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About IQGuardianDrone

IQGuardianDrone is a new, technologically advanced plugin in the world of RUST.
It's a plugin that introduces new mechanics and a new "teammate" for your players!
Take your servers one step closer to technology, which the Rust developers themselves are slowly but surely moving towards!\


Suitable for both PvP and PvE servers, with the PvE mode easily toggled using a single configuration setting!
This plugin, themed around technology, features a large number of audio cues (17 voice lines) along with a modern, minimalist UI interface!


How to install images?
Navigate to the directory /data/IQSystem/IQGuardianDrone and move all the images into the "Images" folder (create it if it doesn't exist).
To download the images, click on me to open them.


How to install sounds?
Navigate to the directory /data/IQSystem/IQGuardianDrone and move all the .json files with sounds into the "Sounds" folder (create it if it doesn't exist).
To download the sounds, click on me to open them.

I provide all the files in an archive with the plugin

You can use this link to the video for your servers, groups, etc.
(Do not upload it to your channels YT - the video has my confirmed copyrights, and you will receive a strike.)



Be sure to watch it until the end, dynamic moments appear progressively, and this video is worth 2 minutes of your time.

List of features:Line.png.5156dfdb281c27366317658f5cb8ebf5.png

NEW # NPC/Turrets and SamSite attacks on drones:
Defender drones will now be targeted by NPCs, turrets, and SamSites!
To enable this, you need to install the free plugin - TargetableDrones.
Configuration is done inside TargetableDrones, where you can choose who will attack the drone.

Sound Effects:
Extensive work has been done on sound effects, with the plugin featuring 17 unique phrases for different situations. All sound effects have been professionally recorded by voice actors.
The drone has phrases for various actions and situations, including instructional, combat, and humorous phrases, adding more gameplay content.
The trader has greeting, farewell, purchase, and random action phrases.

Dynamic Route Building:
The drone is capable of autonomously building a route for movement, distinguishing between trees, rocks, structures, and monuments. This allows it to maneuver without getting stuck, enhancing its combat capabilities.

Player Protection in the House:
If a player is inside their house or any of their structures, the drone will guard them by flying at an altitude around the house, eliminating any approaching threats.

The turret operates based on in-game mechanics and has a small but important configuration.
You can adjust the enemy detection radius, select the enemy trigger for the turret (players/NPCs/animals).
It is possible to change the number of ammo slots for the turret and add a blacklist of weapons for privileges.

This is a point for the drone where it will wait for the player.
Players can send the drone to the hub during combat or while moving. Once it reaches the hub, the drone will land at the hub point and shut down, awaiting further commands.
If the player is killed or logs out of the server while having a hub, the drone will automatically return to it.
The flight to the hub can be canceled by pressing the control remote again.
The frequency on the hub should match the frequency on the drone.

Control Remote:
The control remote serves as the "detonator" with its SkinID (a regular detonator won't work).
It is required to activate and control the drone.
The frequency on the control remote should match the frequency on the drone.

Drone Vendor:
There is an integrated building in the NPC city (using the CopyPaste plugin) - you can modify it (for proper operation of your building, consult with me, and I will guide you on what needs to be installed there).
All vendor goods can be customized or completely disabled.
The building's position can be changed in the configuration file.

Drone Configuration:
Extensive drone configuration options are available. You can remove its strobe light, flashlight, and set the time for the flashlight to turn on.
You can configure the drone's height, speed, flight offset, and there is support for the drone when the player is in a vehicle, which can also be configured separately.
The plugin comes with an optimal configuration already set up, so you don't have to worry about the complexity of configuration and testing.

Plugin Monetization:
You can sell drones, remote controls, and hubs in your server's store.
In addition to this, there is turret configuration based on privileges.


Permissions :

iqguardiandrone.dronedestroy - permission to use the drone destruction command
iqguardiandrone.hubdestroy - permission to use the hub destruction command

Other permissions are configured in the settings

Chat commands:

/hub - send the drone to the hub (there is also a button in the UI)
/drone - an admin command that gives a drone, a control remote, and a hub
/hub.destroy - destroys the hub at a distance
/drone.destroy - destroys the drone at a distance

Console commands:

hub - send the drone to the hub (there is also a button in the UI)
iqgd drone [Steam64ID] - give a player a drone
iqgd hub [Steam64ID] - give a player a hub
iqgd rfdetonator [Steam64ID] - give a player a drone control remote
hub.destroy - destroys the hub at a distance
drone.destroy - destroys the drone at a distance

The square brackets are used for example - do not use them in commands

API : 

private Boolean IsValidDrone(Drone drone) // Returns true/false values if this drone is someone's protector
Object canRemove(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) // Returns a String with information if a player is trying to remove a drone/hub, otherwise returns null


Configuration :

  "General plugin configuration": {
    "Use the plugin UI interface": true,
    "Use sound effects at the merchant": true,
    "Use sound effects for the drone": true,
    "Drone SkinID (if you sell the drone through a store or NPC - set the same SkinID there)": 3036002096,
    "Hub SkinID (if you sell the hub through a store or NPC, set the same SkinID there)": 3040010074,
    "Control remote SkinID (if you sell the remote through a store or NPC, set the same SkinID there)": 3040010185,
    "Choose the type of drone pickup with the crowbar: 0 - Cannot lift at all, 1 - Only the drone owner, 2 - Owner and his friends, 3 - All players": 1
  "Setting up drone": {
    "Drone parameter configuration": {
      "Health level (default - 100)": 100.0,
      "Drone configuration while following the player": {
        "Height above the player": 2.0,
        "Vertical speed": 10.0,
        "Movement speed": 7.0,
        "Height at which the drone will follow a swimming player above the water level": 3.0,
        "Offset from the player": 3.0,
        "How many times will the player's offset increase when they are on a vehicle": 2.0,
        "How much will the following speed increase when the player is on a vehicle": 2.0,
        "The drone's pitch angle when it is following and attacking a target": 15.0,
        "Drone speed based on the distance to the player [distance] = speed": {
          "100": 10.0,
          "200": 15.0,
          "300": 20.0,
          "400": 25.0,
          "500": 30.0
      "Configuration of the drone's mode while waiting for a player to exit the building, as the drone circles around the house": {
        "Height above the building": 7.0,
        "Distance around the building over which the drone will rotate": 15.0,
        "Rotation speed around the building": 30.0
    "Adjusting drone lighting": {
      "Using strobe light on drone (true - yes / false - no)": true,
      "Using flashlight on drone (true - yes / false - no)": true,
      "What time does the drone's flashlight turn on on the server": 19.0,
      "What time does the drone's flashlight turn off on the server": 8.0
    "Setting up a turret on a drone": {
      "Enemy detection radius (according to the standard - 30.0)": 30.0,
      "Disallow players from looting the turret (true - only the owner and their friends can loot/false - all players can loot)": false,
      "Configuring turret attack types": {
        "Will the turret attack animals (true - yes/false - no)": true,
        "Will the turret attack the NPC (true - yes/false - no)": true,
        "Will the turret attack players (true - yes/false - no)": true
      "Setting up a blacklist for the turret": {
        "Use blacklist for turret (true - yes / false - no)": true,
        "Blacklist of weapons and ammunition for the turret (shortname)": [
      "How many slots to lock in the turret for ammo (maximum 5)?": 3
  "Configuration by privileges": {
    "iqdroneguardian.vip": {
      "Health level": 200.0,
      "Drone configuration while following the player": {
        "Movement speed": 10.0,
        "Drone speed based on the distance to the player [distance] = speed": {
          "100": 12.0,
          "200": 17.0,
          "300": 22.0,
          "400": 27.0,
          "500": 32.0
      "Setting up a turret on a drone": {
        "Enemy detection radius (according to the standard - 30.0)": 50.0,
        "Disallow players from looting the turret (true - only the owner and their friends can loot/false - all players can loot)": false,
        "Configuring turret attack types": {
          "Will the turret attack animals (true - yes/false - no)": true,
          "Will the turret attack the NPC (true - yes/false - no)": true,
          "Will the turret attack players (true - yes/false - no)": true
        "Setting up a blacklist for the turret": {
          "Use blacklist for turret (true - yes / false - no)": true,
          "Blacklist of weapons and ammunition for the turret (shortname)": [
        "How many slots to lock in the turret for ammo (maximum 5)?": 2
  "Setting the color of parameters in the interface": {
    "General color": "0.8941177 0.854902 0.8196079 1",
    "Health level color if it is above 50%": "0.4509804 0.5529412 0.2705882 1",
    "Health level color if it is below 50%": "0.7607843 0.427451 0.2 1",
    "Health level color if it is below 25%": "0.8039216 0.254902 0.1686275 1"
  "Setting up the seller and the building": {
    "Use the building with the drone merchant and other items? (true - yes/false - no)": true,
    "The name of the file with the building should be in data/copypaste/": "MechanicHouse",
    "Setting up custom building positions with a merchant": {
      "Use custom positions (true - yes/false - no)": false,
      "Custom position for the building": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
      "Degree of rotation of the building": 0.0,
      "The radius of the safe zone (Analogous to the compound)": 25.0
    "Store names on the map": "Mechanic's hut",
    "Setting up a vendor NPC": {
      "DisplayName NPC": "Mechanic",
      "ID NPC (His appearance depends on his ID)": 1369732,
      "Clothes NPC": [
          "ShortName": "shirt.collared",
          "SkinId": 1402339549
          "ShortName": "pants",
          "SkinId": 1402353612
          "ShortName": "burlap.gloves",
          "SkinId": 1402323871
          "ShortName": "hat.cap",
          "SkinId": 1137543887
          "ShortName": "shoes.boots",
          "SkinId": 2830476912
    "Configuration of items for sale in the mechanic's shop": [
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "drone",
          "SkinId": 3036002096,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 350
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "discofloor",
          "SkinId": 3040010074,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 500
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "rf.detonator",
          "SkinId": 3040010185,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 100
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "carburetor3",
          "SkinId": 0,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 100
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "crankshaft3",
          "SkinId": 0,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 100
        "Item for sale": {
          "ShortName": "piston3",
          "SkinId": 0,
          "Amount": 1
        "Item price": {
          "ShortName": "scrap",
          "Amount": 100
  "Settings IQChat": {
    "IQChat : Custom prefix in chat": "[<color=#4A5ED5>IQGuardianDrone</color>]\n",
    "IQChat : Custom chat avatar (If required)": "0",
    "IQChat : Use UI notification (true - yes/false - no)": false


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