot. Thanks to @shady14u for co-developing!!
  6. Version 1.1.0


    -This bot is just a plugin, does not requires nodejs or python! Features -Creating ticket with button -Closing ticket with button -Localization Config { "Bot Token": "", "Discord Server ID (Optional if bot only in 1 guild)": "", "CategoryID (where the tickets will create": "", "Discord Channel ID where the ticket create button send": "", "Don't edit this field!!!": "" } To do: -Users can be choose ticket categorys -Ticket logging -Ticket title on under the bot
  7. Version 1.4.3


    A very simple, yet nice ticket bot. FEATURES - All embeds can be customized - Add up to 10 different types of tickets - Edit the ticket buttons however you want - Require people to be linked to open different types of tickets - Support SimpleLink, Steamcord, and PlatformSync - Require people to have specific roles to open tickets - Have different questions for each ticket - Have different staff allowed or not allowed to see each type of ticket - Check your stats on tickets - A button to check the user's steam profile that opened the ticket - Check if the user who has opened the ticket has any bans on battlemetrics - Add or remove users from tickets - Ban or unban users from opening tickets - Deem a ticket a successful report or not - Transcript logging - Sends a user a DM when a ticket is closed - ETC* The bot is very simple to install. The file includes a setup guide within it. All quite simple. Need support or want updates about what is coming to the bot? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  8. Version 1.8.3


    The plugin adds personal bots to your server, which players can spawn with a command and give them various instructions. At the moment, the bot can: Attack various targets (bots, players, various buildings, barrels and many other objects) Gather resources Stones, sulfur stones, metal stones Trees Gather and pickup resources in 50 meters from the start point (/pnpc auto-farm, /pnpc auto-pickup) Pickup resources Pickup dropped items Follow the player, stand in position Protect the owner or yourself if any of them is attacked Attack an object that is attacked by the owner (/pnpc combat) Loot crates Travel with the player on Minicopter Car Boat And other transport Recover the owner if he is in a wounded state Be an AI driver of helicopter (additional addon required, check out in the profile) Be an AI driver of car (additional addon required, check out in the profile) Raid with rocket/grenade launchers (additional addon required, check out in the profile) You can customize: Bot spawn delay Controls Choose which button will be assigned tasks to the bot Range of the task assignment button Display of 3D arrow and its duration GUI Interface Once in how many seconds the menu will be refreshed Adjust the panel layer (Hud, Overlay, etc.) Adjust menu position Customize colors Add or change shortcuts to the menu Set up bots by permission Select bot name Set max. health Choose a bot appearance Adjust bot speed Enable bot endless ammo Enable display of the bot on the map Make a start kit for the bot Customize capabilities Can a bot loot crates Can a bot gather trees and stones Can a bot pick up resources Should the bot protect the owner Should a bot defend itself Can a bot travel with a player in a transport? Can a bot pick up dropped items Recover the owner from a wounded state Can a bot recover its owner from a wounded state? Recover time Can a bot attack other people's buildings Can a bot attack its owner's buildings Can a bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters (/ pnpc auto-pickup) Can a bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters (/ pnpc auto-farm) Customize gather options Shortname of items that can gather trees Shortname of items that can gather stones and ore Customize gather rates for specific items Customize damage and interaction Adjust the bot damage rate Adjust the bot receive damage rate Can players damage the bot Can a bot damage players Can turrets target and kill a bot Can bot owner turrets target and kill bot Set up a black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot Video: Also there are available some cool addons for this plugin: By default, the plugin has 2 localization files, for Russian and English Commands: /pnpc - spawns or despawns the bot /pnpc where - displays in the chat where the bot is /pnpc health - displays the current health of the bot in the chat /pnpc follow - instructs the bot to follow the owner /pnpc combat - the bot begins to attack those who are attacked by the owner /pnpc ignore - the bot ignores those who attack it and the owner /pnpc auto-pickup - displays information about the auto-pickup function /pnpc auto-pickup (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for pickup, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it /pnpc auto-pickup enable - enable auto-pickup of resources /pnpc auto-pickup disable - disable auto-pickup of resources /pnpc auto-farm - displays information about the auto-farm function /pnpc auto-farm (wood, metal, sulfur, stone, all) - selection of resources for farm, if you need to remove a resource from the list, you need to re-enter it /pnpc auto-farm enable - enable auto-farm resources /pnpc auto-farm disable - disable auto-farm resources pnpc.item {STEAM_ID} {skin_id} - gives the player an item to install the bot Configuration: { "Control setup": { "Which button will assign tasks to the bot, kill/get/collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE", "Range of the task assignment button": 25.0, "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true, "Arrow display duration": 2 }, "GUI customization": { "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6.0, "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay", "Panel position adjustment": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "1 1", "anchormax": "1 1", "offsetmin": "-170 -104", "offsetmax": "-10 -10" }, "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d", "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7", "Health bar color": "#2ecc71", "Shortcut buttons": [ { "Text on button": "Auto-Farm: Wood", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-farm wood", "pnpc auto-farm enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Farm: Stone", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-farm stone", "pnpc auto-farm enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Pickup: Wood", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-pickup wood", "pnpc auto-pickup enable" ] }, { "Text on button": "Auto-Pickup: Stone", "Executable chat commands": [ "pnpc auto-pickup stone", "pnpc auto-pickup enable" ] } ] }, "Bot settings by permission": { "personalnpc.bot1": { "Bot spawn delay": 300.0, "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1", "Bot name": "Personal bot of player %OWNER_NAME%", "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0, "Maximum health": 150.0, "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal", "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": true, "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true, "Start kit": [ { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "shoes.boots", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "pants", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hoodie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "mask.bandana", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hat.boonie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "sunglasses", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" } ], "Functions setup": { "Can a bot loot crates?": true, "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true, "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true, "Should the bot protect the owner?": true, "Should the bot defend itself?": true, "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true, "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true, "Recover the owner from a wounded state": { "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true, "Recover time": 6.0 }, "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": true, "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false, "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true, "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true }, "Gather setup": { "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [ "hatchet", "chainsaw", "hammer.salvaged", "stonehatchet", "axe.salvaged" ], "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [ "pickaxe", "stone.pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "jackhammer", "icepick.salvaged" ], "Setting up mining rates": { "stones": 2.0, "wood": 5.0 } }, "Damage and interactions setup": { "Bot damage rate": 2.0, "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5, "Can players damage the bot?": true, "Can the bot damage players?": true, "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false, "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true, "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [ "barricade.sandbags" ] }, "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [ "rocket.launcher" ] } }, "Bot install by item": [ { "Item name": "PersonalNPC", "Item shortname": "furnace", "Item skin": 2741314889, "Bot info": { "Bot spawn delay": 300.0, "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1", "Bot name": "Personal bot of player %OWNER_NAME%", "Bot appearance (0 - random)": 0, "Maximum health": 150.0, "Bot speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal", "Enable infinite ammo for the bot?": true, "Enable display of the bot on the map? (frankenstein icon)": true, "Start kit": [ { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "shoes.boots", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "pants", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hoodie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "mask.bandana", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hat.boonie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "sunglasses", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1, "In which container to place? (belt, main, wear)": "wear" } ], "Functions setup": { "Can a bot loot crates?": true, "Can the bot mine trees and stones?": true, "Can the bot pick up resources? (wood, sulfur and metal ore, stones)": true, "Should the bot protect the owner?": true, "Should the bot defend itself?": true, "Can the bot travel by car/copter and other vehicles?": true, "Can the bot pick up dropped items?": true, "Recover the owner from a wounded state": { "Can the bot recover the owner if he is in a wounded state?": true, "Recover time": 6.0 }, "Can the bot attack other people's buildings?": true, "Can a bot attack its owner's buildings?": false, "Can the bot collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-pickup)": true, "Can the bot farm resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/pnpc auto-farm)": true }, "Gather setup": { "Shortname of items that can harvest trees": [ "hatchet", "chainsaw", "hammer.salvaged", "stonehatchet", "axe.salvaged" ], "Shortname of items that can mine stones and ore": [ "pickaxe", "stone.pickaxe", "hammer.salvaged", "jackhammer", "icepick.salvaged" ], "Setting up mining rates": { "stones": 2.0, "wood": 5.0 } }, "Damage and interactions setup": { "Bot damage rate": 2.0, "Bot recive damage rate": 0.5, "Can players damage the bot?": true, "Can the bot damage players?": true, "Can turrets target and kill a bot? (all turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": false, "Prevent bot owner turrets from aiming and killing the bot? (bot owner's turrets will not be able to damage the bot)": true, "Blacklist of objects that the bot will ignore when owner selecting a target (short prefab name)": [ "barricade.sandbags" ] }, "Black list of items that cannot be put into the inventory of the bot": [ "rocket.launcher" ] } } ], "How many seconds will the bot update the information? (affects the performance and operation of the bot)": 0.01, "Spawn a backpack with his items when a bot dies? (otherwise his corpse will spawn)": false, "List of prefabs that the bot can loot (useful if the bot attacks loot instead of looting it)": [ "vehicle_parts" ] }
  9. Zeeuss

    NPC Dancers

    Version 0.1.5


    What is it? Transform your server into an unforgettable experience with this innovative plugin! Whether you want to host epic dance parties or add immersive NPC actions to your RPG adventures, this plugin is designed to bring life and fun to your community. Let your players team up with their new animated companions and turn mundane gameplay into extraordinary moments. Perfect for dance parties and roleplay events; there's no limit to the creativity this plugin enables! Usage Make yourself or let players make the BEST dance parties ever! Also can be used for various actions for example on RPG servers (You can make NPC keep pointing somewhere etc..) Commands Main command /npcd -- Opens the menu (user friendly, contains/has the same or even better abilities than all the other chat commands) Spawn options: /npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns certain group /npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns certain group Group options: /npcd create -- Creates certain group /npcd remove (id) -- Removes certain group /npcd manage (id) -- Start managing certain group /npcd list -- Displays all dance groups Group Manage options: /npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer with your current position and rotation to the group /npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes certain dancer /npcd dancer list -- Displays all the dancers from the managed group /npcd group name (name) -- Changes managed group's name to the new one --Dancer's settings-- /npcd dancer manage (id) name (New Dancer's name) -- Changes dancer's name /npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Turn ON or OFF to make dancer use random dance /npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Set's dance for the dancer Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing name) -- Adds new clothing for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes clothing from the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off) -- Turns ON or OFF god for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount) -- Set's the spawn HP for the dancer Permissions npcdancers.use -- Gives player permission to use the plugin npcdancers.god -- Gives player permission to turn ON or OFF godmode for dancers npcdancers.hp -- Gives player permission to change dancer's spawn HP npcdancers.admin -- Has all permissions, bypasses all limits in config + can manipulate with other's dance groups UI Features Dance Groups Owner OwnerID Amount of Dancers Group name Add Dancer button Spawn/Despawn button Remove button Dancers Name HP God Random Dance Clothing Remove button Config { "Max groups per player": 3, "Max dancers per group": 5 } Localization { "Syntax": "----- Spawn Options -----\n/npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns the group\n/npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns the group\n----- Manage Options -----\n/npcd create -- Creates new group\n/npcd remove (id) -- Removes the group\n/npcd manage (id) -- Let's you manage the group\n/npcd list -- Displays all dance groups", "Created": "Successfully created dancers group: {0}", "Removed": "Successfully removed dancers group: {0}", "NotFound": "Couldn't find a dance group with this id.", "NoGroups": "There are not any groups yet.", "NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet.", "GroupList": "ID:{1} {0} - {2} dancers", "Managing": "----- Managing {0}'s group -----\nID: {1}\nGroup name: {2}\nDancers: {3}\n----- Manage Group -----\n/npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer\n/npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes the dancer\n/npcd dancer list -- Shows current dancers for this group\n/npcd group name (name)\n----- Dancer's settings -----\n/npcd dancer manage (id) name (Set Dancers Name)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Dancer will choose random dance\n/npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing shortname) -- Add specific clothing to the dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes all clothes from dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount)", "NoManaging": "You are not managing any group right now.", "DancerAdded": "Successfully added new dancer:\nName:{0}\nID:{1}\nDance name:{2}\nRandom dance? {3}\nPos: X:{4} Y:{5} Z:{6}", "DancerRemoved": "Successfully removed Dancer: {0}(ID:{1})", "DancerNotFound": "Couldn't find dancer with that id", "DancerRename": "Renamed dancer:{0} to {1}", "DancerChangeDance": "Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "InvalidDance": "Invalid dance name! Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "NoPerms": "You don't have permissions to manipulate with other's groups!", "NoGodPerms": "You don't have permissions to toggle dancer's godmode", "NoDancersSpawn": "There are no dancers to spawn!", "GroupNotSpawned": "This group is not spawned", "GroupDespawn": "Group despawned", "SpecifyClothing": "You must specify the clothing", "SpecifyGod": "You must specify on or off for god mode", "SpecifyHp": "You must specify the amount of hp", "ToggleGod": "Dancer's godmode: {0}", "NoHpPerms": "You don't have permissions to set dancer's hp!", "SetHp": "Dancer's hp set to: {0}", "AddedClothing": "{0} added to the dancer", "RemovedClothing": "Removed dancer's clothes", "ClothingList": "Dancer's clothes: {0}", "GroupLimit": "Cannot create new dancer group! (Group limit reached!)", "GroupName": "Group name changed to: {0}", "DancerLimit": "Cannot add new dancer! (Dancer per group limit reached!)", "CUI YourGroups": "Your\nGroups", "CUI AllGroups": "All\nGroups", "NotExistWear": "{0} is non existing or not wearable item!", "NoMoreClothing": "This dancer can't take any more clothing!", "CUI SelectDancer": "Select Dancer", "CUI SelectedDancer": "Selected Dancer:\nID: {0}\nName: {1}", "CUI Name": "Name:", "CUI Random": "Random:", "CUI Dance": "Dance:", "CUI HP": "HP:", "CUI God": "God:", "CUI Owner": "Owner:", "CUI OwnerId": "OwnerID:", "CUI DancersAmount": "Amount of Dancers: {0}", "CUI Add": "Add Dancer", "CUI Remove": "Remove", "CUI NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet", "CUI Spawn": "Spawn", "CUI Despawn": "Despawn", "CUI Dances": "The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick", "CUI ClothingAdd": "Add clothing:", "CUI ClothingList": "Current clothing:", "CUI CreateGroup": "Create\nGroup" }
  10. Version 2.1.1


    Automated chat messages based on chat keywords, timer or various other triggers. Plugin comes with an easy to use Admin UI for complete setup, and supports special localization for your messages. You can define messages to be sent only to specific Groups or Permissions, and you can allow players to toggle on/off messages if they do not find them useful. SUPPORTED TRIGGERS If what you need is not here and still falls under the scope of the plugin description, reach out to me Timed | ChatCommand | AutoReply | NewPlayerJoined | PlayerConnected | PlayerDisconnected | PermissionGranted | PermissionRevoked | AddedToGroup | RemovedFromGroup | PlayerDead | CrateHacked | EnteredZone | LeftZone | EnteredMonument | LeftMonument COMMANDS /am.edit - (Admin UI for complete setup) - requires automatedmessages.admin permission /tips - (Player command for toggling on/off messages) command can be changed in the config file MESSAGES LOCALIZATION You can switch between languages in Admin UI to setup localized replies for every language the game supports. Check config section below for how to add languages. Game Tips You can utilize Rust's native game tip UI to show specific messages instead or along with sending it to chat. VARIABLES Variables can be included in the messages text to show further info based on the trigger or player. The plugin also supports https://umod.org/plugins/placeholder-api with the extensive list of variables it brings. {playername} {playerid} - Player steam id {playercountry} {hacklocation} - Specific to messages with type CrateHacked {wipetimeremaining} - Days/Hours till wipe (based on rust convar settings if a missile silo monument is present) {online} - # of players online {sleeping} - # of players sleeping {joining} - # of players joining CONFIG SETTINGS Below are only settings not currently available in Admin UI, highly recommended to edit triggers or actions using /am.edit Chat Icon (Steam Id) - Icon that will be used for all messages sent by the plugin, must be a steam id. Toggle Chat Command - "tips" - Chat command that allows a player to toggle on/off messages. AutoReply Cooldown (in seconds) - Per action cooldown timer when players type a keyword set. ChatCommand Cooldown (in seconds) - Per player cooldown timer when a player types a chat command. ZoneManager Cooldown (in seconds) - Per player cooldown timer on enter or exit zone. MonumentWatcher Cooldown (in seconds) - Per player cooldown timer on enter or exit monument. Replies Server Languages - Languages your server will support. Available options: af, ar, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-PT, en, es-ES, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt-PT, pt-BR, ro, ru, sr, sv, tr, uk, vi, zh-CN, zh-TW Default Server Language - Fallback language if player client language had no available replies, you must have at least one reply for this language for the action to function. AutoReply `Broadcast to all` option to broadcast to team only if keywords sent from team chat - true/false
  11. Version 1.0.1


    AI Assistant Bot Overview This AI Assistant bot is designed to interact with users on Discord by connecting to the OpenAI API. It supports a variety of features, including reading documents, handling attachments, and maintaining configurable conversation histories. Here's everything you need to know about configuring and using the bot. IMPORTANT NOTE Before continuing to read the instructions and explanations, please be aware that this bot relies on paid dependencies, including the OpenAI API key. You must ensure your API key has sufficient balance, as the cost depends on the size of your documents and the level of player interaction. While the cost is minimal for smaller servers, it may increase for larger communities with higher usage. I’ve explained more about the costs and other details below. If you’re looking for the installation guide, scroll down a bit past the explanation, and you’ll find it there. File and Folder Structure 1. As soon as you launch the bot for the first time, if no configuration file exists, you will see the following message: Default config.json file created. Please update it with your API keys and preferences. 2. You must update the `config.json` file with your desired settings, API keys, and preferences before relaunching the bot. After making the necessary configurations, restart the bot to apply the changes. 3. When you launch the bot for the first time, several files and folders are automatically generated to support its functionality. These include: Generated Folders: 1. `docs/`: - You can store documents in a folder for the bot to reference during conversations. While I haven’t tested it with many users simultaneously, the model-switching feature helps avoid rate limits, ensuring smooth operation. One of the models has no daily limits, so the bot should function without interruptions. However, your total text file size **should not exceed 10-12 MB** since no AI currently supports processing that much text efficiently. If you have large files, it's best to **split them into smaller chunks**—for example, separate files for topics like "raid," "ranks," and other categories to ensure optimal performance.(again please be sure your total documents wont hit 10-12 MB) In the near future, I plan to develop a **search system** that will make document retrieval **more efficient and cost-effective** for long-term usage! I hope this update will allow the bot to process documents in **image formats or PDFs** and support much larger files for better exploration. 2. `usage/`: - Contains two important configuration files: - **`whoami.txt`**: A file where you define the bot's identity. Use this file to explain who the bot is and configure its personality and purpose step by step. - **`conditions.txt`**: A file to specify conditions for the bot’s responses. For example, you can add rules like "Never generate harmful content" or "Avoid generating code." I’ve included my own configurations in the ZIP file you’ll receive—these have been tested and work well. However, you can edit them as needed. Some essential settings have already been added to ensure the bot functions properly. 3. `userschat/`: - Stores user conversation histories. The bot uses these files to remember the context of recent interactions for a configurable amount of time. 4. `downloads/`: - A folder to store files uploaded or downloaded by users during their interactions with the bot. 5. How to Configure the Usage Files The `usage/` folder includes the following AI-readable files: 1. `whoami.txt`: - Use this file to define the bot's identity. For example, you can write: `You are a helpful and friendly AI assistant designed to answer questions, provide guidance, and help users interact with documents.` - Configure it incrementally to refine the bot's personality. 2. `conditions.txt`: - Add conditions to guide the bot's responses. For example: `Never generate harmful or inappropriate content.` `Avoid generating programming code unless explicitly requested.` `Always provide accurate and ethical answers.` - These conditions help you customize the bot's behavior to align with your community's values. Tips for Efficient Configuration 1. Less is More: Write concise and clear prompts in these files to minimize token usage. Fewer but well-structured instructions reduce costs and improve the bot’s understanding. 2. Cost Insight: API usage costs are minimal. For instance, after over 1,000 requests and millions of tokens, the total cost was only 40 cents. However, ensure your OpenAI account has enough funds, as the bot will stop functioning if the balance is insufficient. AI-Understandable Files The bot processes these files naturally, so you can write them in plain, conversational language. For example: - Whoami Example: "You are a smart and efficient assistant that helps users manage files, answer queries, and provide creative solutions." - Conditions Example: "Avoid political discussions, never generate malicious content, and always prioritize user privacy." These files act as dynamic prompts that guide the bot’s behavior in real-time. Cost Management Tips - While the cost of running the bot is minimal, it scales based on the number of requests and tokens used. - Use concise prompts and optimize file content to reduce token usage. In future updates, I will introduce a token limit and methods to save tokens both on the bot side and the player side. However, there is already a setting called "temperature of response" in the bot config, which controls message length and creativity—making responses either longer and more creative or shorter and more precise. - Regularly monitor your OpenAI account balance to avoid interruptions. Adding funds ensures smooth operation, especially when the bot is used in a large community. Key Features 1. Multi-functional AI Assistant: - The bot connects to OpenAI API and supports multiple AI models such as `gpt-3.5-turbo`, `gpt-4`, and others. - It intelligently answers questions based on provided information and configuration settings. - I have carefully optimized the list of AI models to prioritize efficiency and avoid rate limits, all while maintaining functionality. Each request to the bot incurs a cost, as OpenAI's API usage is paid. If cost isn't a concern, the GPT-4 models are the best choice due to their superior creativity and advanced responses. However, for cost-effective usage, the configuration balances between model capabilities and expenses, ensuring a practical yet powerful bot experience. 2. Highly Configurable: - The bot is driven by a comprehensive configuration file generated on the first launch. You can customize nearly every aspect of its functionality. 3. Document Handling: - The bot supports attachments in formats like `txt`, `json`, and `csv`. These files can be processed for extended interactions, although this feature can be disabled if not preferred. 4. Conversation Tracking: - The bot maintains user conversations in files for a configured duration (`time_to_keep_history_conversation_in_secconds`). This helps the bot remember context within a specified timeframe before creating a new history file. 5. Rate Limit Handling: - Supports switching between AI models to avoid rate limits imposed by OpenAI's API tiers. - You can configure the rate limit thresholds for individual users. I was concerned about large communities using lower-tier OpenAI API keys, as they may face rate limit issues. To address this, I implemented a model-switching function to avoid these rate limits per minute. However, if you upgrade your account for long-term usage, you can reduce these problems. You can find more information about how OpenAI’s usage tiers work at this link: OpenAI Rate Limits Guide. On higher tiers, there are no usage limits, so you won’t encounter the same restrictions. If you spend over an specific amount, you should see no issues and enjoy smoother performance in the long run. 6. Spam Protection: - Users are limited to a configurable number of messages (e.g., 5 messages per minute) to prevent spam and API overuse. 7. Admin and Owner Controls: - Owner IDs in the configuration file can configure advanced settings and access an "EditingMode" for direct file and folder operations, allowing them to bypass limits on the code or have root access in the current or future updates. 8. Status and Activity Configuration: - The bot can display a custom status, activity type (e.g., "Playing AI-Assistant"), and optional activity URL. It supports most status and activity types based on the available Discord status documentation. 9. Response Temperature: - Adjust the bot's creativity and response tone using configurable temperature settings (e.g., "cold" for factual precision, "hot" for maximum creativity). How to Configure the Bot 1. Configuration File The bot generates a `config.json` file on its first launch. You'll need to configure this file step-by-step: - Discord Bot Token: Obtain it from Discord Developer Portal . Ensure to enable intents (Message Content, Presence, and Server Members) in the bot settings. - OpenAI API Key: Generate an API key from OpenAI Platform . Note that OpenAI is a paid service, and API usage costs depend on your tier (e.g., $5/month for basic usage). Each tier has different rate limits. - Owner IDs: Add your Discord user IDs to grant access to advanced bot controls. - Log Channels and Warnings: Configure `log_channel_ids` for file upload/download logs and `warning_ids` to notify admins of unauthorized access attempts. How to Use the Bot 1. Editing Mode Admins can enter Editing Mode to manage files and folders using simple commands. All explanations can be found once you enter Editing Mode by typing the available help commands. 1. Change Directory: Use commands like `cd <directoryname>` or `cd ..` to navigate between directories. 2. List Files: Use `ls` or `list` to see the files in the current directory. 3. View File: Use `view <filename>` to display the contents of a file. 4. Edit File: Use `edit <filename>` to modify a file's contents. 5. Download Files: Use `download <filename>` to download a specific file, or `download all` to download all files. 6. Create/Remove Files: Use `add <filename>` to create a file, and `rm <filename>` to delete a file. 7. Exit Editing Mode: Use `exit` to leave Editing Mode. Handling Attachments - The bot can process file attachments in supported formats (`txt`, `json`, `csv`). However, enabling this feature may lead to excessive API usage if users send large files. You can enable or disable this feature in the configuration: "handle_attachments (true/false) - Enable this to allow the bot to respond to file uploads or images. Note: This will use more tokens per API request depending on how large the text file is.": "false", 2. Configurable Settings 1. Bot Status You can set the bot's status and activity type in the configuration: "bot_status": { "status(e.g. online,idle,dnd)": "online", "activity_type(e.g. playing, listening, watching, competing or streaming)": "playing", "activity_text": "AI-Assistant", "activity_url": "https://www.twitch.tv/your_channel - Place a twitch link here if activity type is set to streaming." }, 2. Spam Protection To prevent abuse, configure message rate limits: "spam_detection": { "message_limit": 5, "rate_limit_period (in seconds)": 60 }, This limits users to 5 messages per minute by default. Adjust these settings as needed. 3. Response Temperature Control the bot's tone and creativity: - Cold: Factual and precise. - Neutral: Balanced between precision and creativity. - Warm: Creative responses while maintaining relevance. - Hot: Highly creative and speculative. You can also override with a temperature value between `0.1` and `1.0`: "Response Temperature": { "Ai_selected_mode(e.g. cold,natural,warm,hot)": "natural", "Ai_promopts_explnation": { "Cold (Low creativity, high precision)": "Respond with factual and precise information, avoiding creative or speculative responses.", "Neutral (Balanced creativity and precision)": "Respond with a balance of creativity and accuracy, adapting tone to fit the context.", "Warm (Higher creativity, moderate precision)": "Respond creatively while maintaining relevance to the topic.", "Hot (Max creativity, low precision)": "Respond with maximum creativity, even if it involves speculative or unconventional ideas." }, "Temperature Value (Optional Override 0.1 to 1.0 (Cant be 0.0 it means disabled temp minimum is 0.1))": 0.0, "Temperature_Value_prompt": "Your selected response temperature has been set to {prompt_temp_value} please resonse the message according to this temprature float number that is between 0.1 and 1 anythings beyond 1.0 is equal to 1.0 low means less creativity and amount of text higher means lots of creativity and explnation", "Set this to false to disable the `no_temp_error` message. Remove Ai_selected_mode and set temperature to 0.0 for a natural AI response.": "true" }, 4. file Cleanup Configuration The File Cleanup section in the configuration file controls how the bot manages and cleans up old user conversation files. This feature ensures that storage isn't unnecessarily occupied by outdated conversation histories. "file_cleanup": { "file_age_limit_seconds": 727200, "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": 43200 }, Key Parameters: 1. "file_age_limit_seconds": - Specifies the maximum age (in seconds) a conversation file can reach before being deleted. - For example, if set to `727200`, files older than 8 days (727200 seconds) will be automatically removed. 2. "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": - Defines the interval (in seconds) at which the bot will check for and delete outdated files. - If set to `43200`, the bot will check for aged files every 12 hours. 3. Disable Cleanup: - To disable the cleanup feature entirely and retain all conversation histories permanently, set `cleanup_interval_seconds` to `0`: "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation" How It Works: - The bot periodically scans the `userschat/` folder to identify files older than the age limit ("file_age_limit_seconds"). - Any files that exceed this age are automatically deleted during the cleanup interval. - This ensures efficient management of storage and prevents excessive buildup of old files. By adjusting these settings, you can control how long user conversations are retained and the frequency of cleanup operations. For servers with strict data retention policies, this feature can be fine-tuned or disabled entirely. 5. Bot Messages Every bot message is fully configurable in the `bot_messages` section. You can edit warnings, greetings, or any response to match your preferences or server culture. Version and Updates - Current Version: `1.0.0` - Updates are guaranteed if there are any issues or bugs in the code. New feature updates will only be provided if new ideas come to mind or are suggested through user feedback. However: > This bot is actively used by me, so any new updates or enhancements will be released as soon as they are ready! # Guide to Install and Run Your Discord AI Assistant Bot # Update Your Server Ensure your server is up-to-date before proceeding (this is crucial if you are hosting the bot on your own machine): sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Install Python 3 and pip Install Python 3 and `pip` (Python package manager). If you're logged in as `root`, you can omit `sudo`: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip -y Verify the Installation Run the following commands to confirm Python 3 and `pip` are installed correctly: python3 --version pip3 --version > Example Output: SHAYAN:/home python3 --version Python 3.8.10 SHAYAN:/home pip3 --version pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8) Install Virtual Environment (Optional but Recommended) To isolate your Python project, install the `venv` module: sudo apt install python3-venv -y Create a Virtual Environment Create a virtual environment to keep dependencies isolated: python3 -m venv venv Activate the Virtual Environment Activate the virtual environment to work within it: source venv/bin/activate Note: To deactivate the virtual environment, run the following command later:: deactivate Install Required Dependencies Use `pip3` (or `pip` inside the virtual environment) to install the necessary libraries for the bot: pip3 install discord.py openai Important Note If you encounter errors like: `Error: module 'openai' has no attribute 'error'` or issues related to the version of the `openai` library being outdated, too new, or incompatible, use the following command to fix the problem: pip install openai==0.28.0 This will install the specific version `0.28.0` of the `openai` library, which is known to work with the bot. Once installed, the bot should start working without issues. Run Your Bot Navigate to the directory where your bot script (`AIasistant.py`) is located and run it: cd /path/to/your/script python3 AIasistant.py 1.Navigation Tips: - Use `cd directory_name` to go into a directory. - Use `cd ..` to go back one directory. - If you need to upload the script file (`AIasistant.py`) from your local PC to your host, use an SFTP client like WinSCP or FileZilla. Alternatively, open the file on your host using `nano`: nano AIasistant.py Paste the bot code, then save and exit using `Ctrl + X`, `Y`, and `Enter`. Hosting Platforms for Your Bot While this guide assumes you're running the bot on your own server, there are several platforms where you can host your Discord bot. Tip: Many of these platforms provide pre-installed Python environments with dependencies. If you're using such a platform, you may not need to install Python manually—just upload the bot code and define dependencies. Pre-Bundled Virtual Environment (Optional) I’ve already set up a virtual environment (`venv`) with all dependencies installed alongside the bot code. You can simply transfer it to your host and run the bot. However: - Python 3 must still be installed on the host. - The `venv` may not work directly if the host's OS differs from your local system. To make it work: 1. Upload the zip file to the host using SFTP or any file transfer method. 2. Extract the contents using the following command: unzip -o AI-Assistant.zip 3. Navigate to the directory containing the files: cd AI-Assistant 4. Activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate 5. Run the bot: python3 AIassistant.py Tip: You can use tools like **tmux** or **nohup** to keep the bot running on your host permanently. These tools allow the bot to continue running even if you disconnect from the server. You can search online for tutorials on how to use them. While the bot itself is stable and won’t crash, occasional Discord rate limits or heartbeat issues might cause it to stop. Most professional bot hosting platforms include anti-crash mechanisms, so you generally don’t need to worry about this. If transferring the `AI-Assistant.zip` does not work, simply recreate the virtual environment on the host and install dependencies by following the initial setup steps above. # Final Note # Please remember that OpenAI's API is a paid service, and there is a usage cost per message. Be sure to check your usage to manage costs effectively. If you need help or have questions about the bot, feel free to reach out to me on Discord: ` shayan_. ` You can contact me there for assistance. As far as this post and tool are concerned, I’ve decided to give a part of this project to AI. I wrote the message fully and gave some parts of it to AI to fix and format the tutorial and explanations for me For sure, it’s much more readable than my original text But thanks to AI, our world might be an easier—or scarier—place in close future! # Exact Configuration File # { "discord_bot_token": "Enter your Discord bot token from https://discord.com/developers/applications. Remember to enable intents in the bot configuration.", "openai_api_key": "Enter your OpenAI API key here. Purchase it at https://platform.openai.com/ to use OpenAI models. More details are in the README file.", "discord_link": "Your Discord Server Link Here", "ai_models": [ "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "chatgpt-4o-latest", "gpt-4o-mini", "gpt-4o" ], "time_to_keep_history_conversation_in_secconds": 3600, "handle_attachments (true/false) - Enable this to allow the bot to respond to file uploads or images. Note: This will use more tokens per API request depending on how large the text file is.": "false", "send_bot_response_in_2000_characters_chunks": "true", "allowed_file_extentions": [ "txt", "json", "csv" ], "blacklisted_directories_to_expand": [ "userschat" ], "owner_ids": [ "User IDs listed here will have access to editing mode and avoid rate limits.", "owner_discord_user_id_1", "owner_discord_user_id_2" ], "warning_ids": [ "Warnings about unauthorized access will be sent to these user IDs.", "warning_discord_user_id_1", "warning_discord_user_id_2" ], "warning_channel_ids": [ "Warnings about unauthorized access will be sent to these channels.", "warning_discord_channel_id_1", "warning_discord_channel_id_2" ], "warning_role_ids": [ "Discord role IDs listed here will be tagged in warning channel messages.", "discord_role_to_tag_1", "discord_role_to_tag_2" ], "log_channel_ids": [ "Logs related to file uploads and downloads will be sent to these channels.", "log_discord_channel_id_1", "log_discord_channel_id_2" ], "editingmode_commands": { "enter_editingmode": [ "editingmode", "editmode" ], "listing_command": [ "ls", "list", "files", "avilable" ], "change_dir": [ "cd", "dir", "directory" ], "change_dir_return": [ "..", "back", "return" ], "show_file": [ "view", "show" ], "download_file": [ "download", "get" ], "download_all": [ "all", "everything" ], "edit_file": [ "edit", "change", "replace" ], "append_to_file": [ "append", "addto" ], "new_file": [ "add", "new", "mk" ], "remove_file": [ "remove", "rm", "del" ], "exiting_command": [ "exit", "quit", "deactive", "leave" ], "help_commands": [ "cmd", "help", "command", "commands" ] }, "auto_cleanup": { "Clear the last conversation from the bot prompt if its size exceeds the specified limit in kilobytes (KB). This helps reduce token usage per request and improves efficiency.": 20, "Create_new_conversation_file_if_size_limit_exceeded": "true" }, "file_cleanup": { "file_age_limit_seconds": 727200, "cleanup_interval_seconds - if = 0 it means disable and never clean the users conversation": 43200 }, "chat_history": { "allow_users_to_clearself_history (true/false)": "true", "clear_chat_history_commands": [ "clearhistory", "clean", "clear", "reset" ], "not_allowed_message": "**You dont have permission to clear your chat history it would automatically be reseted every `{time_threshold_secconds}` secconds.**" }, "bot_status": { "status(e.g. online,idle,dnd)": "online", "activity_type(e.g. playing, listening, watching, competing or streaming)": "playing", "activity_text": "AI-Assistant", "activity_url": "https://www.twitch.tv/your_channel - Place a twitch link here if activity type is set to streaming." }, "spam_detection": { "message_limit": 5, "rate_limit_period (in seconds)": 60 }, "Response Temperature": { "Ai_selected_mode(e.g. cold,natural,warm,hot)": "natural", "Ai_promopts_explnation": { "Cold (Low creativity, high precision)": "Respond with factual and precise information, avoiding creative or speculative responses.", "Neutral (Balanced creativity and precision)": "Respond with a balance of creativity and accuracy, adapting tone to fit the context.", "Warm (Higher creativity, moderate precision)": "Respond creatively while maintaining relevance to the topic.", "Hot (Max creativity, low precision)": "Respond with maximum creativity, even if it involves speculative or unconventional ideas." }, "Temperature Value (Optional Override 0.1 to 1.0 (Cant be 0.0 it means disabled temp minimum is 0.1))": 0.0, "Temperature_Value_prompt": "Your selected response temperature has been set to {prompt_temp_value} please resonse the message according to this temprature float number that is between 0.1 and 1 anythings beyond 1.0 is equal to 1.0 low means less creativity and amount of text higher means lots of creativity and explnation", "Set this to false to disable the `no_temp_error` message. Remove Ai_selected_mode and set temperature to 0.0 for a natural AI response.": "true" }, "bot_messages": { "warning_message": "# {role_tags} \n **Warning!** User ID `{user_id}` - tagged as <@{user_id}> tried to access the editing system without permission.", "warning_message_direct": "# **Warning!** User ID `{user_id}` - tagged as <@{user_id}> tried to access the editing system without permission.", "not_owner_message": " You are not an owner to use this command. This action has been reported to the admins to take actions. ", "not_allowed_assistant": "**Assistant is not allowed to assist with the following files: {attachment}. Files like photos, PDFs, or any type of attachments are not assistable due to security reasons. This feature has been disabled by the admins. If you need assistance with something that requires attachments uploading, please contact Admins themselves. You can open a ticket on our Discord server:** \n {discord_link}", "file_upload": "**[`{attachment.filename}`]({attachment.url}) uploaded to `{user_state.current_directory}` by <@{user_id}> (UserID:`{user_id}`)**", "file_download": "**[`{file_name}`]({file_link}) downloaded by <@{user_id}> (UserID: `{user_id}`)**", "limited_use": "<@{user_id}>, you're sending too many messages! Please wait `{time_left}` more seconds before sending another message.", "not_allowed_to_leave": "**You are not allowed to leave this directory! (No other Direcotry with bot access exist please type the command with a directory name after it to switch path)**", "no_temp_error": " No temperature is defined. Please contact the developers about this problem.", "no_valid_defined_prompt": "No response temperature is defined. Response as you like", "normal_users_greeting": "# You are now connected with **Epic-Rust.org AI Assistant**. Feel free to ask any questions about the server! Please note that your conversation with the bot is being saved to improve your experience. Join our [Discord](https://epic-rust.org/discord) | Visit our [Shop](https://epic-rust.org/) | Check out our [Steam Group](https://epic-rust.org/steam)", "normal_users_greeting_clearning_access": "# You are now connected with **Epic-Rust.org AI Assistant**. Feel free to ask any questions about the server! Please note that your conversation with the bot is being saved to improve your experience - If you encounter bot issues or bad responses, simply clear the conversation history using {clear_commands} for a fresh start and more accurate answers. Join our [Discord](https://epic-rust.org/discord) | Visit our [Shop](https://epic-rust.org/) | Check out our [Steam Group](https://epic-rust.org/steam)", "owner_users_greeting": "# Welcome, Admin! You can enter **Editing Mode** by simply typing {formatted_editing_mode_args}. Once inside, use {formatted_Valid_Help_Commands} to view all available commands and options for the bot. ", "how_to_use": "**Available Commands:**\n# 1. **{formatted_change_dir_args} <directoryname> or using {formatted_change_dir_args} {formatted_dir_return_args}**: Change the current directory.\n# 2. **{formatted_listing_args}**: List the contents of the current directory.\n# 3. **{formatted_show_file_args} <filename>**: View the contents of a specific file.\n# 4. **{formatted_download_file_args} <filename>**: Download a specific file.\n# 5. **{formatted_download_file_args} {formatted_download_all_args}**: Download all files in the current directory, 8 files at a time.\n# 6. **{formatted_edit_file_args} <filename>**: Edit the contents of a specific file. You will be prompted to enter the new content for the file.\n# 7. **{formatted_append_to_files_args} <filename>**: Append content to an existing file. You will be prompted to provide the content to append.\n# 8. **{formatted_new_file_args} <filename>**: Create a new file and add content to it. You will be prompted to enter the content for the new file.\n# 9. **{formatted_remove_file_args} <filename>**: Delete a specific file.\n# 10. **{formatted_exit_command_args}**: Exit editing mode if you are in it.\n# For more help, just type {formatted_Valid_Help_Commands} again. Happy exploring!", "bot_cleared_message": "**The bot does not remember the last conversation due to file size limits and long conversation. A new conversation file has been created. Please proceed with your questions again.**" }, "version": "1.0.1", "Created By": "SHAYAN - Discord Id for more support: shayan_. " } Discord ID : SHAYAN_.
  12. Dubs


    Version 1.0.0


    SimpleRCON is a Discord bot designed to manage RCON commands and mute/unmute players on game servers directly from Discord. It allows authorized users to run server commands and perform player moderation actions like muting players, while enforcing role-based permission controls. This bot allows you to select a server and then run commands or perform actions like muting a player, all through intuitive slash commands. Features - RCON Command Execution: Run any allowed RCON commands on a selected server. - Player Mute/Unmute: Mute or unmute a player on a specific server with customizable duration and reason. - Role-Based Access Control: Restrict command access based on Discord roles. - Whitelisted Commands: Only commands listed in the `whitelisted_commands` configuration can be run (unless the user has a bypass role). - Ephemeral Feedback: All responses are sent as ephemeral messages for better privacy and less clutter. - Logging: Tracks who used the bot and logs command usage. Prerequisites Before running the bot, ensure you have the following: - A valid Discord Bot Token. - A valid Battlemetrics API Key (for interacting with game servers). - The required configuration files (`config.json` and `embed_config.json`). - A Rust server linked to battlemetrics. You can add multiple servers to the config, and they will automatically show up on the embed. For questions or problems, please reach out to dubsrust on discord or send me a message on codefling.
  13. Version 1.0.4


    Introducing the Rust Store & Twitch Drops Updates Discord Bot – your all-in-one solution for keeping your Rust community informed about the latest in-game items and exclusive Twitch Drops! This bot automatically checks for updates from the Rust item store and Twitch Drops, delivering them directly to your Discord channel. Perfect for Rust server communities, content creators, and enthusiasts who want to stay ahead of the game without manual tracking. --- What This Bot Does 1. Rust Store Updates Automatically checks the Steam Rust store for the latest skins and items. The bot sends updates in a beautiful embed format, including: Item Name Price High-Quality Image Direct Purchase Link 2. Twitch Drops Notifications Keeps track of Twitch Drops and notifies your community about: General Drops available on all Rust streams with the "Drops Enabled" tag. Streamer-Specific Drops with details on the specific streamer to watch, the time required to earn the drop, and an image preview. 3. Fully Customizable Adjust colors, text, and database preferences in the simple config.json file. The bot supports both SQLite and MySQL, allowing it to scale from small communities to large, high-traffic Discord servers. 4. Efficient and Lightweight Built for speed and reliability, the bot ensures no updates are missed, with configurable intervals to suit your community's needs. Why Use This Bot? 1. Stay Updated Automatically Never miss a Rust store or Twitch Drops update – the bot does all the tracking for you. 2. Engage Your Community Hype up your members with instant notifications about new skins, exclusive Twitch Drops, and more. 3. Support for Twitch Drops Ensure your community is informed about limited-time skins available through Twitch events, boosting engagement and excitement. 4. Easy to Configure Whether you're running a local server, VPS, or hosting on Pterodactyl, the bot is simple to set up with clear configuration options. Features Rust Store Updates Weekly updates about new items in the Rust store. Twitch Drops Notifications Real-time notifications about available general and streamer-specific Twitch Drops. Customizable Embeds Easily adjust text fields, colors, and footer messages to align with your community's branding. Database Flexibility Use SQLite for smaller setups or MySQL for more complex environments. Ideal Use Cases - Rust Server Communities: Announce new items and keep your server members engaged. - Rust Content Creators: Share weekly updates with fans and followers to keep them engaged with your community. - Twitch Streamers: Integrate this bot to notify viewers about Twitch Drop items and make your streams the go-to place for exclusive updates. --- Feel free to contact me on Discord: bxcas for any questions, customizations, or support! Config File { "check_interval_minutes": 1440, "enable_steam": true, "enable_twitch": true, "steam_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "twitch_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your-webhook-url", "embed": { "steam": { "title": "Steam Store", "title_field_name": "Item Name", "price_field_name": "Price", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "FF0000" }, "twitch": { "title": "Twitch Drops", "streamer_field_name": "Streamer", "watch_time_field_name": "Watch Time Required", "footer_text": "YourCompany © 2024", "footer_icon_url": "https://example.com/path/to/icon.png", "color": "9146FF" } }, "database": { "type": "mysql or sqlite", "mysql": { "host": "your-database-host", "user": "your-database-user", "port": 3306, "password": "your-database-password", "database": "your-database-name" } } } General Settings check_interval_minutes - Interval in minutes between each check for new Rust items. Example: 60 for every hour. enable_steam: true/false - Enable/Disable Steam Store notifications enable_twitch: true/false - Enable/Disable Twitch Drops notifications steam_webhook_url: Your Steam Discord webhook URL for sending updates. twitch_ webhook_url: Your Twitch Discord webhook URL for sending updates. Embed Settings (Customize Discord Message) title_field_name - Label for the item title in the message. Example: "Name". price_field_name - Label for the item’s price in the message. Example: "Price". footer_company_name - Name of your server or community displayed in the message footer. Example: "Rust Server". footer_icon_url - URL for an icon image (like your logo) shown in the footer. Example: "https://yourwebsite.com/logo.png". embed_color - Color of the embed message Database Settings type - Type of database to use. Options are "sqlite" for local or "mysql" for remote storage. MySQL Settings (Only if using "mysql") host - Hostname or IP address of your MySQL database. Example: "localhost" or "". user - Username for accessing your MySQL database. Example: "root". port - Port number for connecting to MySQL. Default: 3306. password - Password for your MySQL database user. Example: "mysecretpassword". database - Name of the specific MySQL database for storing item data. Example: "rust_store_data".
  14. Version 2.1.5


    Clans for discord Recently, some of the top servers have been making clan bots for their Discord which can drive a thriving Discord community which is one of the most important things for a Rust server. Having a thriving Discord community means you are able to hold onto those players for your servers. Users can make a clan, invite their friends, promote and demote their friends within the clan, and even if they wanted to disband the clan they can. You can set the bot to make a clan text chat, displaying clans separately from online members, give the leader a special role, ETC* The non admin commands are: - clan create - clan invite - clan promote - clan demote - clan info - clan kick - clan leave - clan disband The admin commands are: - clan edit - clan force disband - clan force kick member - clan force invite member All clans and everything are stored in a database that you provide, so the clan data cannot messed up VIA roles and what not. All the commands are slash commands for ease of use as seen in the attached photos. All commands are protected by user checks. So people cannot do actions for clans that they are not in unless they are given an admin role that is defined in the bot config. The bot is very simple to install The file also includes a readme.md file which includes the info that you need to know. Need support or want updates about what is coming to the bot? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  15. Version 0.0.5


    This addon allows personal bots to raid buildings and kill players/bots with rocket launcher and grenade launcher. The bot uses the ammo in its inventory and shoots exactly with it, unless the function of infinite ammo is enabled. Otherwise, it will use those ammo that are specified in the config for the weapon used. To use this plugin, you need the main PersonalNPC plugin. Default configuration: { "Permission to use this addon on all bots of player (not required)": "pnpcaddonraid.override-setup", "Multiple Grenade Launcher Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.prefab" }, "Rocket Launcher Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab" }, "Snowball Gun Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/snowball/snowball.projectile.prefab" } } Video:
  16. Version 1.2


    Rust Maps Poll is a dynamic Discord bot designed for Rust server administrators to effortlessly create interactive map polls for their community. It fetches live Rust map data and provides an engaging way for players to vote on maps for the next server wipe or event. Key Features Fetch Rust Maps: Automatically retrieves map data from the Rust Maps API, ensuring accurate and up-to-date options. Poll Creation: Create custom map polls with up to 4 maps, allowing users to vote by reacting with emoji buttons. Automatic Poll Duration: Set poll durations ranging from minutes to days, with the bot handling the end-of-poll logic. Automated Results: Once the poll ends, the bot tallies the votes and displays the winning map along with the full vote breakdown. 🛠 Commands /poll Creates a new map poll with up to 4 maps from Rust Maps. Usage: /poll ids:<comma-separated map IDs> duration:<poll duration> role:<optional role ping> Example: /poll ids:abc123,def456,ghi789 duration:30m role:@Everyone Poll End: The poll automatically ends based on the duration set, and a result summary is posted. Real-Time Updates: Users cast votes by reacting with emojis, which are counted and displayed in real-time. /endvoting Manually end a poll before the set duration. Usage: /endvoting messageId:<message ID of the poll> Example: /endvoting messageId:123456789012345678 How It Works Create Poll: Use the /poll command to generate a map poll. The bot fetches map data, prepares the images, and posts the poll in the specified channel. Vote Interaction: Players vote by reacting to the poll with one of the designated map emojis. The bot tracks and counts all reactions. Poll Ending: When the poll reaches its set duration, or if ended early by an admin, the bot tallies the votes and announces the winning map along with the vote distribution. Result Posting: The results are posted in the same channel where the poll was created, ensuring transparency for all members.
  17. Version 0.1.0


    This add-on for the PersonalNPC plugin allows bots to fly to different points on the map. The owner spawns the bot, gets into the helicopter as a passenger, selects a point on the in-game map and the bot starts flying towards it. To use this plugin, you need the main PersonalNPC plugin, and you need to enable the use of this addon in the bot settings. Default configuration: { "Max height above the ground": 25.0, "Minimum height to fly forward/backward": 15.0, "Max slope by forward axis": 0.3, "Pitch strength": 0.2, "Throttle strength": 1.0, "Land throttle strength": 0.5, "YAW strength (rotation around its axis)": 1.0 } Video:
  18. Version 1.5.15


    DBD Nexus DBD Nexus is your comprehensive solution for centralized bot management. Our intuitive UI streamlines your operations, allowing seamless configuration and control from a singular dashboard. Say goodbye to cumbersome config files and embrace efficiency with DBD Nexus. DBD Nexus allows users to run their Discord Bots on their machines. Users can choose to use the site for configuration or a local configuration file. FREE Modules Our platform offers a wide range of modules including many free features! FREE Trials Every module on DBD Nexus has an optional Free trial where you can test every feature completely for free! Hosted Locally Every bot runs on your own machine, this way you will always have full control over your own bots and no monthly hosting fees! Previews This is the home page where you can quickly navigate to the most important pages. Modules Page - On this page you activate and manage all your modules. Module Page - Each module has its own details page that shows important details about the module. Profile Page - On this page you can see all your account details, modules, payments, logs and more! Configuration Page - On this page you can configure all your bot features and much more! Language Selector - More languages will be added overtime. (or help translate with us!) Local Discord Bot App - Here is a image where one Discord bot is locally running on your machine. Local Bot Folder - This is how the bot files look like when running the bot locally. Links DBD Nexus: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/ Bot Download: https://discord.com/channels/488177151946915841/1207711313132916878 Documentation: https://docs.defaultsbotdev.com/docs/nexus/info Support DBD Suport Server: https://discord.gg/bkAMbSWk8Z Get Started Here For Free: https://nexus.defaultsbotdev.com/
  19. Version 2.0.0


    custommap | This will generate a custom map with your given custom map settings. The command is custommap number < The number is the amount of maps that will be generated The custom map generator saves your config so you can use it over and over again without needing to put in the config each time you want to make a custom map. When checking for maps VIA a filter Id, you can put in a filterID after the check command and it will search maps VIA that filterID. If you don't put in a filter ID it will default to the filter ID's that you stored in the config. The bot is VERY easy to set up with a very simple and straight forward config. The file includes a READ_ME.txt file which tells you exactly how to set up the bot! Very simple and can be ran for free on your own machine or on a hosted service. If you are on the edge of getting the bot or want some more information don't be afraid to join my support Discord and ask away! If you need support I am always ready to help with any issues that you are having! https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7 PS: I Am not associated with RustMaps, just building addons for external use!
  20. Version 1.0.33


    Encourage your players to submit suggestions in an organized and efficient manner using our powerful, intuitive bot. This bot offers several features designed to create a smooth suggestions process and enhance player engagement. Features Threads are automatically attached to each suggestion, allowing players and staff to discuss the suggestion in detail. Once a decision is made (approval or denial), the thread is locked for a set period (configured in the settings), after which it is deleted. User stats track the number of suggestions made and the number that were approved or denied. Admins can approve or deny suggestions directly using /approve or /deny commands. The suggestions channel remains clean and organized, with no one able to post messages directly, though conversation can still occur in the threads until they are locked. Once a decision is finalized, the user who made the suggestion is tagged in the thread so they are informed of the outcome. More features are planned for future updates! This setup will help keep the suggestion process neat and engaging while ensuring transparency and easy communication between players and staff. Commands /suggest <suggestion> - Make a suggestion /approve <suggestion_id> - Approves a suggestion by ID /deny <suggestion_id> - Denies a suggestion by ID Installation Guide Python 3.10 - This is a self hosted bot. We do not host this bot for you. You must be comfortable editing json files, and you should know how to make a Discord bot. General basic discord bot self hosting knowledge required. If setting up through Pterodactyl, or some type of hosting panel, make sure that you change the ingest file from `app.py` to `main.py`.
  21. Version 1.0.2


    If your organization has Trial Admins that need to have their bans approved by Admins and higher or by a ban approval team, this Discord bot is for you. By setting up your organization to require ban approvals for Trial Admins, or Admins in training, you are ensuring that your bans have what is expected of them, that the evidence is good, and that false bans don't happen as often. This will also help reinforce training among your new staff, and will help them get accustomed to how your organization runs things. Its easy to use, and can be setup in minutes. Hooks directly into Battlemetrics API, so it'll grab all the ban information for you! Installation Before you start, you're going to need a Python bot host. I have hosting available upon request, and can be reach via Discord: @BippyMiester or in our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/CUH3vADmMp 1. Upload the .zip file contents into the root of your Bot Host. 2. Rename the `.env.example` file to just `.env` 3. Fill out the settings. If the variable does not have "" after the equals, do not put quotes around that value... Example: What the variable looks like before editing BOT_MANAGER_ROLE_ID= # No Quotes - Good BOT_MANAGER_ROLE_ID=1234567890 # Quotes - Bad BOT_MANAGER_ROLE_ID="1234567890" What the variable looks like before editing BATTLEMETRICS_TOKEN="" # Quotes - Good BATTLEMETRICS_TOKEN="jhklasjdhlfkjhsadlkfjhasd" # No Quotes - Bad BATTLEMETRICS_TOKEN=jhklasjdhlfkjhsadlkfjhasd 4. Start the bot! main.py Example Config SERVER_NETWORK_NAME="RustX" DISCORD_API_TOKEN="" BATTLEMETRICS_TOKEN="" PREFIX="." DEBUG_LEVEL="default" BOT_MANAGER_ROLE_ID=123456789 GUILD_ID=123456789 APPROVAL_QUEUE_CHANNEL_ID=123456789 APPROVED_BANS_CHANNEL_ID=123456789 REJECTED_BANS_CHANNEL_ID=123456789 # Leave the variable blank if you have nothing to put there. # Dont put dummy role ids in these fields. APPROVAL_ROLE_1=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_2=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_3=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_4=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_5=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_6=123456789 APPROVAL_ROLE_7=123456789 DISABLE_BUTTONS_OR_DELETE_MESSAGE="delete" # "Correct Values: disable | delete" Commands /ping - Test the bots latency /ba - Submit a new ban approval request How to fill out the questions The first question should be answered with a link that looks like this. /rcon/bans/edit/<insert_id_here> Send question is what would you like the ban to be extended to, if anything. Upcoming Features Ability to automatically edit the ban from discord by clicking approve Add a team tag to the approval queue embeds Add certain roles/members to the ban denial thread Button to print out the number of bans / the bans themselves for the banned user Editable embed - Ability to include or not include certain fields in the embed Open to suggestions for new features as well!
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Discord2Ptero allows you to start, kill, restart or save your Rust servers straight from a Discord channel. 1. Create a client API key @ https://your.pterodactyl.link/account/api and place it in .env file - application key will NOT work! 2. Include link to https://your.pterodactyl.link/account/api in .env file (no trailing slash) 3. Add bot token, channel IDs etc... to .env file 4. Add servers to servers.json (you can find server ID under 'UUID / Docker Container ID' in server details) 5. Enjoy! Requires a Python bot environment & full administration access on a Pterodactyl panel to function
  23. Version 0.0.3


    This plugin equips personal bots with intelligence for driving cars. All you need to do is sit in the passenger seat and set the destination point on the map. In the config, you can change the maximum speed, the maximum number of crossways for the search engine, disable the obstacle detection system (beta) and change some other settings. Don't forget to enable the ability to drive vehicles in the PersonalNPC configuration. Video demonstration: { "Permission to use this addon on all bots of player (not required)": "pnpcaddoncar.override-setup", "Search Mechanism settings": { "Max crossways amount for search method (0-2)": 2 }, "Driver settings": { "Max speed": 15.0 }, "Obstacle detection settings": { "Disable obstacle detection?": false, "Ray length": 5.0 }, "Minor settings": { "Enable visual debug?": false } }
  24. Limmek

    Rust Wipe Bot

    Version 1.0.0


    Rust Wipe Bot Rust Wipe Bot is a tool that automates the process of wiping your Rust server. It works by using the Pterodactyl or Pelican panels' Schedules feature to send commands to the bot, which then triggers different actions on your server. It is also possible to send commands to the bot directly in the command prompt on the panel page. The bot is compatible with any Pterodactyl or Pelican Rust egg, as it utilizes the panel API to perform actions such as removing files, sending in-game messages, or executing commands on your Rust server. Know working Rust eggs: Rust Autowipe Rust All-in-One Pterodactyl Egg (Oxide/Carbon) One of the advantages of the bot is that it doesn't need to be restarted when you make changes to the configuration files. The files are loaded dynamically when a command is called. Additionally, the bot is capable of handling multiple servers and commands simultaneously, thanks to its ability to run each command in its own thread. The supported configuration file formats for the bot are .yml or .yaml and is located in the config folder, where you also can find a example. It is strongly recommended to create one configuration file for each wipe schedule. Available commands: command <config file> <command to execute> - Execute a command on the server. message <config file> <message to send> - Send a in-game message to the server, useful for notifying players about an upcoming wipe. wipe <config file> - Triggers a server wipe. quit - Shutdown the bot. How to use the bot: 1. Make a copy or edit the example configuration file inside the config folder to meet your needs. 2. Go to Schedules and create a new schedule. 3. Add a new task with the action "Send command" and add a command to the payload: command <name of config file> o.reload * or message <name of config file> Server will wipe in 10 minutes. or wipe <name of config file> Note: If more than one task is provided within the scheduler don't forget to set the time offset. How to install: 1. Create a new server using the provided egg called "egg-rust-wipe-bot.json". 2. Upload the "rustwipebot.zip" archive to the server's Files section. Once uploaded, you can unarchive the zip file or trigger a reinstall in the server's Settings section. 3. Navigate to the Files section and modify the .ENV file with the panel url and a client API key. Note: You can create a client API key under your profile on the panel website, Account Settings -> API Credentials. 4. Start the bot. During startup, it will automatically install all the necessary dependencies. Example of a configuration file. # Server identifier (abbreviated UUID) server_id: abcd1234 # If the server do not shutdown properly by any reason, the bot will attempt to kill the server process. force_kill: false # Set to true if you want to reinstall the server. This should not be used unless you want to reinstall the server for any reason. reinstall_server: false # Remove specified files or folders. Supports wildcards. files_to_remove: [ server/rust/player.deaths.*.db, server/rust/player.deaths.*.db-wal, server/rust/player.identities.*.db, server/rust/player.identities.*.db-wal, server/rust/player.states.*.db, server/rust/player.states.*.db-wal, server/rust/player.blueprints.5.db, server/rust/player.blueprints.5.db-wal, server/rust/proceduralmap.*.*.*.map, server/rust/proceduralmap.*.*.*.sav, server/rust/proceduralmap.*.*.*.sav.*, server/rust/sv.files.*.db, server/rust/sv.files.*.db-wal, oxide/data/Kits_Data.json, oxide/data/NTeleportationHome.json, oxide/logs/*.log, oxide/logs/*.txt, ] # Set the server seed(s) and size to use for the world. # Add "random" as a seed to generate a random seed between 100000 and 999999, or a custom range to use like 3000-4000. # If multiple seeds are provided, the bot will randomly choose one, but it will never use the same seed unless only one seed is provided. world_seeds: - seed: 153525773 size: 1000 - seed: 3000-4000 size: 1500 - seed: random size: 2000 # Custom world URL(s) to download and install. This overrides the world seed and size. # If multiple map URLs are provided, the bot will randomly choose one, but it will never use the same map unless only one map URL is provided. custom_world_urls: [] # Set custom commands to run in the wipe command before the server stops and after the server starts. run_commands: before: [o.reload *] after: [ kit reset, ecowipe, ]
  25. Version 1.5.0


    This bot provides quick and easy access to searching players for linked alt accounts all simply through Discord. This bot makes it easy for your admins to search for players that might have game banned alts, eac bans, battlemetrics bans, etc* This will also work great if you don't want to give your staff access to IP's but still want them to be able to check for linked alts. The bot offers VPN and GEFORCE detection so random accounts do not get linked. Every command is also protected behind role permissions so not just anyone that you don't specify can use this command. FEATURES: - Alt finder - Battlemetrics ban checker - EAC Ban checker - EAC Banned friends finder - COMING SOON! Full server scanner. Will scan your whole server for any players with EAC banned alts. The bot is very simple to setup and provides a easy to read documentation on hot to setup and host the bot. Pictures for each thing are attached above! This command runs off your BattleMetrics API key, so it will only have access to what you have access to. Any questions, please feel free to join my support server and I'll be more than happy to help you! https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7


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