About Craft Menu
Custom crafting panel at player's workbenches.
Craft custom or non-craftable items, create your own blueprints.
No chat commands required!
oxide permission - craftmenu.use
• How to create default blueprint.
Simply leave ResearchCost as 0.
• Crafting Recycler.
Plugins for placing entities usually utilizes specific item together with skin id.
Here you can find list of examples PlaceableEntities.txt
• Adding same shortname multiple times.
When you using same shortname for more than one blueprint you have add {number} at
the end of it to prevent duplicates. Ex.: "box.wooden.large{1}"
• Item is name too long.
Inside lang file you can create replacements for default item names.
• Wiping blueprints manualy.
There are two admin console commands.
"craftmenu_admin wipe" will wipe blueprints for all players
"craftmenu_admin wipe <steamID>" wipes blueprints only for certain player.
Premade blueprints from screenshots Blueprints.json