About Random NPC Names
Random NPC Names is a simple plugin that will automatically rename all NPCs on your server with a more realistic human like name. As NPCs spawn they will be given a First name with a single letter for their last name ( John D. / Mary K. / Stan R.). You can edit/remove the prefix that appears in front of every NPC type in the config.
Chat Command:
commands shown use the default chat command prefix (/rnpcs), if you change the prefix command you must use that prefix with the values below
/rnpcs <value> - change <value> to one of the options below
- on - enables the Random NPC Names
- off - disables the Random NPC Names and returns NPC names to default
- debugon - turns Debug mode on
- debugoff - turns Debug mode off
- renameall - manually renames all active NPCs
- save - saves settings to config file
prefix <type> "<name>" - changes the prefix of NPC type to the name you enter
Available Types:
- scientist
- tunneldweller
- underwaterdweller
- scarecrow
- zombie
- frankenstein
- Chat Command Example: /rnpcs prefix scientist "Crazy Scientist"
Available Types:
API for Developers:
// Returns the NPC name as string (looks for BaseCombatEntity) GetNameBCE(BaseCombatEntity entity) // Returns the NPC name as string (looks for BaseEntity) GetNameBE(BaseEntity entity)
Config: Example only
{ "Settings": { "enable": true, "debug": true, "chatcommand": "rnpcs" }, "NPC Prefix": { "scientist": "[Scientist]", "tunneldweller": "[Dweller]", "underwaterdweller": "[Dweller]", "scarecrow": "[Scarecrow]", "zombie": "[Zombie]", "frankenstein": "[Frankenstein]" } }
{ "RNPC_001": "Random NPC Names: {0}", "RNPC_002": "Random NPC Names Debug Mode: {0}", "RNPC_003": "{0} NPCs have been renamed", "RNPC_004": "missing command value (on, off, debugon, debugoff, renameall)" }