About Car Heist
CarHeist adds a Modulercar with a TimedCrate, that can only be hacked whiles driving ,to your server
CarHeist.use - gives the ability to a player to use spawn command
Chat Commands
/smc -- spawns a Heist Car
Console commands
startheist -- spawns heist car at random monument
{ "1. Auto spawn Cars": true, "2. Hack time in minutes (Clamped between 1 and 15)": 10.0, "3. Use Armoured Cockpit": false, "4. Use Armoured Passanger seats": false, "5. Time between hacking broadcasts (in seconds)": 60.0, "6. Dont hack in Safezone or Building Privlidge": true, "7. Drop Hack Crate if Car Breaks": true, "8. Allow players do access Fuel Storage": false, "9. Time to keep broadcasts on screen (in seconds)": 2, "A. The amount your server convar 'hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds' is set to (in seconds)": 900.0 }
Lang File
{ "NoPerm": "You dont have Permission to use this command", "CarSpawn": "Heist Car Spawned at ", "CarHacked": "A Player is Hacking Heist Car at ", "CarFullHacked": "Heist Car Fully Hacked at ", "CarPlayerSpawned": "Heist Car spawned by <color=green>{playername}</color> at " }
Current AutoSpawn Monuments
- Outpost
- Launch Site
- Missile Silo
- Water Treatment
- Trainyard
- Power Plant
- Military Tunnels
- Ferry Terminal
- Excavator
- Airfield
- Both Harbors
- Dome
- Radtown
- Bandit Camp
- Desert Military Base
- Arctic Research Base
More to be added soon
the auto spawn will spawn a car at a random monument every time CargoShip Spawns and will announce to server
if that car is still there at next cycle it will be deleted and spawn a new one at random monument again
@Chill Roleplay and the Chill Roleplay Servers for the original idea
Me Trying the plugin and failing