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The Red Button 1.8.1

   (15 reviews)
Message added by NooBlet,

From  1.7.5   you got a UI to change settings without reloading Plugin  🤪😍

7 Screenshots

  • 65.7k
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  • 136.86 kB

About The Red Button

Just a small plugin with a button to troll your players with A fun game . with some punishments on button press

punishments is set to random with a weight value (higher the number the more change of spawn . 0 means don't spawn)

just a fun way to troll your players




TheRedButton.use          (player with this permission can use the commands)

TheRedButton.admin      (player with this permission can use the UI)


Chat Commands

 /button             -  Spawns button in player INV

/buttonui           - opens the UI    // can be bound  .     ex.     bind "p" chat.say /buttonui

/buttonconfig   - opens config UI // change weights and customcommands without plugin reload

/spawnbutton    - spawns button where you look and facing towards you (only works for IsAdmin tag) ex .auth 1 and 2

/clearallbuttons    - deletes all buttons on server (admin only)



  • {playername}
  • {playerid}
  • {playerlocation}
  • {timeremaining}             //Lang file only
  • {cooldowntotal}            //Lang file only



  "1. The Button Settings": {
    "1. Sign Picture URL": "www.noobhub.co.za/dont.png",
    "2. Cooldown Time on Button Press": 0,
    "3. Broadcast Button Action to Server": true,
    "4. Broadcast Font Size [18 default]": 18,
    "5. Send Discord embeds on punishments": false,
    "6. Discord WebHook URL": "https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks",
    "7. Use Payback Plugin Punishments": false,
    "8. Timed C4 (false will be instant explosion": true,
    "9. Use Random location for swim location": true
  "2. Punishment Weights": {
    "Slap": 2,
    "Mlrs": 2,
    "Chicken": 2,
    "Swim": 1,
    "Fall": 0,
    "C4": 1,
    "Bear": 0,
    "Scientist": 0,
    "Scarecrow": 0,
    "Radiation": 2,
    "Landmine": 1,
    "Cactus": 2,
    "Scrapheli": 2,
    "PVELord": 2,
    "Shredder": 1,
    "Guntrap": 2,
    "Fireball": 2,
    "ExplosiveDiarrhea": 2,
    "PayBack:Rocketman": 2,
    "Payback:Shark": 2,
    "Payback:Shocker": 0,
    "Payback:Naked": 0
  "3. Custom Commands": {
    "CustomCommand1": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand1",
      "Command": "giverank {playerid}",
      "Message": "Just got a Rank",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand2": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand2",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand3": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand3",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand4": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand4",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand5": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand5",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand6": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand6",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand7": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand7",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand8": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand8",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand9": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand9",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommandA": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommandA",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0

The numbers assigned to punishment is the weight value. the higher the number the higher chance of spawn  . Rule of thumb 1-10 . 0 will cancel that punishment

With CustomCommands if weight is 0 , it will not be loaded.



  "FallMessage": "Fell From 50meters High",
  "SwimMessage": "Went for a Swim and found 3 sharks",
  "ScarecrowMessage": "Found that Tinder only has Scarecrows",
  "ScrapheliMessage": "Helicopters are Heavy . ACME style Murder",
  "CactusMessage": "Found a Cactus and poke his way to heaven",
  "C4Message": "Made a new Friend , C4",
  "BearMessage": "Noticed that YogiBear is no fun in 3's",
  "ScientistMessage": "Playing with A Scientist that loves him",
  "LandmineMessage": "Needs to dance or DIE!!!!",
  "RadiationMessage": "Bit a Nuclear Rod",
  "SlapMessage": "Got Slapped so hard, his kids felt it",
  "MlrsMessage": "could not hold on to that rocket",
  "ChickensMessage": "got a Winner,Winner and is now chicken dinner",
  "ButtonCooldownMessage": "The Button is on a cooldown for you . {timeremaining} remaining from {cooldowntotal} Min's",
  "Payback:RocketManMessage": "and found himself singing Rocketman from Elton John",
  "Payback:SharkMessage": "will never order Sushi again",
  "Payback:NakedMessage": "lost all his stuff",
  "Payback:ShockerMessage": "had a shocking experience",
  "PVELordMessageLargeOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Large Oil",
  "PVELordMessageSmallOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Small Oil",
  "PVELordMessageCargo": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Cargo",
  "ShredderMessage": "Found his long lost CRUSH , The CarShredder!",
  "DiarrheaMessage": "and will never eat Taco's again !!",
  "GuntrapMessage": "and got stuck in a TRAP !!",
  "FireBallMessage": "should never play with Matches!!!"



  • c4 locked to player
  • slap player with -90 health
  • fall    TP player up in air
  • swim    TP player way out in ocean
  • bear    spawns 3 bears
  • scarecrow   spawns 3 scarecrows
  • radiation    makes plyer burn :d
  • landmine    spawns landmine under player
  • cactus      kills player with a cactus
  • scrapheli   drops heli on player
  • scarecrow  spawns 3 scarecrows        // requires Better Scarecrows to work ( https://umod.org/plugins/better-scarecrows )
  • mlrs    drops 3 rockers on player
  • pvelord     send player to ether Cargo or Oilrigs
  • chickens     do i even need to state the obvious
  • carshredder     tp players into car shredder
  • guntap      spawns 6 guntraps around player
  • fireball     Do i need to explain fire:D
  • explosivediarrhea     Poop till you drop
  • CustomCommand 1      what ever you want (consolecommand)


Future Plans


  • ability to pickup button
  • more punishments and ability to choice your own

Video preview


The button in action . Provided by Enardo . Much love brother🤩



  • Like 7
  • Haha 3
  • Love 1

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