About Combat Classes
Want to setup a battlefield server? Combat Classes allows your players to select from several types of combat styles that enhance their abilities. Each class has it's own XP and level statistics where players level up and increase each class ability. Each class comes with a preferred primary and secondary weapon which has increase damage while using non class weapons will have reduced damage along with other abilities listed below. Each player has a user friendly UI where they can view and change their class and view other player's progress.
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Main Adjustments:
- Set XP requirement per level
- Set max level
- Set difficulty increase by % per level
- Set XP gain from player kills
- Enable XP loss on death and amount
- Premade list of NPCs with XP earned per kill
- Add NPCs to the list with XP amount earned for kills
- Damage indicator to show how much damage each shot does
Combat Classes:
All Classes:
+ Primary weapon damage
+ Secondary weapon damage
- - All other weapon damage
+ Medium range addition
+ Adrenaline Shot (+ dmg resistance for x sec)
+ Smoke Grenades
+ Revive HP
+ Recover HP
+ Heal bonus
+ Passive Healing
- + Explosive Resistance
- + Bullet Resistance
- + F1 Grenades
- Explosive Dud Chance
+ Explosive Damage
+ Explosive Radius
+ Rocket Damage
+ Rocket Speed
+ Long Range Addition
+ Area Scanner
+ Close Range Addition
+ Melee damage increase
+ Melee Poison Damage
+ Target Detection
Combat Gear Sets:
- Create gear set for each class
- Option to give gear set to player on respawns
Combat Gear Box:
- Gives players the gear from the matching gear set
- Set box name and skin
- place boxes anywhere on the map
- Boxes cannot be damaged or picked up by non admins
- Set timer for how often players can access the Gear Box
Team / Clan Support:
- Enable Team/Clan support
- Allow or Prevent team/clan kills
- Shows icon for team/clan members on Ui
Theme Selections:
- 5 different colors for each player to choose from
- Multiple size options for player who need bigger UIs
In Game Admin Panel:
- Adjust all classes and settings in game using the UI
- Adjust each aspect of every class to best fit your server including primary/secondary weapons and damage amounts
- Add entities to the XP list and adjust how much XP each award
- Level calculator so you can determine how difficult you want the progress to be
Example Hooks
// Called after a player has changed classes void CombatClassChanged(ulong userId, string newClass) { // Handle the class change Puts($"Player {userId} changed to class {newClass}"); } // Called after a player has leveled up a class void CombatClassLevelUp(ulong userId, string currentClass, int newLevel) { // Handle the class level up Puts($"Player {userId} has reached level {newLevel} in class {currentClass}"); } // Called after a player has lost a class level void CombatClassLevelDown(ulong userId, string currentClass, int newLevel) { // Handle the class level down Puts($"Player {userId} has lost a level in class {currentClass}. Now level {newLevel}"); } // Called after a player has increased rank in a class void CombatClassRankUp(ulong userId, string currentClass, int newRank) { // Handle the class rank up Puts($"Player {userId} has reached rank {newRank} in class {currentClass}"); }
// Returns the current level of the player current class (looks for player steadID as ulong) GetCombatPlayerLevel(ulong player)