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Sleeper Teleporter 1.0.301

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About Sleeper Teleporter

Teleport sleepers to a random position within a range of coordinates

Choose between 3 types of target areas - Circle, Square, Zone

✯ Can manually set Min/Max range for (X,Y,Z) teleport location (square area)
✯ Can set radius range for teleport location (circle area)
✯ Can set Zone ID for teleport location (Zone Manager Required)
✯ Can use Zone radius for teleport location (Zone Manager Required)
✯ Can Set auto height option so players spawn at ground level
✯ Option to adjust offset height above ground
✯ Can set to auto scan/teleport sleepers on plugin loading or player disconnect
✯ Chat/Console command to scan/teleport sleepers
✯ Option to ignore players within authorized TC range
✯ Chat command to show your current (X,Y,Z) location
✯ Option to teleport players back to previous location on reconnect
✯ Chat command to return all sleepers to previous location

[Commands] - Default Chat/Console Commands

All commands require server admin permissions
✯ /scansleepers - scans for sleepers outside of coordinates and teleports them
✯ /scansleepers true - scan all sleepers and force teleports them
✯ /returnsleepers - returns all sleepers to their old location
✯ /scanme - posts your current (X,Y,Z) location in chat and console
✯ /marker <#> - Set marker (#) to your current location (1 - 4 required)
✯ /marker save - Saves current settings and markers
✯ /marker show - Lists all 4 (X,Y,Z) markers in chat
✯ /marker range - Lists current min/max (X,Y,Z) settings for teleport 
✯ /marker update - Generates min/max (X,Y,Z) values from markers 1 - 4 if available 
✯ /stsetting <setting> <value> - changes the selected setting to the value you enter 


  • on - enables sleeper teleporter (no value needed)
  • off - disables sleeper teleporter (no value needed)
  • save - saves settings/markers (no value needed)
  • kill - requires value (on/off) - If on this will kill sleepers outside of TC range instead of teleporting them
  • kill delay - requires value (#) - sets the delay in seconds before a sleeper is killed
  • disconnect - requires value (on/off) - turns on/off teleport player on disconnect
  • reconnect - requires value (on/off) - turns on/off teleport player back on reconnect
  • autoheight - requires value (on/off) - let the plugin determain height by terrain
  • height - requires value (#) - adds x value to the height when teleporting
  • tcblock - requires value (on/off) - blocks players within auth TC range from being teleported
  • areatype - requires value (circle/square) - sets the target area to use radius or all 4 markers
  • radius - requires value (#) - sets the target area radius around marker #1
  • retry - requires value (#) - sets the teleport retry limit when target location is blocked or invalid
  • zone - requires values:

                   [Zone Manage Options]
                   * on/off - set teleport location to use ZoneManager
                   * id - requires value (#) - sets the zone id to use from zone manager
                   * radius - requires value (on/off) - on use zone radius or off use config radius

✯ scansleepers - scans for sleepers outside of coordinates and teleports them
✯ scansleepers true - scan for sleepers and force teleports them



            * If using circle area type only marker 1 will be used and radius must be set
            * If using square area type you must set all 4 markers
            * Report all issues or bugs in our discord



Sleeper Teleporter Setup Instructions:

You must have server admin auth to use commands. These instructions are shown using the default commands, if you change the chat commands the prefix will be that command.

Choose the area type for teleport location you want to use.
    A) Square
    B) Circle
    C) Use Zone Manager

Depending on your chosen area type you must follow the correct setup for the location to work properly.

There are other options you can use for all area types:

    /stsetting tcblock on/off - blocks players within auth TC range from being teleported
    /stsetting disconnect on/off - teleport player to area when they disconnect
    /stsetting reconnect on/off - teleport player back to last location when reconnecting

Area Type Options & Setup:

A) Square:
    1. Set the area type to square by typing "/stsetting areatype square" in chat
    2. Stand in each corner 1 at a time and type the "/marker 1-4" commands for each corner. The order does not matter
    3. Once all 4 markers are set then use chat command "/marker update" to allow the system to generate the min/max location values
    4. Then save all current markers and settings by typing "/marker save" in chat
    5. Now you must define the limits in the square area.

        Set the height to auto/random & height adjustment
        /stsetting autoheight on/off - on will detect terrain height and place player on the ground, off will use random height from the 4 markers
        /stsetting height # - adds x to the height to make sure players do not spawn in foundations

B) Circle:
    1. Set the area type to circle by typing "/stsetting areatype circle" in chat
    2. Stand in the center of the area you want to use and type "/marker 1" in chat
    3. Set the radius of the location "/stsetting radius #" - change # to the value you want
    4. Now you must define the limits in the circle area.

        Set the height to auto, adjusted, or random
        /stsetting autoheight on/off - turn on/off auto height
        /stsetting height # - adds x to the height to make sure players do not spawn in foundations

C) Use Zone Manager:
    1. Set the area type to circle by typing "/stsetting areatype circle" in chat
    2. Set use zone manager to on - "/stsetting zone on"
    3. Set the zone ID for the zone to use "/stsetting zone id #" replace # with the zone ID
    4. Set to use zone radius or config radius "/stsetting zone radius on/off" if off will use the radius defined using "/stsetting radius #"


Config: Example only

  "Settings": {
    "chatscansleepers": "scansleepers",
    "chatreturn": "returnsleepers",
    "chatmylocation": "scanme",
    "chatmarker": "marker",
    "chatsetting": "stsetting",
    "areatype": "circle",
    "enable": true,
    "moveonload": false,
    "moveonconnect": false,
    "moveondisconnect": true,
    "radius": 4.0,
    "x_min": 116,
    "x_max": 123,
    "y_min": 21,
    "y_max": 21,
    "z_min": 318,
    "z_max": 326,
    "autoheight": false,
    "aboveground": 1,
    "ignoretcplayers": true,
    "retry": 5
  "Markers": {
    "marker1": {
      "x": 120.221924,
      "y": 21.3408051,
      "z": 322.4336
    "marker2": {
      "x": 121.245216,
      "y": 21.3484211,
      "z": 326.7593
    "marker3": {
      "x": 116.610687,
      "y": 21.348423,
      "z": 325.452423
    "marker4": {
      "x": 123.968338,
      "y": 21.348423,
      "z": 320.143555
  "ZoneManager": {
    "usezone": true,
    "zoneID": "66592319",
    "usezoneradius": false


  "st_001": "My Position: {0}\n X: {1}\n Y: {2}\n Z: {3}\n",
  "st_002": "{0} has been moved to {1}",
  "st_003": "Missing marker number - /marker (#)",
  "st_004": "Marker #{0} has been set for {1}",
  "st_005": "Marker Locations:\n #1 = {0} \n #2 = {1} \n #3 = {2} \n #4 = {3}",
  "st_006": "Location Range:\n X = {0} - {1} \n Y = {2} - {3} \n Z = {4} - {5}",
  "st_007": "Missing Marker: #{0}",
  "st_008": "Setting/Markers Saved",
  "st_009": "Sleeper Teleporter is now {0}",
  "st_010": "Teleport player on {0} is now {1}",
  "st_011": "missing setting/values - /stsetting <setting> <value>",
  "st_012": "Auto Height is now {0}",
  "st_013": "Height adjustment is now {0}",
  "st_014": "TC Block is now {0}",
  "st_015": "Teleport Area Type is now {0}",
  "st_016": "Teleport Area Radius is now {0}",
  "st_017": "Teleport Retry limit is now {0}",
  "st_018": "Use Zone Manager is now {0}",
  "st_019": "Zone ID is now {0}",
  "st_020": "Zone radius is now {0}"


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