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Frontier Town 1.0.1

   (1 review)

12 Screenshots

About Frontier Town

Welcome Frontier Town !

 We have made 8 different buildings using the Frontier Skin and Ubertool.

★ Frontier Hotel - fhotel , with 8 hotel rooms, recyclers and custom elevator doors.

★ Office - foffice, with a jail, undertaker and doctors office.

★ Large Saloon - fsaloon, Working Black Jack Tables, slot machines and 5 rooms. 

★ Small Saloon - fss, one Blackjack table and one vending machine.

★ Stables - fstable, with 6 horse stalls.

★ Store - fstore, with vending machines.

★ Square Water Tower - fwts, working water.

★ Round Water Tower - fwtr, working water.

★ Town Sign - fsign, torches on signs.

Big Thanks to my Team QT & Panda !



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