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About NPCKits

Give kits to all Rust npcs by location/type. Also mods weapon drop and condition.
Configurable via UI.

General information.
Give custom Kits to all default Rust npc types, and control what, if anything, becomes lootable when the npc is killed.
Also has control for dropping weapon on death, weapon condition, and magazine contents, corpse duration, and backpack duration.


All options have full descriptions in UI, accessible by clicking the option's name.

Please make sure that the weapons you're giving to the npcs are suitable.
Oilrig npcs, in particular, seem to become stupid with certain weapons.
Place weapon in the first, left-most, slot of the kit's belt container.

Frankenstein clothing can be given in UI, instead of via kit.

Optional dependencies.



  • NPCKits.allowed - allows use of UI customisation, by chat command.

Chat commands.

  • /npckits - Opens UI, if user has NPCKits.allowed permission



NPC types.

  • OilRig
  • Excavator
  • CompoundScientist
  • BanditTown
  • MountedScientist
  • JunkPileScientist
  • DungeonScarecrow
  • ScareCrow
  • MilitaryTunnelScientist
  • CargoShip
  • HeavyScientist
  • TunnelDweller
  • UnderwaterDweller
  • Trainyard
  • Airfield
  • DesertScientist
  • ArcticResearchBase
  • LaunchSite
  • Gingerbread
  • MissionProviderOutpost
  • MissionProviderFishing
  • MissionProviderStables
  • MissionProviderBandit
  • BoatShopkeeper
  • BanditShopkeeper


Options per type:

  •       "enabled": false,
  •       "Kits": [],
  •       "Health": 100,
  •       "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 100,
  •       "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
  •       "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
  •       "Dropped_Weapon_Has_Ammo_Percent_Chance": 100,
  •       "Wipe_Default_Weapons", Removes default spawn weapons from npcs.
  •       "Wipe_Default_Clothing", Removes default spawn attire from npcs.
  •       "Wipe_Main_Inventory_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in main by Kits plugin
  •       "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in clothing by Kits plugin
  •       "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100, - Remove from corpse anything placed in belt by Kits plugin
  •       "Default_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100 - Remove from corpse default loot given by Rust


Note : Kits follows the same format as BotSpawn kits.
If multiple are listed, one is chosen at random each time.

"Kits":["Kit One"]
"Kits":["Kit One", "Kit Two", "Kit Three"]



Object hook OnNpcKits(ulong) is provided.

Return non null to prevent this plugin from giving kits to your spawned npcs.

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