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About Jet Ski

This plugin adds jet skis with customizable physics!

Chat Commands

  • /jetski - Spawns jet ski near player (requires jetski.spawn permission)
  • /jetski remove - despawns player's jet ski (requires jetski.despawn permission)
  • /buyjetski - allows player to buy jet ski item and deploy it later (requires jetski.buy permission)

Console Commands

  • givejetski <amount> <player name> - give specified amount of jet skis to specified player (can be run in the server console or by player with jetski.admin permission)

Admin Chat Commands (requires jetski.admin permission)

  • /jetski_debug - show buoyancy points

debug.thumb.png.07756349d3d5fa9289f11297b05ba2a9.pngEach buoyancy point has force and size parameters











  • jetski.admin - admin permission
  • jetski.spawn - allows players to spawn a jetski via /jetski
  • jetski.buy - allows players to buy jet ski deployable via /buyjetski
  • jetski.free - allows players to use /jetski for free (if price is not 0)
  • jetski.despawn - allows players to despawn a jet ski via /jetski remove


  • English
  • Russian


Example of JetSki.json

  "(1.1) Jet ski price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)": {
    "ShortName": "scrap",
    "Amount": 75,
    "SkinID": 0
  "(1.2) Spawn cooldown (in seconds)": 120,
  "(1.3) Allow only 1 jet ski per player": false,
  "(1.4) Allow spawning jet skis only on beaches": false,
  "(1.5) Amount of jet skis /buyjetski command gives": 1,
  "(1.6) Starting fuel": 0,
  "(2.1) Allow picking up the jet ski only in building privilege": false,
  "(2.2) How much HP is reduced when the jet ski is picked up (0-100)": 25.0,
  "(2.3) Jet ski item name": "Jet Ski",
  "(2.4) Jet ski item skin ID": 2935987835,
  "(2.5) Jet ski item ID": 794443127,
  "(3.1)Make all snowmobiles jet ski": true,
  "(3.2) Allow Jet  ski to drive on land": true,
  "(4.1) Enable 'boost' button (Left Shift)": false,
  "(4.2) 'Boost' button thrust": 10000.0,
  "(4.3) 'Boost' duration (seconds)": 5.0,
  "(4.4) 'Boost' cooldown (seconds)": 30.0,
  "(5.1) Engine thrust": 5000,
  "(5.2) Engine thrust on land": 49,
  "(5.3) Move slowly on grass or roads": true,
  "(5.4) Steering scale": 0.05,
  "(5.5) Automatically flip jet skis": false,
  "(5.6) Off axis drag": 0.35,
  "(5.7) Buoyancy force": 730.0,
  "(6.1) Jet ski prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab",
  "(6.2) Thrust point position": {
    "x": -0.001150894,
    "y": 0.055,
    "z": -1.125
  "(6.3) Buoyancy points": [
      "Position": {
        "x": -0.62,
        "y": 0.09,
        "z": -1.284
      "Size": 1.3



BaseEntity SpawnJetski(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
Item CreateJetskiItem()






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