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  1. FoxMods

    Bank Heist

    Version 1.5.20


    Spawns custom bank hesits at specified locations. Optional Plugins Kits umod Part 1: Optional Bank Prefab Setup Part 2: Bank Plugin Setup Custom Prefabs: Prefab name should be labled as "bankheist" or "bankheist_1" for multiple banks. Permission bankheist.manage // Allow admins to setup bank events bankheist.worker // Stop guards attacking bank workers Commands 1. /bse <type>, spawn prefab entity of type for setup 2. /blp create|remove|update <profile-name>, manage bank loot profiles 3. /bgp create|remove|update|stationary <profile-name>, manage bank guard profiles 4. /bdp create|remove|update <profile-name>, manage bank door profiles 5. /bhm create|remove <bank-name>, create or remove a bank 6. /bhm parent <bank-name> <monument-name>, setup a parent monument for the bank 7. /bhm <guard|loot|door> profile <bank-name> <id> <profile-name>, setup profile for a door or loot to use 8. /bhm <guard|loot|door> remove <bank-name> <id>, remove entity from a specified bank 9. /bhm <guard|loot|door> create <bank-name>, create entity for the specified bank 10. /bhm mmr <bank-name> <radius>, map marker radius 11. /bhm pdr <bank-name> <radius>, player detection radius 12. /bhm tbr <bank-name> <seconds>, seconds before bank will reset 13. /bhm ato <bank-name> <seconds>, seconds before alarm will disable 0 = until bank reset 14. /bhm debug <bank-name> <option>, enable debug information options: loot, door, guard, info, everything 15. /bhm monuments Data { "BankEntries": [ { "bank display name": "Test Bank", "parent monument name": null, "time between resets": 1800.0, "alarm timeout seconds": 120.0, "alarm disable when all crates are looted": true, "spawn position": { "x": -668.1162, "y": 24.8576756, "z": 15.70411 }, "spawn rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "player detection origin": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "player detection radius": 100.0, "map marker origin": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "map marker radius": 100.0, "map marker opacity": 0.6, "map marker ready color": "#2eff74", "map marker reset color": "#ff2e2e", "map marker outline color": "#ffffff", "loot spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 3177, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Profile": "loot1", "Position": { "x": -0.04071045, "y": 0.04530716, "z": 0.196435928 }, "Rotation": { "x": -0.00194311875, "y": 283.140167, "z": 359.913574 } } ], "door spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 3593, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "Profile": "door1", "Position": { "x": 1.49249268, "y": 0.166625977, "z": -6.467394 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 13.3333187, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 9537, "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "Profile": "door1", "Position": { "x": 4.67230225, "y": 0.354122162, "z": 5.18401432 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 13.3333187, "z": 0.0 } } ], "npcs spawn group entries": [ { "Id": 1765, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 3.79986572, "y": -0.289468765, "z": -7.350936 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 1227, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 7.863037, "y": -0.0256900787, "z": 4.15430927 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 2957, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": 1.5680542, "y": 0.0291461945, "z": 4.185258 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Id": 3914, "Prefab": null, "Profile": "guard1", "Position": { "x": -0.6699219, "y": 0.08488846, "z": -3.12963676 }, "Rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ] } ] } Loot Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "loot1": { "MinItems": 2, "MaxItems": 5, "SkinId": 0, "HackableSeconds": 60.0, "LootItems": [ { "Shortname": "shotgun.m4", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.m39", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.semiauto", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "military flamethrower", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "weapon.mod.extendedmags", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.2", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.thompson", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "homingmissile.launcher", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.bolt", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.l96", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.hv", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1000, "MaxAmount": 1000, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "ammo.rocket.fire", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "submarine.torpedo.straight", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 100, "MaxAmount": 100, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "hmlmg", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "smg.mp5", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rifle.sks", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "rocket.launcher", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Shortname": "lmg.m249", "ItemName": null, "SkinID": 0, "MinAmount": 1, "MaxAmount": 1, "IsBlueprint": false } ] } } } Door Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "door1": { "Health": 10000.0, "SkinId": 0 } } } Guard Profiles Example { "ProfileEntries": { "guard1": { "Name": "Bank Guard", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.holosight", "weapon.mod.lasersight" ], "Ammo": "ammo.rifle" } ], "Kit": "", "Health": 250.0, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 25.0, "SenseRange": 75.0, "ListenRange": 37.5, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 8.0, "CheckVisionCone": false, "VisionCone": 180.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "TurretDamageScale": 0.25, "AimConeScale": 0.35, "DisableRadio": false, "CanRunAwayWater": true, "CanSleep": false, "SleepDistance": 0.0, "Speed": 8.5, "HomePosition": "", "MemoryDuration": 30.0, "Stationary": true, "UseUnderGround": false } } } Configuration { "enable notifications": true, "enable visible bubble": true, "enable visible marker": true, "enable alarm trigger": true, "enable eliminate guards": true, "enable zone messages": true, "prevent worker looting bank": false, "prevent teleport from bank": false, "blocked zone commands": [], "spawnable prefabs": { "garage-door": "assets/prefabs/building/wall.frame.garagedoor/wall.frame.garagedoor.prefab", "vault-door": "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/asset_store/bankheist_package/bankheist_vol03/prefabs/door.vault.static.prefab", "toptier-door": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/door.hinged.toptier.prefab", "toptier-d-door": "assets/prefabs/building/door.double.hinged/door.double.hinged.toptier.prefab", "hackable-crate": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "elite-crate": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "crate-normal": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "crate-normal_2": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab" } }
  2. Version 1.1.5


    Defend your home.. well.. defend what's left of it! Welcome to an epic new event where the players will defend their bases against waves of Frankenraiders! They will use any weapons they have available to try to raid your base. Some will come with whatever they can swing at you and your base, some will just try to defend their kin, some have found some heavy weaponry too! I think that one has a rocket launcher?! Description To launch the event first you must find a flare bright enough to attract their attention. You'll be able to find flares bright enough to attract an Easy Frankenraid in Bradley, Elite, Military, and Supply crates. When you've found a flare just toss it on or near the base within Tool Cupboard range. Once you successfully defend an Easy Frankenraiding party, you will be rewarded with a flare bright enough for a Medium party. Then upon defending successfully against a Medium raid, well if you really want to risk your wipe being wiped by a full Frankenraider party, then you will have earned a flare bright enough to attract a Hard Frankenraid! When you complete any difficulty level and are able to defend your base, a chinook will be sent to your location with rewards for your service to the island in clearing out the threat! If your base is destroyed, the event ends, chat notifications are sent, and there you stand in shame. Hopefully you're on a low pop server and not too many people noticed. It's okay champ, happens to the best of us some days! Just keep an eye on the in game UI like the timer and wave information to give yourself the best shot at keeping your base standing! There are various ways to configure this plugin to customize it for your server, for any level and number of players. The creativity is in your hands with the configuration file as well as your communities wants or needs. The loot table, the flare spawns, the different enemy types and their setups, everything is there for you to customize this if you so choose. Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE GUI Announcements Notify AlphaLoot CustomLoot Base Repair Chat commands /defstop - in game command to end event in your current Tool Cupboard range (be near the event you are trying to end) - only for administrators! /checkfoundations - checks all the foundations of the house for the event (it is necessary to be inside the Cupboard area of the house) ⊘ - you or your friends are not the owner of the foundation ⊝ - the foundation does not match in height/depth ⊛ - the foundation does not match the topology (prohibited topologies: Cliff, Cliffside, Decor, Building, Monument, Clutter, Mountain) ◉ - the foundation is located within a radius of 40 meters from the custom monument Console commands (RCON only) giveflare {skinid} {steamid} - Console command to give a custom flare with a Steam Workshop SkinID ({skinid}) to a player using their SteamID ({steamid}) Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: KpucTaJl#8923 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here! Creator of the default configuration – jtedal Help in creating a plugin description – Jbird
  3. Version 1.2.7


    Supports Economics & Server Rewards You can use either or, both at the same time if needed, or both set to false. The Event I couldn't just let the animals roam free after Bot Purge. Get out the scopes for any animal you see! Challenge your players and have them compete for the most amount of Wildlife kills for the duration of the event. The highest scoring player will earn the loot and bragging rights. Features A wolf howl lets your players know its time to go hunting. Leaderboard tracker, counts kills of your top players, and also counts down the time. (Kill counter sits on the left side of compass.) Tie breaker implemented to randomly decide a winner, on delay for Dramatics At the end the winner will receive whatever loot you specified in the table. (Skinning and Custom names in config) Commands /Erad - Manually Starts the event /EradEnd - Manually End /AnimalKills - Track kills if needed, counter is also on ui when participating. Start and end can be executed from Rcon HUD USERS HUD CONFIG ADDITION Your color and Icon taste may differ. Feel free to Change it. , { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnEradEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnEradEventEnd", "Name": "EradEvent", "Active color": "#32CD32", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131387423838961747/1150272933370019870/ERADICATIONEVENTICON.png", "Color": "#A020F0", "Enable": true } HUD .cs File Custom Events ADDITION private void OnEradEventStart() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); private void OnEradEventEnd() => OnEventTouch(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); RUNNING COMMANDS Use {id} to target your player who won. Config ex. { "ChatCountdownEnabled": false, "ChatCountdownInterval(Minutes)": 2, "EconomicRewards": 1000, "EnableEconomicRewards": true, "EnableLootTable": false, "EnableScheduledEvents": true, "EnableServerRewards": false, "EnableStartSFX": true, "EnableWinnerCommands": true, "EradEndCommand": "eradstop", "EradStartCommand": "eradstart", "EventDuration(Seconds)": 360, "LeaderboardUIAnchorMax": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIAnchorMin": "0.5 1", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMax": "450 0", "LeaderboardUIOffsetMin": "250 -150", "MaximumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 7200, "MinimumPlayersToStart": 2, "MinimumTimeBetweenEvents(Seconds)": 3600, "RandomItemsMax": 3, "RandomItemsMin": 1, "ServerRewards": 1000, "WinnerCommands": [ { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} stones 100" }, { "Command": "inventory.giveto {id} wood 100" } ], "Winner Rewards": [ { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "paper", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "scrap", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "glue", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sticks", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 1, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "rifle.ak", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "blood", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "ducttape", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "sulfur", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 5, "minQuantity": 1, "name": "", "shortname": "gunpowder", "skinid": null }, { "maxQuantity": 15, "minQuantity": 5, "name": "", "shortname": "wood", "skinid": null } ] } Thank you! Any questions or suggestions feel free to reach out, thank you for viewing - Wrecks
  4. Version 1.0.1


    The Dome Event plugin, the idea is to get on top of the Dome. In the meantime, defeat a tank and turrets. Inside the dome you will find a Locked Crate. When you click on it, a patrol helicopter spawns and a blue card reader appears on top of the Dome. If you kill the helicopter and the Npc's on top of the Dome and use the card reader then the finale is coming. Support PveMode plugin. Chat and Consolecommand available to admins only.: destart destop Hooks: void OnDomeEventStart(); void OnDomeEventStop(); Video: Config: { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 }, "Automatic event start": true, "Minimum time for event start": 3600.0, "Maximum time for event start": 7200.0, "Duration of the event": 2800.0, "Warning messages before event start": 300.0, "Warning messages before event end": 300.0, "Chat icon": 0, "Locked crate hack time": 900.0, "Disable BetterNpc plugin npc's for the duration of the event?": false, "Messages setting": { "Message before the event starts.": "Everyone be careful, the <color=#ff0000>Dome Event</color> is about to start.", "Warning message before the event stop.": "The Dome event will end soon!!", "Message when someone event owner": "Someone has become the owner of Dome Event.", "Start message": "<color=#ff0000>Dome Event</color> has started!!", "Stop message": "<color=#ff0000>Dome Event</color> end!", "Map marker name": "Dome Event", "Map marker radius": 0.6, "Color": { "r": 1.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 } }, "Bradley setting": { "Bradley health": 1000.0, "Number of crate to spawn when the bradley dies": 3, "Number of Npc spawning from Bradely": 3 }, "Patrolhelicopter setting": { "Patrolhelicopter health": 10000.0, "Number of crate to spawn when the helicopter dies": 3 }, "AutoTurret setting": { "Health": 300.0, "Weapon ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "List of lootable crates": [ { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(2.567, 47.640, -7.085)", "Rotation": "(0, 337.426, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate.prefab", "Position": "(-6.099, 47.640, 4.679)", "Rotation": "(0, 303.510, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab", "Position": "(19.550, 65.059, -9.339)", "Rotation": "(0, 289.162, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(-25.683, 65.179, -6.666)", "Rotation": "(0, 79.714, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(-3.239, 71.638, 6.203)", "Rotation": "(0, 331.058, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(-2.268, 71.638, -6.717)", "Rotation": "(0, 17.623, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } } ], "Floor Npcs settings inside": { "Minimum": 6, "Maximum": 6, "List of position": [ "(1.654, 71.638, -6.538)", "(-6.142, 71.638, -3.089)", "(-0.235, 71.638, 7.514)", "(6.279, 71.638, 3.544)", "(-22.664, 65.172, -2.128)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Dome Guard", "Health": 200.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 3.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.6, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] }, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1136847802 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2469702450 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2472131751 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2462023997 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1192621630 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.mp5", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "Ground Npcs settings outside": { "Minimum": 8, "Maximum": 8, "List of position": [ "(8.450, 5.677, -39.192)", "(42.784, 5.677, 5.506)", "(-31.383, 5.808, 33.135)", "(-43.109, 5.677, -23.131)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Dome Guard", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 30.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 40.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 0.6, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] }, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1164355094 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2115326845 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1133942186 }, { "ShortName": "sunglasses", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1164353601 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1164357032 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 916448999 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.2", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use PveMode plugin?": false, "Required damage to the event owner": 500.0, "The event is a right of ownership, to obtain it you need damage multiplier.": { "Npc": 1.0, "Bradley": 1.0 }, "Non owner can loot the crates?": false, "Non owner can loot the Npc's?": false, "Non owner can damage Npc's?": false, "Non owner can be attacked by Npc's?": false, "Non owner, can you enter the event zone?": false, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone?": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone.": 300, "The time until the event owner can return to the event zone.": 60, "Block the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone.": true, "After all this time, an event owner can be an event owner again.": 86400.0, "Darkening the sphere.": 15 } }
  5. Version 1.0.9


    The Mining Outpost Event plugin transforms the Mining Outpost building into a well-protected military warehouse. The valuable loot is protected by an iron door, two Shotgun traps, two Auto turrets, countless Npc. Hacking the Chinook crate triggers an alarm, and Swat commandos are on the way. Support PveMode plugin. Chat and Consolecommand available to admins only.: moestart moestop Hooks: void OnMiningOutpostStart() void OnMiningOutpostStop() Video: Config: { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 5 }, "Automatic event start": true, "Minimum time for event start": 3600.0, "Maximum time for event start": 7200.0, "Duration of the event": 2800.0, "Warning messages before event start": 300.0, "Warning messages before event end": 300.0, "Chat icon": 0, "Locked crate hack time": 900.0, "Disable BetterNpc plugin npc's for the duration of the event?": false, "Door setting": { "Door Prefab": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/door.hinged.metal.prefab", "Door SkinID (0 - default)": 3157353529, "Door Health": 250.0 }, "AutoTurret setting": { "Health": 400.0, "Weapon ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "List of lootable crates": [ { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Position": "(-3.710, 0.111, -1.324)", "Rotation": "(0, 180, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Position": "(-2.298, 0.253, -14.548)", "Rotation": "(0, 0, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "Position": "(-1.892, 0.032, -2.897)", "Rotation": "(0, 270, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(-1.866, 0.032, -4.659)", "Rotation": "(0, 270, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(-0.383, 0.032, -14.669)", "Rotation": "(0, 0, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(11.546, 0.032, -9.448)", "Rotation": "(0, 90, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Position": "(9.585, 0.032, -2.932)", "Rotation": "(0, 180, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } } ], "Security Npcs settings inside": { "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 3, "List of position": [ "(8.510, 0.032, -6.540)", "(-1.946, 0.032, -12.467)", "(-3.714, 0.032, -5.331)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Warehouse Security Guard", "Health": 200.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 3.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.6, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] }, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1988565302 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1191182634 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1191201380 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1988550463 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1192621630 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.mp5", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "Security Npcs settings outside": { "Minimum": 6, "Maximum": 6, "List of position": [ "(-13.104, 0.032, -8.280)", "(-13.759, 0.032, 1.988)", "(-13.491, 0.032, -16.288)", "(14.455, 0.032, -13.108)", "(14.920, 0.032, -6.401)", "(17.836, 0.032, -10.244)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Warehouse Guard", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 0.6, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] }, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "hat.beenie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1077040007 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3367176582 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3367117267 }, { "ShortName": "sunglasses", "SkinID (0 - default)": 0 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 974975617 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3323417128 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 916448999 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.2", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "Reserve Npcs setting": { "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 3, "List of position": [ "(-13.104, 0.032, -8.280)", "(-13.759, 0.032, 1.988)", "(-13.491, 0.032, -16.288)", "(-18.320, 0.045, -9.745)", "(-18.655, 0.045, -0.491)", "(-18.655, 0.045, -17.309)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "Reserve NPC", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 3.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.0, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] }, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3197966598 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3289723598 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3289725349 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1534706287 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2427072694 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 916448999 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use PveMode plugin?": false, "Required damage to the event owner": 500.0, "The event is a right of ownership, to obtain it you need damage multiplier.": { "Npc": 1.0 }, "Non owner can loot the crates?": false, "Non owner can loot the Npc's?": false, "Non owner can damage Npc's?": false, "Non owner can be attacked by Npc's?": false, "Non owner, can you enter the event zone?": false, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone?": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone.": 300, "The time until the event owner can return to the event zone.": 60, "Block the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone.": true, "After all this time, an event owner can be an event owner again.": 86400.0, "Darkening the sphere.": 15 } }
  6. Version 2.1.4


    Transform your server experience with fully customizable, dynamic dungeons that both challenge and reward your players! Dungeon Events makes it simple to spawn procedurally generated or holiday-themed (Halloween/Xmas) dungeons across the map, packed with NPCs, auto turrets, and loot crates. You have near-endless possibilities for adjusting difficulty tiers, items, NPC gear, turret loadouts, dungeon lifetimes, the economy cost to buy a dungeon, and so much more—all through an intuitive configuration system. Choose from Easy, Normal, Medium, Hard, and Nightmare tiers to accommodate every style of gameplay, whether you want a beginner-friendly romp or a full-blown raid boss experience. Want to give your community a reason to group up and tackle tough endgame content? Let them purchase dungeons with scrap, Economics money, or ServerRewards points, then watch them scramble to survive vicious NPCs, lethal auto turrets, and formidable bosses. Dungeon Highlights Each dungeon is generated using a unique seed system, so no two runs feel the same. Support for both Halloween and Xmas dungeons, each with its own style. Advanced NPC Config: Customize NPC/Boss health, damage, outfits, roam and chase ranges, and drop tables—requires the free NpcSpawn plugin. Turrets: Populate rooms and corridors with auto turrets (you pick their weapons) and other hazards to keep players on their toes. Loot & Rewards: Tailor loot boxes to match your server’s balance—set item probabilities, amounts, custom names, and skins. Tiered Difficulties: From “Easy” all the way to “Nightmare,” each tier can use a unique combination of NPCs, boss stats, turret health, and loot quality. Auto or Manual Spawn: Dungeons can spawn automatically on timers or be spawned on-demand by admins or players with permission—great for special events! Buyable Dungeons: Give players the option to spend scrap, Economics currency, or ServerRewards points to open their own private dungeon. Map Markers: Markers and radius indicators show where each dungeon is located, including the name, tier, and owner (if you lock dungeons to a specific player). Required Dependency (Free): NpcSpawn Admin Chat Commands: /createdungeon <tierName> – Spawns a new dungeon at a random valid location /removeinactivedungeons – Removes only dungeons that have met your configured removal conditions /removealldungeons – Instantly removes all active dungeons /forceremovealldungeons – Force-cleans every single dungeon entity Player Commands: /buydungeon – Opens a UI to purchase a new dungeon (if allowed) Or use /buydungeon <tierName> directly in console (requires an argument for tier and your user ID) Console (RCON) Commands: buydungeon <tierName> <playerID> – Allows you to buy a dungeon for a specific player Available Permissions dungeonevents.admin – Grants access to all admin-level commands and features. dungeonevents.buy – Allows players to purchase dungeons via the /buydungeon command. dungeonevents.enter – Allows players to enter dungeons. Language files support multiple languages (EN, PT-BR, DE, ES, RU). Plugin config, where you can change tiers, loot items, turret settings, dependencies, spawn logic, auto-removal conditions, economy integration, and more. { "Use Notify Plugin": false, "Enable Debug Logs": false, "Enable Warning Logs": true, "Enable Toast Messages": true, "Lock dungeon for first player": true, "Economy Plugin (1 - Economics, 2 - ServerRewards, 3 - Scrap)": 3, "Allow team members": true, "Allow friends": true, "Dungeon Settings": { "Enable Auto Spawn": false, "Enable Halloween Dungeon": true, "Enable Xmas Dungeon": true, "Max Active Dungeons Auto Spawn (It is not recommended to exceed 10)": 6, "Max Active Dungeons Buy (It is not recommended to exceed 10": 6, "Max Time (in seconds) to Keep Dungeon Alive": 1800, "Dungeon Removal": { "Remove only if all NPCs are dead": true, "Remove only if all boxes are destroyed": true, "Remove only if all turrets are destroyed": true, "Removal timer after they are destroyed (in seconds)": 300 } }, "Tiers": { "Easy (Maximum of 16 Entities)": { "Map Name": "Dungeon: Easy", "Buy Cost": 300, "Entity Spawn Limits": { "NPCs Count": 4, "Boss Count": 1, "Turret Count": 5, "Loot Box Count": 6 }, "NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Wild Scavenger", "NPC Health": 100, "Damage Scale": 0.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "tshirt.long", "SkinID": 10118 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 949616124 }, { "ShortName": "attire.snowman.helmet", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 2352962213 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 2380731293 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.revolver", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 3140577175, "Mods": [] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Boss NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Easy Dungeon Boss", "NPC Health": 1000, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID": 1087995729 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1087990973 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1087998101 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1087992342 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1088000573 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 3368362976, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.fire", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 5, "Maximum Amount": 10, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Small Wood Box Skin ID": 2998755525, "Max Items Per Box": 3, "Auto Turret Config": { "Health": 300.0, "Weapon Short Name": "pistol.revolver" } }, "Normal (Maximum of 17 Entities)": { "Map Name": "Dungeon: Normal", "Buy Cost": 500, "Entity Spawn Limits": { "NPCs Count": 5, "Boss Count": 1, "Turret Count": 6, "Loot Box Count": 5 }, "NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Battle Forager", "NPC Health": 150, "Damage Scale": 0.8, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "bucket.helmet", "SkinID": 1073904216 }, { "ShortName": "jacket", "SkinID": 2350426469 }, { "ShortName": "tshirt", "SkinID": 10039 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves.new", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1441311938 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 2075527039 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "smg.2", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 2386688842, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Boss NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Normal Dungeon Boss", "NPC Health": 1500, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID": 1087995729 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1087990973 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1087998101 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1087992342 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1088000573 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 1883947256, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.fire", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 5, "Maximum Amount": 10, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Small Wood Box Skin ID": 2998755525, "Max Items Per Box": 4, "Auto Turret Config": { "Health": 400.0, "Weapon Short Name": "pistol.revolver" } }, "Medium (Maximum of 18 Entities)": { "Map Name": "Dungeon: Medium", "Buy Cost": 700, "Entity Spawn Limits": { "NPCs Count": 5, "Boss Count": 1, "Turret Count": 6, "Loot Box Count": 6 }, "NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Crimson Raider", "NPC Health": 200, "Damage Scale": 1.1, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "coffeecan.helmet", "SkinID": 1727561127 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.jacket", "SkinID": 1727562915 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.gloves", "SkinID": 2799639349 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 2814837980 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1839313604 }, { "ShortName": "tshirt.long", "SkinID": 566893368 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.semiauto", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 2617680693, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Boss NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Medium Dungeon Boss", "NPC Health": 2000, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID": 1087995729 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1087990973 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1087998101 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1087992342 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1088000573 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 1883947256, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.fire", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 5, "Maximum Amount": 10, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Small Wood Box Skin ID": 2998755525, "Max Items Per Box": 5, "Auto Turret Config": { "Health": 600.0, "Weapon Short Name": "rifle.ak" } }, "Hard (Maximum of 19 Entities)": { "Map Name": "Dungeon: Hard", "Buy Cost": 1000, "Entity Spawn Limits": { "NPCs Count": 5, "Boss Count": 1, "Turret Count": 6, "Loot Box Count": 7 }, "NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Elite Outlaw", "NPC Health": 250, "Damage Scale": 1.3, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID": 3284864766 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 2105505757 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 2090790324 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 2080975449 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 10023 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 2080977144 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 2120628865 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 3190379864, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 20, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Boss NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Hard Dungeon Boss", "NPC Health": 3000, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID": 1087995729 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1087990973 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1087998101 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1087992342 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1088000573 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 1883947256, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.fire", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 5, "Maximum Amount": 10, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Small Wood Box Skin ID": 2998755525, "Max Items Per Box": 7, "Auto Turret Config": { "Health": 800.0, "Weapon Short Name": "rifle.ak" } }, "Nightmare (Maximum of 20 Entities)": { "Map Name": "Dungeon: Nightmare", "Buy Cost": 1500, "Entity Spawn Limits": { "NPCs Count": 6, "Boss Count": 1, "Turret Count": 6, "Loot Box Count": 7 }, "NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Nightmare Hunter", "NPC Health": 300, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID": 3343860599 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID": 3343861569 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1369835131 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID": 1727564168 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1210780157 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 810745264 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1210771348 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 1883947256, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Boss NPC Config": { "NPC Name": "Nightmare Dungeon Boss", "NPC Health": 5000, "Damage Scale": 1.5, "NPC Roam Range": 15.0, "NPC Chase Range": 15.0, "Wear Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "riot.helmet", "SkinID": 1087995729 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID": 1087990973 }, { "ShortName": "burlap.gloves", "SkinID": 1087998101 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID": 1087992342 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID": 1088000573 } ] }, "Belt Items": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 1883947256, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ] } ] }, "Loot Drop": { "Items": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 30, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 10, "Maximum Amount": 50, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.fire", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 100.0, "Minimum Amount": 5, "Maximum Amount": 10, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] } }, "Small Wood Box Skin ID": 2998755525, "Max Items Per Box": 10, "Auto Turret Config": { "Health": 1000.0, "Weapon Short Name": "rifle.ak" } } }, "Loot Box Config": { "Loot Items": [ { "ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 15.0, "Minimum Amount": 100, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "sulfur.ore", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 15.0, "Minimum Amount": 100, "Maximum Amount": 300, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 }, { "ShortName": "scrap", "Inclusion Chance Percentage": 70.0, "Minimum Amount": 500, "Maximum Amount": 2000, "CustomName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }
  7. Version 1.0.5


    Adds an exciting event to your server: a box appears at a random location on the map. Players must find it using a special compass. Whoever finds this box first will get all the loot. The plugin is easy to set up and has great customization. For the plugin to work, plugins such as ImageLibrary and SimpleLootTable are required! Commands (admin only): /sch_start - starts an event /sch_stop - ends an event Hooks: void ScavengerHuntStarted() // called when the event starts void ScavengerHuntStarted() // called when the event ends Config: { "Autostart event": true, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 3000, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 5000, "Minimum amount of online players to trigger the event": 1, "Crate prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", "Crate skin": 0, "Event duration": 600, "Minimum number of items in a crate": 6, "Maximum number of items in a crate": 12, "Simple loot table name": "exampleTable", "Pre-event message": "Scavenger hunt event will start in a minute", "Pre-event message time(in seconds)": 60, "Event message": "The scavenger hunt event has begun, follow the compass and find the crate first", "Find message(message when someone found the crate)": "Someone found the crate", "Not find message(event if no one found the box)": "Nobody found the box crate", "End event message": "Scavenger hunt event ended", "Icon AnchorMin": "0.02 0.92", "Icon AnchorMax": "0.07 0.994", "North icon": "https://i.imgur.com/myBNiHd.png", "South icon": "https://i.imgur.com/UsUrH80.png", "West icon": "https://i.imgur.com/QiSH0Xx.png", "East icon": "https://i.imgur.com/10RljdU.png", "NorthWest icon": "https://i.imgur.com/RC9W0rV.png", "NorthEast icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Nh6wmlo.png", "SouthWest icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KJ8YiU5.png", "SouthEast icon": "https://i.imgur.com/l6HDfzQ.png" }
  8. Version 1.7.5


    New Year Update The New Year is coming and I have prepared for you a new preset customization for the train!After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. You can also disable the customization of certain wagons or change the customization of the NPCs in the file oxide/data/ArmoredTrain/NewYear New Year's map from the video: Halloween Update Have you already prepared your server for Halloween? On the eve of the Halloween Rust update, I have prepared for customization of all armored train cars. After installing the update, customization will be automatically applied to all cars in the configuration of the armored train. To disable this, make the "Customization preset" parameter empty in the config. This plugin will add an armored train to your server, which can travel both in the subway and by rail. It can consist of any number of wagons. A helicopter can accompany it. Bradley, npc, turrets, simsites can be installed on the train. The plugin allows you to create any number of train presets, for which the order of wagons, the helicopter preset, the probability of spawn and the duration of patrolling can be specified. Each wagon or locomotive can be configured separately. Any speed can be set by the locomotive.If there is no spawn of trains on the surface on your custom map, read the section “Custom spawn points” Custom spawn points If you are using a custom map in which there are no spawn trains on the surface, but there is a railway, then for the train to work on the surface, you need to add custom spawn points of the train. Instruction: Stand at the point where you want the train to spawn Enter the command /atrainpoint If you receive a message that a point has been created, enable “Use custom spawn coordinates [true/false]” in config For correct operation, it is recommended to create several spawn points of the train Chat commands (only for administrators) /atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration /atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground /atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground /atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration /atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> /atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> /atrainstop– stops the event /atrainpoint– creates a custom spawn point of the train in your position Console commands (RCON only) atrainstart– launches the event in a random configuration atrainstartunderground - forcibly launches an event underground atrainstartaboveground - forcibly launches an event aboveground atrainstart <trainPresetName> – launches the event in the <trainPresetName> configuration atrainstartunderground <trainPresetName> atrainstartaboveground <trainPresetName> atrainstop – stops the event Config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Dependencies (optional, not required) True PVE PveMode GUI Announcements Notify DiscordMessages AlphaLoot CustomLoot Economics Server Rewards IQEconomic Api bool IsArmoredTrainActive() bool StopArmoredTrain() bool StartArmoredTrainEvent() bool EndArmoredTrainEvent() bool IsTrainBradley(uint netID) bool IsTrainHeli(uint netID) bool IsTrainCrate(uint netID) bool IsTrainSamSite(uint netID) bool IsTrainWagon(uint netID) bool IsTrainTurret(uint netID) Vector3 ArmoredTrainLocomotivePosition() Hooks OnArmoredTrainEventStart OnArmoredTrainEventStop Contact me in Discord: Adem#955
  9. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.13


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. Since the previous implementation with DynamicPVP was not correct and had some issues, I have added universal hooks(Developer API section) for general access from all PvP plugins, which are currently missing in DynamicPVP. I have requested the author to add them(3 lines), but for now, you will need to use the modified version of DynamicPVP.cs The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; The ability to toggle the gather resource restriction in someone else's Building Privileges; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/5VtWZZVr All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate. Range from 0 to 900": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat admin command": "adminpve", "Chat command": "realpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area?": false, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player?": true, "Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others?": true, "Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death?": true, "Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones?": true, "Which currency symbol and format will be utilized?": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time(in seconds) to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Monument Crash. If set to true, the helicopter will attempt to crash into the monument": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Use Danger Zones. If set to false, the helicopter will function as it did before the April update": false, "PatrolHelicopterAI - Flee Damage Percentage. A value of 1 or above will make the helicopter behave as it did before the April update": 1.0, "Is Npc Random Raids enabled?": true, "PvP - Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a team?": false, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Name of the map maker": "PvP Zone!", "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 0.7", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/oi5vIkk.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "PvP - Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 13 } } ENG: https://pastebin.com/ZMUL6pYL RUS: https://pastebin.com/Mx8cbMts Main commands(/realpve ) : autobuy - Toggle autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a final price greater than 0; pickup - Toggle access for picking up your items from the ground for everyone; share - Manage permissions for others to loot your entities: add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; list *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; delete all - Delete the settings for all your entities. team - Manage team: ff - Toggle the ability to damage your teammates. vehicle - Manage vehicles: list - List of your vehicle IDs; find *vehicleID* - Help find your vehicle; unlink *vehicleID* - Unlink the vehicle registration; clear - Unlink registration from all your vehicles. Admin commands(/adminpve). Permission "realpve.admin" required: autobuy - Settings for autobuying monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a price greater than 0: *nameOrId* - Toggle autobuy for the specified player; force monument/event/rb - Toggle forced autobuy. If enabled, player settings will be ignored; clear - Disable autobuy for everyone. loot - Setup unrestricted access: *nameOrId* - Toggle unrestricted access for the specified player; self - Toggle unrestricted access for yourself; clear - Revoke unrestricted access for all players. monument - Monuments settings: list - List of available monuments; *monumentID*/this - Instead of the monumentID, you can use the word "this", but you must be inside the monument: suffix - Toggle the suffix display in the monument's name; broadcast - Toggle notifications about monument occupancy/release; time *intValue* - Set the looting time limit for the monument in seconds; price *floatValue* - Set the cost for looting rights. A value of 0 makes the monument free; offer *floatValue* - Set the offer duration for purchasing the monument in seconds; map_mode *intValue* - Set the marker display mode on the map. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode; map_circle - Toggle the display of the monument's circle marker on the map; pvp - Toggle PvP mode for the monument; pvp_delay *floatValue* - Set the PvP mode duration in seconds for players after leaving the PvP monument; bar_progress - Toggle between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter bars for the monument. perm - Permissions settings: add *permName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from the first(default) permission in the list. If the permission name starts with 'realpve', it will also register a new permission; add *permName* *sourcePermName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from an existing permission in the list; remove *permName* - Removes an existing permission from the list; edit *permName* - Edits a permission: queue - Toggle the permission to bypass the server queue; beds *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available beds; shelters *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available shelters; turrets *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available turrets; hackable *floatValue* - Number of seconds(0-900) to skip when opening a hackable crate; monuments *floatValue* - Price multiplier for monuments; events *floatValue* - Price multiplier for vanilla events; rb_limit *intValue* - Restriction on the number of raid bases available simultaneously; rb_mult *floatValue* - Price multiplier for raid bases; vehicles *vehType* - Vehicles settings: limit *intValue* - Limit on the number of available vehicles by type; price *floatValue* - Price for registering a vehicle by type. clear - Removes all permissions from the list except the first one. pickup - Settings for access to picking up player items from the ground: *nameOrId* - Toggle access to picking up a specific player's items from the ground; clear - Revoke access for all players to pick up items from the ground. vehicle - Monuments settings: types - List of available vehicle types. Example: /realpve pickup /realpve vehicle find *netID* /realpve team ff /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 realpve.vip /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 queue true /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 vehicles horse limit 5 /adminpve monument list /adminpve monument *monumentID* pvp /adminpve monument *monumentID* price 7.5 /adminpve loot iiiaka /adminpve pickup iiiaka /adminpve vehicle types This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/XY1d9YaM This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Time in seconds(1-15) given to respond for purchasing monument looting": 5.0, "ShowSuffix": true, "Broadcast": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other, and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - Sets the delay in seconds that a player remains in PvP mode after leaving a PvP monument. 0 disables the delay": 10.0, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for monuments if they are PvP zones?": true, "LootingTime": 900, "Price": 15.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/awUrIwA.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to capture the event. 0 means the event is free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public": 5 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/QHZCqpji An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/rpDng7Fd Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them. [PluginReference] private Plugin RealPVE; There are 6 universal hooks that the plugin is subscribed to, the use of which allows interaction with PVP in various PVE plugins: OnPlayerEnterPVP OnPlayerExitPVP OnEntityEnterPVP OnEntityExitPVP CreatePVPMapMarker DeletePVPMapMarker OnPlayerEnterPVP: Used to add a player to PVP mode/zone. To call the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BasePlayer>player - The player to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. This parameter is very important because a player can be in multiple PVP zones at the same time and passing the zoneID in this case allows for correct processing of the player's location within them. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnterPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnPlayerExitPVP: Used to remove a player from PVP mode/zone. Calling this hook guarantees the player’s removal from the specified PVP zone, but does not guarantee the removal from PVP mode, as there may be other zones in addition to yours. Also, when a player dies, they are automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnPlayerExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BasePlayer>player - The player to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the player exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the player still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnPlayerExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the player no longer has any active PVP zones. OnEntityEnterPVP: Used to add an entity to PVP mode/zone. In the case of RealPVE, this hook is only necessary to add entities with an owner(player) to a PVP, allowing other players to interact with them, such as a player's corpse after death(PlayerCorpse) or a backpack after the corpse disappears(DroppedItemContainer). To call the OnEntityEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityEnterPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnEntityEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnEntityExitPVP: Used to remove an entity from PVP mode/zone. When an entity dies, it is automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnEntityExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the entity exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the entity still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityExitPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnEntityExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the entity no longer has any active PVP zones. CreatePVPMapMarker: Used to create a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the CreatePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass 5 parameters, 2 of which is optional: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <Vector3>pos - The position of your PVP zone; <float>radius - The radius of the circle for your PVP zone; <string>displayName - Optional. The display name for the map marker; <BaseEntity>entity - Optional. The entity to which the map marker should be attached. Interface.CallHook("CreatePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*", pos, 25f, "ATTENTION! This is a PVP zone!");//Calling the CreatePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to create a map marker for the specified zone, at the specified position with the given radius, but without specifying a parent entity. DeletePVPMapMarker: Used to delete a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the DeletePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass only 1 parameter: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("DeletePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the DeletePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to delete a map marker for the specified zone. There are 5 hooks that the plugin calls: OnPlayerPVPDelay OnPlayerPVPDelayed OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved OnZoneStatusText CanRedeemKit OnPlayerPVPDelay: Called when a player exits the last active PVP zone, allowing other plugins to overwrite the value for pvpDelay. Returning a float value allows changing the pvpDelay for the player. A value less than zero disables the pvpDelay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelay hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The initial value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnPlayerPVPDelay(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"Attempting to set a PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return 15f;//Overriding the values for pvpDelay } return null;//Leave unchanged } OnPlayerPVPDelayed: Called after the PVP delay has been set for the player. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayed hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. void OnPlayerPVPDelayed(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"A PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds has been set for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); } OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved: Called when the PVP delay is removed from the player after they enter a PVP zone with an active PVP delay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player from whom the PVP delay has been removed. void OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"PVP delay has been removed for player {player.displayName} as they entered a PVP zone!"); } OnZoneStatusText: Called when the text with the nice name for the specified zone is needed, to be displayed in the status bar. When calling the OnZoneStatusText hook, 2 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player for whom the nice name for the zone is being requested; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnZoneStatusText(BasePlayer player, string zoneID) { Puts($"Text for the status bar is required for zone {zoneID}"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return lang.GetMessage("*langKey*", this, player.UserIDString);//<string>Overriding the value for the status bar text } return null;//Leave unchanged } CanRedeemKit: Called before giving the starter kit, in the OnDefaultItemsReceive hook. A non-zero value cancels this action. When calling the CanRedeemKit hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the kit is being attempted to be given. object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"Attempting to give the kit to player {player.displayName}!"); if (player.IsAdmin) { return false;//Cancel the action } return null;//Leave unchanged }
  10. Version 1.4.3


    Adds a cargo plane crash event to your server. The crash site is guarded by NPCs that patrol the area and can chase players. You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin. Features: Support for third-party plugins Great customization options in the config Console commands: callcargoplane - force the event to start crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash cpc_stop - force the event to end Chat commands(need admin privileges): showcrashzone - displays the crash area setcrashzonecenter - set the center of the crash zone to where the player is callcargoplane - force the event to start crashcargoplane - force a cargo plane to crash cpc_stop - force the event to end cpc_add_crashzone - adds a new zone at the location where the player is, can be used if you use multiple zones(you can set the name and radius - /cpc_add_crashzone "name" "radius") Hooks: void CargoPlaneCrashStarted() // called when the event starts void CargoPlaneCrashCrashed() // called when a cargo plane crashes void CargoPlaneCrashEnded() // called when the event ends CargoPlaneCrash config: { "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false, "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true, "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380, "Create a dome for PVE mode": false, "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4, "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300, "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Cargo Plane Crash Event", "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event", "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome) Be careful, if the crash site is near the player's base and the player is not the owner of the event, he will be ejected from his base outside the dome": false, "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event", "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true, "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds)": 3600.0, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 600, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "CargoPlane speed(recommended 4 to 6)": 5.0, "Minimum amount of online players to trigger the event": 1, "Crates amount(spawn after crash)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Airdrops amount(spawn after crash)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Fireballs amount(spawn after crash)": 5, "Passengers amount(spawn after crash)": 2, "Explosion marker on the map(spawn after crash)": true, "Explosion marker lifetime(in seconds)": 300, "Enable signal smoke(spawn after crash)": true, "Signal smoke lifetime(in seconds, max 214)": 214, "Map size(crash zone size), you can see the zone, use the chat command /showcrashzone": 4500.0, "Starting altitude, defaults to map size, can be increased if cargo plane hits high ground(no more than 10000 recommended)": 4500.0, "Crash zone center. Use chat command /setcrashzonecenter to set to player position. You can check crash zone center, use the chat command /showcrashzone": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use multiple zones": false, "Select a zone from the list sequentially(if false, then the crash zone will be chosen randomly)": false, "Zones list": [ { "name": "0", "radius": 300, "center": { "x": -300.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "name": "1", "radius": 200, "center": { "x": 100.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "CargoPlane event started", "Crash message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Cargo plane crashed", "Message about coordinates(will display the coordinates of the crash site. If empty, no message will be displayed)": "", "Kit name(you can use kits for passengers if you have Kits plugin)": "", "Passenger name": "Mister bot", "NPCs amount(spawn after crash)": 2, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Kit for NPCs. The NPC will use the weapon that is in the first slot of the belt(requires Kits plugin)": "", "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Crashsite NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Crashsite NPC1", "Crashsite NPC2", "Crashsite NPC3" ], "Prohibit building near the crash site": false, "How long construction is prohibited near the crash site(in seconds)": 1800, "Event marker on the map(spawn an event marker at the crash site)": false, "Event marker name": "Cargo plane crash site", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Do not spawn crates and NPCs when a cargo plane falls under water (if the water depth is greater than)": 0.5, "Do not choose a crash site near monuments": false }
  11. Iftebinjan


    Version 2.0.1


    The Maze plugin adds intensive pvp combat within a maze environment. Players navigate through the maze, engaging in intense battles to eliminate opponents and be on top Easy to setup Automation of maze arena Includes Free 2 Maze Arena with pre-setuped arenas Door Animation Multiple arena setup Easy configurable Setup winning rewards Discord Webhook support Need help setting up the arena or customization? Knock me on Discord Setup Commands /maze create <ArenaName> - Create a maze arena where you are standing /maze edit <ArenaName> - Select an arena to edit /maze radius <Number> - Change arena radius /maze wallradius <Number> - Change arena wall radius which is your arena walls radius from center /maze meshheight <Number> - Change arena mesh height is top and bottom from corner mesh /maze location - Change arena location to where you are standing /maze setcorner - Set corner location to where you are standing /maze showmesh - Show created mesh after setting corners /maze copywalls - Copy all the walls in the arena radius and store them /maze pastewalls - Copy all the walls in the arena radius and store them /maze setspawn - Set spawn postion for arena players to teleport /maze spawnclear - Clear all spawn points /maze adddoor - Place an arena door to your standing location /maze removedoor - Remove arena door to your standing location (Radius 5f) /maze cleandoors <ArenaName> - Remove all the arena doors from the arena /maze list - Show all arena and its settings /maze cleanarena - Clears the entire arena /maze delete/remove <ArenaName> - Remove or deletes an arena /maze start <ArenaName> - Starts a Maze(For Testing) Start Commands /maze_setup - Starts Automatic Maze setup if arena available also a console command /mazestart - Starts a random maze from the config if available /mazestart <ArenaName> - Starts the specific arena /mazestop - Stops the running maze event Maze.admin - To use all maze available commands { "Maze Automatic Event": true, "Maze Automatic Event Interval Minimum (In Seconds)": 3600, "Maze Automatic Event Interval Maximum (In Seconds)": 7200, "Maze Minimum player requires to starts Auto": 2, "Maze Automatic Event Random From List": [ "mazeareana", "maze2areana" ], "Maze Event Player Teleport Timer (In Seconds)": 15, "Maze Event Before Notification (In Seconds)": 300, "Maze Event Door Opening Notification (In Seconds)": 300, "Maze Event Door Closing In (In Seconds)": 600, "Maze Event Removing Walls Radius": 10, "Maze Event Shrink Amount": 3, "Maze Event Removing Walls Timer (In Seconds)": 15, "Save old postion to teleport players back when event ends": true, "Teleport winning players after x seconds of maze ends": 300, "Show Kill Streak Messages": true, "Maze Event Door Prefab": "assets/content/structures/interactive_garage_door/sliding_blast_door.prefab", "Maze Walls Item List": [ "assets/prefabs/building/wall.external.high.stone/wall.external.high.stone.prefab" ], "Maze Event Blocked items": [ "grenade.beancan", "grenade.f1", "rock", "rocket.launcher", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.smoke", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.seeker", "ammo.rocket.fire", "explosive.satchel", "explosive.timed", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot", "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "grenade.flashbang", "grenade.molotov", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "grenade.smoke" ], "Maze Event Blocked Commands": [ "kit", "trade", "remove", "tpa", "home", "shop", "clan" ], "Maze Map Marker Setting": { "Display Name": "Maze", "Marker Radius": 0.4, "Marker Transparency": 0.75, "Marker Color": "#FFFF00" }, "Maze Rewards": { "Give commmands rewards upon winning the event": true, "Rewards player with higest kill from winning clan": true, "Rewards upon winning({PLAYER})": [ "inventory.giveto {PLAYER} supply.signal 1" ], "Spawn Hackablelocked crates upon winning the event": true, "Spawn Hackablelocked crates amount": 1 }, "Maze Chat Setting": { "Chat Avatar Icon": 0, "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FFFF00>Maze</color> -> ", "Winner Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>Maze Results:</color>", "\n", "Winner -> <color=#FFFF00>{WinningClanName}</color>", "", "{PlayerStats}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Totals:</color> Kills: {ClanTotalKills}, Deaths: {ClanTotalDeaths}, KDR: {ClanTotalKDR}", "Damage: {ClanTotalDamage}, Headshots: {ClanTotalHeadshots}", "", "<color=#FFD700>Aggregate Maze Totals:</color>", "- Total Kills: <color=#FFD700>{TotalKills}</color>", "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{TotalDamages}</color>", "- Number of Participants: <color=#FFD700>{Participents}</color>" ], "Participents Message": [ "<color=#FFD700>Personal Stats</color>", "Kills: <color=#FFD700>{Kills}</color>, Deaths: <color=#FFD700>{Deaths}</color>, KDR: <color=#FFD700>{KDR}</color>, Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{Damages}</color>, HeadShots: <color=#FFD700>{Headshots}</color>", "Shooting Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{Accuracy}%</color>, HeadShot Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{HeadshotAccuracy}%</color>" ], "Maze Event Top Bar Message": [ "<size=25><color=#FFFF00><b>MAZE</b></color></size>", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00><b>{DYNAMIC_TIMER}</b></color></size>", "", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalTeams}</color><b> TEAMS REMAINING</b></size>", "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalPlayers}</color><b> PLAYERS REMAINING</b></size>" ] }, "Discord Setting": { "Enable Discord Webhook": false, "Discord Webhook URL": "", "Discord Webhook Message": [ "**MAZE ARENA**", "", "**Details**", "Total Kills: `{TotalKills}`", "Total Teams: `{TotalTeams}`", "Total Players: `{Participents}`", "", "**Winners**", "**{WinnerClanName}**", " Kills: `{ClanKills}` Deaths: `{ClanDeaths}`", " Headshots: `{ClanHeadshots}` Damages: `{ClanDamages}`", "", "**Members**", "{MembersStats}" ] }, "Auto Maze Arena Setup": { "Start Maze Arena Setup": true, "Auto Arena Setup": { "AutoMaze1": { "Maze Center Item": "skullspikes.candles", "Maze Arena Locate Radius": 100.0, "Maze Arena Wall Radius": 40.0, "Maze Arena Mesh Top & Bottom Height": 50.0, "Maze Spawn Points Item": "woodbox_deployed", "Maze Door Item": "workbench1.deployed", "Maze Corner Item": "mailbox" } } } } OnMazeStarts(string ArenaName, DateTime timeNow) OnMazeWinnerAnnounce(HashSet<ulong> winnerList, DateTime timeNow)
  12. Version 2.5.3


    Upgrades your furnaces, ovens, refinery & etc to beyond. Upgrade each attribute of your furnace; Supports different oven types; It is possible to define default attributes for all ovens on the server; You can set a default value for all base ovens (replacing quicksmelt); You can enable/disable any features you want; Option to keep attributes when removing the furnace; Option to auto split ores; Automatic fuel calc based on the upraded oven attributes; Now BBQ and Campfire can also be improved; Option so that only the furnace owner can upgrade it; Option so that only owner's teammates can upgrade it; A new completely redesigned UI; furnaceupgrades.use - This is the unique permission. required for all players to upgrade furnaces
  13. Version 1.0.6


    The plugin adds a dungeon event to your server. Dungeons are bases with puzzles, NPC defenders, turrets and more. You can create your own dungeons of varying difficulty You can build your own bases or modify existing ones: There are moving NPC guardians in the dungeons: There are puzzles with protective doors in the dungeons: In the dungeons there are secret notes with codes in boxes or on NPCs: Commands: dungbase_start - force start event dungbase_stop - force stop event Hooks: void DungeonBasesEventStarted() - // called when event starts void DungeonBasesEventEnded() - // called when event ends Configuration: { "Allow only the event owner (the one who entered the dungeon first) into the dungeon": true, "Allow owner's teammates to enter the dungeon": true, "Message that you cannot enter the dungeon without being the owner of the event or its teammate": "You cannot enter the dungeon without being the owner of the event or its teammate", "Event marker on the map": true, "Event marker name": "Dungeon Base", "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.55, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Display event owner name on marker": true, "Display the time remaining until the end of the event on the marker": true, "Autostart event(disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 3600, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 7200, "Minimum event duration(in seconds)": 2000, "Maximum event duration(in seconds)": 3000, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Event message": "The dungeon bases event has started, find the entrance to the base and get the loot", "End event message": "The dungeon bases event has ended", "Dungeons list": [ "#dung#base1", "#dung#base2", "#dung#base3", "#dung#base4" ], "Entrances list": [ "#dung#entrance1", "#dung#entrance2", "#dung#entrance3", "#dung#entrance4" ], "Random order of choosing a dungeon from the list (if false, will be selected in turn)": false, "Random order of choosing the entrance to the dungeon from the list (if false, will be selected in turn)": false, "Change the time of day when entering the dungeon(from 0 to 23, if -1 - do not change the time)": 0.0, "How long before the end of the event does radiation start to affect players inside the dungeon": 180, "How long after the event ends should the entrance be destroyed": 60, "Close the entrance and exit to the dungeon when the event time is over": true, "Message about closing the entrance and exit": "Time is up, the entrance and exit to the dungeon are closed forever!" } Note: The plugin is guaranteed to work correctly with bases enabled. NPCs will not behave as standard, as they use different algorithms. Only one dungeon can spawn on the map at a time.
  14. Version 1.0.3


    Adds an exciting event for players to your server. When the event starts, players can get more loot from barrels. The event is easy to configure and can be triggered automatically or by command. You can also customize unique items with a unique name and skin as additional loot (note, use custom names and skins only for items with stacks of 1) Commands (admin only): /bbe_start - starts an event /bbe_stop - starts an event /bbe_forcestart - force the event to start Hooks: void BarrelBreakerStarted() // called when the event starts void BarrelBreakerStarted() // called when the event ends Config: { "Autostart event(disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum event duration(in seconds)": 300, "Maximum event duration(in seconds)": 900, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Pre-event message": "Barrel breaker event will start in a minute", "Pre-event message time(in seconds)": 60, "Event message": "The barrel breaker event has begun, go and break all the barrels!", "End event message": "Barrel breaker event ended", "Items list": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 2, "max": 2 }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 0, "min": 1, "max": 100 } ] }
  15. Fruster

    Drone Event

    Version 1.1.5


    Adds drones to your server. Drones can attack with grenades and shoot at players, you can destroy drones, they have loot. Drones spawn near monuments, also you can add custom spawn points. Features: Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config. You can customize the monuments where the drones will spawn. You can customize the contents of the drone in the config file: you can set up a list of items that will be inside you can choose drop chance (1 - 100%) you can choose skins for items You can also customize the health and respawn time of the drones. Commands(admin only): dreshowpoints - displays all spawn points on the map dreshowdrones - displays all drones on the map dreshowzone - displays nearby areas with drones drerespawndrones - respawn all drones on the map forcibly dreremovedrones - removes all drones from the map dre_removepoint - removes custom spawn point (you need to be close to it) dre_addpoint - adds a custom spawn point (at the place where you are). You can also enter the command with arguments: /dre_addpoint "name" "flightRadius" "use" Developer API: (void) DroneCustomSpawn(Vector3 position, int aggressiveness, int radius, int attackRange, int health, float speed, bool grenade, float grenDmg, bool light, string turWpn, float turDmg) Spawns a drone at the coordinates "position" aggressiveness - drone aggressiveness from 0 to 100 radius - flight radius attackRange - attack range health - drone health speed - drone speed (0.5 - 1 recommended) grenade - if "true", then the drone will attack with grenades grenDmg - grenade damage scale (0-1) light - if "true", then a spotlight will be added to the drone turWpn - short name of the weapon for the turret, if empty, the turret will not be added to the drone turDmg - turret damage scale (0-1) Config file: { "Minimum respawn time(in minutes)": 15, "Maximum respawn time(in minutes)": 30, "Drone health (hits amount)": 2, "Drone speed(0.5 - 1 recommended)": 0.7, "Grenade damage scale": 1.0, "Attack range": 40, "Drone aggressiveness, from 0 to 100 (the more, the more often the drone attacks)": 10, "Adds a searchlight for drones": false, "Adds a turret for drones": false, "Turret damage scale": 1.0, "Turret weapon short name": "pistol.revolver", "The drone will throw grenades at players": true, "Do not calculate collisions while the drone is just flying (set to true if you have problems with your server performance)": false, "Monument settings": [ { "name": "gas_station", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 17.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "supermarket", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "warehouse", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -5.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "water_treatment", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -60.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "junkyard", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "lighthouse", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 35.0, "z": 40.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "sphere_tank", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 60.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 40.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "harbor_1", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 20.0, "y": 15.0, "z": 90.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "harbor_2", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -100.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -20.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "desert_military_base", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -15.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -5.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "excavator", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 65.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -10.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "swamp", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -10.0, "y": 30.0, "z": -15.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "radtown_small", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -5.0, "y": 30.0, "z": -5.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "water_well", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "mining_quarry", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 25.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "satellite_dish", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -40.0, "y": 25.0, "z": -20.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_small", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_medium", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 30.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "cave_large", "flightRadius": 30, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 35.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "airfield", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": -75.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "launch_site", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 130.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "powerplant", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": -75.0, "y": 20.0, "z": -40.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "trainyard", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": -70.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "arctic_research_base", "flightRadius": 25, "offset": { "x": 10.0, "y": 15.0, "z": -25.0 }, "use": true }, { "name": "ice_lake", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "military_tunnel", "flightRadius": 15, "offset": { "x": 20.0, "y": 25.0, "z": -15.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "power_sub_big", "flightRadius": 10, "offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 20.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false } ], "Custom spawn points settings": [ { "name": "point1", "flightRadius": 15, "position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false }, { "name": "point2", "flightRadius": 15, "position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 200.0, "z": 0.0 }, "use": false } ], "Drop items list": [ { "name": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 50.0, "maxAmount": 300, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "metal.refined", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 5.0, "maxAmount": 10, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "minAmount": 10.0, "maxAmount": 20, "skinID": 0 }, { "name": "techparts", "dropChance": 50, "minAmount": 1.0, "maxAmount": 2, "skinID": 0 } ] }
  16. Version 1.1.0


    Adds an event for the Lunchsite monument to your server. A crate with valuable loot will spawn on the helipad. The crate is protected by NPC guards and a patrol helicopter. The event is completely ready for use immediately after installation, you can flexibly configure it at your discretion Features: Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config You can customize the contents of the box: in the config file, set up a list of items that will be inside also you can use kits (you need Kits plugin), just set the name of the kit in the config file, you can use the list of kits and choose them randomly also you can use loot tables (you need SimpleLootTable plugin) You can customize the NPCs: you can set the health of the npc you can set NPC damage multiplier on players you can give kits for NPCs (you need a Kits plugin) Commands(admin only): hpestart - force the event to start hpestop - force stop the event Hooks: void LaunchSiteHelipadEventStarted() // called when the event starts { } void LaunchSiteHelipadEventEnded() // called when the event has ended { } Config file: { "Time to event start(in seconds)": 3600, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Box lifetime(in seconds)": 1800, "Time the box is closed(in seconds)": 900, "Box skin": 0, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(maximum 20)": 2, "NPCs type, 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "List of kits for each NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "LaunchSite NPC1", "LaunchSite NPC2", "LaunchSite NPC3" ], "Give NPC names randomly from the list (if false, names will be assigned according to the list one by one)": true, "Event start message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Helipad event started", "Message when box is unlocked(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Box on the helipad unlocked", "Spawns a helicopter right on the launchsite(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Patrol helicopter spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 50, "Helicopter patrol range": 150, "How long the helicopter will patrol the launchsite (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 10000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the helipad if it has found a target": false, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "Event marker name": "Launch site event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use box kit(need a plugin Kits)": false, "Messages list - messages that players will see, depending on how much time (in seconds) is left before the box is opened": [ { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 15 minutes", "time": 900 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 10 minutes", "time": 600 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 5 minutes", "time": 300 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 3 minutes", "time": 180 }, { "message": "The box on the helipad will open in 1 minute", "time": 60 } ], "List of items in the box": [ { "shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 3, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosive.timed", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 3, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosive.satchel", "minAmount": 5, "maxAmount": 10, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "explosives", "minAmount": 40, "maxAmount": 100, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "minAmount": 64, "maxAmount": 128, "skinID": 0 }, { "shortname": "rocket.launcher", "minAmount": 1, "maxAmount": 1, "skinID": 0 } ], "Kit list": [ "111111111", "222222222", "333333333" ], "Use random kit(if false, then the first Kit in the list is always used": false, "Box simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in the box(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 1, "Maximum number of items in the box(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 3 }
  17. Fruster

    Mining Event

    Version 1.0.2


    Adds an exciting event for players to your server. Once the event starts, players will be able to get more loot by mining ore and finding small stashes with loot underneath it. The event has an interface with a table. The event is easily configured and can be triggered automatically or by command. You can reward the winners with special prizes, for example, an item with a unique name and skin (only for items with stacks of size 1). Commands (admin only): /mie_start - starts an event /mie_stop - starts an event /mie_forcestart - force the event to start Config: { "Autostart event(disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum event duration(in seconds)": 300, "Maximum event duration(in seconds)": 900, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Pre-event message": "Mining event will start in a minute", "Pre-event message time(in seconds)": 60, "Event message": "Mining event has started, go and get all the ore!", "End event message": "Mining event ended", "Display a table with player names": true, "Resource multiplier during the event": 2.0, "Spawn a small stash under the ore": true, "Small stash items list": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 4, "max": 8, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 100, "max": 200, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ], "Small stash removal time(in seconds)": 60, "First place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 200, "max": 400, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 1000, "max": 2000, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "rifle.ak", "dropChance": 10, "min": 1, "max": 1, "skinID": 809190373, "displayName": "AK" } ], "Second place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 100, "max": 200, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 500, "max": 1000, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ], "Third place prize(items list)": [ { "prefabName": "scrap", "dropChance": 100, "min": 50, "max": 100, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" }, { "prefabName": "metal.fragments", "dropChance": 100, "min": 250, "max": 500, "skinID": 0, "displayName": "" } ] }
  18. Version 1.1.7


    Adds homing missiles to the server. Just load the rocket launcher with a smoke rocket and aim. Require a smoke rocket to be used as the ammo type! Great damage system, you can set damage for all types of objects (buildings, animals, NPCs, players, trains, boats, helicopters and others) Great crafting system, you can customize the amount of resources needed to craft homing missiles, set the level of the workbench required for crafting You can customize crosshair size and color, aiming time, aiming sound You can set the type of rocket explosion, set rocket speed, self-detonation time and more You can set zones where you cannot use homing missiles, (you need the ZoneManager plugin) This plugin utilizes the smoke rocket. As it is not a item that players can usually get through loot it makes the perfect placeholder for this purpose. Simply use a plugin such as BetterLoot to insert the smoke rocket into your loot tables, then any smoke rocket that is picked up by a player can be used as a Homing Missile. Or you can just use the crafting system. Commands: /hmcraft - use to craft homing missiles (if enabled in the config) /hmcraft X - use to craft multiple homing missiles, where X is the amount of homing missiles This plugin uses the permission system. Permissions: homingmissiles.use - required to use homing missiles homingmissiles.craft - required to use the craft command To assign a permission, use: oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> homingmissiles.use To remove a permission, use: oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> homingmissiles.use To assign a permission, use: oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> homingmissiles.craft To remove a permission, use: oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> homingmissiles.craft Developer API: (void) LaunchHomingMissile(Vector3 launchPosition, Vector3 targetPosition, Vector3 startVelocity, BaseEntity target) Launches a homing missile from a point with coordinates "launchPosition" with velocity "startVelocity" (startVelocity can just be a Vector3.zero). You can set any "targetPosition" value if you have specified a "target". If you set the "target" to null, then the target will be the point with coordinates "targetPosition". Config file: { "Rocket display name": "Homing missile", "Rocket icon skinID": 3018993457, "Allow homing missiles crafting": true, "Workbench level required to craft(0-3)": 3, "Crafting costs": [ { "shortname": "ammo.rocket.basic", "amount": 1 }, { "shortname": "techparts", "amount": 2 } ], "List of zones where homing missiles cannot be used (requires ZoneManager plugin)": [ "111111111", "222222222", "333333333" ], "Make it so that only in these zones you can use homing missiles": false, "A message when you are in an area where homing missiles cannot be used": "You can't use homing missiles here", "Rocket speed": 50, "Rocket acceleration(1 - 10)": 1.0, "Amount of time before the rocket self detonates": 20.0, "Amount of time to acquire target lock(in seconds)": 1.0, "How quickly the target lock is lost if you lose the target(0-1)": 1.0, "First crosshair size": 24.0, "First crosshair color Red (0-1)": 1.0, "First crosshair color Green (0-1)": 0.0, "First crosshair color Blue (0-1)": 0.0, "Left side of the first crosshair": "<", "Right side of the first crosshair": ">", "Middle of the first crosshair": "+", "Second crosshair size": 24.0, "Second crosshair color Red (0-1)": 0.0, "Second crosshair color Green (0-1)": 1.0, "Second crosshair color Blue (0-1)": 0.0, "Second crosshair": "[ + ]", "Enable sound effects when aiming": true, "Base damage of the rocket(affect everything, including buildings)": 100.0, "Damage to players": 100.0, "Damage to animals": 500.0, "Damage to patrol helicopter": 3500.0, "Damage to chinook": 2000.0, "Damage to bradleyAPC": 500.0, "Damage to submarine": 400.0, "Damage to NPCs": 300.0, "Damage to snowmobile": 300.0, "Damage to boat": 400.0, "Damage to modular cars": 400.0, "Damage to hot air baloon": 1000.0, "Damage to scrap transport helicopter": 500.0, "Damage to minicopter": 750.0, "Damage to train": 500.0, "Explosion type: 1 - basic; 2 - fire; 3 - smoke; 4 - heli; 5 - heli napalm; 6 - heli airburst; 7 - sam; 8 - 40mm_grenade_he; 9 - c4; 10 - f1; 11 - beancan grenade; 12 - satchelcharge; 13 - mlrs": 13, "Use homing missiles for building blocks": false, "Use homing missiles for constructions": false, "Use homing missiles for items": false, "Use homing missiles for traps and turrets": false }
  19. Version 1.0.5


    Allows you to place explosives inside the drone, this makes it a kamikaze drone. Just put a regular drone on the ground, you will see a small stash attached to it. Put explosives inside the small stash. Control it like a regular drone using a computer station and attack your enemies. Almost all types of explosives are supported, the plugin is ready to work right away. The plugin is also easy to configure. Config: { "Explosive list(short names of explosive items that can be placed in a drone)": [ "ammo.grenadelauncher.he", "ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke", "supply.signal", "ammo.rocket.mlrs", "explosive.timed", "ammo.rocket.basic", "ammo.rocket.hv", "ammo.rocket.fire", "grenade.smoke", "grenade.beancan", "explosive.satchel", "grenade.f1", "grenade.flashbang", "grenade.molotov", "surveycharge", "ammo.rocket.sam" ], "Sensitivity(if the drone is damaged by this amount, detonation will occur)": 5, "Prohibitory message": "You can't put this item here" }
  20. Version 1.4.9


    Adds an airfield event to your server! A cargo plane lands on the airfield and drops airdrops, boxes. Strong NPCs, Bradley and a patrol helicopter will protect the crates You can also set up custom loot using the "SimpleLootTable" plugin Features: Easy to set up. Excellent customization options in the config Commands(admin only): afestart - force the event to start afestop - cause the event to end afefast - quick landing of a cargo plane, for testing settings afe_addcustom - adds a custom landing place for a cargo plane. You must stand on level ground and look in the direction where the cargo plane will move(do not forget to set in the config file "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": true) Hooks: void AirfieldEventStarted() // called when the event starts { } void AirfieldEventEnded() // called when the event has ended { } AirfieldEvent config: { "PVE mode (crates can only be looted by the player who first dealt damage to the NPC)": false, "Time after which the owner of the event will be deleted if he left the dome or left the server (for PVE mode)": 300, "Give event ownership to the owner's teammates if he is no longer the owner. Only if teammates are within the event radius (for PVE mode)": true, "Radius for event(for PVE mode)": 380, "Create a dome for PVE mode": false, "Dome transparency (the higher the value, the darker the dome, recommended 4)": 4, "Dome offset": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 30.0 }, "Message when a player enters the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You have entered the Airfield Event", "Message when the event owner leaves the event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "Return to the event dome, otherwise after 300 seconds you will no longer be the owner of this event", "Do not allow other players into the event(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": false, "Message when a player is ejected from the event dome(only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": "You cannot be here, you are not the owner of this event", "Allow admin to be in event dome (only for PVE mode if there is a dome)": true, "Triggering an event by timer (disable if you want to trigger the event only manually)": true, "Time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 3900, "Random time to event start": false, "Minimum time to event start(in seconds, minimum 900)": 900, "Maximum time to event start(in seconds)": 10800, "Minimum number of online players to trigger an event": 1, "Drops amount(number of cargo spawns after plane landing, maximum 10)": 3, "Crates amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Crate simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in a crate(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Remove crates after being looted by a player(in seconds)": 300, "Extend the duration of the event if the NPCs were attacked(if there is less time left, then increase to the set time(in seconds))": 600, "Crates lifetime(in seconds). The crate will not be destroyed if it has been activated": 3600, "Crates timer(in seconds)": 900, "Airdrops amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 1, "Airdrop simple loot table name(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": "", "Minimum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Maximum number of items in an airdrop(plugin SimpleLootTable is required)": 0, "Airdrops lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs amount(spawn every cargo drop)": 0, "NPCs lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "NPCs type(NPCs prefab, experimental setting, it is not known how the NPCs will behave) 0 - tunneldweller; 1 - underwaterdweller; 2 - excavator; 3 - full_any; 4 - lr300; 5 - mp5; 6 - pistol; 7 - shotgun; 8 - heavy; 9 - junkpile_pistol; 10 - oilrig; 11 - patrol; 12 - peacekeeper; 13 - roam; 14 - roamtethered; 15 - bandit_guard; 16 - cargo; 17 - cargo_turret_any; 18 - cargo_turret_lr300; 19 - ch47_gunner": 8, "NPCs health(0 - default)": 0, "NPCs damage multiplier": 1.0, "NPCs accuracy(the lower the value, the more accurate, 0 - maximum accuracy)": 2.0, "NPCs attack range": 75.0, "Radius of chasing the player(NPCs will chase the player as soon as he comes closer than the specified radius, must be no greater than the attack range)": 60.0, "Minimum distance to NPC damage": 75.0, "Message if the player attacks far away NPCs": "NPC is too far away, he doesn't take damage", "Forcibly immobilize an NPC": false, "Method of distribution of kits for NPCs(1 - sequentially, 2 - repeating, 3 - randomly)": 1, "List of kits for NPC(requires Kits plugin)": [ "kit1", "kit2", "kit3" ], "Default displayName for NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": "Airfield NPC", "List of displayNames for each NPC(for SimpleKillFeed/DeathNotes plugin)": [ "Airfield NPC1", "Airfield NPC2", "Airfield NPC3" ], "Event message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event started", "Event end message(if empty, no message will be displayed)": "Airfield event ended", "Landing message(displayed when the cargo plane has landed)": "Cargoplane landed at Airfield", "Patrol helicopter spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 50, "Call the helicopter only after activating the hackable crate": false, "How long the helicopter will patrol the airfield (in minutes)": 5, "Helicopter damage multiplier": 1.0, "Helicopter health": 10000.0, "Helicopter main rotor health": 900.0, "Helicopter tail rotor health": 500.0, "The patrol helicopter will not patrol the airfield if it has found a target": true, "Make helicopter fly away after end of patrol time": false, "Spawns a helicopter right on the airfield(if false, then the helicopter will arrive from afar in a few seconds)": false, "Helicopter patrol range": 150, "Event marker on the map(will spawn a marker immediately after the start of the event)": false, "If true, spawn the marker only after the plane lands": false, "Event marker name": "Airfield event", "Event marker lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "Event marker transparency(0-1)": 0.75, "Event marker radius": 0.5, "Event marker color.R(0-1)": 1.0, "Event marker color.G(0-1)": 0.0, "Event marker color.B(0-1)": 0.0, "Use a custom place to land a cargo plane": false, "Custom place position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Custom place rotation": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Use custom navmesh (enable if using custom airfield and getting NPC navmesh error)": false, "BradleyAPC spawn chance (0 - 100%)": 0, "BradleyAPC lifetime(in seconds)": 3600, "BradleyAPC bullet damage": 7.0, "BradleyAPC health": 1000.0, "Use Notify plugin for messages": false, "Type notify for 'Message when a player enters the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message when the event owner leaves the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message when a player is ejected from the event dome'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Message if the player attacks far away NPCs'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Event message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Event end message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0, "Type notify for 'Landing message'(only for Notify plugin)": 0 }
  21. Qbis

    Big Barrel

    Version 1.1.3


    This plugin adds a Big Barrel to the server, which fills with rewards for breaking barrels all over the server. About The barrel is attached to the city of the NPC or the administrator himself assigns a point for the Big Barrel. When players break the barrels, the Big Barrel fills with rewards and grows in size. As soon as it is 100% full, the countdown begins until these rewards are thrown around the Big Barrel. Settings Number of barrels to break before filling How many barrels do you need to break to add a reward to the Big Barrel How many barrels need to be broken to notify the chat about the fullness of the Big Barrel in% Configurable spawn point of the Big Barrel (by default it is tied to the NPC city) Creating a prefab for the Big Barrel Configuring which barrels on the map will count towards the Big Barrel. Setting up rewards and supporting custom 3D text near the barrel with all information Commands /bb pos - Set the spawn point for the Big Barrel (only for admin) /bb test - Artificially fills the Big Barrel with rewards to 100% (only for admin Video Config { "General settings": { "How many barrels do players need to break to start emptying the barrels": 100, "Every how many barrels a reward is added": 10, "How many seconds will items start pouring from the Big Barrel": 30, "BigBarrel spawn point (0, 0, 0 - the spawn will be tied to the NPC city)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Every N broken barrels notify about fullness of Big Barrel (0 - off)": 10, "What is the radius from the barrel to draw 3D text with information": 15.0, "Which barrel is taken as the basis for BigBarrel": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/loot_barrel_1.prefab", "What barrels count towards BigBarrel": [ "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel", "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2" ] }, "Rewards setting": [ { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 500, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 1000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$" }, { "Item shortname": "techparts", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.8x.scope", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "" } ], "Marker settings": { "Include marker": false, "Marker radius": 0.5, "Marker transparency": 0.4, "Marker color": "#10c916", "Marker name": "Big Barrel" }, "Config version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } }
  22. Version 2.0.2


    As soon as the event starts, several troops (NPCs) are spawned to defend an hackable crate that will be delivered by the CH47. This crate may contain a lot of loot, so the troops have the duty to defend it. For this purpose, there is a variety of troops such as snipers, close-range shooters, and long-range shooters. If a player manages to initiate the hacking of the crate, all the airfield troops will be relocated to a combat position. In other words, all troops that you haven't seen yet or that are hidden will be moved to the center of the airfield to defend the crate. After a few minutes, a plane will be sent with supply drops containing weapons to assist the troops in defense. However, airborne troops will also be dispatched from the plane to parachute down and aid in defending the crate. If the crate is looted, all troops will be destroyed, leaving only the crates, supply drops, and bodies to be looted by intruders. /ma start to start the event /ma stop to stop the event /ma position to get the current position based in the airfield monument (used to config) militaryairfield.admin to access all commands private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventStarted(); - // Called when the event starts private void OnMilitaryAirfieldEventEnded(BasePlayer? lootedBy); - // Called when the event ends
  23. Version 3.0.5


    The event creates a locked container wagon in the Train Yard with valuable loot inside. It is protected by Npc's, turrets, a bardley. If someone hacks one of the locked crates a patrol helicopter will spawn for the event. No Permissions: Supports the PveMode plugin! Commands available for admins only. ChatCommands: - /tyestart - /tyestop ConsoleCommands: tyestart tyestop Before Install Version 3.0 delete old config file! Video: Config file: { "Version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 }, "Automatic event start": true, "Minimum time for event start": 3600.0, "Maximum time for event start": 7200.0, "Duration of the event": 2800.0, "Warning messages before event start": 300.0, "Warning messages before event end": 300.0, "Chat icon": 0, "Locked crate hack time": 900.0, "Spawn PatrolHelicopter": true, "Spawn Snipers": true, "Bradley setting": { "Bradley health": 1000.0, "Number of crate to spawn when the bradley dies": 3 }, "AutoTurret setting": { "Health": 400.0, "Weapon ShortName": "rifle.ak", "Ammo ShortName": "ammo.rifle", "Number of ammo": 5000 }, "List of lootable crates": [ { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/m2bradley/bradley_crate.prefab", "Position": "(3.367, 1.883, 2.790)", "Rotation": "(0, 90, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/heli_crate.prefab", "Position": "(3.371, 1.883, 6.631)", "Rotation": "(0, 90, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(3.371, 1.883, 8.349)", "Rotation": "(0, 90, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "Position": "(3.367, 1.883, 0.885)", "Rotation": "(0, 90, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Position": "(4.869, 1.883, 0.323)", "Rotation": "(0, 0, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } }, { "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Position": "(3.562, 1.883, 4.958)", "Rotation": "(0, 0, 0)", "Use custom loot?": false, "CustomLoot": { "Minimum items": 1, "Maximum items": 1, "Use minimum - maxium?": false, "List of items": [ { "ShortName": "xmas.present.small", "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 6, "Chance": 100.0, "Give blueprint?": false, "SkinID": 0, "Displayname": "" } ] } } ], "Security Npcs settings inside": { "Minimum": 3, "Maximum": 3, "List of position": [ "(48.983, 30.250, 18.006)", "(99.561, 24.686, -50.799)", "(-43.882, 35.502, -40.902)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "TrainYard Sniper", "Health": 200.0, "Roam Range": 10.0, "Chase Range": 30.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 3.0, "Sense Range": 100.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 1.0, "Aim Cone Scale": 0.6, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": true, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3274815691 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3318206106 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3318207180 }, { "ShortName": "metal.plate.torso", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3274816373 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1192621630 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.bolt", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.small.scope" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "Security Npcs settings outside": { "Minimum": 7, "Maximum": 10, "List of position": [ "(12.748, 0.240, -1.107)", "(-1.459, 0.045, 23.520)", "(-3.649, 0.185, -13.194)", "(25.142, 0.212, -13.717)", "(-13.920, 0.240, -17.067)", "(-14.434, 0.240, -5.740)", "(-11,194, 0.371, -51.076)" ], "NPCs setting": { "Name": "TrainYard Guard", "Health": 150.0, "Roam Range": 20.0, "Chase Range": 40.0, "Attack Range Multiplier": 2.0, "Sense Range": 30.0, "Target Memory Duration [sec.]": 60.0, "Scale damage": 0.6, "Aim Cone Scale": 1.5, "Detect the target only in the NPC's viewing vision cone? [true/false]": false, "Vision Cone": 135.0, "Speed": 7.5, "Disable radio effects? [true/false]": false, "Is this a stationary NPC? [true/false]": false, "Wear items": [ { "ShortName": "metal.facemask", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2363112910 }, { "ShortName": "pants", "SkinID (0 - default)": 1987863036 }, { "ShortName": "hoodie", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3067677165 }, { "ShortName": "jacket", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2361147547 }, { "ShortName": "roadsign.kilt", "SkinID (0 - default)": 3323417128 }, { "ShortName": "shoes.boots", "SkinID (0 - default)": 2833767826 } ], "Belt items": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "Amount": 1, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [ "weapon.mod.flashlight" ], "Ammo": "" }, { "ShortName": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 2, "SkinID (0 - default)": 0, "Mods": [], "Ammo": "" } ] } }, "PVE Mode Setting (only for users PveMode plugin)": { "Use PveMode plugin?": false, "Required damage to the event owner": 500.0, "The event is a right of ownership, to obtain it you need damage multiplier.": { "Npc": 1.0, "Bradley": 1.0 }, "Non owner can loot the crates?": false, "Non owner can loot the Npc's?": false, "Non owner can damage Npc's?": false, "Non owner can be attacked by Npc's?": false, "Non owner, can you enter the event zone?": false, "Allow a player who has an active cooldown of the Event Owner to enter the event zone?": true, "The time that the Event Owner may not be inside the event zone.": 300, "The time until the event owner can return to the event zone.": 60, "Block the RestoreUponDeath plugin in the event zone.": true, "After all this time, an event owner can be an event owner again.": 86400.0, "Darkening the sphere.": 15 } }
  24. Version 1.12.0


    I present to you 8 Team 1 Survies is a different map than usual, it is a main island and 8 mini-islands for the teams, each island contains 1 supermarket, 21x21 area to build the base, ziplines to get to the other side and a system of tunnels that connects the entire map. Remember that only one can survive! Good luck !! Feautures: Map size is 3000 Underground Rail tunnels Ziplines Monuments: Launchsite Military tunnel Custom Outpost Sewer Branch Dome Road Monuments Train subway system Islands: Train entrance Fishing Village Supermarket ziplines conected to main island Space for built a base My Discord: Nachito#8030 A password is attached to the map. You can edit it.
  25. Version 1.13.10


    Immerse your players in a unique world with a fresh gaming experience, introducing drone patrols on monuments! Drone patrols are a fantastic addition to the existing NPCs on monuments, bringing a new level of interest to the game and extending your players' gaming experience! The plugin introduces dynamic battles, completely transforming the mechanics of monument raids and turning them into airborne combat scenarios! Give your server a breath of fresh air with the IQDronePatrol plugin. It's a unique addition that will delight players on your servers! Suitable for both PvP and PvE servers, with maximum customization options and easy plugin installation Be sure to watch until the end - dynamic moments unfold gradually. This video is worth 1.5 minutes of your time. Also, check out the screenshots section. Standard configuration is already provided in the plugin after installation! List of features : New! New Year's decoration! Let's add some light decorations for drones, in honor of a suitable holiday! Raid bases protected by drones! (Raidable Bases): Now the drone plugin is integrated with RaidableBases. You can set up drones of varying difficulty and quantity to protect raid bases! Everything is configured in the RaidableBases configuration. Bradley Defense : After the bradley is destroyed by players, patrol drones will fly out to protect its crates! This will add more variety and enhance the gameplay experience! Drone Battle : If you have the IQGuardianDrone plugin installed, your guardian drones will engage patrol drones in thrilling aerial battles! EMP Grenades : The plugin features two types of EMP grenades: - Overload: Upon detonation, creates a visual red zone. Drones caught in this zone immediately explode due to electrical overload. - Electro: Upon detonation, creates a visual blue zone. Drones caught in this zone are temporarily stunned and crash to the ground, emitting sparks. After some time, they can take off again and resume the fight. Upon repeated hits with an electro grenade, the drone explodes as if hit by an overload grenade. Overload Electro Drone Sizes : Drones come in four sizes: standard, small, medium, and large. You can create different types of drones of varying sizes on the same monument. Loot Configuration : The plugin offers detailed loot configuration. You can create various loot presets and use multiple presets with different loot in drones simultaneously. Drop chances for each item can be customized! Presets: The plugin offers detailed customization options for everything! You can create an unlimited number of drone presets and loot presets. All of this can be used on monuments, and each monument can be configured separately! This allows you to create unique battles at each monument, limited only by your imagination and settings! Drone Display on G-Map: You can enable drone display on the G-Map for each preset. This allows you to create the visibility of 'hardcore' drones or make 'ninja drones' that will not be displayed on your G-Map for players! Weapon rotation by wipe time : The plugin includes weapon rotation for drones over wipe time. This means you can configure drones to have revolvers after a wipe, and after a certain amount of time, their weapons and difficulty level improve! This is a fully dynamic plugin! Position generation : The plugin automatically generates positions for all monuments and saves them until the next wipe. The positions are always unique and unpredictable. Patrol drones fly randomly, patrolling the area and never intersecting at the same position*. *Supports 80% of monuments! Optimization : Optimization features are provided, and the plugin will not operate unnecessarily without player presence. This means that if there are no players at the monument, drones will not operate and will remain in standby mode. As soon as a player approaches the monument, drones activate for the duration of their presence. This prevents unnecessary use of server resources and ensures stable plugin operation. Limits and restrictions on the number of drones (maximum of 15 per monument) are provided to prevent potential overload


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