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Version 0.1.8
Spawn any type of vehicle prefab with custom commands, permissions, cooldown, starting fuel, fuel consumption, extra seats and extra mounts. The default config contains every vehicle that currently exists in Rust. Using the default config as an example; - The chat command to spawn a Minicopter would be the SpawnCommandPrefix followed by the key in the config corresponding to the Minicopter: /mymini - The chat command to fetch the Minicopter would be the FetchCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /gmini - The chat command to despawn the Minicopter would be the DespawnCommandPrefix followed by the corresponding key: /nomini Config "SpawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the spawn chat command. "FetchCommandPrefix" Prefix for the fetch chat command. "DespawnCommandPrefix" Prefix for the despawn chat command. "AllowMultipleIdentical" Allows players to have multiple vehicles of the same type. "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical" Fetches the old vehicle if the player attempts to spawn an identical vehicle. "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied" Allows players to fetch their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching" Dismounts every occupant when the player fetches their vehicle. "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied" Allows players to despawn their vehicles when there are players mounted on it. "RefundFuelOnDespawn" Refunds any fuel left inside the fuel tank when the player despawns their vehicles using the chat command. "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed" Sends a chat message to the player when their vehicles are destroyed. "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect" Destroys every vehicle when their owner disconnects. "PreventVehiclesDecay" Prevents player spawned vehicles from taking decay damage. "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe" Automatically clear the cooldowns from the data file when map wipes. "BlockWhenMountedOrParented" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are mounted or parented. "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are building blocked. "BlockInSafeZone" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are in a safe zone. "BlockWhenCombatBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are combat blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "BlockWhenRaidBlocked" Prevents players from spawning or fetching vehicles when they are raid blocked. (Requires NoEscape) "RemoveChinookMapMarker" Removes the map marker from Chinooks. Vehicle settings: "Name" Name of the vehicle that will be shown in chat messages. "Prefab" Path of the prefab to spawn. "SpawnCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated spawn cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to spawn the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "FetchCooldown" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch cooldown. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. The player must have at least one of these permissions to be able to fetch the vehicle. A permission without name means no permission needed, or the whole dictionary can be set to null. "MaxSpawnDistance" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max spawn distance. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the the whole dictionary is 'null' a maximum of 100.0 is used. "FetchDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fetch distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no fetch distance limits. "DespawnDistanceLimit" A dictionary of permissions and their associated despawn distance limit. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, if the whole dictionary is 'null' there will be no despawn distance limits. "StartingFuel" A dictionary of permissions and their associated starting fuel. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "LockFuelContainer" A dictionary of permissions and their associated lock fuel container option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. "FuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Minicopters, Scrap Helicopters, Row Boats, RHIBs, Tug Boats and Hot Air Balloons. "IdleFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated idle fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "MaxFuelPerSecond" A dictionary of permissions and their associated max fuel per second option. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. This options applies to Submarines, Snowmobiles, Modular Cars, Magnet Cranes and Trains. "ExtraMounts" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra mounts. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "ExtraSeats" A dictionary of permissions and their associated list of extra seats. Permissions from the bottom have priority when player has multiple permission. A permission without name means no permission needed, the whole dictionary can be 'null'. Position and rotation are relative to the vehicle (position X, position Y, position Z, rotation X, rotation Y, rotation Z). "YRotationSpawnOffset" Vehicle spawn rotation, relative to the looking direction of the player. (-90 is 90º left, 90 is 90º right) "CanOnlySpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on land. "CanNotSpawnOnWater" Blocks vehicle from being spawned or fetched on water. { "SpawnCommandPrefix": "my", "FetchCommandPrefix": "g", "DespawnCommandPrefix": "no", "AllowMultipleIdentical": false, "FetchOldVehicleInsteadOfSpawningIdentical": true, "AllowFetchingWhenOccupied": false, "DismountOccupantsWhenFetching": true, "AllowDespawningWhenOccupied": false, "RefundFuelOnDespawn": false, "NotifyWhenVehicleDestroyed": false, "DestroyVehiclesOnDisconnect": false, "PreventVehiclesDecay": false, "ClearCooldownsOnMapWipe": true, "BlockWhenMountedOrParented": true, "BlockWhenBuildingBlocked": true, "BlockInSafeZone": true, "BlockWhenCombatBlocked": true, "BlockWhenRaidBlocked": true, "RemoveChinookMapMarker": true, "Vehicles": { "ball": { "Name": "Soccer Ball", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/ball/ball.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 86400.0, "vehicles.ball": 3600.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 1800.0, "vehicles.ball": 60.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ball": 20.0, "vehicles.ball.VIP": 50.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 0.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "attack": { "Name": "Attack Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 3600.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.attack": 60.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.attack": 5.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.attack": 50.0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.attack": 0, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.attack": false, "vehicles.attack.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.attack": 0.5, "vehicles.attack.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "mini": { "Name": "Minicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.minicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.minicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.minicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.minicopter": false, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.minicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.minicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.35, "pZ": -1.45, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.2, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": { "vehicles.minicopter1": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter2": [ { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ], "vehicles.minicopter3": [ { "pX": 0.0, "pY": 0.4, "pZ": -1.1, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": -0.6, "pY": 0.2, "pZ": -0.5, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 0.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "heli": { "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 3600.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 60.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 5.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 50.0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": false, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter": 0.5, "vehicles.scraphelicopter.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": { "vehicles.scraphelicopter2": [ { "pX": -1.235, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 }, { "pX": 1.2, "pY": 1.0, "pZ": -2.75, "rX": 0.0, "rY": 180.0, "rZ": 0.0 } ] }, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "boat": { "Name": "Row Boat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rowboat": 60.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rowboat": 3.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rowboat": 50.0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rowboat": false, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rowboat": 0.1, "vehicles.rowboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "rhib": { "Name": "RHIB", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 3600.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.rhib": 60.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.rhib": 5.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 15.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.rhib": 50.0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.rhib": 0, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.rhib": false, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.rhib": 0.25, "vehicles.rhib.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "kayak": { "Name": "Kayak", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 3600.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.kayak": 60.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.kayak": 3.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.kayak": 50.0, "vehicles.kayak.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub1": { "Name": "Solo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": false, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.025, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarinesolo": 0.13, "vehicles.submarinesolo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sub2": { "Name": "Duo Submarine", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3600.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 60.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 3.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 50.0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.submarineduo": false, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.03, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.submarineduo": 0.15, "vehicles.submarineduo.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tug": { "Name": "Tugboat", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 3600.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tugboat": 60.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tugboat": 10.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 25.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tugboat": 50.0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tugboat": false, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tugboat": 0.33, "vehicles.tugboat.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": true, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "hab": { "Name": "Hot Air Balloon", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3600.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 60.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 3.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 50.0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": false, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.hotairballoon": 0.25, "vehicles.hotairballoon.VIP": 0.0 }, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": 180.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "horse": { "Name": "Ridable Horse", "Prefab": "assets/", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3600.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 60.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 3.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.ridablehorse": 50.0, "vehicles.ridablehorse.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "sled": { "Name": "Sled", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/sled/sled.deployed.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 3600.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sled": 60.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sled": 3.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sled": 50.0, "vehicles.sled.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "snow": { "Name": "Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3600.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 60.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 3.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 50.0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.snowmobile": false, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.03, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.snowmobile": 0.15, "vehicles.snowmobile.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "tomaha": { "Name": "Tomaha Snowmobile", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3600.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.tomaha": 60.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.tomaha": 3.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.tomaha": 50.0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.tomaha": false, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.03, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.tomaha": 0.15, "vehicles.tomaha.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike": { "Name": "Motorbike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike": false, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "motorbike2": { "Name": "Motorbike Sidecar", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/motorbike_sidecar.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3600.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 60.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 3.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 50.0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.motorbike2": false, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.03, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.motorbike2": 0.15, "vehicles.motorbike2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "bike": { "Name": "Pedal Bike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedalbike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "": 3600.0, "": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "": 60.0, "": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "": 3.0, "": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "": 50.0, "": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "": 50.0, "": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "trike": { "Name": "Pedal Trike", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/bikes/pedaltrike.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 3600.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.trike": 60.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.trike": 3.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.trike": 50.0, "vehicles.trike.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "ch47": { "Name": "Chinook", "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/ch47/ch47.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 3600.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.chinook": 60.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.chinook": 3.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.chinook": 50.0, "vehicles.chinook.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "sedan": { "Name": "Sedan", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/sedan_a/sedantest.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 3600.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.sedan": 60.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.sedan": 3.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.sedan": 50.0, "vehicles.sedan.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": null, "LockFuelContainer": null, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "4mod": { "Name": "4 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/4module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.4modulecar": false, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.4modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.4modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "3mod": { "Name": "3 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.3modulecar": false, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.3modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.3modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "2mod": { "Name": "2 Module Car", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3600.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 60.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 3.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 50.0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.2modulecar": false, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.025, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.2modulecar": 0.08, "vehicles.2modulecar.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "crane": { "Name": "Magnet Crane", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/crane_magnet/magnetcrane.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3600.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 60.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 3.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 50.0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": false, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.06668, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.magnetcrane": 0.3334, "vehicles.magnetcrane.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": false }, "cart": { "Name": "Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.workcart": 60.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.workcart": 3.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.workcart": 50.0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.workcart": 0, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.workcart": false, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.025, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.workcart": 0.075, "vehicles.workcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "agcart2": { "Name": "Above Ground Workcart 2", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/workcart/workcart_aboveground2.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3600.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 60.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 3.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 50.0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": false, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.025, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2": 0.075, "vehicles.abovegroundworkcart2.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true }, "locomotive": { "Name": "Locomotive", "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/locomotive/locomotive.entity.prefab", "SpawnCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3600.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 300.0 }, "FetchCooldown": { "vehicles.locomotive": 60.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 5.0 }, "MaxSpawnDistance": { "vehicles.locomotive": 3.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 10.0 }, "FetchDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "DespawnDistanceLimit": { "vehicles.locomotive": 50.0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "StartingFuel": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 1 }, "LockFuelContainer": { "vehicles.locomotive": false, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": true }, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.035, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "MaxFuelPerSecond": { "vehicles.locomotive": 0.1, "vehicles.locomotive.VIP": 0.0 }, "ExtraMounts": null, "ExtraSeats": null, "YRotationSpawnOffset": -90.0, "CanOnlySpawnOnWater": false, "CanNotSpawnOnWater": true } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } Lang: { "NoPermissionSpawn": "You do not have permission to spawn {0}s.", "NoPermissionFetch": "You do not have permission to fetch {0}s.", "MountedOrParented": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while mounted or parented.", "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while building blocked.", "InSafeZone": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles in a safe zone.", "CombatBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while combat blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You cannot spawn or fetch vehicles while raid blocked.", "NotOnWater": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "OnWater": "You can not spawn or fetch {0}s on water.", "TracksNotFound": "You can only spawn or fetch {0}s on train tracks.", "LookingTooFar": "You must be looking at a position closer to you to be able to spawn or fetch {0}s.", "Destroyed": "Your {0} has been destroyed.", "AlreadySpawned": "You already own a {0}.\nUse '/{1}' to fetch it or '/{2}' to despawn it.", "SpawnCooldown": "You must wait {0} before spawning another {1}.", "FetchCooldown": "You must wait {0} before fetching your {1}.", "Spawned": "Your {0} has spawned.", "NotFound": "You do not have a {0}.", "TooFarFetch": "Your {0} is too far away to be fetched.", "TooFarDespawn": "Your {0} is too far away to be despawned.", "BeingUsedFetch": "Cannot fetch your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "BeingUsedDespawn": "Cannot despawn your {0} as it is currently being used by another player", "Fetched": "You have fetched your {0}.", "Despawned": "You have despawned your {0}.{1}", "Refunded": "\nRefunded {0} low grade fuel." } API List<Tuple<string, string, string>> GetConfig() Returns the suffix and its name and prefab for every vehicle in the config file. Example: List<Tuple<string, string, string>> suffixes = Vehicles.Call<List<Tuple<string, string, string>>>("GetConfig"); if (suffixes == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.Count; i++) { string suffix = suffixes[i].Item1; string name = suffixes[i].Item2; string prefab = suffixes[i].Item3; } List<ulong> GetEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix) Returns a `List<ulong>` with the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `null` if none found. Example: List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> GetAllEntities(ulong playerID) Returns a `Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>` with the Key as the suffix and the Value as the network ID of all available entities spawned by the player, returns `null` if none found. Example: Dictionary<string, List<ulong>> entities = Vehicles.Call<Dictionary<string, List<ulong>>>("GetAllEntities", player.userID); if (entities == null) return; List<ulong> minis; if (entities.TryGetValue("mini", out minis)) { BaseEntity newestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestMini = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[0])) as BaseEntity; } List<ulong> boats; if (entities.TryGetValue("boat", out boats)) { BaseEntity newestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[boats.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; BaseEntity oldestBoat = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(boats[0])) as BaseEntity; } bool IsPlayerEntity(ulong entityID) Checks if the entity belongs to `Vehicles`. Example: bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; string GetSuffix(ulong entityID) Returns the suffix of the entity, returns `null` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) return; ulong GetOwnerUserID(ulong entityID) Returns the userID of the player who spawned the entity (**not the entity's OwnerID**), returns `0uL` if the entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; if (playerID == 0uL) return; bool DespawnNewestEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns the newest available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns `false` if not found. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("DespawnNewestEntity", player.userID, "mini", true, true); int DespawnAllEntities(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool refundFuel = false, bool notify = false) Despawns all the entities (optionally by suffix) spawned by the player, returns the amount of entities despawned. Examples: int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "", true, true); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini"); int despawnedAmount = Vehicles.Call<int>("DespawnAllEntities", player.userID, "mini", true, true); bool AddEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, ulong entityID) Adds the entity as the player's last spawned entity with this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; bool RemoveEntity(ulong entityID, string suffix = "", ulong playerID = 0uL) Removes the entity so that it no longer belongs to `Vehicles`, faster if the two optional arguments are provided, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles` or to the player's list of entities for this suffix. Examples: bool success = RemoveEntity(; bool isPlayerEntity = Vehicles.Call<bool>("IsPlayerEntity",; if (!isPlayerEntity) return; string suffix = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetSuffix",; ulong playerID = Vehicles.Call<ulong>("GetOwnerUserID",; bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("RemoveEntity",, suffix, playerID); double GetCooldownLeft(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Returns how many seconds are left for the player's cooldown to expire for this suffix, returns a negative number if the player's cooldown has expired, returns `0.0` if suffix does not exist, returns `0.0` if the player's permissions do not have a cooldown for this suffix, or returns `-1.0` if the player does not yet contain a cooldown for this suffix. Examples: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); bool canSpawn = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onSpawnCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); bool canFetch = (left <= 0 && left != -1); bool onFetchCooldown = (left > 0.0); bool notFound = (left == -1); bool AddCooldown(ulong playerID, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Adds a cooldown to the player with the current timestamp for this suffix, returns `false` if the suffix does not exist. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini", true); bool ClearCooldowns(ulong playerID, string suffix = "", bool fetch = false) Clears the spawn or the fetch cooldowns for the player, clears for every suffix unless one is provided, returns `false` if the player does not have any cooldowns or if the player does not have a cooldown for the provided suffix. Examples: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini"); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "mini", true); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID); bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("ClearCooldowns", player.userID, "", true); string CooldownToString(double cooldown) Returns a formatted `string` with the span of time. Example: double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left == -1.0 || left > 0.0) return; string duration = Vehicles.Call<string>("CooldownToString", left); bool HasPermission(string playerId, string suffix, bool fetch = false) Checks if the player has permission to spawn or fetch this suffix, returns `false` if suffix does not exist. Examples: bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); bool canFetch = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); bool CanSpawn(BasePlayer player) Checks if the player can spawn or fetch according to the config options. Example: bool canspawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); bool CheckSurface(string suffix, Vector3 position, out bool water) Checks if this suffix may be spawned or fetched on the surface at this position, returns `false` if suffix does not exist, `out` parameter returns `true` if checked surface is water. Example: //bool water; //bool allowedSurface = CheckSurface("mini", position, out water); //if (!allowedSurface) //{ // if (water) player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on water."); // else player.ChatMessage("Can't spawn on land."); //} bool TryMoveToTrainTrack(TrainCar train, Vector3 position) Moves the `TrainCar` to the nearest train track at this position, returns `false` if no train tracks are found. Example: bool moved = Vehicles.Call<bool>("TryMoveToTrainTrack", train, position); Vector3 GetGroundPositionLookingAt(BasePlayer player, float maxDistance) Returns the position of the surface at up to this maximum distance at the point that the player is looking at, returns `` if the distance between the position of the surface and the player's position is higher than the maximum distance. Example: Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; void RemoveMapMarker(BaseEntity entity) Removes the map marker from chinooks. Example: Vehicles.Call("RemoveMapMarker", entity); bool SetFuelConsumption(BaseEntity entity) Sets the entity's fuel consumption and/or locks the fuel container as is configured for its suffix, returns `false` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetFuelConsumption", entity); bool SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption(VehicleModuleEngine moduleEngine) Sets the module engine's fuel consumption as is configured for the suffix that the engine is mounted on, returns `false` if the entity that the engine is mounted on does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: bool success = Vehicles.Call<bool>("SetModuleEngineFuelConsumption", moduleEngine); int AddFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem) Adds starting fuel to the entity's fuel system as is configured for its suffix, returns the amount of fuel added or returns `0` if config is set to 0 or returns `-1` if entity does not belong to `Vehicles`. Example: int addedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); bool success = (addedFuel >= 1); bool configNoFuel = (addedFuel == 0); bool failed = (addedFuel == -1); int RefundFuel(EntityFuelSystem fuelSystem, BasePlayer player) Refunds the player of any fuel left in the entity's fuel tank, returns the amount of fuel refunded or returns `0` if no fuel left. Example: int returnedFuel = Vehicles.Call<int>("RefundFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem(), player); bool success = (returnedFuel >= 1); bool empty = (returnedFuel == 0); List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> AddMounts(string playerId, string suffix, BaseVehicle vehicle) Adds mount points to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, must be called before spawning the entity, returns a `List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>` of the mount points that were added to the vehicle. Example: BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo> mounts = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseVehicle.MountPointInfo>>("AddMounts", player.UserIDString, "mini", vehicle); int mountsAdded = mounts.Count; } entity.Spawn(); List<BaseEntity> AddSeats(string playerId, string suffix, BaseEntity entity) Adds seats to the vehicle according to the permissions the player has for this suffix, returns a `List<BaseEntity>` of the seats that were added to the vehicle. Example: List<BaseEntity> seats = Vehicles.Call<List<BaseEntity>>("AddSeats", player.UserIDString, "mini", entity); int seatsAdded = seats.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetMountedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of mounted players. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); int numMounted = mounted.Count; List<BasePlayer> GetParentedOccupants(BaseEntity entity) Returns a `List<BasePlayer>` of parented players. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); int numParented = parented.Count; void DismountOccupants(List<BasePlayer> mounted) Dismounts every player on this List from the vehicle. Example: List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); void UnparentOccupants(List<BasePlayer> parented) Unparents every player on this List from the entity. Example: List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); string GetMapGrid(Vector3 position) Returns the map grid from this position. Examples: string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", entity.transform.position); string mapGrid = Vehicles.Call<string>("GetMapGrid", player.transform.position); BaseEntity CreateEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Spawns a suffix for this userID, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if suffix does not exist. Example: bool hasSpawnPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini"); if (!hasSpawnPerm) return; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini"); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; BaseEntity entity = Vehicles.Call("CreateEntity", player.userID, "mini", position) as BaseEntity; if (entity == null) return; entity.Spawn(); Vehicles.Call("AddEntity", player.userID, "mini",; BaseVehicle vehicle = entity as BaseVehicle; if (vehicle != null) { Vehicles.Call("SetFuelConsumption", entity); Vehicles.Call("AddFuel", vehicle.GetFuelSystem()); } Vehicles.Call("AddCooldown", player.userID, "mini"); BaseEntity FetchEntity(ulong playerID, string suffix, Vector3 position, float YrotationOffset = -90.0f) Fetches the last available entity spawned by the player with this suffix, returns the `BaseEntity` or returns `null` if not found. Example: bool hasFetchPerm = Vehicles.Call<bool>("HasPermission", player.UserIDString, "mini", true); if (!hasFetchPerm) return; List<ulong> minis = Vehicles.Call<List<ulong>>("GetEntities", player.userID, "mini"); if (minis == null) return; BaseEntity entity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(new NetworkableId(minis[minis.Count - 1])) as BaseEntity; double left = Vehicles.Call<double>("GetCooldownLeft", player.userID, "mini", true); if (left > 0.0) return; bool canSpawn = Vehicles.Call<bool>("CanSpawn", player); if (!canSpawn) return; Vector3 position = Vehicles.Call<Vector3>("GetGroundPositionLookingAt", player, 15.0f); if (position == return; List<BasePlayer> mounted = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetMountedOccupants", entity); List<BasePlayer> parented = Vehicles.Call<List<BasePlayer>>("GetParentedOccupants", entity); if (!config.AllowFetchingWhenOccupied && (mounted.Count > 0 || parented.Count > 0)) return; if (config.DismountOccupantsWhenFetching) { Vehicles.Call("DismountOccupants", mounted); Vehicles.Call("UnparentOccupants", parented); } object obj = Vehicles.Call("FetchEntity", player.userID, "mini", position); .$12.00- 24 comments
- 6 reviews
- #vehicle
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- #transport helicopter
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- #snow mobile
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- #modular cars
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- #work cart
- #above ground workcart
- #locomotive
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- #motor bike
- #sidecar
Version 1.0.6
Gravel Pit is a 4000 vanilla blend custom map that has been redone to fix most issues with procedurally generated maps. It comes with many large custom rock formations to build on and much more for your players to enjoy and explore. (WARNING: If you edit this map, you need the latest Beta version of Rustedit from the RE discord, or it will break, and canyons will fill with water. I am not responsible for any map fixes if you have edited the map yourself and it no longer works as intended, though I am always willing to help) Custom Monuments and POIs Oil Depot Oil Fields Research Post LPG Terminal Extraction Rig Pump Station Gas Plant Gravel Pit Large Bouys Custom Canyons Loading Station Derailed Mini Monuments Disposal Unit Industrial Site Vanilla Monuments Train Yard Harbor Missle silo Water Treatment Launch site Outpost Dome Radtown Lighthouse Giant Excavator Arctic Research Base Gas Station Mining Outpost All mining Quarrys Military Tunnels Junkyard Satellite Dish Fishing Village (Big and small) Ferry Terminal Supermarket Bandit Camp Large Barn Both Oil rigsFree- 26 comments
- 4 reviews
- 10
Version 1.7.7
New Year Update The New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear New Year's map from the video: Halloween Update Have you already prepared your server for Halloween? On the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I have prepared for customization of all armored train cars. After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. This plugin will add an armored train to your server, which can travel both in the subway and by rail. It can consist of any number of wagons. A helicopter can accompany it. Bradley, npc, turrets, simsites can be installed on the train. The plugin allows you to create any number of train presets, for which the order of wagons, the helicopter preset, the probability of spawn and the duration of patrolling can be specified. Each wagon or locomotive can be configured separately. Any speed can be set by the locomotive.If there is no spawn of trains on the surface on your custom map, read the section “Custom spawn points” Custom spawn points If you are using a custom map in which there are no spawn trains on the surface, but there is a railway, then for the train to work on the surface, you need to add custom spawn points of the train. Instruction: Stand at the point where you want the train to spawn Enter the command /atrainpoint If you receive a message that a point has been created, enable “Use custom spawn coordinates [true/false]” in config For correct operation, it is recommended to create several spawn points of the train Chat commands (only for administrators) /atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration /atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground /atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground /atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration /atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> /atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> /atrainstop– stops the event /atrainpoint– creates a custom spawn point of the train in your position Console commands (RCON only) atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> atrainstop – stops the event Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Api bool IsArmoredTrainActive() bool StopArmoredTrain() bool StartArmoredTrainEvent() bool EndArmoredTrainEvent() bool IsTrainBradley(uint netID) bool IsTrainHeli(uint netID) bool IsTrainCrate(uint netID) bool IsTrainSamSite(uint netID) bool IsTrainWagon(uint netID) bool IsTrainTurret(uint netID) Vector3 ArmoredTrainLocomotivePosition() Hooks OnArmoredTrainEventStart OnArmoredTrainEventStop Contact me in Discord: Adem#955$29.99 -
Version 1.0.0
A Train Station With Usable Tracks all you need to do connect your personal tracks to the station and its good to go. It can be setup as an abandon train station if that way is more your style. This Stations has a recycler, 4 functional payphone stations, and a gambling caboose waiting on you to waste the scrap you just found. Prefabs: 969 NPCS: 13 Regular Scientist Spawns All on a 1200-1800 Second Respawn Timer. ( 20-30 Minutes) Loot: Normal Crates: 9 Military Crates: 2 Minecarts: 3 Food Spawns: 6 Med Spawns: 5 Tool Crates : 2 Fuel Spawns: 2 Vehicle parts: 2$4.00 -
Version 3.9.38
Nuketown An inspirational remake in Rust, originally from Call of Duty Black ops 1 I designed this arena to deliver fast-paced, balanced combat, and accurate as possible to scale with COD's, while keeping performance smooth. With only 2,228 prefabs, it’s optimized for higher FPS and integrates easily into any Rust server. Nostalgic yet modern, it’s ideal for Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, and any other PvP mode. Bring a classic battleground feel to your server without sacrificing performance. Proven by Leading Servers Popular aimtrain and combat servers, including Rustoria’s RTG and, and many others have used this arena for years, hosting countless daily players who enjoy its intense gameplay and smooth performance.$9.99- 1 comment
- 4
- #nuketown
- #nuketown arena
- (and 12 more)
Version 1.4.1
Apocalypse Spain, Map of Spain, contains a great variety of custom prefabs and the real terrain of Spain. • Apocalypse Spain is a map with all the main rivers of Spain. • It contains the terrain, topology and real biome of Spain. • Size: 4500. • Objects: 47898. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - Contains all Official Monuments: • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform • Small oil platform • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site • Satellite dish • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield (with Bradley tank) • Giant excavation pit • Outpost • Lighthouse - Prefabs and custom monuments: • The Spanish Zeppelin (puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Civil Guard Barracks, a construction zone for the server administrator. This monument-zone contains helicopter respawns and loot. • Event Zone, an area with flat terrain where you can use any plugin to generate events, for example: Raidable Bases, Defendable Bases, Event Manager. There is a great variety of plugins to generate events, use your imagination. • Arena, zone with loots, defenses, towers, barricades and crate with code, everything you need for your server to contain a PVP zone. You can also use this zone for other things. • Bank, a monument created for the Bank Heist plugin. If you do not have this plugin, you can use this monument for the player to search for resources. • Two aircraft carriers, these aircraft carriers have been created especially for the Biplane plugin, you can also use them as monuments, they contain helicopters, loot and NPCs. • Inferno Arena, is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Aerial platforms, each aerial platform contains several platforms connected to each other. • Cumbre Vieja, volcano with puzzle, NPC and loots. • Epic Tower Construction Zone for players. • Meteorite, with resources: iron, sulfur and stone, radiation, NPC and lotts. • Monorails, scattered around the map, monorails and underwater monorails. • Train tracks scattered all over the map, carefully designed. • The great bullshit, a Christmas hero, contains NPCs and boxes with codes. • City (Simulating Madrid), with collapsed skyscrapers, buildings in ruins and emblematic building of Madrid (Realia Tower - The Icon). - Monuments will be added to recreate-simulate Spain.$39.90- 33 comments
- 5
- #map
- #custom
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- #custom map
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- #apocalypse spain
- #build
- #monument
- #prefab
- #helitower
- #heli tower
- #helicopter tower
- #hotel
- #volcano
- #monster
- #zipline
- #train
- #cumbre vieja
- #meteor
- #station
- #train station
- #madrid
- #monorail
- #halloween
- #halloweensale
- #halloween monument
- #zeppelin
- #dirigible
Version 1.0.7
This plugin allows any player to find and build on a train directly on the rails in either a 1x5 or 1x3 configuration. Features: Throttle syncing for trains (syncs throttles when updated) Electrical entities powered by trains Build anything on trains! land Helis on trains automatically edits the map to allow building on trains (does not automatically adjust custom maps) How To Use: To use this plugin you need to 1. Delete any maps already generated 2. Have the plugin in the plugin folder before starting the server 3. Once you start the server the plugin will edit the rails to allow building 4. If you wish to use a custom map such as one from RustMaps you will need to edit the rail topology manually, set this to Building 5. (Oxide Only) Oxide users may need to restart twice if they encounter a "cannot build on road" issue. The second restart will allow building on the rail again. This is an unintended behavior and a fix will be pushed soon! Config: Bounds defines the buildable area on the train, default is 1x5 or 1x3 for work carts. Larger building bounds will not be supported, use at your own volition. { "Version Number": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 2 }, "Upgrade Chance (0-100 = %0-100 chance)": 50.0, "Train Enabled Properties": { "Enable/Disable Specific Train Presets": { "trainwagonb.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagona.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "1": true }, "workcart.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "1": true, "2": true, "3": true } } }, "Train WagonB Start Health": 5000.0, "Max Car Speed": 25.0, "Max Train Engine Speed": 12.0, "Train Engine Force": 250000.0, "Allow Turrets": true, "Sync Train Throttles": true, "Max Train Pop": 24.0, "Max Train Couple Speed": 9.0, "Train Bounds": { "Train Building Bounds": { "trainwagonb.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "trainwagona.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 5.0, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "workcart.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 4.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -4.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 0.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -3.0 } }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } }, "traincaboose.entity": { "Item1": { "x": 1.5, "y": 1.55, "z": 7.5 }, "Item2": { "x": -1.5, "y": 1.45, "z": -7.5 }, "Item3": { "x": 0.0, "y": 4.45, "z": 6.0 }, "Item4": { "x": 0.0, "y": 1.45, "z": -6.0 } } } } }$30.00- 41 comments
- 3 reviews
- 1
- #trainserver
- #train
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Version 2.0.4
Small custom map, originally released back in 2021 and recently updated with the new cliffs and rock formations. Perfect for any one grid server, PVP or PVE. NOTES - This map was updated with the new cliffs and rock formations – Need help? You can always contact me on my discord server @ – The password for the editor is included with the map. FEATURES - Custom monuments - Manually made terrain - Underground tunnel system - Full keycard progression (all keycards can be obtained) - "Tropical" themed forests (they include palm trees) - Abandoned boats along the beaches - they also include loot barrels - Rivers CUSTOM MONUMENTS - Abandoned Farm Contains loot, recycler, blue puzzle - Abandoned Satellite Contains loot, recycler, research table, MLRS - Chemical Facility Contains loot, recycler, refinery, green Puzzle + Fuse puzzle underground - Fishing Village Outpost Contains fortune wheel, vending machines & more! VANILLA MONUMENTS - Oxum's gas station - Mining outpost - 2 Lighthouses - Fishing Village - Small & Large Oil Rig - Underwater lab$19.99- 5 comments
- 1
- #onegrid
- #custom monuments
- (and 18 more)
Version 0.3.2
Manage vehicles' fuel consumption, amount of fuel they spawn with and lock their fuel containers. The default config includes a list of every vehicle that currently exists in Rust with its default fuel consumption values. Engine components will not wear out if "LockContainer" is set to true for EngineModules. Configuration { "Vehicles": { "attackhelicopter.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "minicopter.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "scraptransporthelicopter": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.5, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "rowboat": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.1, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "rhib": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.25, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "submarinesolo.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.13 }, "submarineduo.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "hotairballoon": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": 0.25, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "snowmobile": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "tomahasnowmobile": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "4module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "3module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "2module_car_spawned.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": null, "MaxFuelPerSecond": null }, "motorbike": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "motorbike_sidecar": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.03, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.15 }, "magnetcrane.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.06668, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.3334 }, "workcart.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "workcart_aboveground.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.075 }, "locomotive.entity": { "StartingFuel": 0, "LockFuelContainer": false, "FuelPerSecond": null, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.035, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.1 } }, "ModularCarsSpawnFullHealth": false, "EngineModules": { "1module_cockpit_with_engine": { "PartsTier": 0, "LockContainer": false, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.025, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.08 }, "1module_engine": { "PartsTier": 0, "LockContainer": false, "IdleFuelPerSecond": 0.04, "MaxFuelPerSecond": 0.11 } } }$6.00 -
Version 1.0.0
Christmas is coming! Decorate your map for christmas with this beautiful and lovely Santa's Express! The Santa Express comes with basic loot in custom made Loot containers. Visit the Santa Express while the dwarfs are prepairing them with gifts for christmas! Need more christmas stuff? Look here:$7.99-
- #christmas
- #malai
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.1.5
Live in one place? It's not interesting. Live in a camping car module? Too small. Have a full-fledged mobile home? That's what you need! Video Description With this plugin, your players will be able to build their own small base on the wagon and wander around the server with it. Or you can even assemble a whole train of such wagons. Chat Command (For admins) /showfreewagons - Writes the number of available wagons to the console, and also shows their location on the server. (Permission is required for use) /givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify (Permission is required for use) Chat Command (For Player) /thinstruction - instructions on some features of the plugin /removewagon - take a hammer in your hands, write a command and hit the wagon Console Command (RCON only) clearallwagons - clears the server of all custom wagons. Be careful! The action is irreversible and players will lose all their items and resources. It should be used only before you want to turn off the plugin from the server, because after unloading, custom wagons can be created on the server. givewagon <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify Plugin Config Permissions trainhomes.givewagon - gives permission to use the chat command /givewagon trainhomes.showfreewagons - gives permission to view the location of free wagons Hooks private bool OnWagonSpawn(BasePlayer player) API private bool IsEntityFromBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId of the object belongs to the wagon private bool IsBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the base private bool IsTrainHomes(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the track private bool IsFreeWagon(ulong netIdValue) Returns true if the netId belongs to a free wagon on the track Check out more of my work here JTedal's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library.$28.99- 120 comments
- 4 reviews
- 12
- #jtedal
- #mad mappers
- (and 10 more)
- #small monument
- #train station
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 2.0.0
Beach, Sun and the Ocean! Welcome to Mallorca! Now you can visit one of the most popular Holiday Islands in Rust! You will find wonderfull places like the Beach Club or the Houseboats where you can chill with you friends and have a great time or dangerous places like the Scientist Headquarter where the Bradley awaits you or a Double Oilrig connected to the Island via a bridge! Mallorca have also a fully working Railway with Costum made Train Stations and a fully working underground Train Network. Both are connected via a Above-ground connection. Also Ibiza can be found as a small Island in the South of Mallorca! Everything is made with love from me and my Girlfriend! Since its a rebuild of Mallorca there is no snow but a huge and nice mountain landscape with some additional lakes and a river! Mapsize: 5000 Editable: Yes, the Map comes with the password! Costum Monuments: Hagrids Home Beach Club Houseboats Double Oilrig Scientist Headquarter (Bradley) MaLai's Gas Station MaLai's Supermarket Junkpark Train Stations Bank (can be used with and without the Bankheist Plugin) Berghuette MaLai's Harbor Facepunch Monuments: Mining Outpost Lighthouse Setellite Dish Small Harbor Large Harbor Launch Site Airfield Trainyard Water Treatment Military Tunnel Dome Bandit Camp Outpost Large Fishing Village Large Barn Excavator Military Base Small Oilrig Large Oilrig Underwater Lab Junkyard Nuclear Missile Silo If you need any support you can always contact us via Discord: MatzeXX#3016$32.99- 16 comments
- 2 reviews
Version 1.1.0
Andalusia Custom Map for Rust, containing a wide variety of custom prefabs, terrains and real rivers of Andalusia. • Andalusia is a map with all the main rivers of Andalusia (Spain). • It contains the terrain, topology and real biome of Andalusia (Spain). • Size: 6000. • Objects: 88779. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - Contains all Official Monuments: • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform (This monument contains an access to the subway, you can reach this monument from the train) • Small oil platform (This monument contains an access to the subway, you can reach this monument from the train) • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site (Customized, with a monorail surrounding this monument, it also contains: Ziplines, a small store, customized loot, npcs and a tug on which you will find a red card respawn) • Satellite dish (Customized, with attack helicopter respawn, recycler, custom loot, npcs and a small resting place) • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield (Customized, contains platforms with cranes, custom loot and npcs. Several zip lines with which you can cross the entire Aerodrome, in addition to a tank that guards this site) • Giant excavation • Outpost • Lighthouse - Prefabs and custom monuments: • Zeppelin (Puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Civil Guard Barracks, a construction zone for the server administrator. This monument-zone contains helicopter respawns and loot. • Arena, zone with loots, defenses, towers, barricades and crate with code, everything you need for your server to contain a PVP zone. You can also use this zone for other things. • Bank, a monument created for the Bank Heist plugin. If you do not have this plugin, you can use this monument for the player to search for resources. • Aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier has been created especially for the Biplane plugin, you can also use it as a monument, it contains helicopters, loot and NPCs. • Inferno Arena, is a battlefield with traps, death and fire. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Aerial platforms, each aerial platform contains several platforms connected to each other. • Epic Tower Construction Zone for players. • Train tracks scattered all over the map, carefully designed. • City, with collapsed skyscrapers. • Custom Oil plataform, with four oil platforms, two small and two large. (This monument contains an access to the subway, you can reach this monument from the train). • The Arecibo Observatory, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) and formerly known as the Arecibo Ionosphere Observatory, is an observatory in Barrio Esperanza, Arecibo, Puerto Rico owned by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). • H1Z1 Lab is an experimental laboratory with various puzzles to solve. It contains Zombies, NPC, traps, puzzles and an original crystal box in which you will get two hackable oil rig crates, plus extra loot of elite crates. • Underwater glass dome, the player will be able to build underwater. • A variety of custom sites for the player to build, you can find these sites easily from the map, they are marked with an X mark. • Customized rivers navigable with motorboats. • Access by train to all the Oil Shelf Plaforms. - Monuments will be added to recreate-simulate Andalusia (Spain).$39.90- 15 comments
- 2 reviews
- 4
- #andalusia
- #andalucia
(and 94 more)
Tagged with:
- #andalusia
- #andalucia
- #almeria
- #granada
- #malaga
- #jaen
- #cordoba
- #sevilla
- #cadiz
- #huelva
- #andalusiacustommap
- #andalusia custom map
- #andalusia custom map rust
- #map
- #custom
- #custom map
- #rust
- #rust map
- #rust custom map
- #rustedit
- #rust edit
- #españa
- #spain
- #apocalypse
- #apocalypse spain
- #build
- #build area
- #buildarea
- #monument
- #prefab
- #helitower
- #helicopter tower
- #hotel
- #motel
- #tower
- #zipline
- #train
- #station
- #train station
- #trainstation
- #monorail
- #halloween
- #fantasy
- #christmas
- #hallowennsale
- #christmassale
- #halloween monument
- #christmas monument
- #zeppelin
- #areciboobservatory
- #arecibo
- #arecibo observatory
- #h1z1
- #lentejas
- #badgyver
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #steam
- #playrust
- #pve
- #pvp
- #rp
- #roleplay
- #rolepay
- #rustadmin
- #rust admin
- #rust server
- #ferry terminal
- #nuclear silo
- #large oil plataform
- #small oil plataform
- #submarine laboratory
- #harbor
- #large fishing villages
- #launch site
- #satellite dish
- #the dome
- #hqm quarry
- #stone quarry
- #arctic research base
- #sewer branch
- #trainyard
- #junkyard
- #tiktok
- #viral
- #gameplayrust
- #stream
- #gameplay
- #abandoned base
- #military base
- #military tunnel
- #caves
- #large barns
- #ranch
- #bandit camp
- #power
Version 2.1.2
Description: THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT ALLOWING BUILDING ON TRAINS, For building on trains please see the remastered version. This plugin allows players to claim their very own train, currently any train that spawns will have these items applied to it at a chance! To upgrade doors, workbenches, or boxes all the player will have to do is Attempt to pickup the item with the appropriate amount of materials in their inventory, if they do not have enough the plugin will prompt them with the required amount. After attempting to pick up the item if the player does have enough materials the plugin will verify if they do/do not have the required blueprint (if any) If the player does have the blueprint (if any is required) & has the appropriate amount of materials the item will be upgraded. Features: Throttle Syncing for Trains (syncs all throttles on the players trains upon input) Trains spawn with preset items that can be upgraded Electric items are powered by the train (if the train is on the electric entity will be too)! Economy Support Preset Customization via Data File (ONLY TOUCH THIS IS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!) ALL helicopters can be landed on the train and will not fall off once unmounted! Note: anyone running version 2.1.1 or below will need to delete and update their config! Supported Plugins: Economics (Mr Blue): No Fuel Requirements (K1llyOu): Commands & Presets: Locomotive: Admin Console Command: spawn locomotive.entity Preset 1: 2 doors (upgradeable) 1 window shutter 2 SirenLights (upgradeable into turrets) WagonB (Green Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonb Preset 1: 4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 public bed 5 doors (upgradeable) 2 shelves 1 T1 (upgradeable) 1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace) Preset 2: 2 Doors (upgradeable) 2 public beds 1 furnace (upgradeable into electric furnace) 4 small boxes (upgradeable) 1 Fridge 2 Windows WorkCartCovered: Admin Console Command: spawn workcart_aboveground2.entity Preset 1: 3 doors (upgradeable) 1 shelve 1 small box (upgradeable) Gambling Caboose: Admin Console Command: spawn caboose.entity Features: 2 doors (upgradeable) WagonC (Flat Wagon): Admin Console Command: spawn wagonc Features: has 2 different presets Preset 1: 1 Magnet Crane 1 Car Lift Preset 2: 2 Car Lifts Preset 3: (Party Wagon) 1 Pool 3 Arcades 3 Fridges 2 Umbrellas 1 Poker Table 6 Dance floors 2 Speakers Config: { "TrainConfig": { //DO NOT EDIT THIS VVVV "Version Number": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 }, //DO NOT EDIT THIS ^^^^ "Train Chance Properties": { "Upgrade Chance": 50.0 }, "Train Enabled Properties": { "Enable/Disable Specific Train Presets": { "locomotive.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonb.entity": { "1": true, "2": true }, "workcart_aboveground2.entity": { "1": true }, "traincaboose.entity": { "1": true }, "trainwagonc.entity": { "1": true, "2": true, "3": true } }, "Locomotive Build Enabled": true, "TrainWagonB Build Enabled": true, "WorkCart Build Enabled": true, "Gambling Caboose Build Enabled": true, "Car Wagon Build Enabled": true, "Party Wagon Build Enabled": true }, "Use Economy": false, "Currency Symbol": "$", "Train Wagon Max Health": 5000.0, "Train WagonB Start Health": 5000.0, "Remove Locomotive Collision": true, "Remove Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Work Cart Collision": true, "Remove Car Wagon Collision": true, "Remove Gaming Caboose Collision": true, "Remove Other Train Collision (lootables)": true, "Remove Train Barricade Collision (underground tunnels)": true, "Max Car Speed": 25.0, "Max Train Engine Speed": 12.0, "Train Engine Force": 250000.0, "Allow Turrets": true, "Sync Train Throttles": true, "Despawn Time": 480.0, "Max Train Pop": 24.0, "Max Train Couple Speed": 9.0 }, "ItemUpgradeCost": { "Required Item Upgrade Costs": { "door.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 150 }, "door.double.hinged.wood": { "69511070": 200 }, "door.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "door.double.hinged.metal": { "479143914": 5, "317398316": 25 }, "workbench1.deployed": { "69511070": 500, "-932201673": 500, "317398316": 20 }, "workbench2.deployed": { "69511070": 1000, "-932201673": 1250, "317398316": 100 }, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "furnace": { "1523195708": 1, "634478325": 1, "317398316": 10 }, "woodbox_deployed": { "-151838493": 250, "69511070": 50 } } }, "EconomyUpgradeCosts": { "ItemUpgradeCosts": { "door.hinged.wood": 10, "door.double.hinged.wood": 10, "door.hinged.metal": 10, "door.double.hinged.metal": 10, "workbench1.deployed": 10, "workbench2.deployed": 10, "electric.sirenlight.deployed": 10, "furnace": 10, "woodbox_deployed": 10 } } }$10.00- 25 comments
- 2 reviews
- 4
- #build on trains
- #trains
- (and 8 more)
Version 3.1.1
Custom Gather allows you to have dynamic gather rates on your server! This allows you to assign different gather rates for as many groups of players as you would like. What this plugin offers that other gather rate plugins don't: Create custom gather rates based on oxide permission groups Example: Have a global 2x gather rate, but have VIPs gather at 4x, and Elite VIPs gather at 8x. Modify resources in Unloadable Train Wagons Set separate custom rates for Public and Private quarries Modify Fishing Rate Gather rate modifier includes grubs/worms picked from plants Configuring JSON Files This plugin creates two JSON files, one is located in Oxide/Config/CustomGather.json, and the other is in Oxide/Data/CustomGather.json. The config file is used to set the global on/off switches, unloadable train wagon settings, the blacklists and the global override list. The data file is used to create and specify custom groups to be assigned via oxide permissions. The 'default' group makes a permission named customgather.default and automatically assigns it to the default oxide group All other groups generate permissions titled customgather.{groupname} that then must be assigned to an oxide group or player. Do NOT delete the data json file during server wipe. It will reset all your custom group settings and need to be reconfigured. Tutorial Blacklists & Global Override List The Blacklists reverts an item's gather rate to 1x for the specified method of gathering that it is listed under. The Global Override List is similar, but you specify a custom gather rate for specific items that is then applied globally, regardless of permission groups or gather method. Items need to be entered in with their short names. Use this reference to find any item's short name. Insert items by their short names inside quotations and separated by commas. Chat Commands /cg info -- Displays each custom group and their gather rates Config JSON - Example { "Global On/Off Switches. Only set these to false if you use a separate plugin to control specific gather rates.": { "Modify rates for items picked off the terrain (ex: plants, tree stumps, small ore nodes)": true, "Modify rates for items grown in planters": true, "Modify rates for fishing": true, "Modify rates for PUBLIC Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for PRIVATE Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for the Giant Excavator": true, "Modify rates for Dispensers (ex: ore nodes, trees, animal corpses)": true, "Modify rates for Resource Train Wagons": true }, "Unloadable Train Wagon Settings": { "Multiplication Rate": 20, "Single Stack of Resources?": true }, "Blacklists (items to gather at vanilla rates)": { "Harvested Items": [ "human.skull", "skull.wolf" ], "Pickup Items": [ "cloth" ], "Planter Box Items": [ "clone.hemp" ], "Fishing": [ "fish.anchovy" ], "Quarries & Pumpjacks": [ "stones" ], "Excavator": [ "stones" ], "Train Resource Wagons": [ "metal.ore" ] }, "Global Override List": { "pumpkin": 20, "hq.metal.ore": 10 } } Data JSON - Example { "Custom Permission Group Settings": { "default": { "Gather Rate": 1, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "Giant Excavator Rate": 1, "Fishing Rate": 1 }, "vip": { "Gather Rate": 2, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "Giant Excavator Rate": 2, "Fishing Rate": 2 }, "Elite": { "Gather Rate": 3, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "Giant Excavator Rate": 3, "Fishing Rate": 3 }, "SuperElite": { "Gather Rate": 4, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "Giant Excavator Rate": 4, "Fishing Rate": 4 }, "MegaElite": { "Gather Rate": 5, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "Giant Excavator Rate": 5, "Fishing Rate": 5 } } }$5.00- 23 comments
- 3 reviews
- 1
- #gathering
- #gather rates
- (and 11 more)
Version 1.0.1
About "Tiny Hollow" MAP "Tiny Hollow" This is a small map with many large monuments, and its feature is the rails way that run around the entire map. You won't find huge, open fields or unoccupied areas here, but at same time the map is very picturesque and full of beautiful, you can see it all in the photo above. This gives players great survival skills, and their activities take on different colors! Due to the small size of the map, players will always have a high FPS, because prefabs will not heavily load the hosting, and the problem with the lack of PVP on small pop servers will disappear in a flash! Notes Map size: 2500 Map Optimized for Performance! No PVP problems on small pop servers rails way that run around the entire map If you need any help, join to my discord server @ Or write to me in Discord`s PB @ callofglory_anytime Monuments Large Oil Rig Military Tunnels Harbor Small Oil Rig Lighthouse(x2) Fishing Village(x3) Aboundad Military Base Aboundad Supermarket Junkyard Trainyard The Dome Mining Outpost Water Treatment Plant Bandit Camp Abounded Supermarket Sulfur Quarry Stone Quarry$3.00 -
Version 1.2.0
IMPORTANT: Editable but no longer be supported. Tahuata is a tropical map based on Hawaii islands. The map is composed of one main island and 8 smaller islands. This map has an huge train system above ground with 751 track segments. There are lot tiny details, entering buildings, puzzle and more. The 2 harbors on the main island. 7 train lines connecting Dodge Town, Elworth, Geystones Island, Baker's Warehouses and Caldweld. NOW EDITABLE! Map size: 3.7k Optional Plugin: Work Cart Spawner ⌬ Dodge Town Dodge Town is the main town of Tahuta. There you have every you need: Gas station, super market, a dock, fishing village. If you need a place to stay, near the gas station there is a rental apartment available. The entrance is behind the house. ⌬ Graystones This island has a town with the same name. The village is a nice place to hang out. There is a bar and a illegal gambling room in one of those houses... At the South on the town, there is a charming beach shelter that I recommend. It's cozy and perfect to relax. ⌬ Caldweld This industrial area is connected to all important areas of the map via trains. Part of Caldweld, a container yard that also have a train connection. Lot loot are hidden for those who want some action. ⌬ Baker's Warehouses Baker was a tyrannical boss. No one knows where is at. Some rumors says that one of his employees killed him and his family and hidden the bodies inside his house across the road. After killing his boss and his family, the employee started to kill hikers and tourists... ⌬ DeadWood The oldest town of Tahuata, now abandoned. ⌬ The 8 Dragons Resort The resort is a great place to party, relax or talk business in the private poker room. This resort is divided in 3 parts. The main building with a bar, music scene and lounge. The second part is the floating casino. Onboard, players have access to a pool, hot tub, mini bar, slot machine, private poker room... There is a loot room locked with a puzzle. The 3rd part of the resort is the cabanas. Those tiny houses can be rented by players. Each cabanas comes with a radio and a unique light theme. They also have an unlimited electricity and can be furnished by the renter. ⌬ The Devil's Home People in Dodge Town and Graystones talks about a huge amount of loot hidden inside the cavern but no one really knows what is inside. ⌬ The Bear's Cave No one knows where this cavern is but if you use a computer and the following camera address: BEARCAVE. You might see a bear inside a cave. There are a lot of custom prefabs on this map. Some are unique, some are also sold on my page. ⌬ Bandit Barge The Bandit Barge is a perfect place to chill after raiding the oil rig or the container carrier. Loot is available for those who have the right key cards. _ Puzzle Requires: x1 Fuse, x1 Blue Key Card and x1 Red Key Card. Available here: ⌬ Custom Train Car and wagons At Elworth station, there are wagons with loot. Some are easy to get, some not. ⌬ Caboose This very old abandoned train car is home for vagabonds. There is some loot... for heartless players… Also available here: ⌬ Shacks and Treehouse These prefabs all have different amenities. Shacks are safer unless you are lucky enough to find a psycho player inside… The best option is to find a cozy treehouses - there’s loot and are relatively safe. The Tree House is available on this website: ⌬ Beach Shelters “Life is a beach!” There are two beach shelters on the map. Those prefabs are ideal to chill around a bonfire and beautiful sceneries. Link to the monument: ⌬ Wooden Piers Players can find wooden piers near the water where they can fish or just enjoy the view. List of non or barely modified Rust monuments included on the map: x2 Lighthouse x1 Airfield x1 Sphere Tank x2 Gas Stations x3 Fishing Villages x1 Compound x1 Junkyard x4 Super Markets x3 Quarries x2 Harbors x4 Caves x2 Stables x2 Underwater Labs NOTE: Not all default monuments are connected to the subway. Some subway are closed. See map screenshots. Discord: (Updated) Steam: Twitter:$19.99 -
Version 1.19
Wild West – Adventurer’s Carnage Wild West: 18th century, gold was found in a cave inside the mountain, all adventurers decided to take this cave for themselves, and Adventurer’s Carnage began. The famous sheriff Elfego Buck, single-handedly killed the whole gang of treasure seekers. And the Chinese John John decided to earn gold in a different way, he washed things for the mine workers for free and found grains of gold in their pockets. Realistic historical events are embedded in the map, with small deviations in time. The map was created using World creator and World machine. The map has a very beautiful and convenient landscape, with canyons, and a railway for traveling by trains. There are many flat spots on the map for using the Raidable Bases plugin. And also the map is ideal for pvp and pve servers. This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! Features: About 26692 prefabs Map size 3500 Optimized FPS 12 custom locations with loot Over 12 custom locations for building 5 unique building locations Underground Rail tunnels Railroad on the map surface Underwater Labs Underwater custom location with loot Сustom locations where you can build are marked with “X” All custom locations have names on the map Compatible with Raidable Bases plugin Custom monuments: Wild Town Valentain (large location) + NPC Shopkeeper Sallon Wild West (medium location) Station MG (medium location) Cowboy Ranch (medium location) + NPC Shopkeeper Bar Lame Horse (medium location) Dirigible Mark (medium location) Sheriff Elfego Buck (medium location) Gold Mine (medium location) Laundry John (small location) Station A (small location) Station B (small location) Station C (small location) 7 Underwater Ruins (small location in ocean) 5 unique types of places to build Over 12 custom locations for building Monuments: Arctic Research Base Military Base Harbor Lighthouse Large Fishing Village Fishing Village OilRig Small OilRig Large Train Tunnel Underwater Labs Launch Site Ranch Outpost Sewer Branch Military tunnel Train Yard Power Plant Bandit camp Sphere Quarry Junkyard Metro Mining outpost Gas station Supermarket Required Dependencies: Work Cart Spawner and RustEdit DLL My Discord: flouONEs#8783 Special thanks for the plugin, thanks to SPooCK I can make such maps. Special thanks for video MYPLOKI (Discord: MYPLOKI#5580).$36.90-
- 4
- #wild west
- #train
(and 7 more)
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Version 1.0.2
Welcome to my Medium Railway Station, which features two-time period theme kits to choose from modern and olden days. Each kit changes construction materials and many structural changes, and the little details fit the time chosen. Additionally, two biome decor packs contain rocks, grass, bushes, and plants to match biomes temperate and arid. The monument includes many great looting opportunities, including a blue card puzzle and underground tunnels. This monument can be added to a more extensive railway network or just used standalone. What's Included Medium Railway Station (Bare Bones) Temperate Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Arid Decor Pack (Socket Snap) Time Period Olden Days (Socket Snap) Time Period Modern (Socket Snap) Adding To Map Installing Temperate Station Installing Arid Station Monument Name Signs Contact And Help If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join RustMaps Discord$18.99-
- 2
- #railway
- #railway station
- (and 8 more)
Version 2.0.1
This is a large kit of elevated railway parts for you to use to easily add railways to any map with all parts socket snapping into place its easy as 1 2 3 Parts available in single and twin railway lines. Took me so much time to make am happy its finally released. See Videos Below ElevatedRailway3x3 End ElevatedRailway3x9 ElevatedRailway3x18 ElevatedRailway 3x36 Siding With Spawn ElevatedRailway3×36 Single 2 Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 ElevatedRailway3x72 Siding ElevatedRailwayBend45 ElevatedRailwaySleft3x27 ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Bottom ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Full ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Top ElevatedRailway Sight 3x27 ElevatedRailwayStation ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Bottom ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Full ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Top Twin ElevatedRailway 3x9 End Twin ElevatedRailway3x9 Twin ElevatedRailway 3x18 Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 Crossover Twin ElevatedRailway3x36 Twin ElevatedRailway 3x72 Siding Twin ElevatedRailway Bend45 Twin ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Bottom Twin ElevatedRailway Smooth Incline Full Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Bottom Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Full Twin ElevatedRailway Steep Incline Top ElevatedRailway 3x9 End NoLeg ElevatedRailway 3x9 NoLeg ElevatedRailway 3x18 Noleg ElevatedRailway3x36 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Bend45 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Sleft 3x27 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Sight 3x27 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x3 End NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x18 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x36 Crossover Noleg Twin ElevatedRailway 3x36 NoLeg Twin ElevatedRailway Bend45 NoLeg ElevatedRailway Access Support ElevatedRailway Collapsed Support ElevatedRailway Dropped Support ElevatedRailway Side Cliff Support ElevatedRailway Standard Support$31.99- 6 comments
- 1 review
- 6
- #elevated railway
- #elevated
- (and 10 more)
Version 1.0.0
Fear of the deep sea? Now you can overcome it with this wonderful window to the ocean. Stand out on your server with Underwater Train Station, an underwater train station with access to the subway tunnel. - Contains: NPCS, Loot, Puzzles and a nice decoration. - Tip: You can remove the train tracks and put your own custom ones (Existing tracks can serve as a guide, or if you prefer you can keep them as they are fully functional).$12.90-
- #underwatertrainstation
- #trainstation
(and 39 more)
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- #underwatertrainstation
- #trainstation
- #train
- #station
- #metro
- #rail
- #railtrack
- #armoredtrain
- #water
- #ocean
- #h2o
- #mrhankey
- #survival
- #kit
- #survivalkit
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- #badgyver
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- #workcart
- #wagon
- #prefab
- #asset
- #monument
- #rust
- #rustgame
- #rustplay
- #rustserver
- #pve
- #pvp
- #adminresource
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #roleplay
- #rp
- #rustcustommonument
- #rustcustomprefab
- #rustcustomasset
- 1 comment
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- #train
- #station
(and 40 more)
Tagged with:
- #train
- #station
- #train station
- #trainstation
- #wagon
- #casino
- #hackablecrate
- #hackable crate
- #hackablecrates
- #npc
- #loot
- #pvp
- #pve
- #zone
- #spawn
- #respwan
- #workcart
- #resource
- #prefab
- #monument
- #custom monument
- #custom prefab
- #custom
- #badgyver
- #rust
- #rust custom
- #rust custom monument
- #rust custom prefab
- #custom rust monument
- #custom rust prefab
- #asset
- #rust asset
- #decor
- #decorative
- #decor prefab
- #map
- #spain
- #españa
- #custom spain
- #custom spain map
- #apocalypse
- #apocalypse spain map