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NPCKit 1.0.2

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About NPCKit

NPCKit is a Plugin made for any type of server pvp, pve or roleplay. With this Plugin you can create NPCs and add Kits to each of them as you like.
They can be created with Clothing vanilla or skined and will wave to you, once you interact or leave the NPC.

Each Kit can have its own cooldown and a default or Vip permission. Once a Kit is created you can delete it as well with the right permission, without deleting the whole NPC.
You can also have unlimited Kits. If you create more then 4 kits, you will be able you navigate through multiple pages to see all the kitsyou created.

Add as many NPC on you server as you like and give your players the ability to receive kits by interacting with one of your NPCs.
All NPCs will also be displayed on the map with a shop marker.

To interact with an NPC press the E key on your keyboard

Whatch my showcase Video below to get a good starting point of my plugin.

Check out my Discord to get even more help or request private plugins.

Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE

Showcase video


createnpc - create an NPC and Kits (NOTE!: this is the Admin permission so only Admins should have it to create, delete NPCs/Kits)

default - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the default permission

vip - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the vip permission

Chat Commands

/createnpc - opens a panel to create the NPC (after that interact with the E key on your keyboard)

Lang Files
German and English translation included


  "Use_MapMarker_For_NPC": true

Data File with all the NPC, kit and player information stored will be created

CommandoSoldat's Collection

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