About IQRates
IQRates – an advanced and optimized rates system for your server!
This plugin has proven itself since 2020 and remains a one-of-a-kind plugin for the rates system to this day.
Feature List:
Server Time Settings:
Time Acceleration: Enable or disable time acceleration. This allows for faster day/night cycles and customizable durations.
Time Freeze: Freeze time at a specific hour (e.g., 13:00). Useful for creating fixed time conditions on the server.
Rates Settings:
Base Rates: Configure rates for gathering, looting, picking up items, and fishing during day and night. For example, you can increase the yield from excavators or adjust quarry collection rates.
Permission-Based Rates: Rates can vary depending on player privileges. For instance, players with specific permissions can receive increased rates.
Rate Correction via Whitelist/Blacklist: Exclude certain items or categories (e.g., weapons or tools) from rate modifications using blacklists.
Bonus Rate Settings:
Post-Wipe Boosts: Activate bonus rates for a set duration after a server wipe.
Day-Specific Bonuses: Set rate boosts for specific days of the week, with options to define start and end times.
Furnace Settings:
Furnace Acceleration: Enable or disable accelerated smelting, with adjustable values for privileged players.
Furnace Blacklist: Define specific prefabs where acceleration should not apply.
Full Support for Electric Furnaces & Other Electrical Systems.
Vehicle Settings:
Fuel Customization: Set standard fuel amounts for vehicles purchased from NPCs, including boats, helicopters, and submarines.
Fuel Consumption Rates: Adjust fuel consumption for different vehicles.
Recycler Acceleration Settings:
Recycler Speed Boost: Modify the speed of item recycling, with options to apply boosts globally or based on permissions.
Tea Acceleration Settings:
Tea Mixing Speed Boost: Increase tea mixing speed for specific permission groups (e.g., VIP players).
Tea Influence on Rates: Configure tea-based rate multipliers that grant gathering bonuses based on player privileges.
Event Settings:
Cargo Ship, Bradley Tank, Patrol Helicopter, Chinook, Airdrops: Configure unique spawn timers for each event, with options for fixed or randomized intervals.
Example: Airdrops can spawn at fixed times or within a random time range.
IQChat Integration:
Custom Chat Features: Enable and configure avatars and prefixes for chat messages using the IQChat system.
Supports Custom Chat Formatting, Prefixes, & Avatars.