About PNPC Raid Addon
This addon for the PersonalNPC plugin allows bots to use rocket and grenade launchers to attack buildings, players and NPCs, making raids more intense and dynamic.
AI Raiding
• Bots use rocket launchers and grenade launchers to destroy buildings and eliminate enemies.
• Uses ammo from inventory or infinite ammo mode (configurable in settings).
• Compatible with Multiple Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, and even the Snowball Gun!
Customizable Attack Settings
• Adjust attack cooldowns for each weapon type.
• Choose default projectiles for bots with infinite ammo mode enabled.
• Setup bot behavior and efficiency in raids.
How to Use:
Spawn a bot from the PersonalNPC plugin.
Equip it with a rocket or grenade launcher.
The bot will attack buildings, players, or other NPCs!
• PersonalNPC Plugin
See it in Action! Watch the Video
{ "Permission to use this addon on all bots of player (not required)": "pnpcaddonraid.override-setup", "Multiple Grenade Launcher Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/ammo/40mmgrenade/40mm_grenade_he.prefab" }, "Rocket Launcher Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab" }, "Snowball Gun Setup": { "Attack Cooldown (leave 0 to use default cooldown for current weapon)": 0.0, "Default projectile prefab (used if infinite ammo is enabled)": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/snowball/snowball.projectile.prefab" } }