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Found 5 results

  1. ItsTangerine


    Version 1.2.7


    Trade with other players using shopfront interface Features: Smooth rust interface (shopfront) Moving items with right-click Rust trade logic (that means no bugs) Permission support (size, cooldown, etc) Items blacklist Config: { "Command": [ "trade", "t" ], "Extra accept command": [ "ta", "taccept" ], "Extra decline command": [ "td", "tcancel" ], "Effect on completing trade": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.shopfront/effects/metal_transaction_complete.prefab", "Effect on pending request": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Log trades": false, "Block trade in raidblock": true, "Block in building privilege": true, "Start cooldown after accepting trade": false, "Effects volume": 1.0, "Chat sender id": 0, "Permissions": [ { "Permission": "trade.default", "Priority": 1, "Size": 2, "Cooldown": 600 }, { "Permission": "trade.vip", "Priority": 2, "Size": 6, "Cooldown": 300 }, { "Permission": "trade.top", "Priority": 3, "Size": 12, "Cooldown": 60 } ], "Items black list": [ "rifle.ak", "stones" ] } Language: { "Usage": "Usage:\n/trade playerName\n/trade yes\n/trade no", "NoPending": "There are no pending trades!", "RequestAlreadyPending": "That player already have pending requests!", "TradeBegins": "Trade between {name1} and {name2} begins!", "RequestSent": "You sent trade request to {name}", "RequestReceived": "You received trade request from {name}", "TradeCancelled": "Trade was cancelled", "CantRightNow": "You can't do that right now", "Cooldown": "Cooldown for {seconds}", "Permission": "You don't have permission to do that!", "NoPlayers": "There are no players with that 'Name' or 'Steam ID' ({name})", "MultiplePlayers": "There are multiple players with that 'Name' :\n{list}" } Commands: trade <name or steamID> - request trade trade accept/+/yes/y/a - accept trade from player trade cancel/-/no/n/c - decline trade from player Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Version 2.3.14


    Sentry turrets Sentry turrets - this plugin allows players place own outpost NPC turrets. Plugin config variables { "Can get damage": true, "Required power": 0, "Authorize friends and team members": false, "Authorize tc members": false, "Amount of ammo for one spray (set to 0 for no-ammo mode)": 3, "Range (normal turret - 30": 100, "Give back on ground missing": true, "Health (normal turret - 1000)": 1500.0, "Aim cone (normal turret - 4)": 2.0 } Commands: sentryturrets.give <name or steamID> <amount> - give turret to player Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Version 1.0.7


    UItemSort UItemSort - this plugin allows the player to sort, and stack items in boxes and inventory. Plugin config variables "Use button images?": false, "Send plugin messages/reply?": true, "Sort button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take similar button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take all button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Sort image.": "https://i.imgur.com/uEiuf3N.png", "Similar image.": "https://i.imgur.com/3PkbAH8.png", "Take/Put all.": "https://i.imgur.com/beKBAl3.png", "Allow only containers with owners?": false, "All containers allowed?": false, "Black list if all allowed else this is white list.": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", ] Plugin lang "UILootSimilar": "Same items, that you already own, were looted! (if exist)", "UILootAll": "You've looted everything you could!", "UISort": "Items were successfully sorted!", "UIPutSimilar": "You've put same items that are in a storage! (if exist)", "UIPutAll": "You've put all the items you could!", "UIBtnSort": "Sort", "UIBtnTakeSimilar": "Take Similar", "UIBtnTakeAll": "Take All", "UIBtnPutSimilar": "Put Similar", "UIBtnPutAll": "Put All" Permissions: uitemsort.use - allows to see and use sorting buttons. uitemsort.ignore - prevents from using sorting buttons if player has 'uitemsort.use' permission. Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Video how plugin works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_m8-Hv_lm4
  4. Version 1.0.0


    SafeHighlight is a plugin which will create green sphere zones around safezones to highlight actual safezone radius for players. Plugin will automatically detect all safezones on your map, even custom one.
  5. Version 1.0.3


    UMapMarkers is a powerful and versatile server map marker system designed for Rust, utilizing the game's built-in map markers. Create and manage custom map markers with ease, enhancing your server's gameplay experience. Plugin Configuration Configure your custom map markers using the following structure: { "MapMarkers": [ { "WorldPosition": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Icon": 0, "ColourIndex": 0, "Label": "My cool custom marker", "Radius": 0.0, "RadiusColor": null }, { "WorldPosition": { "x": 150.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 150.0 }, "Icon": 2, "ColourIndex": 3, "Label": "Custom marker number two 234?", "Radius": 1.0, "RadiusColor": "#ff0000aa" } ] } Permissions umapmarkers.use - Grants access to the /marker command. Commands /marker add <key name> <icon id> <color id> <radius> <radius color> <display name> - Adds a marker at the player's position. /marker remove <key name> - Removes a marker by its key name. /marker addconfig <icon id> <color id> <radius> <radius color> <display name> - Adds new marker into config at player position. Marker Icons and Colors Choose from a variety of icons and colors to personalize your map markers: Icon IDs: Point: 0 Dollar: 1 Home: 2 AirDrop: 3 Target: 4 Defence: 5 Death: 6 SleepingBag: 7 Sleep: 8 Gun: 9 Ore: 10 Crate: 11 Color IDs: Yellow: 0 Blue: 1 Green: 2 Red: 3 Pink: 4 Cyan: 5 API Functions private string API_CreateMapMarker([CanBeNull]BasePlayer player, Vector3 position, int type, int color, string text, float radius, string radiusColor, bool custom) // Creates a map marker. If you set player arg to null, then marker will be shown to every player on the map. Returns created marker id. private void API_RemoveMapMarker([CanBeNull]BasePlayer player, string markerId, bool custom) // Removes a map marker. Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------


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