About Police
This Plugin is all about Roleplay. Once installed it gives you the opportunity to have a police presence on your server.
It allows Players with permission to change their status to either "on duty" or "off duty".
Everybody on the server is able to see if the police is active on the server and even how many officers currently play through a little panel on the top right.
This plugin also includes an automtic payment system for paying the police officer for minutes he/she was on duty
You can also call the police as a player by command. Police officers on duty will be notifyed in chat with a sound feedback and a map marker will be displayed on the map
at the location of the player who called the police. The marker will automatically disappear after a set amount of time in config or if a police officer closes this case manually by command.
This plugin is expandable in many ways for example, if you own the plugin StoreRobbery it can be used to only make StoreRobbery work
if the police is active and disable it if the police is inactive and much more.
If you purchase this plugin you are getting full support for any upcoming changes and if you like to have this plugin combined with for example the StoreRobbery
just message me on discord an i will make this happen for you.
When a player goes on duty with /pd a oxide group will be assigned named: "dutygroup"
When a player goes of duty with /pde that oxide group will be revoked from the player
Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE
Position of the Panel is not adjustable through the config. If you like a different position message me and i will change it for you if you dont know how to in the code.
Feel free to contact me any time for plugin customisation.
police.use - allows you to use the commands for on and off duty
Chat Commands
/pd - only for players with permission police.use. Sets your status to "on duty" and changes the panel to police active
/pde - only for players with permission police.use. Sets your status to "off duty" and changes the panel
/police - available for every player on the server. Give you information (names) about all police officers currently on duty.
/policeui off - available for every player on the server. Turn off the police panel at the top of the screen.
/policeui on - available for every player on the server. Turn on the police panel at the top of the screen.
/callpolice - available for every player on the server to notify the police (sets a map marker at currenc location) every police officer on duty gets a personal message
/closecase - only for players with permission police.use. Police officer has to look directy on to the player who called the police and enter this command in order to delete the map marker manually the player created while calling the police
Console Commands
Police.pd (SteamID) - remotely set a player on duty in your preffered console
Police.pde (SteamID) - remotely set a player off duty in your preffered console
Lang Files
German and Englisch translation included
Config file
"Salary_Timer_in_Minutes": 60,
"Salary_Item": "scrap",
"Salary_Ammount": 100,
"Use_Salary_System": true
Quoteprivate int checkOnDutyCount()
returns the number of active police on duty as an Integer