About Personal Builder
Looking for a fast and efficient way to build bases on your Rust server? The Personal Builder plugin introduces AI-powered builder bots that can construct any CopyPaste saved base design. Just assign a build location, and watch as your bot brings your base to life!
🏗 Automated Base Construction
• Spawn a Personal Builder bot using /pbuilder.
• Select a build location, and the bot will begin construction.
• Works seamlessly with any CopyPaste base blueprint!
Smart AI Building System
• Performs terrain checks to prevent building in restricted areas.
• Prevents construction near roads, monuments, or other tool cupboards.
• Adjustable build speed for optimal server performance.
🛠 Total Customization & Control
• Configure bot name, spawn delay, and immortality settings.
• Choose whether resources are required for construction.
How It Works:
Use /pbuilder to spawn a builder bot.
Select a build point with the middle mouse button (or customize the keybind).
The bot scans the area and begins constructing the base.
Sit back and watch as the bot automates the entire building process!
• CopyPaste Plugin (must be installed and configured).
• Build files must be stored in /oxide/data/copypaste/
See it in Action! Watch the Video
To make the default config work, you need to download the build file (link below) and place it in this directory "/oxide/data/copypaste". Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11nMTecwn2pZyiaECeRSPqDXacYq2a6iv/view?usp=sharing How to add your buildings: - Open the config, duplicate the standard bot setup - Change the permission to spawn - Change the short name of bot - Change the name of the build file - find the one you need in "/oxide/data/copypaste" directory and enter it without the file EXTENSION { "Controls": { "Button to assign build position (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "MIDDLE_MOUSE", "Range of the task assignment button": 25.0, "Display 3D arrows over a build position?": true, "Arrow display duration": 2 }, "Permissions": { "personalbuilder.bot1": { "The name of the bot to be selected through the command when spawning": "bot1", "Bot spawn delay": 300.0, "CopyPaste file name": "pbuilder_test", "Player (bot)": { "Bot display name": "Personal Builder", "Bot health": 1000.0, "Make bot immortal?": false }, "Resources": { "Require resources?": true, "Drop bot's resources on death?": true }, "Speed": { "Bot speed multiplier": 1.0, "Build speed multiplier": 1.0, "Time to check 1 foundation": 0.15, "Time to check 1 building block": 0.15 }, "Build": { "Checks": { "Check is close to road?": true, "Check is building blocked?": true, "Check for Prevent Building triggers": true, "Prevent Building check radius": 10.0 } }, "Effects": { "Enable effects on appear & disappear?": true, "Enable building block upgrade effects?": true }, "Clothes": [ { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "shoes.boots", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "pants", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hoodie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "mask.bandana", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "hat.boonie", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 }, { "Item name": "", "Item shortname": "sunglasses", "Item skin": 0, "Item amount": 1 } ] } } }