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About Permissions Manager

Convenient GUI manager for player and group permissions.

  • Allows assignment of player permissions. (online or sleeping)
  • Allows assignment of group permissions.
  • Allows one-click removal of all players from a group. (group page - "Remove All")
  • Allows adding/removing a player from groups.
  • Supports unlimited plugins/permissions/groups
  • Up to 60 plugins per-page.
  • Up to 40 permissions per-page.
  • Up to 40 user groups per-page
  • Allows for local and sql backup and recall of all permissions or groups.


  • permissionsmanager.allowed - Allows players to use GUI.

Plugin can be used with this permission, or by any Admin : Auth Level 2.

Chat commands.

  • /perms data - Backup and restore permissions and/or groups - local data file and/or SQL. **
  • /perms OR /perms player - Opens GUI player list, allowing a player to be chosen.
  • /perms group - Opens GUI group list, allowing a group to be chosen.
  • /perms player <playername> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified player.
  • /perms group <groupname> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified group.

Console commands.

  • EmptyGroup <groupname> - Removes all players from the specified group.



  • Chat - Title colour
  • Chat - Message colour
  • GUI - Label colour
  • GUI - On colour
  • GUI - Off colour
  • GUI - AllPerPage - Sets All/None option to per-page, or per plugin.
  • Options - GUI Transparency 0-1
  • Options - Plugin BlockList - ex. "playerranks,botspawn"

Block list must be lower case, comma separated, no spaces, and no final comma, as above.

Useful tool for picking CUI colours - RGB Decimal - Take the RGB Normalized decimal output, and remove all commas.


** Please note that with data backups
SQL saving is accumulative - Saving adds current permissions/group data to whatever was already saved.
Local data file saving is not accumulative. It overwrites any existing backup with the current server permissions/groups.




Q: I'm trying to revoke permission(Y) for a player, but it says "Inherited".
A: The player is in a group(X) which is also granted permission(Y).
Solution: Revoke permission (Y) from group(X) or remove the player from group(X).

Q: I removed a player from group(X), but they still have permission(Y).
A: This is the opposite of the above. This player must have been independently granted permission(Y) at some time.
Solution: Revoke permission(Y) from the player.

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