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IQBearRide 1.4.21

   (2 reviews)
Message added by Mercury,

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About IQBearRide

Conquer the world of RUST on a riding bear!
The bear has a portable inventory, increased characteristics such as speed, health and other indicators!

The plugin has an intuitive and pleasant interface for interacting with the bear, as well as an additional interface with instructions for managing it!

Your players will be able to fight on bears, kill other players or animals with the help of a bear!
Break trees and smash barrels!

Rights to use a bear by players - iqbearride.usedbear
Rights to give a bear to a player - iqbearride.givebear
Rights to give a teddy bear to a player - iqbearride.giveteddy

Detailed configuration in the configuration :

  • You will be able to change various indicators, such as :
  • Movement speed
  • Running speed
  • Speed of turns
  • Bear Growth Time
  • Damage done
  • Number of inventory cells
  • Full interface configuration
  • Full customization of the bear cub item
  • Full customization of the bear item

There is a language file and localization!

The plugin has support for many other plugins :
1. IQChat – configured in the plugin configuration
2. IQRates – the bear will mine the same amount as the player. He is affected by the same X production indicators as the player
3. Working with a variety of plugins to multiply mining ratings
4. AnimalLoot – bear prey will be affected by the settings from this plugin
5. IQCraftSystem – you can add the creation of an adult bear to the crafting system


Console Commands :
Permission for this command – iqbearride.givebear
iqbr.bear <SteamID:Name:IP> – Issuance of an adult bear

Permission for this command – iqbearride.giveteddy
iqbr.teddy<SteamID:Name:IP> – Issuing a bear cub


  Chance of a bear cub falling out”: 20,
  Make a bear immortal (true  yes/false  no)”: false,
  The number of hp of the bear”: 1200,
  How long does a bear grow in seconds”: 100,
  Walking speed”: 5.0,
  Leash speed”: 7.5,
  Running speed”: 7.5,
  Running speed with shift”: 10.0,
  Turning speed”: 150.0,
  Step size up (If you dont know what it is, dont touch this function)”: 1.0,
  Step size down (If you dont know what it is, dont touch this function)”: 1.0,
  Board size length (If you dont know what it is, dont touch this function)”: 1.5,
  Board size width (If you dont know what it is, dont touch this function)”: 0.2,
  The maximum height that can climb”: 50.0,
  The radius of checking for objects (If you dont know what it is, dont touch this function)”: 0.6,
  The radius of the rotation balls check (If you do not know what it is, do not touch this function)”: 0.35,
  Maximum depth”: 150.0,
  Inventory Size”: 24,
  The damage inflicted is individual”: {
  default”: 50.0,
  player”: 20.0
  How much health to give when eating”: 50.0,
  IQ Chat : Custom prefix in the chat”: “[IQBearRide]”,
  IQChat : Custom avatar in the chat (If required)”: 0”,
  IQChat : Use UI notifications”: false,
  Setting up the Bear Item”: {
  DisplayName”: “Медведь | Bear”,
  ShortName”: stash.small”,
  SkinId”: 2445048695
  Setting up the Bear Cub item”: {
  DisplayName”: “Медвеженок | Teddy bear”,
  ShortName”: stash.small”,
  SkinId”: 2445033042
  Picture To Follow”: https://i.imgur.com/0sGNhqD.png”,
  Picture to ride”: https://i.imgur.com/xar8gWn.png”,
  Picture Raise”: https://i.imgur.com/973xdCt.png”,
  Picture Inventory”: https://i.imgur.com/OpjOCgL.png”,
  Picture Instructions”: https://i.imgur.com/32JQy4R.png”


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