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Version 1.3.3
Сreates a feudal system. Now on your server players can take one of 5 roles: Roles of Lords: There are 4 lords in total, each of which has its own territory (one of the parts of the world). If you farm resources in a given territory, then you will pay the tax set by the lord of this territory to his treasury. The role of the king: The king does not have his own territory from which he will receive taxes, however, every time the lord takes tax from his treasury, he also gives a part in the form of tax to the king (the king sets his own tax).The role can be taken through the interface (if it is not already taken).Also, if a regular player kills the ruler, then he will take his place If the ruler has not logged into the server for more than the time specified in the config, his role will be released Config: { "Global settings": { "Command for open menu": "feodal", "Lords map markers update frequency": 10, "Use Virtual Treasury?(true = virtual | false = real box treasury)": false, "SkinID for treasury chest(if use real box)": 2881793914, "Allow multiple lords per team": false, "SteamID for icon in chat messages": 0 }, "Role settings": { "Minimum tax": 15, "Maximum tax": 50, "Offline time to remove a role": 36 }, "Economics settings": { "Use payed roles? (0 - No pay for role | 1 - Economics | 2 - ServerRewards)": 1, "Price for King role": 1000, "Price for Lord role": 500 } } Lang: { "CM_RULERKILLRULER": "Player <color=yellow>{0}</color> killed the ruler <color=yellow>{1}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>). Now the player <color=yellow>{0}</color> has become the new ruler(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>), we congratulate him!", "CM_PLAYERKILLRULLER": "Ruler <color=yellow>{0}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{3}</color>) killed the ruler <color=yellow>{1}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{2}</color>). Now anyone can take the place of the ruler(<color=#0078F0>{3}</color>)", "CM_BECOMERULER": "Player <color=yellow>{0}</color> has become a ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>)", "CM_CANTBERULER": "You are already a ruler", "CM_LEAVEROLE": "Successfully left your role as ruler", "CM_LEAVEFROMROLE": "The player <color=yellow>{0}</color> left the role of the Ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>). Now anyone can take the place of the ruler(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>)", "CM_TAXCANBE": "The tax can be from {0}% to {1}%", "CM_NEWTAX": "The ruler <color=yellow>{0}</color>(<color=#0078F0>{1}</color>) has established a new tax in the range of <color=#FF8B53>{2}%</color>.", "UI_RULERS": "RULERS", "UI_KING": "KING", "UI_BECOMEAKING": "CLICK TO\nBECOME A KING", "UI_TAX": "TAX", "UI_LORD": "LORD", "UI_TOBECOMEALORD": "CLICK TO\nBECOME A LORD", "UI_INVENTORY": "INVENTORY", "UI_APPLY": "APPLY", "UI_LEAVE": "<size=15>STOP BEING A RULER</size>" }$39.99 -
Version 1.6.2
This plugin adds a character progression system to your server in the form of a leveling and skill tree system. Players gain xp by cutting trees, mining rocks, killing NPCs etc, and are rewarded with skill points when they level up. These points can be used to unlock perks and buffs across a number of different skill trees. The plugin is extremely customizable and server owners can change, move, scale or disable any perk to tailor the setup to their server. It features: 116 unique buff types across 130 skill nodes. 13 unique skill trees. 67+ sources of xp, along with custom xp settings for BotRespawn and NpcSpawn. An extremely large amount of xp options to really tweak the plugin for your server. A functional tree system that prevents unlocking/upgrading of nodes if the player has not invested enough skill points into a tree. Fun & unique ultimate abilities across most trees. Global yield settings for servers that want to run 2x/3x etc. Ability to create custom skill trees and nodes using permissions from other plugins. Considerable amount of options for persistent data through server wipes. A prestige system to reward your most hardcore players. SkillTree allows users to focus on multiple skill trees and unlock nodes in each tree as they level, to make their characters more powerful and unique. Plugins that work well with Skill Tree RaidableBases - SkillTree integrates with RaidableBases by rewarding raiders with xp (either handled via SkillTree directly or via RaidableBases directly). The raiding tree can also exclusively work with RaidableBases if servers don't allow raiding. Economics & ServerRewards - integrated as a way to pay for the respec cost. SurvivalArena - Rewards the winner of the event with xp. Cooking - adds new skills to the Cooking tree as well as xp rewards when successfully cooking meals. BotRespawn - Adds additional xp sources for each NPC profile. NpcSpawn - Adds additional xp sources for each NPC profile. UINotify - Shows notifications relevant to leveling etc. ZombieHorde - Provides xp for killing zombies generated by this plugin. LootDefender - Provides the ability for shared xp when killing BradleyAPC. Configured through LootDefender. EpicLoot - Adds a skill to the Scavenging tree FishingHotspots - Allows for modified XP gain while fishing in a hotspot. ZoneManager - Allows you to disable buffs while in a zone. - required to use the chat commands to access the skill tree menu. skilltree.xp - required to obtain xp from xp sources. skilltree.tree - required to access and use the skill tree. skilltree.admin - required to use the admin commands. skilltree.all - allows user access to all trees. skilltree.Mining - allows the user to access the mining tree. skilltree.Woodcutting - allows the user to access the woodcutting tree. skilltree.Skinning - allows the user to access the skinning tree. skilltree.Harvesting - allows the user to access the harvesting tree. skilltree.Combat - allows the user to access the combat tree. skilltree.Medical - allows the user to access the medical tree. skilltree.Build_Craft - allows the user to access the build craft tree. skilltree.Scavenging - allows the user to access the scavenging tree. skilltree.Vehicles - allows the user to access the vehicles tree. skilltree.Cooking - allows the user to access the cooking tree. skilltree.bag.keepondeath - prevents the ExtraPockets bag from dropping on death. skilltree.notitles - Removes the level title from the player (Requires BetterChat) skilltree.noxploss - Prevents xp loss. skilltree.roguelike - If enabled via the config, will be required to participate in the Roguelike system. skilltree.teabonus - Ignores the config option preventing the yield increases from working with mining and woodcutting teas. skilltree.noscoreboard - Prevents players with this permission from being added to the scoreboard. skilltree.respec.bypass - removes the cost for respeccing skilltree.togglebc - required to toggle BetterChat titles on/off //Custom permission settings "Modified max skill points based on permissions [must be higher than default]": { "vip": 120 }, "Cost per point to respec based on permissions [must be lower than default]": { "vip": 10.0 }, "Maximum amount of xp a player can lose when they die based on permissions [must be less than default]": { "vip": 500.0 }, "Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]": { "vip": 1.2 }, The permission for "vip" would be Assigning this perm to players would override the default values for the respective settings (max skill points, respec cost, xp gain and xp loss). Command: st Description: Opens the skill tree menu. Requires permissions. Command: updatexptable Description: Recalculates the xp table based on the config values. Requires Command: togglexpdrops Description: Toggles the xp popup when obtaining xp. Command: togglexphud Description: Toggles the xp hud on the players screen. Command: givexp Parameters: <name> <amount> <optional: Ignore modifiers true/false> Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, xp equal to the amount parameter. Ignore modifiers will ignore all forms of xp boosts such as rested xp. Command: givesp Parameters: <name> <amount> Description: Gives the player matching the name parameter, skill points equal to the amount parameter. Command: resetdata Parameters: <name> Description: Resets the target players data. Command: turbo Description: Toggles the turbo on the boat if the player has the relevant perk. Command: togglebc Description: Toggles the BetterChat title on/off for the user. Command: movebar Description: brings up a ui that can be used to relocate the xp bar on the players screen. Command: stresetalldata Description: Resets all players data. Command: sb or score or scoreboard Description: Chat and console command that brings up the scoreboard, showing who has the most xp. Command: sttogglenotifications Description: Toggle notifications from buff triggers. Command: stgiveitem Parameters: <id> <shortname> <quantity> <skin ID> <optional: displayName> Description: gives an item to the target ID that matches the parameters. Console Command: strespecallplayers Description: Resets skills for all online and offline players. Console Command: strespecplayer Parameters: <target name/userID> Description: Resets the target online/offline players skills. Console Command: givexptoall Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false> Description: Will give the amount of xp to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online. Console Command: givesptoall Parameters: <amount> <online only: true/false> Description: Will give the amount of skill points to all players. If online only is true, it will only give it to those that are online. Console Command: stremoveplayerdata Parameters: <userid> Description: Will remove the player data file for the specified userid. Console Command: sttogglebuffs Parameters: <true/false> Description: Disables/enableds buffs globally for all players. Experience can be gained from a number of different sources. The value for each source can be adjusted via the config. NodeHit - Hitting a stone, metal or sulfur mining node. NodeHitFinal - Finishing a stone, metal or sulfur mining node. TreeHit - Hitting a tree. TreeHitFinal - Knocking down a tree. SkinHit - Hitting an animal with a skinning tool. SkinHitFinal - Finishing off an animal with a skinning tool. CollectWildPlant - Collecting any map generated collectible, such as hemp, corn, pumpkin, stone, sulfur or metal. CollectGrownPlant - Collecting any player grown produce. BuildingBlockDeployed - Placing down a twig building block. FishCaught - Catching a fish. Crafting - Whenever a craft is successfully completed. XP is calculated based on the duration of the craft. ScientistNormal - Killing a blue scientist. ScientistHeavy - Killing a heavy scientists. SmallAnimal - Killing a small animal such as a chicken. MediumAnimal - Killing a medium animal such as a boar, wolf or stag. LargeAnimal - Killing a large animal such as a horse, shark or bear. Barrel - Destroying barrels. RoadSign - Destroying road signs. Scarecrow - Killing scarecrows or a zombie in ZombieHorde. Mission - Completing a mission in rust. BradleyAPC - Getting the last hit on Bradley. LootHackedCrate - First player to loot a locked crate. LootHeliCrate - First player to loot a heli crate. LootBradleyCrate - First player to loot a bradley crate. CookingMealXP - (Requires cooking plugin) XP is calculated per ingredient used. Example 2 tomatos and 8 bear meat would yield 100xp. RaidableBaseCompletion - Awards raiders of a RaidableBase xp upon the completion of the raid. Win_HungerGames - Awards xp to the winner of the Hunger Games arena. Win_ScubaArena - Awards xp to the winner of the Scuba arena. Win_Skirmish - Awards xp to the winner of the Skirmish arena. Gut_Fish - Awards xp when gutting a fish. default_botrespawn - default amount xp given when killing a bot made using botrespawn. Overriding values can be added to the config based on the bot group. crate_basic - when opening crates crate_elite - when opening crates crate_mine - when opening crates crate_normal - when opening crates carte_normal_2 - when opening crates crate_normal_2_food - when opening crates crate_normal_2_medical - when opening crates crate_tools - when opening crates crate_underwater_advanced - when opening crates crate_underwater_basic - when opening crates crate_ammunition - when opening crates crate_food_1 - when opening crates crate_food_2 - when opening crates crate_fuel - when opening crates crate_medical - when opening crates Harbor_Event_Winner - Winner of the Harbor event plugin Junkyard_Event_Winner - winner of the Junkyard event plugin PowerPlant_Event_Winner - winner of the Power plant event plugin Satellite_Event_Winner - winner of the Satellite event plugin Water_Event_Winner - winner of the Water event plugin Air_Event_Winner - winner of the Air event plugin. Armored_Train_Winner - winner of the Armored train plugin Convoy_Winner - winner of the Convoy event plugin. Supply_drop - first player that opens a supply drop. SurvivalArena_Winner - winning the SurvivalArena event. swipe_card_level_1 - using a green swipe card reader swipe_card_level_2 - using a blue swipe card reader swipe_card_level_3 - using a red swipe card reader boss_monster - killing an NPC from boss monster Zombie - Killing a ZombieHorde zombie UnderwaterDweller NPCs - NPCs in underwater labs JetPilot - JetPilot plugin ArcticBaseEvent_Winner - winner of the Arctic Base Event GasStationEvent_Winner - winner of the Gas Station Event SputnikEvent_Winner - winner of the Sputnik Event detect_diggable - triggered when a metal detector site is dig up. ShipWreckEvent_Winner - winner of the Ship Wreck Event pvp - when a player kills another player (default: off). Triangulation_Winner - winner of the triangulation event Caravan_Winner - winner of the Caravan event SupermarketEvent_Winner - winner of the Supermarket event Name: Mining Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while mining. Name: Instant Mine Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly mine out a stone, sulfur or metal node. Name: Smelt On Mine Description: Gives the user a chance to smelt some of the ore as its mined from sulfur and metal nodes. Name: Mining Luck Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Mining luck loot table when they finish mining a node. Name: Mining Tool Durability Description: Decreses the durability loss of mining tools. Name: Woodcutting Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while woodcutting. Name: Instant Chop Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly chop down a tree. Name: Woodcutting Coal Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain some charcoal while woodcutting. Name: Woodcutting Luck Description: Gives the user a chance to obtain items from the Woodcutting luck loot table when they finish cutting down a tree. Name: Woodcutting Tool Durability Description: Decreses the durability loss of woodcutting tools. Name: Skinning Yield Description: Increases the amount of resources gained while skinning. Name: Instant Skin Description: Gives the user a chance to instantly cut up an animal. Name: Skinning Tool Durability Description: Decreases the durability loss of skinning tools. Name: Skinning Cook Description: Gives the user a chance to received cooked meat, instead of raw meat, while skinning an animal. Name: Harvest Wild Yield Description: Increases the yield when harvesting map generated collectibles, such as berries, hemp, stone, sulfur and mushrooms. Name: Harvest Grown Yield Description: Increases the yield when harvesting player grown produce. Name: Extra Fish Description: Gives the user a chance of receiving an extra fish while fishing. Name: Double Bandage Heal Description: Doubles the healing power of cloth bandages. Name: Radiation Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of radiation damage taken by the player. Name: Extra Food Description: Increases the amount of calories the player receives when consuming food. Name: Fire Damage Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of fire damage received. Name: Fall Damage Reduction Description: Reduces the amount of fall damage received. Name: No Cold Damage Description: Removes all cold damage from the player. Name: Wounded Resist Description: Gives the player a chance to get straight back on their feet after entering the wounded state. Name: Animal Damage Resist Description: Reduces the damage taken by animals. Name: Riding Speed Description: Increases the speed of a horse while riding it. Name: Free Bullet Chance Description: Gives the player a chance to not expend a bullet when firing a gun. Name: Primitive Expert Description: Removes durability loss for primitive weapons. Name: Upgrade Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their resources back when upgrading a building block. Name: Craft Speed Description: Increases the crafting speed of a player. Name: Research Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their scrap back when researching an item on the research bench. Name: Craft Refund Description: Gives the player a chance to receive their crafting materials back when crafting an item. Name: Extra Scrap Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to receive additional scrap when destroying a barrel. Name: Barrel Smasher Description: Allows the player to instantly smash a barrel with any weapon. Name: Extra Scrap Crate Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain extra scrap when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Component Chest Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Electronic Chest Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when looting a crate for the first time. Name: Component Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional components when smashing a barrel. Name: Electronic Barrel Description: Gives the player a chance to obtain additional electronics when smashing a barrel. Name: Melee Resist Description: Reduces the damage taken by melee weapons. Name: Iron Stomach Description: Allows the player to eat spoiled and raw food without being poisoned. Name: Boat Speed Description: Allows the user to activate a turbo boost while on a boat, increasing the boats speed. Name: Recycler Speed Description: Increases the speed of recycling for the player. Name: Smelt_Speed Description: Adds a chance for ore to smelt whenever wood is consumed, in addition to the standard smelt rate. Name: Heli_Fuel_Rate Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your helicopters. Name: Boat_Fuel_Rate Description: Reduces the fuel consumption for your boats. Name: Vehicle_Mechanic Description: Allows the user to repair a vehicle at no cost. Name: Reviver Description: Brings a wounded player up with additional health if the reviving player has the buff. Name: Rationer Description: Provides the consumer a chance to receive their food/tea back once consumed. Name: PVP_Critical Description: Gives the attacker a chance to critically damage the target in PVP. Name: PVP_Damage Description: Increases the damage of all PVP attacks. Name: PVP_Shield Description: Reduces the damage of all incoming PVP attacks. Name: Metabolism_boost Description: Increases your calories and hydration above the maximum. Name: LootPickup Description: Chance to have the loot from destroyed barrels given moved directly to their inventory. Name: Node_Spawn_Chance Description: Chance to spawn a new node when a new one is mined out. Name: HealthRegen Description: Passively regenerates x health per second Name: AnimalTracker Description: Allows the user to use the /track command to find the direction of the closest animal. Name: ExtraPockets Description: Creates a backpack style storage system, providing players the ability to access the storage using a chat command (/pouch). Slots are given based on points spent. Name: Human_NPC_Damage Description: Increases damages against scientists. Name: Animal_NPC_Damage Description: Increases damages against animals. Name: Human_NPC_Defence Description: Decrease damage from scientist. Name: Craft_Duplicate Description: Chance to duplicate an item while crafting. Name: WaterBreathing Description: Breath underwater. Name: SharkResistance Description: Reduce damage taken from sharks. Name: SharkSkinner Description: Chance to receive random items while skinning sharks. Name: DeepSeaLooter Description: Chance to receive additional items while looting sunken crates. Name: InstantUntie Description: Instantly untie sunken crates. Name: UnderwaterDamageBonus Description: Increase damage to all living things while underwater (including underwater labs). Name: Permission Description: Used for permission based skills. Name: MaxRepair Description: Resets the max condition for any items that are repaired. Name: Durability Description: Reduces condition loss for all items that the player is using. Name: Regrowth Description: Provides a chance for a tree to respawn when cut down. Name: Skinning_Luck Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when skinning an animal. Name: Fishing_Luck Description: Provides a chance to receive an item when catching a fish. Name: Trap_Damage_Reduction Description: Reduces the damage received from traps. Name: Trap_Damage_Increase Description: Increases the damage done to traps. Name: Personal_Explosive_Reduction Description: Reduces the damage received from your own explosives. Name: Double_Explosion_Chance Description: Provides a chance for your explosives to trigger twice. Name: Lock_Picker Description: Provides a chance to open a locked entity that you do not have access to. Name: Explosion_Radius Description: Increases the explosion radius of your explosives. Name: Dudless_Explosive Description: Reduces the chance of your satchels and beancans being duds. Name: Woodcutting_Hotspot Description: Treats each hit on a tree as though you hit the hotspot. Name: Mining_Hotspot Description: Treats each hit on a node as though you hit the hotspot. Name: Extended_Tea_Duration Description: Increases the duration of tea buffs by x% per level. Name: Extended_Mag Description: Increases the magazine capacity of weapons by x% per level. Name: Tea_Looter Description: Provides you with a x% chance per level to find tea in certain containers. Name: Bite_Speed Description: Decreases the time it takes to hook a fish by x% per level. Name: Heli_Speed Description: Increases the max thrust speed of the heli by x% per level. Name: Sonar Description: Allows the user to run a command to find all nearby submerged objects (dive sites, sharks, scientists etc). Name: Comfort Description: Provides the player and all nearby team mates with a % of comfort per level. Name:Heal_Share Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of health received per level. Name:XP_Share Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of the xp you gain per level. Name: Tea_Share Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of tea buffs when you consume tea per level. Name: Metabolism_Share Description: Provides surrounding team mates with a % of hydration and calories received per level. Name: Human_Workbench Description: Creates a workbench aura on the player. The player and nearby team mates can use them as a workbench (the level of which is based on the skill level). Name: Recycler_Efficiency Description: Increases the recycler efficiency by x%. Name: Metal_Detector_Luck Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to obtain an additional item when they excavate metal detection sites. Name: Efficient_Digger Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to automatically dig up metal detection sites when they are flagged. Name: Magnetic_Digger Description: Provides the player with a chance per level to automatically collect dug up items. Name: RadiationBaseValue Description: Provides you with a base radiation resistance of % per level, even when naked. Name: RadiationResistModifier Description: Increases the effectiveness of your clothings radiation resistance by % per level. Name: BikeEnginePower Description: Increases the engine power of all bikes (peddal and motor) by x % per level. Name: DriverCollisionResistance Description: Decreases the damage taken from collisions while driving a vehicle by x% per level. Name: Harvesting_Luck Description: Provides a drop table when a player collects harvesting materials. Grown and wild collectibles have their own loot tables. Name: Awareness Description: This skill will show the nearby location of (configurable): npcs, animals, dropped items, droppted item containers, corpses within x meters. Name: Woodcutting_Ultimate Description: Harvests the surrounding trees when cutting down a tree. Name: Mining_Ultimate Description: Provides access to a chat command to see all surrounding node locations. Name: Combat_Ultimate Description: Heals the player for a percentage of the damage that they deal to all sources. Name: Vehicle_Ultimate Description: Reduces damage dealt to the players mounted vehicle (default 100% deduction). Name: Harvester_Ultimate Description: Allows the player to set the genetic composition of plants. Name: Medical_Ultimate Description: Gives the player a chance to resurrect at their point of death if they choose to. Name: Skinning_Ultimate Description: Killing an animal with this buff active will provide the player with an enhanced ability for a period of time, depending on the animal killed. - Chicken: No fall damage. - Boar: Chance to find components while harvesting mushrooms and berries. - Wolf: Increased healing while near team mates. - Stag: Notification when a neutral player is nearby, and their last known location (configurable). - Bear: Scientists will not attack the player unless attacked. - Polarbear: Overshield. Name: Build_Craft_Ultimate Description: Use any coloured swipe cards in any reader. Name: Scavengers_Ultimate Description: Will automatically recycle components from barrels when they are broken. The xp table uses a common equation to calculate its levels and xp requirements. You can read more about the method here: There is also a spreadsheet you can make a copy of and adjust the x value at the top of. Increasing the number minimizes the xp between levels. Find a good value, then put it in the "x" value under the "Leveling information" section in the config. It is recommended that you leave the y value at 2 or 3, and adjust the x value only. Rule of thumb: - 0.07: default - 0.04: grindy. API object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity source, double value, string source_string) object STCanGainXP(BasePlayer player, string plugin, double value) Returning a non-null value will cancel the xp gain. Source can return null so be sure to check that. string[] ST_GetPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player) // Example [ChatCommand("testapi")] void TestAPI(BasePlayer player) { var data = (string[])SkillTree.Call("ST_GetPlayerLevel", player); Puts($"Level: {data.First()}. XP: {data.Last()}"); } Returns the players level [0] and xp [1] values as a string[] object STCanReceiveYield(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) Returning a non-null value will cancel the yield gain. object STOnLoseXP(BasePlayer player) Returning a non null value prevents the xp loss. double GetExcessXP(BasePlayer player) Gets the excess xp over the players current level as a double. RemoveXP(BasePlayer player, double value) Removes xp from the player equal to the value. Will not reduce the value below the start of their current level. void STOnPlayerLevel(BasePlayer player, int oldLevel, int newLevel); Triggers when a player levels up. No return value. void STOnPouchOpened(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer pouch) Triggers when a player opens the ExtraPockets storage. object STCanModifyHorse(BasePlayer player, RidableHorse horse, float modifier) Returning a non-null value will prevent the horse from being modified by the Riding_Speed buff. public void AddNode(string tree, string node, bool enabled, int max_Level, int tier, float value_Per_Buff, string _buff, string _buffType, string icon_url, object[] _perms = null) object[] perms { string perms_description, Dictionary<int, List<string>> tiers_and_perms } void AddCookingNodeToSkillTree() { if (SkillTree != null && SkillTree.IsLoaded) { Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> _perms = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>>() { [1] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { ["cooking.instant"] = "Instant Cook" } }; string Description = "Cooking food with the Cooking plugin will be instant."; object[] perms = new object[] { Description, _perms }; string Tree = "Cooking"; string Node = "Instant Chef"; bool StartOn = true; int Max_Level = 1; int Tier = 2; float Value_per_Level = 1; string Buff = "Permission"; string BuffType = "Permission"; string URL = ""; SkillTree.Call("AddNode", Tree, Node, StartOn, Max_Level, Tier, Value_per_Level, Buff, BuffType, URL, perms); } } Allows plugins to add custom nodes to trees. [HookMethod("IsExtraPocketsContainer")] public object IsExtraPocketsContainer(uint uid) { if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return True; return False; } [HookMethod("GetExtraPocketsContainerProvider")] public Func<uint, bool> GetExtraPocketsContainerProvider() { return new Func<uint, bool>(uid => { if (containers.ContainsKey(uid)) return true; return false; }); } [HookMethod("GetExtraPocketsOwnerIdProvider")] public Func<uint, string> GetExtraPocketsOwnerIdProvider() { return new Func<uint, string>(uid => { Containers data; if (containers.TryGetValue(uid, out data)) return data.userIDString; return null; }); } API for extra pockets. object STCanReceiveBonusLootFromContainer(BasePlayer player, LootContainer container) Prevents buffs from adding loot to containers if returning a non-null value. object STOnItemRepairWithMaxRepair(Item item) Returning non-null prevents the item bring repaired to max. object[] GetXPStats(ulong id) Returns object[]: int level, double xp, double current level start xp, double next level start xp. float GetBuffValue(BasePlayer player, string skill) Returns the current modifier for the specified buff. void AwardXP(ulong userid, double value, string plugin, bool noMod = false) Provides the player with the specified amount of xp public void DisableBuffs(ulong id) Disables buffs for a player public void EnableBuffs(ulong id) Enables buffs for a player$29.99- 1,217 comments
- 40 reviews
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- #leveling
- #progression
- (and 13 more)
Version 1.0.0
Are you tired of the strict limitations on floor frames, where only ladder hatches are allowed? DoorFrames is here to change that! This plugin introduces the ability to place Wooden Double Doors, Metal Double Doors, Armored Double Doors, and Garage Doors on floor frames, giving players more creative freedom and practical utility in their base designs. What Does DoorFrames Do? By default, Rust restricts floor frames to only accept ladder hatches, limiting design possibilities. DoorFrames overrides this behavior, allowing players to place multiple door types on floor frames, seamlessly integrating them into existing structures. Key Features Support for All Double Door Types Players can place the following doors on floor frames: Wooden Double Doors Metal Double Doors Armored Double Doors Garage Doors Permission-Based Access Control which players can place specific door types using permission system: doorframes.all: Allows placement of all supported door types. doorframes.wood: Allows placement of Wooden Double Doors. doorframes.metal: Allows placement of Metal Double Doors. doorframes.armored: Allows placement of Armored Double Doors. doorframes.garage: Allows placement of Garage Doors. Cooldown System for Performance To ensure smooth server performance, the plugin includes a 0.5-second cooldown for each frame. Additionally, a 100-frame limit is enforced to prevent excessive memory usage. The oldest cooldowns are purged as needed, ensuring stability during heavy server activity. (Those can be changed in the code for optimization.) Custom Hook Integration The FFDoorPlaced hook is triggered every time a door is successfully placed, enabling advanced customization for server developers. How It Works For Developers Customization via Hook: The FFDoorPlaced hook allows you to add functionality such as logging, rewards, or additional restrictions. It provides the following parameters: BasePlayer player: The player placing the door. Door door: The door entity being placed. string doorType: The type of door being placed (e.g., door.double.hinged.metal). For Players Select a Door: Equip one of the supported doors in your hotbar. Aim at a Floor Frame: Point at a valid floor frame within a 5-meter range. Place with a Click: If permissions are granted, the door will automatically align to the frame. Players who lack the required permission will receive a message in chat, preventing placement. Important Considerations Performance First: The cooldown system and frame limit ensure no unnecessary server lag or memory usage. Backup Recommended: Always back up your server before installing new plugins or making major changes. For Developers: using Oxide.Core; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("FFDoorLogger", "Hakan", "1.0.0")] public class FFDoorLogger : RustPlugin { void FFDoorPlaced(BasePlayer player, Door door, string doorType) { Puts($"{player.displayName} placed a {doorType} on a floor frame."); } } } Functionality The FFDoorPlaced method is a hook that gets called whenever a door is placed using the DoorFrames plugin. When triggered, it: Takes three parameters: player: The BasePlayer who placed the door door: The Door entity that was placed doorType: The type of door placed (e.g., wooden, metal)$9.99- 2 comments
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- #floorstack
- #floorframe
- (and 13 more)
Version 1.3.12
Adds a banking system to the game. It is an extended system of economics. Features ATM system (each player can install his own ATM and receive profit from it) ATMs can break ATMs can be repaired Money transfer system between players HumanNPC support Ability for players to earn money Adds a new item to the game (banknotes) Auto Wipe (each item can be customized) Working through third-party economy plugins (optional) Conversion from ServerRewards and Economics Commands bank - open the bank interface bank.givenote [target] [amount] - give banknotes to the player bank.giveatm [target] - give ATM to the player bank.setbalance [target] - set balance to the player bank.deposit [target] - deposit money to the player bank.withdraw [target] - withdraw money from a player bank.transfer [player] [target] - transferring money from a player to another player bank.wipe [type] (0 - all, 1 - players, 2 - logs, 3 - ATMs) - wipe data bank.convert.economics - convert from Economics bank.convert.serverrewards- convert from ServerRewards Hooks private object CanPlayerCreateCard(BasePlayer player) private void OnPlayerCreatedCard(BasePlayer player) private void OnBalanceChanged(ulong member, int amount) API private bool HasCard(BasePlayer player) private bool HasCard(ulong member) private int Balance(BasePlayer player) private int Balance(ulong member) private bool Deposit(BasePlayer player, int amount) private bool Deposit(string member, int amount) private bool Deposit(ulong member, int amount) private bool Withdraw(BasePlayer player, int amount) private bool Withdraw(string member, int amount) private bool Withdraw(ulong member, int amount) private bool Transfer(BasePlayer member, BasePlayer target, int amount) private bool Transfer(string member, string target, int amount) private bool Transfer(ulong member, ulong target, int amount) Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (example: banksystem.use)": "banksystem.use", You can also configure permissions for ATM breakage % FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config$29.95 -
Version 1.0.4
The adventure continues in RATS 2, live a crazy and great miniature adventure in this brand new map. - FEATURES • Size: 4000. • Objects: 143772. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - CONTAINS ALL OFFICIAL MONUMENTS • Radtown • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform • Small oil platform • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site • Satellite dish • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield • Giant excavation • Outpost • Lighthouse - PREFABS AND CUSTOM MONUMENTS • Zeppelin (Puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Resource areas with flies: Lakes, Ore, Wood, Food. • Scalextric: A huge racing track with remote control, a tank watches over the tracks. • Skateboard: Build your base here. • Cargo Ship model: Full of loot, but watch your step sailor because you will find enemies on board. • Bullring: Use the Zone Manager plugin to place an event. • Ball: Build your base indoors. • Cake, a huge and delicious chocolate cake, inside you will find a not very pleasant surprise. • Billiard: An original area to build your base, access through the holes to discover a new world inspired by Mario Bross. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Fireplace: Look up, the Grinch is stuck. • Fishbowl, a huge aquatic area, contains a great variety of fish, in this area you will find the laboratory among other things. • Rubik's Cube: A colorful place to build your base. • Concert: Make your players have fun in this music zone. Turn on the music and lights, ants and flies will be your chorus. • Zeppelin with dish, if you need a place far away from your enemies this is a good option to build your house, besides it is located in the air. • Nintendo: A safe area to recycle, buy and trade. build your base on the controls. • Hotel: This three-storey hotel has two floors with a leisure area, rooms, a third floor with a shop-casino and an area prepared for defence in case of a helicopter attack. • Chess: A huge area to build anything you can think of. • Maze: Be careful and don't get lost, this maze contains loot, but also NPCs. • Roast chicken: Build inside, you will find resources around, watch out for NPCs. • Mazinger Z: Access its interior and complete the parkour to get your prize. "In RATS 2 you will find many hidden areas that have not been mentioned, so equip yourself and explore this great miniature adventure" - TIPS • Climb through walls, furniture and ceilings. • Take advantage of any area with total freedom to build your home. • Have fun$54.90-
- 1
- #rats
- #rats2
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- #rats 2
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- #custommap
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- #bp
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- #character
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- #zipline
- #ants
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- #bugs
- #trainstation
- #toystory
- #toys
- #nintendo
- #mario
- #chess
- #hotel
- #luxuryhotel
- #luxury hotel
- #motel
- #mariobross
- #creeper
- #minecraft
- #fantasy
- #zeppelin
- #zepellin
- #dirigible
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #steam
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- #arena
- #rp
- #roleplay
- #role play
- #bullring
- #puzzle
- #mazingerz
- #mazinger z
- #ghost
- #ghostbusters
- #ghostbusters barracks
- #badgyver
- #facepunch
- #rustconsole
- #console
- #part2
Version 1.0.5
Phone is a roleplay based Plugin that give you a much better Phone book then the standart one from rust itselfe. You can search for Phones by name and call directly from the ui. If you have missed a call from a other person you can see those missed calls in the Missedcalls list and call them back from that list. Also you are able to register more Apps in the PhoneUI and make it a universal tool to execute other plugin commands by a visual Phone app. Whatch my Tutorial video to see all the details about it. For more help and service check out my discord server. Discord: Tutorial Video !!! [UI Updated] UI is not the same as in the video see pictures above !!! Permissions Phone.use - allows the player to use the Phone Plugin Lang files German and English translation included Data file Missed calls will be saved Config { "UI-Phone-Images": { "PhoneBook": { "URL": "", "Command": "tb" } } }$25.00 -
Version 1.0.5
Identity Card is a roleplay base plugin that gives you the opportunity to create an id card that displays the name, location, and profession of a player. By typing in /idcard players with the proper permission will be able to open up a form to enter in all the needed information for the id card. The id card item it the green key card and will be displayed with a custom icon in your inventory. Everybody on the server is able to pick up an id card and view it in his active hotbar slot by pressing E to open the view and R to close it. Id cards should not be placed in Backpacks and should not be stackable, so make sure to block the green key card from your backpack system if you have one and do not allow green key cards to be stacked in a stackmodifying plugin. Discord: Summary Video Permissions Identitycard.create - allows you to open the UI and create a id card. Chat Commands /idcard - allows you to open the UI if permission identitycard.create is granted. Lang Files German and English translation included Data File Identity Cards will be saved in a data file$25.00- 9 comments
- 4
- #identity card
- #roleplay
(and 4 more)
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Version 1.2.1
Trade market for bones where prices are dynamic and change each gameday at a set time. Features : Dynamic prices that will change on a set time. The market will exchange your animal bones to resources (whatever is set in configuration). Prices are made with a min/max setup and uses the random amount generated then saves it to a data file this price is then used as the value of the bones you want to trade (value is per 10 units). Support for the HumanNPC plugin This requires SkinAndBones and Fishr plugins to work (these handle the various bones) Commands : /bone market /bonemarket : Both these commands will open the Bone Market Interface. /bone info : Shows plugin info/version/author (Or any info edited in the language file about the event) Permissions : bonemarket.useshop : Grants permission to use market through Chat commands. bonemarket.usenpc : Grants permission to use market through NPC (HumanNPC) Configuration : The following Fonts are available for ANY UI text in plugins ! droidsansmono.ttf permanentmarker.ttf robotocondensed-bold.ttf robotocondensed-regular.ttf { "Chat Prefix": "[<color=#4A95CC>Bone Market</color>] : ", "NPC Vendor settings": { "Use NPC shop": true, "NPC Id's": [ "2745013248" ] }, "UI Settings": { "Font to use": "droidsansmono.ttf", "Market Title": "Bone Market", "Market Title Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Market Description": "Trade market for hunters\nTrade your Bones right here !!!", "Market Description Color (RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.90", "Bone item text Color (RGBA)": "1 0.5 0.5 0.90", "Use a background image": false, "Background Image link": "", "Background Image transparency (0-1)": 0.2 }, "Market refresh time (gameday)": 7.0, "Market Trade item (shortname)": "scrap", "Market Trade item (View name in GUI)": "Scrap", "Market Unit Value": { "Bear bones Low value": 2, "Bear bones High value": 6, "Boar bones Low value": 1, "Boar bones High value": 3, "Chicken bones Low value": 1, "Chicken bones High value": 3, "Horse bones Low value": 1, "Horse bones High value": 3, "Fish bones Low value": 1, "Fish bones High value": 3, "Stag bones Low value": 1, "Stag bones High value": 3, "Wolf bones Low value": 1, "Wolf bones High value": 4 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "FullInventory": "Your inventory was full handout is dropped on the floor", "FullInventoryUI": "Your Inventory is full handout will drop on the floor", "Info": "\n\n<color=#4A95CC>Available Commands</color> :\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands\n<color=#4A95CC>/bone market</color> : Opens the market interface where prices change each gameday", "InvalidInput": "Please enter a valid command!", "OnlyNPC": "The Bone Market is only available at the Bone Trader NPC in Town", "Succesfulltrade": "You traded your bones for {0} {1}", "MarketReset": "Market started a new day with fresh trade prices.", "NotFound": "You dont have any to trade", "NotEnough": "You dont have enough bones for this trade" }Free -
Version 1.5.0
This plugin is basically custom made mixing table which works pretty much same as "vanilla" Mixing Table. Worth mentioning detail, vanilla mixing table interface is no longer accessible while using this plugin although you can still list "teas" in DrugMixing and make them craft-able this way. By using one of my other plugins called Consumable Effects you can add special buffs to consumable items. These buffs are activated upon consuming the item with custom item name listed in data file. Buffs can modify metabolism values like health, bleeding, hunger, comfort etc. or apply Tea Boost with customized values (time, value, type). FAQ Default configuration. Default config files are included with plugin, you will find there 7 recipes which supports ConsumableEffects plugin. Alternatively you can look into configuration made by my customers here -> Default Tea Recipes / Complete Drug Config for RP servers Changing and uploading custom item icons. You can upload any icon on steam workshop with uploader tool, it is simple as just clicking one button. I can provide you with free one on my discord. Where can players find custom ingredients for mixing table. There is few different ways how to do it. Best way is to use any plugin which modifies loot tables and add your special items in there. Getting custom item when picking up plants. This is done by using free plugin ExtraGatherBonuses (link here). With this plugin you can set up any gather chance for custom items. Special effects/buffs when consuming custom items. To set up any buffs, please check out optional dependency Consumable Effects If you have any questions prior to purchasing, feel free to message me here, for faster response reach out on my For more detailed documentation visit this link. Create Recipe Additional Options$10.99 -
Version 1.0.2
- FEATURES • Size: 4000. • Objects: 147114. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - CONTAINS ALL OFFICIAL MONUMENTS • Radtown • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform • Small oil platform • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site • Satellite dish • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield • Giant excavation • Outpost • Lighthouse - PREFABS AND CUSTOM MONUMENTS • Zeppelin (Puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Resource areas with flies: Lakes, Ore, Wood, Food. • Scalextric: A huge racing track with remote control, a tank watches over the tracks. • Skateboard: Build your base here. • Cargo Ship model: Full of loot, but watch your step sailor because you will find enemies on board. • Bullring: Use the Zone Manager plugin to place an event. • Ball: Build your base indoors. • Cake, a huge and delicious chocolate cake, inside you will find a not very pleasant surprise. • Billiard: An original area to build your base, access through the holes to discover a new world inspired by Mario Bross. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Fireplace: Look up, the Grinch is stuck. • Fishbowl, a huge aquatic area, contains a great variety of fish, in this area you will find the laboratory among other things. • Rubik's Cube: A colorful place to build your base. • Concert: Make your players have fun in this music zone. Turn on the music and lights, ants and flies will be your chorus. • Zeppelin with dish, if you need a place far away from your enemies this is a good option to build your house, besides it is located in the air. • Nintendo: A safe area to recycle, buy and trade. build your base on the controls. • Big Xmas Tree: A gigantic Xmas Tree. Build your base anywhere on the Xmas Tree. Moreover, BIG Xmas Tree is not only a decoration, it also contains a snowy village inside the pot. • Maze: Be careful and don't get lost, this maze contains loot, but also npcs. "In RATS you will find many hidden areas that have not been mentioned, so equip yourself and explore this great miniature adventure" - TIPS • Climb through walls, furniture and ceilings. • Take advantage of any area with total freedom to build your home. • Have fun .$54.90- 4 comments
- 1 review
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- #mrhankey
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- #fly
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- #toystory
- #nintendo
- #mario
- #mariobross
- #creeper
- #fantasy
- #christmas
- #christmas map
- #xmas map
- #xmasmap
- #zeppelin
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #steam
- #playrust
- #pve
- #pvp
- #roleplay
- #arena
- #bullring
- #puzzle
- #mazingerz
- #ghostbusters
- #badgyver
- #facepunch
- #rustconsole
- #fuckingxmas
- #part2
- #rats 2
Version 1.0.0
1 download
Bradley Arena is a Bradley vs Player battlefield. Inspired by the popular Helldivers game, this Arena contains a large Helldivers style decoration. Bradley Arena is ready to use in Rustedit and has all the modifiers to apply easily: Terrain Height, Splats and the Bradley Path. HOW DOES IT WORK? To access the inside of the Arena you will need to follow these steps: Go to the top of the Arena, climb up the legs of the building. At the top you will find three red card readers. These card readers are numbered 1 to 3, insert your red cards to activate the red button. Press the red button, an alarm will sound throughout the complex, the red lights will turn on to warn other players that the dome is occupied, access to the red card reader will be blocked by electricity so that other players do not use the card reader, the hatch will open for 2 minutes. Access the inside of the Arena, the hatch will remain closed. After 25 minutes the electricity of the red card reader will be activated giving access to other players. Fight against NPCs and destroy the three tanks that will impede your mission objective. On the walkways you will find food, medicine and glass walls that will protect you from your enemies. Use the zip lines or climb the walls to access the underground. In the underground you will face NPCs and sometimes a Bradley. It's time to leave, press the red button, the hatch will open for 5 minutes, climb the walls, follow your steps to the exit. CONTAINS: Puzzles Parkour Ziplines Loots, Locked crates and Elites crates Two kinds of NPCs Alarm sound Automatic lighting for the night Traps Three Bradleys$12.90-
- 2
- #bradley
- #bradleyarena
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- #bradleyarena
- #bradleyapc
- #bradley apc
- #bradley arena
- #bradley monument
- #bradley guards
- #npc
- #arena
- #playervsplayer
- #playervsbradley
- #bradleyvsplayer
- #pvp
- #pve
- #rp
- #roleplay
- #role play
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #facepunch
- #badgyver
- #steam
- #playrust
- #console
- #rust
- #rustgame
- #decor
- #helldivers
- #helldivers2
- #battlefield
- #dome
- #zonemanager
- #zone manager
- #bradleymod
- #automaton
- #zipline
- #tramp
- #puzle
- #parkour
- #puzzle
- #light
- #rustedit
Version 1.0.29
Adds 53 new deployable items to your server!. Custom item collection system. Players can obtain these items while cutting trees, mining rocks and collecting plants. Includes a built in market that can be accessed via a chat command or a HumanNPC. Each base item can be configured to allow for a wide variety of placement options/restrictions. A large amount of configuration options are available for each item. Adjustable placement options while holding shift. Items can be picked up by holding a hammer, looking at the deployed entity and pressing your mouse3 button (scroll wheel button). deployablenature.admin - Required to use the giveprefab command. - Required to use the market chat command. deployablenature.ignore.restrictions - Allows a player to deploy items without restriction (TC etc). deployablenature.gather - Required for players to obtain drops while gathering. deployablenature.use - Required to deploy nature items. - allows access to the nature market for free. There is also the option to create groups via the config, which will receive discounts in the market based on the value assigned to them. Example: "Permissions that will receive a discount on the store cost when purchasing [1.0 is full price]. Prefix with deployablenature.": { "": 0.5 }, This would give players with the permission a discount of 50% off of the market price. Command: giveprefab Parameters: <skin id> <quantity> Example: /giveprefab 2609145017 100 - spawns the user 100x medium clutter rocks" Permission: deployablenature.admin Command: naturemarket Permission: Command: dnpickup Permission: None Command: giveprefab (console) Parameters: <player id/name> <skin id> <quantity> Example: /giveprefab "new guy" 2609145017 100 - spawns the user 100x medium clutter rocks for new guy" Permission: deployablenature.admin Console Command: dnkillentities - wipes all nature entities from the map. Parameters: <optional parameter: true> - this wipes the data after the command executes. If not used, the nature items will respawn on plugin reload. Example: dnkillentities or dnkillentities true. Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. Console Command: dnkillentitiesforplayer - wipes all nature entities from the map for the specified player Parameters: <player name/id> Example: dnkillentitiesforplayer "new guy" - would delete all entities for the player whose name contained "new guy". Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. Console Command: dnpurge - enables purge mode, wiping all entities from the map (does not delete data), and preventing them from spawning on server start/being deployed by players while active. Automatically resets to false on server wipe. Parameters: <true/false> Example: dnpurge true - would enable purge mode. Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. You most likely won't need the below information, but it is here for more advanced users. Prefab Types 0: Rock 1: Tree 2: Bush 3: Animal Tree Types 0: None 1: Palm 2: Oak 3: Swamp 4: Birch 5: Beech 6: Pine 7: Cacti 8: Snow Bush Types 0: None 1: Willow 2: Willow_snow 3: Spice 4: Spice_snow 5: Creosote 6: Berries 7: Mushrooms Example config API public bool IsDeployableNature(BaseEntity entity) Returns if an entity is a DeployableNature entity that has the prevent_gather attribute.$15.00 -
Version 1.0.2
Mazinger Z (Head), the robot that made a generation of children dream now available for Rust. Mazinger Z's head is wrapped in a collector's box. "Do you dare to discover its interior?" - CONTAINS: Maze Parkour Puzzle Loot Room NPCs - TIPS: Measure your steps with caution or you will meet your death. Have fun$14.90- 1 review
- 2
- #mazingerz
- #z
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- #mazingerz
- #z
- #mazinger z
- #robot
- #character
- #head
- #toy
- #toys
- #collection
- #premium
- #rats
- #rat
- #pvp
- #pve
- #rp
- #roleplay
- #role play
- #prefab
- #monument
- #halloween
- #halloweensale
- #epic
- #rust
- #rust prefab
- #rust monument
- #playrust
- #rustconsole
- #console
- #custom
- #traps
- #trap
- #badgyver
- #glow
- #pvppve
- #oxide
- #carbon
- #steam
- #facepunch
- #scifi
- #sci-fi
- #pve/pvp
- #japon
- #gonagai
- #go nagai
- #wajima
- #70s
- #80s
- #retro
Version 1.0.16
permission for use - cartuning.use Open UI - /tuning (you need to look right at the car) FEATURES: Increase street angel Add sign Add smoke Increase slot for storagecontainer module Underbody light (white | red | green) P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144) Config: { "Tuning can only be used when the car is on the Modular Car Lift ": true, "How much increase steer angle": 10.0, "Rotate sign": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "[COST] |Increase steer angle| in SCRAP": 12, "[COST] |Add sign| in SCRAP": 12, "[COST] |Add smoke| in SCRAP": 12, "[COST] |Underbody lighting| in SCRAP": 12, "[COST] |Increase slots in ModuleStorage": 14, "Dictionary of position underlight": { "TwoModules": [ { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": 0.5 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": -0.5 } ], "ThreeModules": [ { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": 0.5 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": -0.5 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": -1.0 } ], "FourModules": [ { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": 1.0 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": 0.5 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": -0.5 }, { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.42, "z": -1.0 } ] }, "Dictionart of position smoke machine": { "TwoModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.6, "z": -1.4 }, "ThreeModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.6, "z": -2.4 }, "FourModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.6, "z": -3.0 } }, "Rotate for smoke machine": { "x": 180.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Dictionart of position lighting": { "TwoModules": { "x": 0.55, "y": 0.52, "z": -0.4 }, "ThreeModules": { "x": 0.55, "y": 0.52, "z": -1.6 }, "FourModules": { "x": 0.55, "y": 0.52, "z": -2.4 } }, "Dictionart of count lighting": { "TwoModules": 3, "ThreeModules": 6, "FourModules": 8 }, "Rotate for lighting": { "x": 90.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Dictionary of position small sign": { "TwoModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.7, "z": 1.65 }, "ThreeModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.7, "z": 2.2 }, "FourModules": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.7, "z": 3.3 } }, }$14.99 -
Version 1.1.0
This plugin may not work perfectly as you expect. Please read the Q/A at the bottom before making a purchase! Please have a hosting service ready for your MP3 files before making a purchase! Enhance your server's ambiance by welcoming players with delightful tunes as they join! Welcome Music feature lets you curate a musical experience for new players, complete with customizable playback delays and durations. Chat Command: /wm - Disable / Enable the Welcome Music. /musicto <Player> <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for target player (Requires welcomemusic.toplayer permission). /musicall <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for all player (Requires welcomemusic.toplayer permission). /testwm - Test Welcome Music (Not need to rejoin the server | only admin) . Console Command: musicto <Player> <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for target player. musicall <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for all player. Config { "Permission Name": "welcomemusic.use", "Need Permission": true, "Welcome Music List": [ { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "", "Music URL": "", "Music Duration (sec)": 5.0, "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Welcome To Our Server, Now playing music for you~ (You can use command /wm to disable)" }, { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "", "Music URL": "", "Music Duration (sec)": 30.0, "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Never Gonna Give You Up ~" } ], "Only first-time join the server": false, "(First-time) Music URL (Empty = none)": "", "(First-time) Music Duration (sec)": 15.0, "Music Delay (sec)": 5.0, "Players can disable the WelcomeMusic (/wm)": false } Tips Ensure that your Music URL is a valid mp3 stream link. For optimal experience, keep the music duration under 30 seconds. Provide a hosting space for your .mp3 file (services like GitHub work well for many, but not for everyone). The Music Delay determines the seconds after player entry before the music starts. Q/A Why does playing music result in stuttering / loop? This is due to low FPS on the player's client side (Improved in the Rust December 2022 patch). Why does playing music result in white noise? This happens when the client fails to successfully retrieve the music from your provided MP3 URL. Please check your URL or consider switching hosting services. Are there requirements for the URL format? Yes, the URL must be a complete web address without ports or special characters. Why do certain players hear default music during playing? This occurs because some players have disabled the "INTERNET AUDIO STREAMS" option in their game settings. How to find free MP3 hosting services? You can try uploading to GitHub and copy the raw link, but GitHub may not work for everyone.. However, it's best to have your own web server to host your MP3 files. Or use Google to search for "free MP3 hosting" to find available free services.$9.90 -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
Helldivers Spawn is a spawn area for players on your Rust server. Inspired by the popular Helldivers game, this monument contains a large Helldivers style decoration. CONTAINS: Eight spawn points. Pictures on the walls, use these pictures to put images. Large windows with views to the outside. Doors to go outside, press the buttons to open the doors. Automatic lighting, when the night comes the light turns on automatically. Helldivers logo.$12.90-
- #spawn
- #spawner
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- #spawn
- #spawner
- #spawning
- #spawnpoint
- #spawn point
- #helldivers
- #helldivers2
- #helldivers 2
- #helldiverslogo
- #helldivers logo
- #room
- #spawn point room
- #spawnpointroom
- #badgyver
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- #facepunch
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- #role play
- #decor
- #decoration
- #picture
- #pictureframe
- #frame
- #solarpanel
- #skeleton
- #button
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- #electricity
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- #glow
- #glass
Version 1.0.0
Small Monument for PVP/PVE or Roleplay. "Killers Farm - A small farm, where a murder took place." Features: highly detailed Barn and Farm area a Field with "hidden" Loot hand painted Splat-Map Info: 405 Objects No-Build-Zone includes only Splat-Map and Height-Map Loot: Ammo Crate x1 Normal Crate x3 Food Crate x3 Oil Barrel x3 Tools Crate x2 Vehicle Parts Crate x2 Fore more Infos, please take a look at the pictures.Free -
Version 2.0.12
This plugin allows players to gather weed from hemp plants and craft joints using a mixing table. There are different types of weed where each type can be found in a different biome. Joints can be crafted at a mixing table and will give the player configurable buffs and healing with each tier having different effects. Features: Fully customizable Different types of weed Configurable effects for each type Custom crafting UI integrates in the mixing table UI Configurable recipes for mixing table Yield amount and chance configurable for each type Ideal for Roleplay Servers New in v2.0.10: Give command Server owners can use this command to give weed or joints to themselves or a certain player. The identifier has to be specified in the config file for every type of weed or joint. ganja.give <weed|joint> <identifier> <amount> <player?> Permission: ganja.give - Required to use ganja.give command New in v2.0.0: Fully configurable crafting: With Version 2.0.0 the crafting system has been integrated in the mixing table. Joints can now be crafted by using the right ingredients in the right slot. The crafting recipes are fully configurable. New recipes can also be added. New in v1.0.8: Loot Table integration: This plugin now supports the custom item api of Loot Table and Stack Size GUI, so you can easily add weed to the loot table. When both plugins are installed on the server, the weed items will show up in the custom items tab of Loottable (right image): Different tiers: Depending on the biome, you will receive different tiers of weed, the biomes can also be changed in the config. By default, tier2 weed can be gathered in the snow biome, tier1 in the desert and tier0 everywhere else. Names, droprates, and boosts can also be configured individually for each tier. Controls: With a joint selected in the hot bar: Right click to ignite / extinguish a joint When joint is bruning: left click to use a joint Permissions: Permissions can be disabled in the config, making gathering and crafting accessible to everyone regardless of permissions. ganja.craft - Required to craft joints ganja.gather - Required to obtain weed Biome masks: The biome mask is a simple 4-bit number that determines where a certain tier of weed can be found. Each biome has its own number; add these numbers together to select multiple biomes. The numbers for each biome are as follows: 1 - Arid 2 - Temperate 4 - Tundra 8 - Arctic For example: Low Quality Weed has the biome mask 6 by default (see configuration below). That means it can be found in the Temperate and the Tundra biome. Configuration: { "Weed configuration": [ { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 6, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 3 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 1, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, { "Drop chance when harvesting (1 = 100%)": 0.1, "Drop amount when harvesting": { "min": 1, "max": 2 }, "Biome mask (see description for details)": 8, "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Weed", "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } ], "Crafting Recipes": [ { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661029427 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Low Quality Joint", "Item short name": "", "Item skin id": 2894101592 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.4, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 1.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2661031542 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "Medium Quality Joint", "Item short name": "", "Item skin id": 2894101290 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.8, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 20.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Healing per use": 4.0 } }, { "Ingredient Slots": { "0": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "note", "Item skin id": 0 }, "1": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 }, "2": { "Amount": 1, "Item short name": "sticks", "Item skin id": 2660588149 } }, "Produced Item": { "Custom item name (null = default name)": "High Quality Joint", "Item short name": "", "Item skin id": 2893700325 }, "Is joint": true, "Boosts (only works for joints)": { "Wood boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Wood boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Ore boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.0, "Ore boost duration (seconds)": 0.0, "Scrap boost percentage (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Scrap boost duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Max Health percentage (1 = 100%)": 0.3, "Max Health duration (seconds)": 30.0, "Healing per use": 8.0 } } ], "Require permission for crafting": true, "Require permission for gathering": true, "Disable built-in stack fix (set to true if you have problems with item stacking/splitting)": false }$18.00 -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
MODERN HOUSE "A sleek and stylish modern house, designed with a contemporary and minimalist aesthetic. This prefab features a harmonious structure with clean lines, large glass windows for abundant natural light, and a blend of concrete, wood, and metal materials for a refined and modern look. The design includes a spacious interior with well-defined areas, a terrace or panoramic balcony, and architectural details that make it stand out in any setting. Perfect for urban-themed maps, residential roleplay zones, or as a standout feature in Rust environments. This prefab is both functional and visually appealing, adaptable for various in-game uses." - Modern walls: Using concrete and wood. - Large Glass Windows: To allow natural light. - Internal garage: a garage in the living room, very elegant! - Two bedrooms with bathrooms, a kitchen and a fireplace, perfect for snowy environments! I hope you enjoy it! Discord support - DISCORD$10.99 -
Version 1.1.1
Put in sale properties (house, building, etc) so that players can buy them, rented. Work with all doors that can include a lock code, Works with Economics Permissions propertybuying.manager.use - Gives access to the (creates, suprimed ) properties propertybuying.manager.admin - See all properties created and (creates , suprimed ) properties Commands /property - Accesses the property management ( added, removed ) How to add a property ? CopyPaste Decay Config Payment Time Model Lang$19.99 -
Version 1.3.1RE
This version is for server owners to edit on 'Rust Edit' and customise the map to suit your server style, but also to give support to the maps development. I will continue to maintain this version along side the free version. This is my 6K United Kingdom of Rust (UKoR6K) map +Password. Note: I have provided the config and data files for some optional plugins to use on the map so you don't have to start from scratch. Feel free to edit those configs as you see fit.. Any issues, just let me know. Have fun! Promotion! Get [3.6K]United Kingdom of Rust 3.6K [+Password] in the bundle price over there ---->>> Map Size: 6000 Edits: Locked (Password Included) Realistic Forest splat (Every National Park is where it should be. Google map it!) 50 Custom made variations of Junk Piles Ireland is a no-build zone (Hardcore PVP/PVE Zone) Bradley Patrols the main road on Ireland and Isle of Man Jumps (More Special GTA style jumps will be added to challenge drivers. Destruction Derby Arena. (Host amazing vehicular events here.) My very own 'Bank Heist' custom bank prefab included!! Vanilla Monuments Military Tunnels Oilrig (Large & Small) Airfield Bandit Town Lighthouse Dome Scrapyard Military Base Underwater Labs Satellite Dish Sulfur Quarry High Quality Metal Quarry Custom Monuments Cobalt Harbour Chop Shop Dublin Docks Excavator (Fully Working) London Outpost Large Oil Refinery Mining Outpost MLRS Base Camp (Isle of Man) Racetrack 1 Racetrack 2 Russian Submarine Fleet Sunken Cargo Ship Stone Henge Loch Ness Lough Neagh CCTV Codes RACETRACK0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 COBALTHARBOUR1, 2, 3 LIVERPOOL1, 2, 3 SNOWTRACK0, 1 LONDON1, 2 TRAINYARD1 VAULT808 ..more to come! Disclaimer: The map is balanced in it's original state, so please be responsible when editing the map. I am always here to help & advise you with any issues you may have. I'm also willing to make small edits for you, as long as they aren't too complicated or time consuming. If you have any questions, contact me on Discord:$30.00- 28 comments
- 4 reviews
- 3
- #uk
- #united kingdom
(and 6 more)
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Version 1.4.0a
This is a Racetrack monument. Great as a standalone monument, but even better as a racing event area. Build your favourite vehicle and line up against your rivals in a guaranteed action packed racing experience with your friends or server community Prefab count: 5321 Racetrack 1 contains the following: Pitlane Garage with 10 vehicle lifts Blue card puzzle (Vehicle themed loot table) Chinook Drop Zone Several Sewer access/escape points Day/Night sensor lighting CCTV Camera Coverage to view events from any 'Computer Station' 2 Vehicle Part Vending Machines 'Aged Robob Series 3' vending bot (Vehicle Parts 2) Oil Refinery, Tier 1 work bench, Repair bench Prefab Modifiers: Alpha Height Splat Topology Paths CCTV codes: RACETRACK0 RACETRACK1 RACETRACK2 RACETRACK3 RACETRACK4 RACETRACK5 RACETRACK6 Any issues? Give me a shout on my Discord Channel Note! You will need the latest versions of Oxide and Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll to use these on a map/server. Optional Plugins: RaceTrack$14.99- 9 comments
- 2 reviews
- 3
- #racetrack
- #racing
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.5.1
This plugin will allow players with permission to spawn police vehicles. This is perfect for any RP server. Current vehicles available are police car, police transport vehicle, police miniheli, police scrap transport helicopter and police boat. Each player may only have one vehicle spawned and in use at once, this is to stop players crashing the server. If the player has the permission for unlimited vehicles then they can spawn an unlimited amount, to remove a vehicle if the player has the unlimited permission they must look at the vehicle they wish to remove and use the removal vehicle command, if the player only has the use permission then they do not need to look at the vehicle. Each vehicle will spawn with an amount of fuel set in the configuration file. The siren is a new feature which uses web radio to function, some issues have been found where the siren stops or gets stuck in a loop, this is due to the radio station not the plugin as it is hosted for free as this is a free plugin, the station can be changed in the config if you would like to set up your own siren sound or a premium station. Any issues found can be resolved by stopping and starting the radio if you do not want to set up your own station. Permission required for player to use plugin: PoliceVehicles.use Permission required to allow player to spawn unlimited vehicles: PoliceVehicles.unlimited Commands: "/policecar" spawns police car "/policetransport" spawns police transport vehicle "/policeheli" spawns police minicopter "/policehelilarge" spawns police scrap transport helicopter "/policeheliattack" spawns police attack helicopter "/policeboat" spawns police boat "/policetugboat" spawns police tugboat with doors, locks, CCTV station, Phones and Cells "/policesnowmobile" spawns police snowmobile "/policetrain" spawnss a police train (must be looking at train tracks and no other trains blocking spawn position) "/removevehicle" destroys players current vehicle, allowing them to spawn an new/different one Configuration file: { "Police car fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police transport vehicle fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police snowmobile vehicle fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police heli fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police heli large fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police attack heli fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police boat fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police tugboat fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Police train fuel amount on spawn": 500, "Lock police car engine parts": true, "Lock police transport vehicle engine parts": true, "Police car engine parts tier": 3, "Police Transport engine parts tier": 3, "Lock police car fuel": true, "Lock police transport fuel": true, "Lock police snowmobile fuel": true, "Lock police heli fuel": true, "Lock police heli large fuel": true, "Lock police boat fuel": false, "Lock police train fuel": true, "Police Heli spawn spotlight": true, "Police Boat spawn spotlight": true, "Broadcast message when vehicles spawn": false, "Siren radio station": "" } Requires Spawn Modular Car plugin for police car and police transport vehicle: Optionally Vehicle Deployed Locks can be installed which allows all vehicles to spawn with codelocks -
Version 2.0.0
HallOfShame is an entertaining and interactive plugin that records the most “embarrassing” statistics of the players and presents them in the chat. Features: Diverse statistics: Currently records the following player statistics, including: - Deaths by animals - Suicides - Helicopter crashes - Deaths from turrets - Starvation - Disconnections - Bans and kicks - Scientists - Cactus deaths - Radiation Deaths From version 2.0.0 there is the option to send the stats in Discord via a webhook! Automatic announcements: Sends funny “Shame” messages to the server chat at regular intervals. Multilingual support: Fully localized for multiple languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian. Configurable: Easy to customize settings, including the frequency of announcements and the ability to exclude certain users or groups. Persistent data: Stores player statistics so that player “fame” is preserved beyond server restarts. Admin test command: Administrators can trigger test messages with the /shametest command. The player with the highest number is always presented in the chat! Commands: /shametest Permission: hallofshame.use - Players with this authorization are included in the statistics. hallofshame.admin - Enables the use of the test command. Config: { "AnnouncementInterval": 3600.0, "DiscordAnnouncementInterval": 86400.0, "DiscordWebhook": "", "ExcludedGroups": [], "ExcludedUsers": [], "RaidableSleepersEnabled": true, "ShowAnimalDeaths": true, "ShowBans": false, "ShowCactusDeaths": true, "ShowDisconnections": false, "ShowHelicopterCrashes": true, "ShowKicks": false, "ShowRadiationDeaths": true, "ShowRaidableSleeperThefts": true, "ShowScientistDeaths": true, "ShowStarvation": true, "ShowSuicides": true, "ShowTurretDeaths": true } Multilingual Support: The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages: default: EN DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool --- load, run, enjoy load, run, enjoy Support Discord$4.99- 7 comments
- 1 review
- 1
- #hall of shame
- #hallofshame
(and 8 more)
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- 1
- #hotel
- #buildable
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