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cs_assault Rust Remake Counter Strike 2 prefab 2,0,0

$16.00 $13.50
   (0 reviews)

19 Screenshots

About cs_assault Rust Remake Counter Strike 2 prefab

I would like to offer you my version of the popular map from the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (2)
- CS_ASSAULT. This monument is perfect for any server as I have meticulously worked on it and included everything just like in the original version.

It consists of a train stop, residential buildings, and the main hangar with 4 entrances:

  • The first entrance, which is also the main one, is the main gate.
  • The second entrance is a black exit on the opposite side of the hangar.
  • The third entrance is on the opposite side of the hangar on the second floor.
  • And the fourth exit is through the ventilation shaft connecting the parapet of the second floor and the guardroom.


  • On the outside, you can find regular crates, while military crates are located inside.

The monument will be constantly updated.



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