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About IQTeamLimitter

IQTeamLimitter is a plugin that enforces limitations on joining teams during a single wipe. Its primary goal is to prevent rule violations and restrict frequent player transitions between teams throughout a wipe cycle.


What is the Mission of the Plugin?
The team system ("greenery") is an essential element of the game.
Exceeded the limit? You won’t be able to join or invite others to your team!
If a player frequently changes teams and violates the rules, they will face several inconveniences:

  • Turrets Won’t Work: Without a team, the player won't be able to use turrets effectively.
  • Inactive Features: Map markers, friend highlighting, damage disable via /ff, friend teleports, and many other features from plugins interacting with the team system will be unavailable.

Although it is impossible to eliminate violations completely, IQTeamLimitter minimizes the issue by creating additional inconveniences for offenders and maintaining order in the game.
This plugin is not connected to other plugins; it works directly with teams in the game.

Key Features:


Set Limits:
You can define how many times a player can change teams during a single wipe.

Cooldown Between Transitions:
When a player leaves a team, they will incur a penalty time before they can join a new team or invite other players!
Example Usage: If a player leaves a team, they receive a restriction for 60 minutes and will only be able to join a new team after this time has elapsed.

Support for Disbanding Teams:
The plugin automatically disbands all teams after the end of a wipe.

Logging All Actions:
Complete logging of player actions is supported.
All team movements, invitation attempts, and other actions are recorded in a file and can be sent to a Discord channel for convenient monitoring.


Configuration : 

  "Limit on adding to the team during the wipe (if the limit is exhausted, the player will not be able to join teams)": 3,
  "Cooldown time for joining a new team or inviting players after being removed from a team or leaving it (in minutes)": 60,
  "Disband all teams after the wipe (true - yes/false - no)": true,
  "Logging settings for team actions": {
    "Log data to file": false,
    "Log data to Discord": {
      "Webhooks: Log all actions with teams to the Discord channel": "",
      "Webhooks: Name for the webhook": "[IQTeamLimitter]",
      "Webhooks: Avatar for the webhook (direct link)": ""
  "Configuration of supported plugins": {
    "IQChat: Chat notification settings": {
      "IQChat: Custom prefix in chat": "<color=#1F6BA0>[IQTeamLimitter]\n</color>",
      "IQChat: Custom avatar in chat (if required)": "0"

Language File : 

  "INFO_ALERT": "Limit on joining and inviting to the team: <color=#738D45>{0}</color>",
  "INFO_ALERT_PLUS_COOLDOWN": "Limit on joining and inviting to the team: <color=#738D45>{0}</color>\nCooldown before the next joining: <color=#CD412B>{1}</color>",
  "ALERT_ACCEPT_KICK_PLAYER_COOLDOWN": "<color=#1F6BA0>{0}</color> kicked you from the team.\n\nRemaining available joining limits: <color=#738D45>{1}</color>\nCooldown before the next joining: <color=#CD412B>{2}</color>",
  "ALERT_ACCEPT_KICK_PLAYER": "<color=#1F6BA0>{0}</color> kicked you from the team.\n\nRemaining available joining limits: <color=#738D45>{1}</color>",
  "ALERT_ACCEPT_KICK_LEADER": "You have successfully removed a player from the team.\n\nRemaining available invitation limits: <color=#738D45>{0}</color>\nCooldown before the next invitation: <color=#CD412B>{1}</color>",
  "ALERT_ACCEPT_TEAM_INVITER": "The player has successfully joined your team.\n\nRemaining available invitation limits: <color=#738D45>{0}</color>\n\nNote: if you remove the player or leave the team, you will receive a temporary invitation ban and lose one limit point.",
  "ALERT_ACCEPT_TEAM": "You have successfully joined the team.\n\nRemaining available joining limits for another team: <color=#738D45>{0}</color>\n\nNote: if you leave the team or are removed, you will receive a temporary joining ban and lose one limit point.",
  "ALERT_LEAVE_TEAM": "You have left the team. You will be able to join a new one in <color=#CD412B>{0}</color>.\n\nRemaining available joining limits for another team: <color=#738D45>{1}</color>",
  "ALERT_COOLDOWN_TARGET_TEAM_INVITE": "Cannot invite player to the team: they cannot accept invitations for another <color=#CD412B>{0}</color>.",
  "ALERT_COOLDOWN_TEAM_INVITE": "You cannot invite players to the team.\n\nPlease wait another <color=#CD412B>{0}</color>.",
  "ALERT_LIMITED_TEAM": "Your limit for joining teams is exhausted.\n\n<color=#CD412B>You are prohibited from joining and inviting players until the next wipe.</color>",
  "ALERT_LIMITED_TEAM_PLAYER": "<color=#1F6BA0>{0}</color> has exhausted their limit for joining teams.\n\n<color=#CD412B>They are prohibited from joining and inviting players until the next wipe.</color>"


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