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About GridTP

Grid based teleportation plugin with daily limits, cooldowns, and permissions.
Also has useful admin features.

Note - GridTP is accurate right to the lines in both axis.



  • gridtp.admin
  • gridtp.clickmap
  • gridtp.precisemap
  • gridtp.tomiddle
  • gridtp.tocorner
  • gridtp.whereis
  • gridtp.back
  • gridtp.toplayer
  • gridtp.vip (for VIP cooldowns and daily limits)

With 'precise' perm, players can TP to the precise spot they clicked on the map, or the nearest safe spot.
With 'middle' or 'corner' perms, players can use map right-click or chat commands to TP to a safe spot in the middle of the grid, or the top left corner of the grid.



  • Hour at which daily limits reset : 22
  • Log details of successful Tps : false
  • Disable map use for regular players : true
  • Disable map use for everybody : true
  • Prevent TP into building-blocked : true*
  • Prevent TP from within building-blocked : true*
  • Prevent TP into monuments : true*
  • Prevent TP from within monuments : true*
  • Prevent TP from whilst swimming : true*
  • Disable TP whilst mounted : true*
  • Maintain admin height when TPing in noclip : true
  • Player should be sleeping after TP : true*
  • Custom Chat Command : "gridtp"

Config also includes daily limits, (0 means disabled) and cooldown times for precise/middle/corner TPs



Holders of admin permission are not subject to the options marked '*'

Map right-click takes 'admins' precisely where they clicked when in noclip,
and to the closest safe spot when not in noclip, regardless of other perms.



If logging is enabled, the data file stores steamID, username, time and TP type for each successful TP.
Data file also stores a date for reference when resetting daily limits.

Manual editing of the data file is never required.


Chat Commands.

/gridtp <letters> <numbers> - Attempt to TP to the specified grid.
/gridtp back - Attempt to TP back to previous location (one use per TP)
Admin or back permission required.
/gridtp limits - Display your remaining daily Tps.
/gridtp whereis <playername> - Displays player grid coordinates.
Admin or whereis permission required.


Admin perm only.

/gridtp wipelogs - Wipes all data file TP logs.
/gridtp toplayer <playername> - Tps close to specified player.
/gridtp reveal <playername> - Publishes player grid coordinates to the server.
/gridtp trackpublic <playername> - Toggles publishing player grid to the server every time it changes.
/gridtp trackprivate <playername> - Toggles displaying player grid to you every time it changes.

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