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WoundedNPC 1.0.5

$16.98 $11.98
   (1 review)

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About WoundedNPC

Introducing WoundedNPC — where NPCs don't just die; they make a scene!

Watch in amusement as your NPCs go from tough guys to crybabies, collapsing and crying out in pain. They'll lie there, whining and wailing, giving you a show worth watching!

Perfect for adding a touch of humor to your Rust world. Your NPCs will now collapse similar to players, with customizable scream (or other sound of your  choice!) with a configurable chance to get back up for a second chance.

Get ready for the most entertaining and theatrical NPC deaths ever with WoundedNPC!



  • NPCs will enter a wounded state
  • Configurable % chance for them to get back up
  • Configurable wounded timer for them
  • Configurable scream sounds
  • Lightweight format sounds stored in data for minimal delay
  • Automatically checks if screams listed in config exist, if not, it's downloaded.
  • Ability to exclude specific NPCs by either prefab path, or partial name matching (useful to exclude zombies or any other NPC which you wish to die immediately)


  • Dependency plugin - TapeLibrary by Nikedemos - Included
  • 5 scream sound files included
  • Audio file format .ogg   Mono channel  (can convert mp3 to a mono .ogg here , then upload to a file host of your choice ensuring link leads directly to downloading the file)
  • Sound Loops - worth ensuring your wounded timer is around the same length as sound files.



Example config

  "Enabled: ": true,    // can disable the plugin features from the config if needed
  "Wounded timer: ": 20,   // how long will the NPC stay in wounded state
  "Chance to die after wounded timer: ": 50,  // percentage chance NPC will NOT get back up after being wounded
  "NPC Prefab paths to exclude: ": [],  // can exclude an entire prefab path for an npc (eg for scarecrow)
  "Exclude NPC where their displayname contains: ": [   
  ],  // can exclude NPCs by their full or partial display name. 
  "Boombox Prefab Path: ": "assets/prefabs/voiceaudio/boombox/boombox.deployed.prefab", // don't need to touch unless boombox prefab path ever changes or there's a new boombox type item introduced.
  "Wounded Sounds URLs: ": [
  ],  // Direct URL to scream sound files
  "Enable Debug Messages: ": true  // debug messages in console. Turn off to reduce spam. Turn on for troubleshooting


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