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Auto Wipe 1.1.4

   (5 reviews)
Message added by Tangerine,

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About Auto Wipe

Auto Wipe - This plugin allows to schedule regular wipes, including map, blueprint, and data resets. It offers customizable settings for wipe intervals and automated backups to prevent data loss. This plugin will simplify the maintenance process and reduce administrative workload.

What this plugin can do?

  • Create specific wipe schedules for daily, weekly and monthly basis.
  • Wipe oxide(config/data/logs/plugins)/map files.
  • Create backups of data/map files.
  • Send discord wipe message using tool: https://discohook.org/
  • Do files replacements during wipe. (In case if you want to load new config files for new map)
  • Set own startup ConVars such as 'server.seed', 'server.levelurl'.

No additional scripts or harmony mods required, everything plugin based.

How it works?

When the wipe preset schedule is enabled and matched, the plugin sends a restart command. During server startup, it deletes all configured files before they are loaded by other plugins or the server itself and executes all commands from the preset. It is recommended to have software or a batch file that will automatically start the server after shutdown because the "restart" command only shuts down the server without restarting it.

What is cron expression and how do I use it?

A cron expression is a string of characters used to schedule tasks to run at specific times or intervals. It is widely used in Unix-based systems for automating repetitive tasks such as backups, updates, and maintenance.

Structure of a Cron Expression

                                       Allowed values    Allowed special characters   Comment

┌───────────── second (optional)       0-59              * , - /                      
│ ┌───────────── minute                0-59              * , - /                      
│ │ ┌───────────── hour                0-23              * , - /                      
│ │ │ ┌───────────── day of month      1-31              * , - / L W ?                
│ │ │ │ ┌───────────── month           1-12 or JAN-DEC   * , - /                      
│ │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of week   0-6  or SUN-SAT   * , - / # L ?                Both 0 and 7 means SUN
│ │ │ │ │ │
* * * * * *

Special characters which are supported by plugin now

  • * (all): Specifies that the event should happen for every time unit. For example, * in the minute field means "every minute."
  • - (range): Specifies a range of values. For example, 10-12 in the hour field means "10th, 11th, and 12th hours."
  • , (values): Specifies multiple values. For example, 10,12 in the hour field means "10th and 12th hours."
  • / (increments): Specifies incremental values. For example, 5/15 in the minute field means "5, 20, 35, and 50 minutes of an hour."

Examples of Cron Expressions

  • 0 12 * * *                -> At 12:00 p.m. (noon) every day:
  • 0/15 * * * *             -> Every 15 minutes every day
  • 0/5 13,18 * * *        -> Every five minutes starting at 1 p.m. and ending at 1:55 p.m., and then starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 6:55 p.m., every day
  • 30 9 * * 1-5            -> At 9:30 a.m. every Monday to Friday
  • 0 0 L * *                 -> At 00:00 AM on the last day of the month 
  • 0 0 L-1 * *              -> At 00:00 AM the day before the last day of the month
  • 0 0 3W * *             -> At 00:00 AM, on the 3rd weekday of every month
  • 0 0 LW * *             -> At 00:00 AM, on the last weekday of the month
  • 0 0 * * 2L              -> At 00:00 AM on the last tuesday of the month
  • 0 0 * * 6#3            -> At 00:00 AM on the third Saturday of the month
  • 0 0 ? 1 MON#1     -> At 00:00 AM on the first Monday of the January

Detailed definition can be found here: Cronos

You can try to use this generator.

If you need help with setting up your own wipe schedule don't hesitate to ask for support! You can use plugin support section or DM me in Discord: metangerine.




  "Wipe restart seconds": 300,
  "Enabled wipe presets": [
  "Backup files before wiping them?": false,
  "Discord webhook url": "",
  "Wipe presets": {
    "weekly": {
      "Players enter delay on wipe (prevents players from joining right after wipe)": "00:05:00",
      "Identity/Map files that should be wiped.": [
      "Oxide files that should be wiped.": [
      "ConVar commands (executed on server start)": [
        "server.level \"Procedural Map \"",
        "server.seed \"55555\"",
        "server.worldsize \"400\"",
        "server.saveinterval \"300\"",
        "server.levelurl \"\""
      "Wipe commands (executed on server full load)": [
        "test command here",
        "and another one"
      "Is wipe preset persistent, if true it won't be auto removed after executed.": true,
      "Cron Wipe schedule": {
        "Cron Expression (Second Minute Hour Day Month Day-Of-Week)": "* 30 15 */7 * 1",
        "Next wipe date": null,
        "Last wipe date": "2025-01-29T15:17:49",
        "Use UTC time? (If false, local time will be used)": false
      "Discord wipe announce message files (data/AAutoWipe/filename.json) (Use: 'https://share.discohook.app/go/j1elnjf1' to get json)": [
      "File replacements (SUPPORTS ONLY ZIP)": [
          "Zip source file (Located in data/AAutoWipe/filename.zip)": "filename",
          "Destination (from root folder)": "oxide/"
    "biweekly": {
      "Players enter delay on wipe (prevents players from joining right after wipe)": "00:05:00",
      "Identity/Map files that should be wiped.": [
      "Oxide files that should be wiped.": [
      "ConVar commands (executed on server start)": [
        "server.level \"Procedural Map \"",
        "server.seed \"55555\"",
        "server.worldsize \"400\"",
        "server.saveinterval \"300\"",
        "server.levelurl \"\""
      "Wipe commands (executed on server full load)": [
        "test command here",
        "and another one"
      "Is wipe preset persistent, if true it won't be auto removed after executed.": true,
      "Cron Wipe schedule": {
        "Cron Expression (Second Minute Hour Day Month Day-Of-Week)": "* 30 15 */14 * 1",
        "Next wipe date": null,
        "Last wipe date": "2025-01-29T15:17:49",
        "Use UTC time? (If false, local time will be used)": false
      "Discord wipe announce message files (data/AAutoWipe/filename.json) (Use: 'https://share.discohook.app/go/j1elnjf1' to get json)": [
      "File replacements (SUPPORTS ONLY ZIP)": [
          "Zip source file (Located in data/AAutoWipe/filename.zip)": "test",
          "Destination (from root folder)": "oxide/"
    "monthly": {
      "Players enter delay on wipe (prevents players from joining right after wipe)": "00:05:00",
      "Identity/Map files that should be wiped.": [
      "Oxide files that should be wiped.": [
      "ConVar commands (executed on server start)": [
        "server.level \"Procedural Map\"",
        "server.seed \"55555\"",
        "server.worldsize \"400\"",
        "server.saveinterval \"300\"",
        "server.levelurl \"\""
      "Wipe commands (executed on server full load)": [
        "test command here",
        "and another one"
      "Is wipe preset persistent, if true it won't be auto removed after executed.": true,
      "Cron Wipe schedule": {
        "Cron Expression (Second Minute Hour Day Month Day-Of-Week)": "* 30 15 1-7 * 1",
        "Next wipe date": null,
        "Last wipe date": "2025-01-29T15:17:49",
        "Use UTC time? (If false, local time will be used)": true
      "Discord wipe announce message files (data/AAutoWipe/filename.json) (Use: 'https://share.discohook.app/go/j1elnjf1' to get json)": [
      "File replacements (SUPPORTS ONLY ZIP)": [
          "Zip source file (Located in data/AAutoWipe/filename.zip)": "filename",
          "Destination (from root folder)": "oxide/"



autowipe.run <preset name> - runs auto wipe preset


Need help or custom plugin for your server?
Contact me using Discord: metangerine


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