About CustomCommand
Custom Command is a plugin that allows admins to create new commands aliases for players to use and assign permissions to them. There is no limit to what you can create, go crazy and innovate your server with this plugin today!
{ "Gobal Settings": { "Global - On Status": true, "Global - Use global permissions": true, "Global - Notify after command execution": true, "Global - Chat notification avatar ID (0=Rust)": 0 }, "Project Configuration": { "Project - Project List": [ { "Project - Name (can be named arbitrarily)": "demo", "Project - Open Status": true, "Project - Command Content (without '/')": "demo", "Project - Command Type (chat/console)": "chat", "Project - Use separate permissions": true, "Project - Individual Permissions": "customcommand.use.demo", "Project - Feedback Message Type (chat/console)": "chat", "Project - Feedback message on successful operation": true, "Project - Run Success Feedback Message": "Project {0} ran successfully", "Project - Use Run Failure Feedback Message": true, "Project - Run Failure Feedback Message": "Project {0} failed to run. Reason: {1}", "Project - Event List": [ { "Event - On Status": true, "Event - Command execution end (player/server)": "player", "Event - Execution Count": 1, "Event - Command Type (chat/console)": "console", "Event - Command Content (without '/')": "chat.say \"demo\"" } ] } ] } }