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Profession 1.2.1

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About Profession

This Plugin is made for Roleplay servers in order to block researching crafting and reparing for players without a profession granted.

There are a few Professions included with this file which can be modyfied in the config file like i show in my showcase video below.

If you like to have more professions included create a new support request and i will add more professions to it.

Also if you like to get in touch join my Discord for more help and private assignments

Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE





forester.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

electrician.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

weaponengineer.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

miner.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

oilextractor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

vehicleengineer.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

tailor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

graphicdesigner.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.

doctor.use - gives the player the profession and allowing him to craft, research and repair all the items specified in the config listed under this name.


Chat Commands

/diesel (ammount) - gives the player with the permission oilextractor.use the possibility to exchange diesel to lowgradefuel.

/profession - if config parameter (Use player can grand Profession with chatcommand) is set to true, players get a list of all available Professions

/profession (profession name) - if config parameter (Use player can grand Profession with chatcommand) is set to true players can grand the permission to a profession them selfes (ONLY ONE PROFESSION PER PLAYER THROUGH CHATCOMMAND!) (NOTE: admins still have to revoke permissions in order to handle abusing this feature. players should choose wisely )

Lang Files

German and Englisch translation included


Config File

  "Forester": [
  "Graphic_Designer": [
  "Doctor": [
    "Basic Healing Tea",
  "Tailor": [
  "Electrician": [
  "Weapon_Engineer": [
  "Miner": [
  "Oil_Extractor": [
  "Vehicle_Engineer": [
  "Vehicle_Engineer_Prefab_List": [
  "Use only Oilextractor can place Refinery": true,
  "Use only Miner can place Furnace": true,
  "Use only Oilextractor can start Refinery": true,
  "Use only Miner can start Furnace": true,
  "Use Oilextractor can exchange diesel to lowgradefuel": true,
  "Exchange rate for diesel (multiplier only integers)": 300,
  "Use only Forester can repair Forester items": true,
  "Use only Miner can repair Miner items": true,
  "Use only Weaponengineer can repair Weaponengineer items": true,
  "Use only Vehicleengineer can repair vehicles": true


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