About Automated Maps
Automated Maps - plugin that allows you fully automate map wipe replacements. Plugin will automatically detect server wipe, get next map from configured maps pool and replace it.
What this plugin can do?
- Create voting polls in using Discord API, so players can choose next map listed in map pool.
- Announce next map using Discord API.
- Automatically detect wipe.
- RustMaps integration, plugin can fill map pool using RustMaps.com API, supports custom map config and other paid subscription features.
What is cron expression and how do I use it?
A cron expression is a string of characters used to schedule tasks to run at specific times or intervals. It is widely used in Unix-based systems for automating repetitive tasks such as backups, updates, and maintenance.
Structure of a Cron Expression
<second(optional)> <minute> <hour> <day-of-month> <month> <day-of-week>
Each field can contain specific values, ranges, or special characters to define the schedule. Here is a breakdown of each field:
- Second: 0-59
- Minute: 0-59
- Hour: 0-23
- Day of Month: 1-31
- Month: 1-12
- Day of Week: 0-6 (where 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday and so on)
Special characters which are supported by plugin now
- * (all): Specifies that the event should happen for every time unit. For example, * in the minute field means "every minute."
- - (range): Specifies a range of values. For example, 10-12 in the hour field means "10th, 11th, and 12th hours."
- , (values): Specifies multiple values. For example, 10,12 in the hour field means "10th and 12th hours."
- / (increments): Specifies incremental values. For example, 5/15 in the minute field means "5, 20, 35, and 50 minutes of an hour."
Examples of Cron Expressions
- At 12:00 p.m. (noon) every day: "0 12 * * *"
- Every 15 minutes every day: "0/15 * * * *"
- Every five minutes starting at 1 p.m. and ending at 1:55 p.m., and then starting at 6 p.m. and ending at 6:55 p.m., every day: "0/5 13,18 * * *"
At 9:30 a.m. every Monday to Friday: "30 9 * * 1-5"
You can try to use this generator plugin doesn't support all expressions for now, but most of them.
If you need help with setting up your own wipe schedule don't hesitate to ask for support! You can use plugin support section or DM me in Discord: metangerine.
{ "RustMaps Integration": { "Enabled? Plugin will use RustMaps API to fill pool and load images.": false, "API Key (can be found in profile page)": "", "Organization Key (optional)": "", "Map generation properties.": { "Map Parameters": { "Size": 3500, "Staging": false }, "Config Name (leave empty for default generation) (SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED)": null }, "Populate pool maps images from rust maps api?": false, "Fill pool until this amount of maps in it.": 5 }, "Vote config": { "Voting enabled?": false, "Vote cron": { "Cron Expression (Second Minute Hour Day Month Day-Of-Week)": "30 10 */7 * *", "Next run date": null, "Last run date": "2025-02-14T09:58:29.8574892+02:00", "Use UTC time? (If false, local time will be used)": false }, "Discord webhook for map voting.": "", "Discord webhook for vote result post.": "", "Application API Key (required to retrieve vote result)": "", "Maps for vote amount. Up to 10 is allowed.": 5, "How long should voting take? Max allowed: 768 hours (32 days)": "00:01:00", "Embed color": "#ff9f38", "Clear map pool after voting?": false }, "Announce config": { "Map announcing enabled?": false, "Post cron": { "Cron Expression (Second Minute Hour Day Month Day-Of-Week)": "30 10 */7 * *", "Next run date": null, "Last run date": "2025-02-14T09:58:29.8574892+02:00", "Use UTC time? (If false, local time will be used)": false }, "Discord webhook for map post.": "", "Embed color": "#ff9f38" }, "Should plugin delete map from pool after it used?": false, "Maps Pool Urls. Plugin will use maps from this list one by one, each map wipe.": [ { "Map Url": "https://maps.rustmaps.com/262/6569a90b2f334611996daaa7bab6ebf6/procedural__3750_8MquQX79NUO6LvUUoH9UFg.map", "Size": 0, "Seed": 0, "Map Image": "", "Preview url": null }, { "Map Url": null, "Size": 3700, "Seed": 12345, "Map Image": "", "Preview url": null } ] }
{ "Discord_Poll_Title": "Please, choose next wipe map: ", "Discord_Poll_Option": "MAP #{0}", "Discord_Poll_Result_Title": "Vote ended with result: ", "Discord_Poll_MostVoted": "Most voted map", "Discord_Post_Title": "Next wipe map ({0}):", "Discord_Seed": "Seed", "Discord_Size": "Size", "Discord_PreviewLink": "Preview Link", "Discord_MapLink": "[Map Link]({0})" }
- automaps.postnext - to post map
- automaps.runvote - to run vote
Need help or custom plugin for your server?
Contact me using Discord: metangerine