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About Place Anything

PlaceAnything is simple plugin which allows place various prefabs in native way without any special commands.
This plugin is free for customers who purchased Craft Menu. 
If you considering purchasing, I recommend purchase it as bundle. 


In order to make custom items work properly, you have to use 
StackModifier or SkinsStackFix


Having trouble fitting larger entities into your compound? By using Scale Manager API you can 
resize certain entities. 


Vehicles can be crafted, deployed and picked up any time.


Trees and bushes can be also deployed however this feature is more suitable for PVE servers since 
some bushes can't be removed. I created file with few examples 


Bases can be crafted and deployed, or sold in any shop plugin available.



•  How can I pick up items?
Deployed structures can be picked up by hitting it with hammer. Items can be 
picked up only by owner.

 How to upload custom icons?
Custom icons can be uploaded with Steam workshop uploader. 
WorkshopUploader.zip original repository

  How to use CopyPaste plugin with PlaceAnyting?
In data file Entities.json, put 'copypaste/buildingName' instead of prefab path.

  Where I can find list of all prefabs?
Here is full updated list but not every prefab can be spawned from there and 
some of them you might not be able to destroy, I do not recommend testing 
this on live server.




Plugin comes with 14 pre-configured items. Use /gimme chat command in game to get those items for testing.



  Known issues 
   - some prefabs cannot be damaged thus can be used to grief players. (recycler, slotmachine, test generator...etc) 
   - hitting
 gambling wheel with hammer will make wheel disappear,  game issue cant be fixed

Please keep in mind, this plugin is basically just bridge for spawning prefab after deploying certain item.
I do not guarantee that every prefab will work, you can alternatively test them by spawning them with 
console command before you purchase this plugin. 



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