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About Me

  1. Version 1.6.9


    Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP. Video Description This plugin will automatically find Facepunch standard monuments, including Cargo Ship and Oil Rigs that are on the map, and which can be specified in the configuration. This will create a zone around each monument in which customizable rules apply for anyone coming to the monument, whether they become owner or not. You can also create a zone using coordinates anywhere on the map, and assign certain rules to it. Chat Command (For all players) mocd - Displays all cooldowns for the player Chat Command (For Admins) mocreatecustomzone {name} - Creates a file for a custom zone in the Data/MM_Data/MonumentOwner/Custom Zones folder with the administrator position at the time of file creation moshowid - Creates a mark for the administrator that displays the ID of each zone on the map modrawedges - Shows the administrator the boundaries of each square zone on the map (used to set up such zones) Console Command (RCON only) mocdreset {SteamID64} - Resets all cooldowns for the player mogetcd {SteamID64} - Outputs information to the console with all the cooldowns of the player Plugin Config example of a configuration for monuments sample configuration for the plugin HOOKS void OnPlayerEnteredMonument(BasePlayer playerEntered, Vector3 zonePos, float zoneRadius) - called when the player has entered the zone after all checks void OnPlayerExitedMonument(BasePlayer playerEntered, Vector3 zonePos, float zoneRadius) - called when the player is exited of the zone API The answer true or false will tell whether there is a zone in this coordinate private bool HasZone(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the zone belongs to someone private bool HasOwner(Vector3 posMonument) The answer BasePlayer will tell who the zone belongs to private BasePlayer GetOwner(Vector3 posMonument) The answer true or false will tell whether the player can become the owner private bool CanPlayerBecomeOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player) Forcibly establishes the owner of the zone, bypassing checks on his ability to become the owner. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to become one or the zone is occupied by another player private bool SetOwner(Vector3 posMonument, BasePlayer player) Deletes a zone. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it private bool RemoveZone(MonumentInfo monument) Creates a zone for the desired monument. The answer true or false will tell whether he was able to do it private bool CreateZone(MonumentInfo monument) Translation assistance by Jbird. Check out more of my work here JTedal's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library. Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  2. KpucTaJl

    Better Npc

    Version 1.3.1


    This plugin adds variety of NPC sets with very high number of parameter sets on standard and custom monuments. Also it is added during dropping the server AirDrop, locked crate and destroying a tank or helicopter Dependencies (optional, not required) AlphaLoot CustomLoot True PVE Kits Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Custom maps Maps that have default settings for their custom monuments. For these maps, you will not need to create places for the appearance of NPCs, they have already been created by the map developer and are located inside the archive when buying the map You can also download all these files for all maps here Detroit: Irreparable Damage Oregon 2: Last Hope Lostly Island Frontier – American Old West Oregon: Land of Dead Badlands Foreign Lands Namalsk Kong: Skull Island Destroyed World Deathland Dreamland Last Train Pandora Railway Island Wasteland Cataclysm: Fury of Nature Last Oasis Crazy Island Standard monuments This item of the plugin settings is used for appearing NPCs in all standard monuments. All these settings are located in the Monument folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Monument). Each file in this folder corresponds to a standard monument If there is no standard monument file in the folder, you can create it (you need to name the file the same way as the standard monuments on the map inside the game). You can copy the settings from any other standard monument Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply The size of the monument – this parameter contains two values. It is the length and width of the monument. This parameter is necessary for random appearance of NPC on the monument and indication of limits of removal of standard NPCs on the monument (if it is necessary) Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It deletes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Custom monuments This item of the plugin settings is responsible for the appearance of NPCs on custom monuments. All these settings are located in the Custom folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Custom). Each file in this folder corresponds to a custom monument If you have bought a map with already configured NPC appearance files for custom monuments you will copy these files into the Custom folder. If you want to create and configure the appearance of NPC in your custom location on the map, you will use the command in the administrators’ chat /SpawnPointAdd {name} (see the description of this command below in the instruction) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the monument. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Position – It is a position of the custom monument on the map Rotation – It is a rotation of the custom monument on the map (this parameter is necessary for using custom places to appear of NPC on the monument, if the monument is used on more than one map) Radius – It is the radius of the custom monument from the position on the map Remove other NPCs? [true/false] – It removes the standard NPCs inside the limits of this monument Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the monument (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Roads This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of roads. All these settings are located in the Road folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Road). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular road type ExtraNarrow – It is a narrow, unpaved walkway ExtraWide It is a wide, paved, two-lane, beltway road Standard – It is a regular, paved road Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the road. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the road (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) Biomes This item of the plugin settings is used to appear NPCs on all types of biomes. All these settings are located in the Biome folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Biome). Each file in this folder corresponds to a particular biome type (Arctic, Arid, Temperate, Tundra) Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the biome. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the biome (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) In-game events This item of the plugin settings is used to appear the NPCs in standard Rust events. All of these settings are located in the Event folder (oxide/data/BetterNpc/Event). Each file in this folder corresponds to its own type of event The supported events: When the plane drops the server AirDrop, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets CH47 – When the chinook drops a locked crate during patrolling the map, it will be guarded by specific NPC presets Bradley – When someone destroys a tank, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Helicopter – When someone shoots down a patrol helicopter, its crates will be guarded by specific NPC presets Configuration parameters: Enabled? [true/false] – It allows to enable/disable the appearance of NPC on the event. If you need NPCs appearing on the map and don’t need it on another map, you can use this option simply Radius – NPC appearance radius Presets – It is a list of all the NPC presets to appear on the event (the description of the NPC preset settings is located below) The NPC preset parameters Enabled? [true/false] – It is enabling/disabling the preset Minimum numbers – Day – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the day preset Maximum numbers – Day – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the day preset Minimum numbers – Night – It is the minimum number of NPCs from the night preset Maximum numbers – Night – It is the maximum number of NPCs from the night preset NPCs setting – It is all NPC settings of this preset (see the description of NPC settings for details) Type of appearance (0 – random; 1 – own list) – It is a type of NPC appearance. You can create your own list of places of NPC appearance. The NPC will appear only randomly. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types Own list of locations – It is your own list of NPC appearances. You need to use the number of locations at least the maximum possible number of NPCs in this preset. This parameter is not used in Road appearance types The path to the crate that appears at the place of death – It is the full path to the crate prefab that appears at the place of death of an NPC. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank Which loot table should the plugin use (0 – default; 1 – own; 2 – AlphaLoot; 3 – CustomLoot; 4 – loot table of the Rust objects; 5 – combine the 1 and 4 methods) – It is the type of the NPC loot table in this preset. Type 5 includes two types (1 and 4) at the same time and locates items from both types Loot table from prefabs (if the loot table type is 4 or 5) – It is a setting of the loot tables from Rust objects. You can see the loot table of Rust objects description for more details Own loot table (if the loot table type is 1 or 5) – It’s NPC’s own loot table. You can see the description of your own loot table for more details The NPC settings description Names is a list of NPC names. It is selected from the list randomly Health – It’s the HP amount of the NPC Roam Range – It’s the patrolling area distance. It’s the distance that the NPC can move from the place of appearance during patrolling Chase Range – It’s the chase range of the target. It’s the distance that the NPC can chase his target from the place of appearance Attack Range Multiplier – It’s the attack range multiplier of the NPC’s weapon Sense Range – It’s a target detection radius Target Memory Duration [sec.] – It’s the time that the NPC can remember his target Scale damage – It’s the damage multiplier from NPC to the player Aim Cone Scale – It’s the spread of NPC shooting, the default value in Rust is 2. It doesn’t take negative values Detect the target only in the NPCs viewing vision cone? [true/false] – It’s the parameter that allows detecting the target only in a certain NPC viewing. If you want to detect the target in 360 degrees, you will set the parameter “False” Vision Cone – It’s the NPC viewing. The range of values is from 20 to 180 degrees. If the previous parameter is False, this parameter is not used Speed – It’s the NPC speed. The default value in Rust is 5 Minimum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the minimum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Maximum time of appearance after death [sec.] – It’s the maximum time of NPC appearance after the death. This parameter is not used in the NPC Event places Disable radio effects? [true/false] – You can disable/enable radio effects Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false] – If this parameter is True, the NPC will not move or run Remove a corpse after death? [true/false] – This parameter can control the deleting of NPC corpses (only backpacks are left). This parameter improves efficiency if there are a lot of NPCs Wear items – It’s a list of NPCs’ clothes and armor Belt items – It’s a list of weapons and items NPCs’ fast slots. Medical syringes are used for healing. If you give grenades to an NPC, he will use them. Smoke grenades are used for creating smoke screens (if you don’t need them, you should remove them from your inventory). If you give a Rocket Launcher to an NPC, he will raid the target’s building (if the target is inside it) Kits – It gives a pack of Kits plugin. If you don’t need this parameter, you should leave this blank. I recommend using the previous 2 points to configure NPC items A description of the Rust loot table settings Minimum numbers of prefabs –It’s the minimum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Maximum numbers of prefabs –It’s the maximum numbers of prefabs that are needed to appear in the NPC loot table Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of prefabs – It’s a list of prefabs that need to add in the loot table. It is necessary to indicate the full path to the prefab and the probability of falling out this prefab A description of the own loot table settings Minimum numbers of items – It’s the minimum number of items Maximum numbers of items – It’s the maximum number of items Use minimum and maximum values? [true/false] – this parameter specifies whether to use the minimum and maximum numbers to limit the number of items List of items – It’s a total list of all items that can fall out in the NPC loot table. You can specify any standard items, their blueprints and any skinned or custom items The commands in the chat (for admins only) /SpawnPointPos {name} – To show the local admin’s position coordinates relative to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAdd {name} – To create the NPC appearance point {name} in the Admin’s custom coordinates. A file with this name will be created in the folder Custom and you can configure it as you need /SpawnPointAddPos {number} {name} – To write the local admin’s coordinate into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddWear {number} {name} – To write all the admin’s dressed clothes into the preset with the positional number {number} (starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointAddBelt {number} {name} – To write all the admins’ quick slots cells into a preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) to the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name} – To show to the Admin all the custom NPC appearance points in the preset with the positional number {number} ( starting from 1) in the place where the NPC {name} appears /SpawnPointReload {name} – Reload Spawn Point with the name {name} Console commands (RCON only) ShowAllNpc – Shows the number of all NPCs of the BetterNpc plugin on your server Hooks object CanAirDropSpawnNpc(SupplyDrop supplyDrop) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard an AirDrop. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanCh47SpawnNpc(HackableLockedCrate crate) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard a locked chinook crate. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanBradleySpawnNpc(BradleyAPC bradley) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the boxes from crushed Bradley. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance object CanHelicopterSpawnNpc(BaseHelicopter helicopter) – It is called before an NPC appearance to guard the crates from crushed patrol helicopter. The returning of a non-zero value stops an NPC appearance API void DestroyController(string name) – It destroys the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} void CreateController(string name) – It creates the place of appearance NPC with the name {name} These APIs can be used with standard monuments, custom monuments (NPC locations) and roads. The name of this monument is in standard monuments {name}. It is the name of the file in the Custom and Road folder in custom monuments and roads My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal
  3. Version 1.1.0


    Allows players to open a live admin chat from Rust to Discord to get support. FEATURES: Creates a discord channel in the provided channel category Allows the Rust player and Discord admins to communicate The ability to store the live admin chat as a transcript Allows a lot of customization, including: The command a player uses to respond to the admin chat The chat prefix for messages sent to the player The Steam profile icon for messages sent to the player The default reason for closing "tickets" Whether or not to display the admin's name when sending messages to the player The channel ID where transcripts will be sent to The Discord roles that will be mentioned when a new channel is created Whether or not to close the channel when the player disconnects from the server Setting the in game chat command to start admin chats Defining the cooldown value after the last ticket was closed PERMISSIONS: liveadminchat.use - required to allow players to use the /adminchat command. COMMANDS: /adminchat - opens a live admin chat with Discord admins. You can set the chat command in the config to whatever you want the player to use to start an admin chat. /reply <message> - sends the response from the player to the Discord admins. DISCORD: Admins can provide a reason for closing the chat by typing the reason after !close in the channel. Anything after "1close" will be included in the reason. Example: !close Closed due to no response TRANSCRIPTS: If you want to save the player/admin chats as transcripts, add a channel ID to "Transcript Channel ID" in the config. Otherwise, if you do not want transcripts then leave it blank and they won't be created. CONFIG:
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Here's a little buildable dome I have used on a couple maps, great for those people that like a nice cave or just something cool to build in on a server.
  5. Version 1.6.0


    The easiest and fastest way to build a Rust server Functions: Server Config Installer Wipe Manager Custom Map Support - Server Config: Here you can set up all the settings for your server. Server Name Server Tag Server Description Server URL Server Logo URL Map Size Map Seed Generate Maps Seed MAX Player RCON Password Server Port Query Port RCON Port App Port Game Mode Custom Map - Installer: Here you can easily install your server and mods. Install or Update your Server Verify your server files Install or Update Oxide (Detects new version) Install or Update Carbon (Detects new version) Install or Update RustEdit (for Custom Map Users) Install or Update Discord Extension (to run Discord Plugins) - Wipe Manager: Here you can easily Wipe your Server Full Wipe Blueprints Map Oxide Data Backpacks Logs Player Deaths Player Identities Player Stats Player Tokens New Map Seed on Wipe HowTo: - Start Rust Server Tool as Admin - Install Server - Make your settings and save - Start Server That's all
  6. Gruber


    Version 1.1.2


    Global warming has reached another eternally frozen island in the depths of the Arctic, glaciers began to melt and once forgotten monuments built by the former owners of the island appeared from under the ice. This island was recently a piece of ice, but now you can see life and a magnificent landscape on it, which has been worked out to the smallest detail. The remains of monuments from a past civilization will not let your players get bored. Cracks have formed in the ice, creating canyons in which you can find a large amount of resources and loot underwater. This map is not like all my other maps, here I decided to pay special attention to the landscapes, the erosion of the earth has created many places to build a base, rivers with fresh water and open spaces for roads and railways. Dive under the water in the icy gorges and you will find valuable loot. This island is also decorated with Christmas garlands and other Christmas paraphernalia. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope this map will bring you joy, good luck fighters! Attention: the plugin shown in the video is a paid Armored Train plugin from the creator Adem and is not provided with the map. A new update for the Armored Train: https://codefling.com/plugins/armored-train Features: Prefab Count: ~67к prefabs Size: 4000 With the release of the map, the Christmas update of the Armored Train plugin will also be released A lot of interesting locations to explore A huge number of unique places to build bases (Land, underwater, rocky,) Magnificent landscape Railway Great Christmas party atmosphere Custom plugin for NPC control on the server, as well as random clothing for scientists (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! How can I view the map? You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it. Custom Monuments: Lapland Village Frozen Castle Christmas Village Wild City Recreation Camp Cobalt Industry Frozen Gas Station Frozen Supermarket Frozen Warehouse Round City (By LevexKroyt) Ice Gorge Village of Peaceful Neighbors interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch: Launch Site Radtown Missile Silo Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost (Christmas Version) Giant Excavator Pit (Ice Version) Military Tunnel The Dome (Glass Version) Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Christmas Version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument
  7. Version 1.3.2


    Bradleys now spawn in Tiers with small config and lootcrate spawn options. Features : Spawns as Easy,Medium,Hard or Nightmare Tiers Easy configuration and setup BradleyGuards and BradleyOptions will disable their HP and Cratedrop settings automaticly (Krungh Crow versions). Works on any Bradley no exceptions Spawn and Kill Messages Option to make a vanilla bradley spawn instead of a Tiered one at random. Set a extra reward in the form of Economics or ServerRewards Support for Tiered loot systems (using it set to false by default) v1.0.3 Showing Bradley tier on 1st damage then after each 2 minutes will show it again. API for other developers is made available Permissions : bradleytiers.use : To be able to use the /bt info chatcommand Commands : /bt info : Just prints plugin info version and author to chat Configuration : Want a certain item to spawn as a blue print just add .bp behind its shortname ! Example of custom items like the ExtendedRecycler plugins recycler item. { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "box.repair.bench", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>Bradley Tiers</color>] ", "Use GUIAnnouncement": false, "Reply to player in chat on attack": true, "Reply to player in chat on reward": true, "Show kills/spawns in Global chat": true, "Use Notify": false, "Notify profile ID": 0, "Include Vanilla Bradley": false, "Include ArmoredTrain Bradley": false, "Include Convoy Bradley": false, "Include SatDish/Harbor Event Bradley": false, "Bradley Tiers can interact with NPC": false }, "Tier Names": { "Vanilla": "Vanilla", "Easy": "Easy", "Medium": "Medium", "Hard": "Hard", "Nightmare": "Nightmare" }, "Kill Rewards": { "Use Economics?": true, "Use ServerRewards?": false, "Vanilla amount": 500, "Easy amount": 1000, "Medium amount": 1500, "Hard amount": 2000, "Nightmare amount": 2500 }, "Loot Tables": { "Use lootsystem": true, "Use Random Skins": false }, "Easy Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 1500, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.6, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.6, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 4, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [ { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 } ] }, "Medium Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 1800, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.75, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.7, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 5, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] }, "Hard Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 2000, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.8, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.85, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 8, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] }, "Nightmare Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 2500, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.85, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 1.0, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 12, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Bradley": "Bradley", "Destroyed": "finally destroyed the", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/bt info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "KillRewardMessage": "You recieved {0}$ for Destroying the {1} BradleyApc", "AttackMessage": "You are taking on a {0} Bradleyapc", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "KillNotification": "<color=orange>{0}</color> Destroyed a {1} BradleyApc", "SpawnMessage": "A {0} Bradley has spawned around {1}" } API : When a Bradley has been updated to a Bradley Tier OnBradleyTiersVanillaSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersEasySpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersMediumSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersHardSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersNightmareSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) When a Bradley Tier has been destroyed OnDestroyBradleyTiersVanilla(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersEasy(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersMedium(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersHard(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersNightmare(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) When a Bradley Tier is taking damage OnBradleyTiersHitVanilla(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitEasy(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitMedium(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitHard(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitNightmare(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info)
  8. Version 0.1.17


    Useful API plugin that imitates in-game status bars, allowing the addition of custom status bars. Note: AdvancedStatus does not display any bars on its own. This is done by other plugins that work with it. An example plugin demonstrating interaction with AdvancedStatus. The ability to specify the frequency of calculating the number of bars; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to specify custom text; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; No need to pass all parameters; No need to manually delete your bar when unloading your plugin. advancedstatus.admin - Grants access to the chat command(by default /bar). { "Chat command": "bar", "Is it worth enabling console notifications for the successful loading of local images?": false, "Interval(in seconds) for counting in-game status bars": 0.5, "Interval(in seconds) for counting Building Privilege status bars. Note: Calculating Building Privilege is significantly more resource-intensive than other counts": 1.0, "Bar - Display Layer. If you have button bars, it's advisable to use Hud(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#layers)": "Under", "Bar - Left to Right": true, "Bar - Offset between status bars": 2, "Bar - Default Height": 26, "Main - Default Color": "#505F75", "Main - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Main - Default Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image - Default Image": "AdvancedBar_Image", "Image - Default Color": "#6B7E95", "Image - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Image - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text - Default Size": 12, "Text - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Default Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text - Default Offset Horizontal": 0, "Text - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Text - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText - Default Size": 12, "SubText - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText - Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Default Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "SubText - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress - Default Color": "#89B840", "Progress - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Progress - Default OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Progress - Default OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 17 } } Note: Default values will be used if the external plugin does not pass the property itself. EN: { "MsgDays": "d", "MsgHours": "h", "MsgMinutes": "m", "MsgSeconds": "s" } RU: { "MsgDays": "д", "MsgHours": "ч", "MsgMinutes": "м", "MsgSeconds": "с" } images reload *ImageName* - Reloads the specified image from the image folder; all - Reloads all local images from the image folder. Example: /bar images reload all Note: To access the commands, the player must be an admin(console or owner) or have the advancedstatus.admin permission. OnAdvancedStatusLoaded: Called after the AdvancedStatus plugin is fully loaded and ready. OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player enters their building privilege. OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player exits their building privilege. void OnAdvancedStatusLoaded() { Puts("The AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to go!"); } void OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} entered the authorized building privilege zone."); } void OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} exited the authorized building privilege zone."); } [PluginReference] private Plugin AdvancedStatus; There are 15 methods: IsReady CreateBar UpdateContent DeleteBar DeleteCategory DeleteAllBars GetTotalClientBars GetTotalPlayerBars LoadImages LoadImage CopyImage DeleteImages DeleteImage BarExists InBuildingPrivilege There are 5 types of bar: Default - A simple bar that displays the provided information. Does not update the value of SubText by itself; Timed - Similar to the default bar, but it automatically disappears after the specified time in the TimeStamp parameter; TimeCounter - The SubText shows the remaining time until TimeStamp. Also automatically removed upon expiration of the TimeStamp; TimeProgress - Similar to the Timed bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar; TimeProgressCounter - Similar to the TimeCounter bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar. IsReady: Used to check if the AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to work. The IsReady method returns true if it is ready, or null if it is not. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("IsReady");//Calling the IsReady method. If the result is not null(bool true), the plugin is ready. CreateBar: Used to create a bar or update bar values for a player. To call the CreateBar method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the CreateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. Parameters not specified when creating a new bar will use the values set in the AdvancedStatus plugin's configuration file. Parameters not specified during bar update will retain the values they had before the update. Note: The plugin does not update values automatically, you need to manually send new values. Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "AdvancedStatusDemo_1" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "BarType", "Default" }, //<string>Type of the bar. There are 4 types: Default, Timed, TimeCounter and TimeProgress. { "Plugin", "AdvancedStatusDemo" }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Category", "Default" }, //<string>Internal plugin category of the bar. { "Order", 10 }, //<int>The position of your bar relative to others. Order is determined by increasing values(ASC). { "Height", 26 }, //<int>The height of your bar. A standard bar is 26 pixels. { "Main_Color", "#505F75" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar background. { "Main_Transparency", 0.7f }, //<float>Transparency of the bar background. { "Main_Material", "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat" }, //<string>Material of the bar background(empty to disable). { "Image", "scrap" }, //<string>Name of the image saved in the ImageLibrary or a direct link to the image if ImageLibrary is not used. { "Image_Local", "AdvancedStatusDemo_Scrap" }, //<string>The name of the image file(without its extension) located in *SERVER*\data\AdvancedStatus\Images. Leave empty to use Image. { "Image_Sprite", "" }, //<string>Sprite image of the bar. Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image. { "Is_RawImage", true }, //<bool>Which type of image will be used? True - CuiRawImageComponent. False - CuiImageComponent. { "Image_Color", "#6B7E95" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar image. { "Image_Transparency", 1.0f }, //<float>Transparency of the image. { "Text", "Scrap" }, //<string>Main text. { "Text_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the main text. { "Text_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the main text. { "Text_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the main text. { "Text_Offset_Horizontal", 0 }, //<int>Horizontal offset for the main text. { "SubText", "35" }, //<string>Sub text. { "SubText_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the sub text. { "SubText_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the sub text. { "SubText_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the sub text. { "TimeStampStart", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp }, //<double>Responsible for specifying the start point of the time reference and 0% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStamp", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 6 }, //<double>Specifies the end time point after which the bar will be destroyed and 100% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStampDestroy", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 3 }, //<double>If TimeStampDestroy is specified and it is less than TimeStamp, the bar will be destroyed by TimeStampDestroy. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress", (float)35 / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. { "Progress_Reverse", false }, //<bool>Progress reverse. A value of false means that the progress will increase. Used if the bar type is TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress_Color", "#89B840" }, //<string>Progress color. { "Progress_Transparency", 1f }, //<float>Progress transparency. { "Progress_OffsetMin", "25 2.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMin: "*left* *bottom*". { "Progress_OffsetMax", "-3.5 -3.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMax: "*right* *top*". { "Command", "kit" } //<string>If the field is not empty, the bar becomes clickable, and the specified command is executed upon clicking. Note: the command must be covalence. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("CreateBar", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the CreateBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. UpdateContent: Used to update only the content of an existing status bar. To call the UpdateContent method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the UpdateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "MyID" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Plugin", Name }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Text", "MyText" }, //<string>Main text. { "SubText", "MyText" }, //<string>Sub text. { "Progress", (float)amount / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("UpdateContent", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the UpdateContent method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. DeleteBar: Used to remove the bar for a player. There are two methods for removing a bar by ID: with specifying a particular player; To call this method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar and the third one is name of your plugin. without specifying a particular player (which removes it for all players) To call this method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is Id of your bar and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. If you try to delete a bar that doesn't exist, nothing bad will happen. So feel free to delete the bar without checking its existence. P.S. When unloading your plugin, there is no need to manually delete bars for players, AdvancedStatus will handle it automatically. DeleteCategory: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin's category. To call the DeleteCategory method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is category and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteCategory", "Default", Name);//Calling the DeleteCategory method by passing the category and name of your plugin DeleteAllBars: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin. To call the DeleteAllBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteAllBars", Name);//Calling the DeleteAllBars method, passing the name of your plugin GetTotalClientBars: Used to get the number of client bars for the player. To call the GetTotalClientBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalClientBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalClientBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID GetTotalPlayerBars: Used to get the number of active custom bars for the player. To call the GetTotalPlayerBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalPlayerBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalPlayerBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID LoadImages: Used to check if the local images specified in the list are loaded. If any of the images are not loaded but their files exist in the images folder, the plugin will load them. To call the LoadImages method, you need to pass only 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImages", list, false);//Calling the LoadImages method, passing a list of image names LoadImage: Used to check if the local image is loaded. If the file is not loaded and exists in the images folder, the plugin will load it. To call the LoadImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImage", imgName, false);//Calling the LoadImage method, passing an image's name CopyImage: Used to create and load a copy of an existing image. To call the CopyImage method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>source image's name, the second parameter is the <string>new image's name and the third one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force copy and reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("CopyImage", "ZoneStatus_Default", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", false);//Calling CopyImage, passing the source image name and the new image name. DeleteImages: Used to delete a list of images and their files. To call the DeleteImages method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImages", list, true);//Calling DeleteImages, passing a list of image names. DeleteImage: Used for removing the image and the image file. To call the DeleteImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImage", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", true);//Calling DeleteImage, passing the image name. BarExists: Used to check if the specified bar exists. To call the BarExists method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar. And the third one is name of your plugin. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("BarExists", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name);//Calling the BarExists method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and name of your plugin. InBuildingPrivilege: Used to check if the player has authorized building privileges. To call the InBuildingPrivilege method, you need to pass BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("InBuildingPrivilege", player.userID.Get());//Checking if the player has Building Privilege.
  9. Version 1.1.0


    The idea of this design is that many projects use screenshots to visualize their sets. We suggest approaching this issue professionally, and you will be able to make your own beautiful pictures of sets.
  10. _senyaa

    Jet Ski

    Version 1.4.8


    This plugin adds jet skis with customizable physics! Chat Commands /jetski - Spawns jet ski near player (requires jetski.spawn permission) /jetski remove - despawns player's jet ski (requires jetski.despawn permission) /buyjetski - allows player to buy jet ski item and deploy it later (requires jetski.buy permission) Console Commands givejetski <amount> <player name> - give specified amount of jet skis to specified player (can be run in the server console or by player with jetski.admin permission) Admin Chat Commands (requires jetski.admin permission) /jetski_debug - show buoyancy points Each buoyancy point has force and size parameters Permissions jetski.admin - admin permission jetski.spawn - allows players to spawn a jetski via /jetski jetski.buy - allows players to buy jet ski deployable via /buyjetski jetski.free - allows players to use /jetski for free (if price is not 0) jetski.despawn - allows players to despawn a jet ski via /jetski remove Localization English Russian Configuration Example of JetSki.json { "(1.1) Jet ski price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 75, "SkinID": 0 }, "(1.2) Spawn cooldown (in seconds)": 120, "(1.3) Allow only 1 jet ski per player": false, "(1.4) Allow spawning jet skis only on beaches": false, "(1.5) Amount of jet skis /buyjetski command gives": 1, "(1.6) Starting fuel": 0, "(2.1) Allow picking up the jet ski only in building privilege": false, "(2.2) How much HP is reduced when the jet ski is picked up (0-100)": 25.0, "(2.3) Jet ski item name": "Jet Ski", "(2.4) Jet ski item skin ID": 2935987835, "(2.5) Jet ski item ID": 794443127, "(3.1)Make all snowmobiles jet ski": true, "(3.2) Allow Jet ski to drive on land": true, "(4.1) Enable 'boost' button (Left Shift)": false, "(4.2) 'Boost' button thrust": 10000.0, "(4.3) 'Boost' duration (seconds)": 5.0, "(4.4) 'Boost' cooldown (seconds)": 30.0, "(5.1) Engine thrust": 5000, "(5.2) Engine thrust on land": 49, "(5.3) Move slowly on grass or roads": true, "(5.4) Steering scale": 0.05, "(5.5) Automatically flip jet skis": false, "(5.6) Off axis drag": 0.35, "(5.7) Buoyancy force": 730.0, "(6.1) Jet ski prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "(6.2) Thrust point position": { "x": -0.001150894, "y": 0.055, "z": -1.125 }, "(6.3) Buoyancy points": [ { "Position": { "x": -0.62, "y": 0.09, "z": -1.284 }, "Size": 1.3 }, ... } ] } API BaseEntity SpawnJetski(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) Item CreateJetskiItem()
  11. RustFlash


    Version 1.4.0


    ChuteUp Features Do you want to really enjoy the parachutes in Rust or unlock another feature for your VIP? Then ChuteUp is exactly the right thing for your server. Let yourself be catapulted into the air with a simple command. Functions You can start the ChuteUp command with height information: /chuteup 600 To use the command, you need the authorization: chuteup.use Config load, run, enjoy Support Discord
  12. Version 2.0.0


    Features This plugin creates a secret crate after a restart, mapwipe, fullwipe or forcewipe. The coordinates are displayed in the chat and the players have to find the crate on the map. As soon as it has been located, the crate is removed from the map. I have set it up with Event Manager and other plugins so that it is only executed after a fullwipe. It's very popular, especially when they reward players with building materials, it doesn't hurt anyone and the winner is happy that he can build something small straight away. Functions You can also trigger it as an admin and owner without authorization. /flashstarterevent When others use this comand, they give the authorization starterevent.use Config: { "Event Start Delay (Minutes)": 10, "Box Skin ID": 2753036242, "Box Contents": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "Amount": 6000 }, { "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 4000 }, { "ShortName": "cloth", "Amount": 200 }, { "ShortName": "lowgradefuel", "Amount": 100 } ], "Announcement time before event (Seconds)": 300, "Mystery Box Lifetime (Minutes)": 180 } load, run, enjoy Support Discord
  13. Version 1.2.0


    TheTorchHolder is a plugin designed to manage the protection of torches within a TorchHolder. Players receive the TorchHolder in the Frontier Packet! This plugin protects torches held by players within a TorchHolder from damage as long as they remain inside it. If a player takes a torch out of the holder and uses it, normal damage will still occur. This means that the plugin is performance-friendly and does not have to query as many hooks, which has a positive effect on the operation of the server! Features: - Protects torches from damage as long as they remain in the TorchHolder. - When torches are used outside of the TorchHolder, normal damage is incurred. load, run, enjoy Support Discord *If you need a free alternative that follows a simple logic by making torches generally immortal, I would be happy if they use the NoTorchDamage plugin by my colleague Kaho.
  14. RustFlash


    Version 2.0.0


    Description: A little event for your players! The new version of CodeRaid 2.0.0 introduces a revamped and improved gaming experience that has already been well received by the community! The new version replaces the annoying chat spam system of the previous version with a user-friendly user interface (UI) that makes entering, deleting and sending codes much more intuitive. Thanks to the optimisations, the plugin is not only more visually appealing, but also more practical to use - perfect for dynamic and exciting competitions. The new customisation options and the enthusiastic feedback from players make CodeRaid 2.0.0 a must-have event for everyone! Commands: You can start the CodeRaid event with the following command: /flashcoderaid - Chat Command flashcoderaid - Console Command Permission: coderaid.use Config After you have successfully started the plugin, you can define everything yourself in /oxide/config/CodeRaid.json! { "PrizeSettings": { "Commands to execute": [ "addgroup {player_id} vip 7d" ], "Items": [ { "amount": 1, "displayName": "Well done, here's a rock", "shortname": "rock", "skinId": 2843316584 } ] }, "ProximityThreshold": 100, // Gives help when a player is near the correct code. "wrongGuessDamage": 5 // Damage caused by incorrect guessing } Dependencies You need the free TimedPermission for this plugin if you want to deliver VIP as profit More Free Plugins: If you are looking for more useful free plugins, please have a look at my Discord, you only have to choose the Flash role when you join. Support Discord load, run, enjoy
  15. Version 2.0.0


    HallOfShame is an entertaining and interactive plugin that records the most “embarrassing” statistics of the players and presents them in the chat. Features: Diverse statistics: Currently records the following player statistics, including: - Deaths by animals - Suicides - Helicopter crashes - Deaths from turrets - Starvation - Disconnections - Bans and kicks - Scientists - Cactus deaths - Radiation Deaths From version 2.0.0 there is the option to send the stats in Discord via a webhook! Automatic announcements: Sends funny “Shame” messages to the server chat at regular intervals. Multilingual support: Fully localized for multiple languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian. Configurable: Easy to customize settings, including the frequency of announcements and the ability to exclude certain users or groups. Persistent data: Stores player statistics so that player “fame” is preserved beyond server restarts. Admin test command: Administrators can trigger test messages with the /shametest command. The player with the highest number is always presented in the chat! Commands: /shametest Permission: hallofshame.use - Players with this authorization are included in the statistics. hallofshame.admin - Enables the use of the test command. Config: { "AnnouncementInterval": 3600.0, "DiscordAnnouncementInterval": 86400.0, "DiscordWebhook": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/YOURWEBHOOKLINK", "ExcludedGroups": [], "ExcludedUsers": [], "RaidableSleepersEnabled": true, "ShowAnimalDeaths": true, "ShowBans": false, "ShowCactusDeaths": true, "ShowDisconnections": false, "ShowHelicopterCrashes": true, "ShowKicks": false, "ShowRadiationDeaths": true, "ShowRaidableSleeperThefts": true, "ShowScientistDeaths": true, "ShowStarvation": true, "ShowSuicides": true, "ShowTurretDeaths": true } Multilingual Support: The plugin supports multiple languages. Language files are located in the lang folder and can be edited or expanded as needed. Currently supported languages: default: EN DE | FR | ES | IT | TR | RU | UK Please note that the language files were translated using the DeepL Language Tool --- load, run, enjoy load, run, enjoy Support Discord
  16. Version 1.1.5


    Adds the ability to call an airstrike, the player throws a supply signal in the place where he wants to call an airstrike. This plugin uses the default supply signal, but the item skin must be 2982472774. Please use only default stack size for supply signal. This is the only way the plugin will work properly. Since this is not an item that players can usually get through loot, you can use a plugin like BetterLoot to insert a supply signal with skin 2982472774 into your loot tables, and then that player-picked item can be used as a signal to call an airstrike. There is also support for the plug-in HomingMissiles Commands (admin only): /GiveF15AirStrikeSignal <Player or steamID> <number of items> - give the player a supply airstrike signal /GiveF15AirStrikeSignalToAll <number of items> - give to all players a supply airstrike signal /adminCallF15 - causes an airstrike to a point with the player's coordinates Developer API: (void) CallF15AirStrike(Vector3 pos, BasePlayer player) - launch an airstrike on a point with coordinates pos, player - airstrike initiator(null can be specified) This plugin uses the permission system Permissions: f15AirStrike.use - required to use airstrike f15AirStrike.vip - for VIP permissions, the “Cooldown time for VIP” setting is available To assign a permission, use: oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> f15AirStrike.use To remove a permission, use: oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> f15AirStrike.use Config: { "Rockets speed": 150, "Attack radius": 150, "Damage scale (1 = 100%)": 1.0, "Rate of fire(number of shots per second)": 2.5, "Time to trigger a signal grenade": 3.0, "Cooldown time": 1.0, "Cooldown time for VIP": 1.0, "Cooldown message": "You can't call airstrike that often", "Prohibition message": "You do not have permission to use airstrike", "Grenade throw force scaling": 1.0, "Damage to buildings": false, "Attack the initiator": true, "Attack the players": true, "Attack NPCs": true, "Attack the place where the signal supply was thrown (attacks only in the area, not aiming at players and NPCs)": false, "F15 will only attack at right angles above the center of the impact area (only for area targeting)": false, "Attack accuracy (used only when attacking in an area)": 30, "Use homing missiles(need HomingMissiles plugin)": false }
  17. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.13


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. Since the previous implementation with DynamicPVP was not correct and had some issues, I have added universal hooks(Developer API section) for general access from all PvP plugins, which are currently missing in DynamicPVP. I have requested the author to add them(3 lines), but for now, you will need to use the modified version of DynamicPVP.cs The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; The ability to toggle the gather resource restriction in someone else's Building Privileges; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/5VtWZZVr All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat admin command": "adminpve", "Chat command": "realpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area?": false, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player?": true, "Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others?": true, "Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death?": true, "Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones?": true, "Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time(in seconds) to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. A value of 1 or above will make the helicopter behave as it did before the April update": 1.0, "Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true, "PvP - Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a team?": false, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Name of the map maker": "PvP Zone!", "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 0.7", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/oi5vIkk.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "PvP - Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 13 } } ENG: https://pastebin.com/ZMUL6pYL RUS: https://pastebin.com/Mx8cbMts Main commands(/realpve ) : vehicle: find - helps to find a player's vehicle; unlink - unlinks the vehicle without the need to approach it; clear - unlinks all vehicles. team: ff - Enable/Disable damage to teammates. Only the group leader can use this command. Admin commands(/adminpve). Permission "realpve.admin" required: loot - Toggle unrestricted looting. If a userID is added at the end, the command will apply to that player, otherwise, it will apply to the person who entered it. monument: pvp - Toggle the PvP flag for a monument. If a monumentID is added at the end, the command will apply to that monument, otherwise, it will apply to the monument the player is currently in. Example: /realpve team ff /realpve vehicle find *netID* /adminpve loot /adminpve loot *userID* /adminpve monument pvp /adminpve monument pvp *monumentID* This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/XY1d9YaM This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Time in seconds(1-15) given to respond for purchasing monument looting": 5.0, "ShowSuffix": true, "Broadcast": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other, and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - Sets the delay in seconds that a player remains in PvP mode after leaving a PvP monument. 0 disables the delay": 10.0, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for monuments if they are PvP zones?": true, "LootingTime": 900, "Price": 15.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/awUrIwA.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/QHZCqpji An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/rpDng7Fd Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them. [PluginReference] private Plugin RealPVE; There are 6 universal hooks that the plugin is subscribed to, the use of which allows interaction with PVP in various PVE plugins: OnPlayerEnterPVP OnPlayerExitPVP OnEntityEnterPVP OnEntityExitPVP CreatePVPMapMarker DeletePVPMapMarker OnPlayerEnterPVP: Used to add a player to PVP mode/zone. To call the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BasePlayer>player - The player to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. This parameter is very important because a player can be in multiple PVP zones at the same time and passing the zoneID in this case allows for correct processing of the player's location within them. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnterPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnPlayerExitPVP: Used to remove a player from PVP mode/zone. Calling this hook guarantees the player’s removal from the specified PVP zone, but does not guarantee the removal from PVP mode, as there may be other zones in addition to yours. Also, when a player dies, they are automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnPlayerExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BasePlayer>player - The player to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the player exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the player still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnPlayerExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the player no longer has any active PVP zones. OnEntityEnterPVP: Used to add an entity to PVP mode/zone. In the case of RealPVE, this hook is only necessary to add entities with an owner(player) to a PVP, allowing other players to interact with them, such as a player's corpse after death(PlayerCorpse) or a backpack after the corpse disappears(DroppedItemContainer). To call the OnEntityEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityEnterPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnEntityEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnEntityExitPVP: Used to remove an entity from PVP mode/zone. When an entity dies, it is automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnEntityExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the entity exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the entity still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityExitPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnEntityExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the entity no longer has any active PVP zones. CreatePVPMapMarker: Used to create a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the CreatePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass 5 parameters, 2 of which is optional: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <Vector3>pos - The position of your PVP zone; <float>radius - The radius of the circle for your PVP zone; <string>displayName - Optional. The display name for the map marker; <BaseEntity>entity - Optional. The entity to which the map marker should be attached. Interface.CallHook("CreatePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*", pos, 25f, "ATTENTION! This is a PVP zone!");//Calling the CreatePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to create a map marker for the specified zone, at the specified position with the given radius, but without specifying a parent entity. DeletePVPMapMarker: Used to delete a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the DeletePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass only 1 parameter: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("DeletePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the DeletePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to delete a map marker for the specified zone. There are 5 hooks that the plugin calls: OnPlayerPVPDelay OnPlayerPVPDelayed OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved OnZoneStatusText CanRedeemKit OnPlayerPVPDelay: Called when a player exits the last active PVP zone, allowing other plugins to overwrite the value for pvpDelay. Returning a float value allows changing the pvpDelay for the player. A value less than zero disables the pvpDelay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelay hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The initial value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnPlayerPVPDelay(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"Attempting to set a PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return 15f;//Overriding the values for pvpDelay } return null;//Leave unchanged } OnPlayerPVPDelayed: Called after the PVP delay has been set for the player. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayed hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. void OnPlayerPVPDelayed(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"A PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds has been set for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); } OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved: Called when the PVP delay is removed from the player after they enter a PVP zone with an active PVP delay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player from whom the PVP delay has been removed. void OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"PVP delay has been removed for player {player.displayName} as they entered a PVP zone!"); } OnZoneStatusText: Called when the text with the nice name for the specified zone is needed, to be displayed in the status bar. When calling the OnZoneStatusText hook, 2 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player for whom the nice name for the zone is being requested; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnZoneStatusText(BasePlayer player, string zoneID) { Puts($"Text for the status bar is required for zone {zoneID}"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return lang.GetMessage("*langKey*", this, player.UserIDString);//<string>Overriding the value for the status bar text } return null;//Leave unchanged } CanRedeemKit: Called before giving the starter kit, in the OnDefaultItemsReceive hook. A non-zero value cancels this action. When calling the CanRedeemKit hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the kit is being attempted to be given. object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"Attempting to give the kit to player {player.displayName}!"); if (player.IsAdmin) { return false;//Cancel the action } return null;//Leave unchanged }
  18. Craft


    Version 1.0.4


    This is a custom UI plugin:Can display the number of online players and game time The image quality of this plugin will not be affected by game quality adjustments. Don't worry about the low quality of the picture in the game settings, and you will see blurry pictures! Customizable: text, button, picture, title, overall UI size, etc. All customizable content can be changed arbitrarily in the configuration file. You need to manually create a folder named CustomUI in Oxide-data,The image is placed in png format, and the file name is consistent with the configuration Chat command: /ctui Use your imagination and adjust it freely!
  19. LAGZYA


    Version 4.2.4


    A unique system of friends Here you can configure everything Turn on/Disable damage Turn on/Disable authorization in the turret Turn on/Disable authorization in the door Turn on/Disable authorization in the TC Turn on/Disable authorization in the turret Turn on/Disable authorization in SAM Beautiful interface You can disable all these settings in the interface The settings can be disabled uniquely for each friend Search for players in the interface. You can delete or add friends in the interface. Everything is very simple and convenien Setting on chat: Config { "Enable save during map save?": true, "Enable auto-authorization in single locks?": true, "Disable air defense attack on a copter without a pilot?": true, "Enable turret auto-authorization setting?": true, "Enable friendly damage setting?": true, "Enable auto authorization setting in doors?": true, "Enable auto authorization setting in air defense?": true, "Enable auto authorization setting in the TC?": true, "What is the maximum number of people you can be friends with?": 5, "Default friendly-fire setting": false, "Default turret-auth setting": true, "Default door-auth setting": true, "Default air defense setting": true, "Default TC auth": false, "Friend request response timeout (in seconds)": 10, "Enable air defense settings?": true } Lang { "SYNTAX": "/fmenu - Open friends menu\n/f(riend) add - Add friend\n/f(riend) remove - Remove friend\n/f(riend) list - Friend list\n/f(riend) team - Add all team to friends\n/f(riend) set - Set up friends individually\n/f(riend) setall - Setting up friends all at once", "NPLAYER": "Player not found!", "CANTADDME": "you cant add yourself!!", "ONFRIENDS": "The player is already your friend!", "MAXFRIENDSPLAYERS": "The player has a lot of friends!", "MAXFRIENDYOU": "You have the maximum number of friends!", "HAVEINVITE": "The player already has a friend request!", "SENDADD": "You sent a request, waiting for response!", "YOUHAVEINVITE": "You received a friend request write /f(riend) accept", "TIMELEFT": "You didn't answer the request!", "HETIMELEFT": "Your request has not been answered!", "DONTHAVE": "You have no requests!", "ADDFRIEND": "Successful addition as a friend!", "DENYADD": "Decline friend request!", "PLAYERDHAVE": "You do not have such a player in your friends!", "REMOVEFRIEND": "Successful unfriending!", "LIST": "The list is empty!", "LIST2": "Friend list", "SYNTAXSET": "/f(riend) set damage [Name] - Damage per person\n/f(riend) set door [NAME] - Damage per person\n/f(riend) set turret [NAME] - Authorization in turrets for a person\n/f(riend) set sam [NAME] - Authorization in air defense for a person", "SETOFF": "Setting disabled", "DAMAGEOFF": "Damage to player {0} disabled!", "DAMAGEON": "Damage to player {0} enabled!", "AUTHDOORON": "Authorization in the doors for {0} is enabled!", "AUTHDOOROFF": "Authorization in the doors for {0} is disabled!", "AUTHTURRETON": "Authorization in turrets for {0} is enabled!", "AUTHTURRETOFF": "Authorization in turrets for {0} is disabled!", "AUTHBUILDOFF": "Authorization in the closet for {0} is disabled!", "AUTHSAMON": "Air defense authorization for {0} enabled!", "AUTHSAMOFF": "Authorization in air defense for {0} is disabled!", "SYNTAXSETALL": "/f(riend) setall damage 0/1 - Damage on all friends\n/f(riend) setall door 0/1 - Authorization in the door for all friends\n/f(riend) setall turret 0/1 - Authorization in turrets for all friends\n/f(riend) setall sam 0/1 - Authorization in air defense for all friends", "DAMAGEOFFALL": "Damage to all friends is disabled!", "DAMAGEONALL": "Damage to all friends is enabled!", "AUTHDOORONALL": "Authorization in the door for all friends is enabled!", "AUTHDOOROFFALL": "Authorization in the door for all friends is disabled!", "AUTHBUILDONALL": "Locker authorization for all friends is enabled!", "AUTHBUILDOFFALL": "Authorization in the closet for all friends is disabled!", "AUTHTURRETONALL": "Authorization in the turrets for all friends is enabled!", "AUTHTURRETOFFALL": "Authorization in the turrets for all friends is disabled!", "AUTHSAMONALL": "Air defense authorization for all friends is enabled!", "AUTHSAMOFFALL": "Air defense authorization for all friends is disabled!", "SENDINVITETEAM": "Invitation sent: ", "SENDINVITE": "You received an invitation to the team from", "DAMAGE": "Can't attack {0} it's your friend!", "SYSTEMFRIENDS": "SYSTEM FRIENDS", "SENDACCEPTFRIENDS": "FRIEND REQUEST FROM {0}", "UIREMOVEFRIEND": "Remove from friends", "UISETTINGS": "SETTING", "UIDAMAGE": "Damage to players", "UIDOOR": "Access to door", "UIBUILD": "Access to cupboard", "UITURRET": "Access to turret", "UISAM": "Access to SAM", "FRIENDINFO": "Information about", "LISTFRIEND": "Friend list", "NOTFOUNS": "Not in base", "NOFRIEND": "No friends", "UIFIND": "Search", "UIINFOPLAYER": "WRITE NAME/STEAMID" }
  20. Version 1.0.0


    IQTravellingVendor - an excellent addition to your server! Allows complete customization of sales with a wandering vendor! It's suitable for all types of servers! Configure the wandering vendor as you wish and set pricing policies tailored to your server! List of features: Presets: Create an unlimited number of different presets for the vendor and specify their random appearance! This allows you to configure vendors such as weapons or clothing vendors with specific chances using the configuration! Dynamic Pricing: You can create and specify pricing for each item separately in each preset, controlling both low and high prices, including the chance and price range! Item Restocking: Control when and how much the vendor restocks items, in case they are all purchased! The plugin controls all trading parameters of the wandering vendor! It applies only to the wandering vendor and does not affect other shops. The memo* - Alas, at the moment the merchant does not support the sale/purchase of custom items with SkinID If the developers add this functionality, it will also appear in the plugin! Configuration : { "Random presets configuration for spawning [PresetKey] = Chance (0-100)": { "RESOURCE_VENDOR": 70, "ATTIRE_VENDOR": 30, "TOOLS_VENDOR": 20, "WEAPON_VENDOR": 10 }, "Presets for the travelling vendor [UniquePresetKey] = Configuration": { "WEAPON_VENDOR": { "Configuration of items for sale and their prices": [ { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "minigun", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 999 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } }, { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "military flamethrower", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 799 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } }, { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "rocket.launcher", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 599 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } }, { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 499 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } }, { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 399 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } }, { "Item for sale": { "Item for sale": { "ShortName": "rifle.m39", "Amount": 1 }, "Stock replenishment settings": { "Amount to replenish per N time": 1, "Time (seconds) for replenishing N amount of goods": 1200 } }, "Item price": { "Item price": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 299 }, "Additional pricing configuration": { "Use random price range (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Very low price chance for item (higher values increase the chance of item being at a very low price) (0-100)": 50, "Range of inflated prices for item": { "Minimum price for inflated price": 20, "Maximum price for inflated price": 30 }, "Range of discounted prices for item": { "Minimum price for discounted price": 5, "Maximum price for discounted price": 10 } } } } ] }, } }
  21. Version 2.1.5


    This plugin adds to the game a variety of NPC bosses with different abilities and a very adaptable configuration Description Using this plugin you can add NPC bosses to any point on the map. You can set up any ability with the plugin configuration. If it is necessary, you can add multiple abilities to one boss. Abilities are divided into two categories, ones take place in a certain radius from the NPC, and others are triggered by damaging from an NPC. The map also displays the location of the actual bosses (their name and amount of health). You can give any clothes and weapons for NPCs using the configuration. Custom Map Maps that have a configuration for the appearance of boss on their custom monuments You can also download all these files for all maps here Dark Ages Blue Tears All files for custom maps are stored in the folder oxide/data/BossMonster/CustomMap. You don't have to delete files from there, the plugin will understand by itself which map is currently installed on the server and will download only the necessary file if there is one in this folder. The plugin will tell you about this process in the console during the plugin loading. It will write in the console what file works on the current map, and what ones don’t work If you want to create a custom place for the boss to appear on your custom map or on a map that is not in this list, you have to create the ID of this custom map. After that you need to place an item such as a RAND Switch on your map. It must be placed randomly, where it will not be visible to other players. You will get the identifier, if you add up the three coordinates of the position of this object from RustEdit (x, y and z) and write the resulting value in the parameter of your file (an example file can be taken from ready-made files) - ID As an example, let's take the coordinates (26.896, -456.158, 527.258), then our identifier is 26.896 - 456.158 + 527.258 = 97.996 Then you need to indicate a list of bosses that will appear on your map. You need to copy the configuration data block for each boss. In the database parameters you will specify the name of the boss and a list of positions where it can appear Dependencies (optional, not required) GUI Announcements Notify Discord Messages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic PveMode Chat commands (only for administrators) /WorldPos - displays the actual player’s position on the map /SavePos <name> - saves a new position to the configuration file for the boss with the name - name, relative to the nearest monument /SpawnBoss <name> - spawn of the boss with the name - name in the coordinates of the administrator Console commands (RCON only) SpawnBoss <name> – spawn of the boss with the name – name KillBoss <name> – kill all bosses with the name – name Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Boss Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Custom Map Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian Hooks void OnBossSpawn(ScientistNPC boss) - сalled when a boss appears on the map void OnBossKilled(ScientistNPC boss, BasePlayer attacker) - сalled when a player kills a boss API ScientistNPC SpawnBoss(string name, Vector3 pos) - spawns a boss named name in position pos void DestroyBoss(ScientistNPC boss) - destroys the boss My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!
  22. MACHIN3

    Kill Records

    Version 1.3.800


    Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! http://discord.rustlevels.com/ Features: Tracks Animal Kills Tracks Player Kills Tracks NPC Kills Tracks Fish Caught Tracks Loot Containers Destroyed / Looted Tracks Animals Harvested Tracks Corpse Harvested Tracks Player Deaths Tracks Suicides Tracks Harvest Counts Options to Enable/Disable Tracking Option to enable/disable messages and message intervals UI for Player Stats, Global Stats, Top 10 Displays, Leaderboards WebRequests for external data storage SQL Support (2 options availble, read documentaion: https://umod.org/community/kill-records/36935-setting-up-using-sql)) Chat Commands: Player Commands: /krhelp - Shows all commands in chat /pkills - Shows your kill records UI /pkills (playername) - Shows another players kill records UI /pkillschat - Shows your kill records in chat /pkillschat (playername) - Shows another players kill records in chat /topkills - Shows top kills UI with page selection /topkillschat (entity) - Shows top kills in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /totalkillschat - Shows global kill count in chat for all entities /killchat true/false - turns on/off kill messages in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /leadkills - Shows leaderboads UI /pstats - shows your harvest records UI /pstatschat - shows your harvest records in chat /pstats (playername) - Shows another players harvest record UI /pstatschat (playername) - Shows another players harvest record in chat /topstats - shows top player harvest stats UI Admin Commands: (Requires killrecords.admin permission) /krhelpadmin - Shows all admin commands in chat /killsweb - Sends data over webrequest /krbackup - saved datafile when using SQL /krsql update - Updates your records in SQL /krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled /krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist from cache, if not will create if SQL enabled /resetkillrecords - Clears and resets all player data in Kill Records Permissions: This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. killrecords.admin -- Gives permission to use all admin chat commands killrecords.killchat -- Allows player to turn on/off kill messages Configuration: { "Tracking Options": { "Trackchicken": true, "Trackboar": true, "Trackstag": true, "Trackwolf": true, "Trackbear": true, "Trackpolarbear": true, "Trackshark": true, "Trackhorse": true, "Trackfish": true, "TrackPlayer": true, "Trackscientist": true, "Trackdweller": true, "Tracklootcontainer": true, "Trackunderwaterlootcontainer": true, "Trackbradhelicrate": true, "Trackhackablecrate": true, "Trackdeaths": true, "Tracksuicides": true, "TrackAnimalHarvest": true, "TrackCorpseHarvest": true, "TrackBradley": true, "TrackHeli": true }, "Player Chat Commands": { "krhelp": "krhelp", "pkills": "pkills", "pkillschat": "pkillschat", "topkills": "topkills", "topkillschat": "topkillschat", "totalkills": "totalkills", "totalkillschat": "totalkillschat", "leadkills": "leadkills", "pstats": "pstats", "pstatschat": "pstatschat", "topstats": "topstats", "totalstats": "totalstats", "totalstatschat": "totalstatschat", "killchat": "killchat" }, "Admin Chat Commands": { "krhelpadmin": "krhelpadmin", "krweb": "krweb", "krsql": "krsql", "krbackup": "krbackup", "krreset": "krreset" }, "Harvest Options": { "treescut": true, "oremined": true, "cactuscut": false, "woodpickup": true, "orepickup": true, "berriespickup": true, "pumpkinpickup": true, "potatopickup": true, "cornpickup": true, "mushroompickup": true, "hemppickup": true, "seedpickup": true }, "Order Options": { "chickenpos": 1, "boarpos": 2, "stagpos": 3, "wolfpos": 4, "bearpos": 5, "polarbearpos": 22, "sharkpos": 6, "horsepos": 7, "fishpos": 19, "playerpos": 8, "scientistpos": 9, "dwellerpos": 10, "lootpos": 11, "unlootpos": 12, "bradhelicratepos": 13, "hackablecratepos": 14, "deathpos": 15, "suicidepos": 16, "corpsepos": 17, "pcorpsepos": 18, "bradleypos": 20, "helipos": 21 }, "Chat & UI Options": { "enableui": true, "UseImageLibrary": true, "ShowKillMessages": true, "KillMessageInterval": 1, "KillMessageLimit": 5000, "enableuinotify": true, "disablechats": true, "uinotifytype": 4 }, "Web Request": { "UseWebrequests": false, "DataURL": "URL", "SecretKey": "SecretKey" }, "SQL": { "UseSQL": false, "FileType": 0, "SQL Host": "HOST", "SQL Port": 3306, "SQL Database": "DATABASENAME", "SQL Username": "DATABASEUSERNAME", "SQL Password": "DATABASEPASSWORD" } Localization { "players": "Players: {0}", "noplayer": "Kill Records:\n No player found with: {0}", "chicken": "Chickens: {0}", "boar": "Boars: {0}", "stag": "Stags: {0}", "wolf": "Wolves: {0}", "bear": "Bears: {0}", "polarbear": "PolarBears: {0}", "simpleshark": "Sharks: {0}", "horse": "Horses: {0}", "fish": "Fish: {0}", "treecut": "Trees: {0}", "oremined": "Ore Mined: {0}", "cactuscut": "Cactus Cut: {0}", "woodpickup": "Wood Pickup: {0}", "orepickup": "Ore Pickup: {0}", "berries": "Berries: {0}", "seeds": "Seeds: {0}", "mushroom": "Mushroom: {0}", "corn": "Corn: {0}", "potato": "Potato: {0}", "pumpkin": "Pumpkin: {0}", "hemp": "Hemp: {0}", "dweller": "Dwellers: {0}", "corpse": "Animals Harvested: {0}", "pcorpse": "Bodies Harvested: {0}", "loot": "Loot Containers: {0}", "unloot": "Underwater Loot Containers: {0}", "bradheliloot": "Brad/Heli Crates: {0}", "hackloot": "Hackable Crates: {0}", "bradley": "Bradley: {0}", "heli": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "bradleyapc": "Bradley: {0}", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "scientists": "Scientist: {0}", "deaths": "Deaths: {0}", "suicide": "Suicides: {0}", "killchat": "Show chat kill messages {0}", "chickenui": "Chickens", "boarui": "Boars", "stagui": "Stags", "wolfui": "Wolves", "bearui": "Bears", "polarbearui": "PolarBears", "sharkui": "Sharks", "horseui": "Horses", "fishui": "Fish", "playerui": "Players", "scientistui": "Scientists", "dwellerui": "Dwellers", "deathui": "Deaths", "suicideui": "Suicides", "lootui": "Loot Containters", "wlootui": "Underwater Loots", "bradheliui": "Brad/Heli Crates", "hackableui": "Hackable Crates", "bradleyui": "Bradley", "treeui": "Trees", "oreminedui": "Ore Mined", "cactusui": "Cactus Cut", "woodui": "Wood Picked Up", "oreui": "Ore Picked Up", "mushroomui": "Mushrooms", "potatoui": "Potatos", "pumpkinui": "Pumpkins", "hempui": "Hemp", "berriesui": "Berries", "seedsui": "Seeds", "cornui": "Corn", "patrolhelicopterui": "Patrol Helicopter", "corpseui": "Animals Harvested", "pcorpseui": "Bodies Harvested", "webrequestgood": "Kill Record Data Sent to Website:", "webrequestbad": "Couldn't get an answer from Website!", "webrequestdisabled": "WebRequest Disabled - Enable in Config file", "totalkills": "Total Kills All Players", "totalstats": "Total Harvests All Players", "sqlupdate": "Your records have been manually updated in the database", "sqlcheck": "Your records have been checked and updated in database", "sqlcheckall": "All players have been checked and updated in database", "datafilebackup": "Records have been manually saved to data file", "datafilenotinuse": "DataFile not in use, config is set to SQL only", "resetkills": "All Kill Records have been reset and plugin reloaded", "KRHelp": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/pkills - Open Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat - Show kill Records in chat \n/pkills (playername) - Open players Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat (playername) - Show players Kill Records in chat \n/topkills - Open top players UI \n/topkillschat (type) - Show top players list in chat \n/leadkills - Opens leaderboards UI \n/totalkills - Show global kill count for all entities \n/totalkillschat - Show global kill count in chat \n/killchat true/false - Enable/Disable Kill messages", "KRHelpadmin": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/krbackup - Manually saves records to datafile \n/krweb - Manually sends records over webrequest if webrequest enabled \n/krsql update - Manually updates your records to SQL if SQL enabled \n/krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/resetkillrecords - Clears all kill record data for all players" } API private object GetKillRecord(string playerid, string KillType) // Returns kill total int for specific kill or full kill record of player in json
  23. Rainey


    Version 1.10.4


    ExtraEvents can run multiple different and custom competitive events for players to win prizes; each event is highly configurable including chat/GameTip messages & items, commands, and/or kits rewards for one or more winners; regularly optimized to be as lightweight & efficient as possible; additional events and features planned. The configuration may seem long but it's simply repetitive to allow for greater customization. ExtraEvents comes out of the box running a random event every 1-2 hours with a scrap reward of 100 for the top player! Custom events and rewards can be added. Join my Discord for support and updates: https://discord.gg/teSffnDQ7N Events Included AnimalAnnihilation - Kill animals to win! BarrelBreakers - Break barrels to win! BotBash - Kill bots to win! CrateClash - Loot crates to win! FishingFrenzy - Catch fish to win! OreWar - Mine ore nodes to win! PlayerBattle – Kill players to win! ResourceRumble - Collect resources to win! RoadsignRun – Destroy roadsigns to win! TreeTrimmers - Chop trees to win! TunnelTussle – Kill tunnel dwellers to win! UnderwaterWar – Kill underwater lab scientists to win! Additional Events Included HighQualBrawl - Collect high quality metal ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate MetalMash - Collect metal ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate ResourceRun - Collect resources at 2x (configurable) the normal rate! StoneSmash - Collect stones at 3x (configurable) the normal rate SulfurSpree - Collect sulfur ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate WoodWhirl - Collect wood at 3x (configurable) the normal rate Custom Events Can Be Added! Event Types destroy - counts destroyed/killed NPCs, players, barrels, roadsigns, etc. loot - counts looted crates & loot containers collect - adds collected resources/entity amounts together (adds total number of entities collected [500 wood, 1000 metal.ore, 10 cloth, etc.]) dispense - counts collected resource/entity types (counts entity types distributed [wood = 1 point, metal.ore = 1 point, cloth = 1 point, etc.]) fish - counts caught fish or killed sharks Permissions extraevents.admin Admin Commands (Console & Chat) (requires extraevents.admin permission) extraevents start - Start random event manually (regardless of Minimum Players Online) [/extraevents start] extraevents start EventName - Start event manually (case sensitive (uses default EventNames, not DisplayNames)) [/extraevents start EventName] extraevents end - End current event [/extraevents end] Player Chat Commands /extraevents ui - Toggle the UI visibility /extraevents image - Toggle event image visiblity independent from UI ADD CUSTOM EVENTS "BoarBrawl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BoarBrawl", "Event Description": "Kill boar to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "boar" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.boarbrawl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] } Add extra winner positions to each event by adding to the Event Reward(s) [] group and extra Rewards by adding to the Item(s) [], Command(s) [], and Kits[] groups. Example (First winner receives 100 Scrap, 1 Pookie, and 10,000 RP. Second winner receives 5,000 RP and Farm Kit) "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "{player_name} scored first place in the {event_name} event with {points_scored} points and won {rewards_list}!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Pookie", "Item Shortname": "pookie.bear", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 1 }, { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": true, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "10,000 RP", "Command": "sr add {player.id} 10000" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] }, { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "{player_name} scored second place in the {event_name} event with {points_scored} points and won {rewards_list}!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": false, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": true, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "5,000 RP", "Command": "sr add {player.id} 5000" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": true, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "Farm Kit", "Kit": "farmkit" } ] } ] FAQ Q: Is there a limit to the number of custom events I can create? Add as many custom events as you want! All custom "Event Types" and "Additional Event Types" must have a unique identifier (EX: "OreWar_Metal", "ResourceRumble_Stones", "ScarecrowSniper", etc.), must use the correct "Event Type" (EX: "dispense", "collect", "destroy", etc.), and must target the appropriate "Event Entities" (EX: "metal.ore", "stones", "scarecrow", etc.) Q: Can I add custom Additional Event Types? Yes! Same as the "Event Types" you can have as many "Additional Event Types" as you'd like, so long as they have a unique identifier (EX: "ResourceRun_Stones", etc.), use the correct "Event Type" (EX: "multiply"), and target the appropriate "Event Entities" (EX: "metal.ore", "stones", etc.) Q: Is there a limit to the number of reward positions? Nope, the sky is the limit! The plugin will automatically read any reward position you add to the Event Reward(s)[] group. Give rewards to the top 100 players if you want. Q: Is there a limit to the number of items, commands, kits, etc. each player can win? Again the sky is the limit! The plugin will read each item[], command[], kit[], etc. you add to the reward position as long as it is valid and enabled. Invalid items, commands, kits, etc. will be attempted and skipped on failure. Q: Can I remove an entire event from the config file if I'm not using it? No, if you remove an entire event from the configuration file it will re-add that event in its default state on reload. Use "Enable Event": false, to completely disable specific events. Q: What is the ExtraEvents.data file? What does it do? Why can't I read it? Can I delete it? The ExtraEvents.data file simply stores PlayerIDs for players who have disabled their event UIs & images and that is all. ExtraEvents uses an efficient ProtoBuf method of saving data to optimize performance (originally created by Google) which saves this file in binary and is why your average reader cannot compile it. If you delete the ExtraEvents.data file it will enable the UI and images for all of your players and they would have to disable it again manually. Q: What is (r g b a)? (r g b a) stands for (red green blue alpha[opacity]) and is a way of formatting colors, specifically for UI elements in our case. You can convert HEX (#FF0000) to RGBA (255 0 0 1.0) using online guides. Support for HEX and English colors coming soon. https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_hexadecimal.asp Q: Can I add multiple images per event? Sure, it will display any image you have in the Event Image(s)[] group. Default Config { "General Options": { "Chat Prefix": "<color=purple>ExtraEvents:</color>", "Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 76561199519603325, "Minimum Players Online to Automatically Start Random Event": 3, "Auto Random Event Start Time Min (seconds)": 3600, "Auto Random Event Start Time Max (seconds)": 7200, "Enable Console Messages": true, "Enable Log File": true, "Chat Command": "extraevents", "Admin Permission": "extraevents.admin", "All Events Permission (optional, overrides individual event permissions if enabled)": "extraevents.all" }, "Event Types": { "AnimalAnnihilation": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "AnimalAnnihilation", "Event Description": "Kill animals to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "chicken", "stag", "boar", "wolf", "wolf2", "bear", "polarbear" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.animalannihilation", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "BarrelBreakers": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BarrelBreakers", "Event Description": "Break barrels to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.barrelbreakers", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "BotBash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BotBash", "Event Description": "Kill bots to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "scientistnpc_excavator", "scientistnpc_full_any", "scientistnpc_full_lr300", "scientistnpc_oilrig", "scientistnpc_cargo", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "scientistnpc_heavy", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "scarecrow", "zombie", "npc_underwaterdweller", "npc_tunneldweller" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.botbash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "CrateClash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "CrateClash", "Event Description": "Loot crates to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "loot", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "crate_basic", "crate_elite", "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal_2_food", "crate_normal_2_medical", "crate_underwater_basic", "crate_underwater_advanced", "crate_tools", "crate_mine", "minecart", "vehicle_parts", "hiddenhackablecrate", "codelockedhackablecrate", "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig", "supply_drop", "bradley_crate", "heli_crate", "crate_ammunition", "crate_fuel", "crate_medical", "crate_food_1", "crate_food_2", "foodbox", "loot_trash", "trash-pile-1", "tech_parts_1", "tech_parts_2", "wagon_crate_normal", "wagon_crate_normal_2", "wagon_crate_normal_2_food", "wagon_crate_normal_2_medical", "giftbox_loot", "presentdrop", "xmastunnellootbox" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.crateclash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "FishingFrenzy": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "FishingFrenzy", "Event Description": "Catch fish to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "fish", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "fish", "fish.herring", "fish.yellow_perch", "fish.brown_trout", "fish.anchovy", "fish.sardine", "simpleshark" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.fishingfrenzy", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "OreWar": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "OreWar", "Event Description": "Mine ore nodes to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "dispense", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore", "metal.ore", "stones" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.orewar", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "PlayerBattle": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "PlayerBattle", "Event Description": "Kill other players to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "player" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.playerbattle", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! 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<color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] } }, "Additional Event Types": { "HighQualBrawl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "HighQualBrawl", "Event Description": "Collect high quality metal ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "hq.metal.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.highqualbrawl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "MetalMash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "MetalMash", "Event Description": "Collect metal ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "metal.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.metalmash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "ResourceRun": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "ResourceRun", "Event Description": "Collect resources at 2x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 2.0, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore", "metal.ore", "hq.metal.ore", "stones", "wood", "cloth", "leather" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.resourcerun", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "StoneSmash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "StoneSmash", "Event Description": "Collect stones at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "stones" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.stonesmash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "SulfurSpree": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "SulfurSpree", "Event Description": "Collect sulfur ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.sulfurspree", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "WoodWhirl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "WoodWhirl", "Event Description": "Collect wood at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "wood" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.woodwhirl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "https://avatars.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/9df6fd69fc80ebe9387bb7a58ff4ee01d092af11_full.jpg", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 10, "Patch": 3 } }
  24. Version 1.0.1


    VIDEO COMING SOON... - FEATURES • Size: 4000. • Objects: 147114. • Map protection plugin included. • The map can be edited: Yes. - CONTAINS ALL OFFICIAL MONUMENTS • Radtown • Ferry Terminal • Nuclear missile silo • Large oil platform • Small oil platform • Submarine laboratories • Harbor • Large fishing villages • Fishing villages • Launch site • Satellite dish • The Dome • HQM Quarry • Stone quarry • Sulfur quarry • Arctic Research Base • Sewer Branch • Train yard • Junkyard • Abandoned military bases • Military tunnel • Caves • Large barns • Ranch • Bandit camp • Power plant • Swamp • Airfield • Giant excavation • Outpost • Lighthouse - PREFABS AND CUSTOM MONUMENTS • Zeppelin (Puzzle-parkour). • Ghostbusters Barracks, this is a faithful monument to the fire station used by the ghostbusters, contains puzzles, traps, loot, npc, ghostbusters logo. • Resource areas with flies: Lakes, Ore, Wood, Food. • Scalextric: A huge racing track with remote control, a tank watches over the tracks. • Skateboard: Build your base here. • Cargo Ship model: Full of loot, but watch your step sailor because you will find enemies on board. • Bullring: Use the Zone Manager plugin to place an event. • Ball: Build your base indoors. • Cake, a huge and delicious chocolate cake, inside you will find a not very pleasant surprise. • Billiard: An original area to build your base, access through the holes to discover a new world inspired by Mario Bross. • Train Stations, with waiting room, loot and NPC, with secondary rail respawn. • Fireplace: Look up, the Grinch is stuck. • Fishbowl, a huge aquatic area, contains a great variety of fish, in this area you will find the laboratory among other things. • Rubik's Cube: A colorful place to build your base. • Concert: Make your players have fun in this music zone. Turn on the music and lights, ants and flies will be your chorus. • Zeppelin with dish, if you need a place far away from your enemies this is a good option to build your house, besides it is located in the air. • Nintendo: A safe area to recycle, buy and trade. build your base on the controls. • Big Xmas Tree: A gigantic Xmas Tree. Build your base anywhere on the Xmas Tree. Moreover, BIG Xmas Tree is not only a decoration, it also contains a snowy village inside the pot. • Maze: Be careful and don't get lost, this maze contains loot, but also npcs. "In RATS you will find many hidden areas that have not been mentioned, so equip yourself and explore this great miniature adventure" - TIPS • Climb through walls, furniture and ceilings. • Take advantage of any area with total freedom to build your home. • Have fun .
  25. Adem

    Convoy Reforged

    Version 2.6.5


    Set your server apart with a roaming mobile event that has nearly endless configuration options! Configure the loot truck as well as the Convoy of protection vehicles ranging from sedans, module cars, Bradley tanks, motorbikes, vendor trucks, to a patrol helicopter! The plugin runs on custom and procedural generated maps, can use custom routes or let the plugin find a random route based on your configuration. You can make yours an aggressive or a peaceful Convoy, who shoots first? You can set all kinds of parameters regarding the many pieces of the event, how to beat it, whether destroying the loot truck destroys the loot or not for example. There are many compatible plugins like TruePVE, GUIAnnouncements, Notify, DiscordMessages, and RustCord to name a few. The plugin has a built in UI that will give you important information about the event as you are inside it's zone. Check the map to see the location of the event as a marker and even see the timer on the event! All of the ground vehicles are driven and filled with NPCs. Every vehicle, the NPCs, and the loot as well as all timers can be configured to suit your server. A PvP zone can be created within the event area for those of you who use TruePVE to control damage on your servers. The limits are nearly endless! If you have some players on your server that you want to really send everything you have at, this is the plugin for you. Watch players crap their pants when they first encounter a full Convoy with multiple tanks and a Patrol Heli all attacking at once. Sit back and delight in their fear as all of the vehicles empty their occupants and NPCs swarm them mercilessly! Required Dependency (must install this free plugin) NpcSpawn – link is included and can be found in the ReadMe file included with download Chat commands (admin only) /convoystart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration /convoystart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset /convoystop - stops the event /convoyroadblock - the event will not be held on the road where you are standing (clear the Blocked roads section of config when you change maps) /convoypathstart - stand at starting point and enter command to start recording a custom route /convoypathsave RoutePresetName - to save a custom route (enter anything you'd like in place of RoutePresetName) multiple routes can be added to one route preset, one will be selected at random in this case /convoypathcancel - to reset the route Console commands (RCON only) convoystart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration convoystart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset convoystop - stops the event Plugin Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian API bool IsConvoyVehicle(BaseEntity entity) bool IsConvoyCrate(StorageContainer crate) bool IsConvoyHeli(PatrolHelicopter patrolHelicopter) Hooks void OnConvoyStart() - сalled when a convoy appears void OnConvoyStop() - сalled when a convoy disappears void OnPlayerEnterConvoy(BasePlayer player) - сalled when a player enters the event area void OnPlayerExitConvoy(BasePlayer player) - сalled when the player leaves the event area void OnConvoyEventWin(ulong userId) - called at the end of the event and informs about its winner Check out the rest of my work: Adem's Codefling Library You can reach out to me in Discord: Adem's Discord Profile Thanks to Jbird for writing, translation, & support: Jbird's Discord Profile Join the Mad Mappers Discord!


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