About Personal Animal
Bring these intelligent animal companions to your server! They can fight, gather resources, carry supplies, and even be ridden. Choose from various customizable animals: bear, boar, chicken, deer, or wolf!
✔ Resource Gathering & Looting
• Collect essential resources like wood, stone, and ore.
• Automatically gather resources within 50 meters using auto-pickup.
• Loot crates and boxes for valuable items.
✔ A True Companion
• Command your animal to attack enemies, structures, or objects.
• Ride your animal for faster travel.
• Store items in the animal’s inventory (configurable up to 36 slots).
• Keep your companion healthy with a nutrition system that restores health.
Total Customization & Control
Animal Settings
• Select your preferred animal: Bear, Boar, Chicken, Deer, or Wolf.
• Configure max health, respawn time, and combat abilities.
• Adjust damage rates, player interactions, and looting permissions.
🛠 User-Friendly Controls & UI
• Assign commands with a customizable buttons.
• Display 3D arrows over targets for better visibility.
• Fully customize the GUI layout, colors, and refresh rate.
• Blacklist specific items from your animal’s inventory bag.
Feeding System
• Enable nutrition settings to maintain your animal’s health.
• Configure health restoration values for different food items.
Useful Commands:
/panimal – Spawn or despawn your animal.
/panimal follow – Have your animal follow you.
/panimal health – Check your animal’s current health.
/panimal auto-pickup enable/disable – Turn resource auto-collection on or off.
/panimal where – Locate your animal on the map.
See It in Action! Watch the Video
{ "Controls setup": { "Which button will assign tasks to the animal, attack / collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE", "Range of action of the assignment button": 25.0, "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true, "Arrow display duration": 2 }, "GUI setup": { "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6, "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Overlay", "Panel position": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "1 1", "anchormax": "1 1", "offsetmin": "-170 -104", "offsetmax": "-10 -10" }, "Second position of the panel (used if the player has a personal bot)": { "type": "RectTransform", "anchormin": "0.0 0.0", "anchormax": "1.0 1.0", "offsetmin": "0.0 0.0", "offsetmax": "0.0 0.0" }, "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d", "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7", "Health bar color": "#2ecc71", "Shortcut buttons": [] }, "Setting up personal animals by permission": { "personalanimal.wolf": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "wolf", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "wolf", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.bear": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "bear", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "bear", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.boar": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "boar", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "boar", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.chicken": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "chicken", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "chicken", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.stag": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "stag", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "stag", "Maximum health": 200, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } }, "personalanimal.polarbear": { "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "polarbear", "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "polar-bear", "Maximum health": 400, "Animal spawn cooldown": 10.0, "Addons setup": { "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": true, "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true, "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12 }, "Functions setup": { "Can the animal attack objects?": true, "Can an animal loot boxes?": true, "Can the animal pick up resources?": true, "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true, "Should the animal protect the owner?": true, "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": true }, "Damage, interactions and loot setup": { "Animal damage rate": 2.0, "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0, "Can the animal damage players?": true, "Can players damage the animal?": true, "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false, "Setting up resource pickup rates": { "stones": 5.0 }, "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [ "rocket.launcher" ] }, "Nutrition setup": { "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true, "Setting health for food eaten": { "corn": 5.0 } } } }, "List of prefabs that the animal can loot (useful if the animal attacks loot instead of looting it)": [ "foodbox", "vehicle_parts" ] }