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About Bank System

Adds a banking system to the game. It is an extended system of economics.



  • ATM system (each player can install his own ATM and receive profit from it)
  • ATMs can break
  • ATMs can be repaired
  • Money transfer system between players
  • HumanNPC support
  • Ability for players to earn money
  • Adds a new item to the game (banknotes)
  • Auto Wipe (each item can be customized)
  • Working through third-party economy plugins (optional)
  • Conversion from ServerRewards and Economics



  • bank - open the bank interface
  • bank.givenote [target] [amount] - give banknotes to the player
  • bank.giveatm [target] - give ATM to the player
  • bank.setbalance [target] - set balance to the player
  • bank.deposit [target] - deposit money to the player
  • bank.withdraw [target] - withdraw money from a player
  • bank.transfer [player] [target] - transferring money from a player to another player
  • bank.wipe [type] (0 - all, 1 - players, 2 - logs, 3 - ATMs) - wipe data
  • bank.convert.economics - convert from Economics
  • bank.convert.serverrewards- convert from ServerRewards



private object CanPlayerCreateCard(BasePlayer player)
private void OnPlayerCreatedCard(BasePlayer player)
private void OnBalanceChanged(ulong member, int amount)



private bool HasCard(BasePlayer player)
private bool HasCard(ulong member)

private int Balance(BasePlayer player)
private int Balance(ulong member)

private bool Deposit(BasePlayer player, int amount)
private bool Deposit(string member, int amount)
private bool Deposit(ulong member, int amount)

private bool Withdraw(BasePlayer player, int amount)
private bool Withdraw(string member, int amount)
private bool Withdraw(ulong member, int amount)

private bool Transfer(BasePlayer member, BasePlayer target, int amount)
private bool Transfer(string member, string target, int amount)
private bool Transfer(ulong member, ulong target, int amount)



You can set permission in config, for example: 

"Permission (example: banksystem.use)": "banksystem.use",

You can also configure permissions for ATM breakage %



Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A:  Config


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