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Message added by Iftebinjan,

Version 1.0.3 is hoped to fix all bugs and glitches you may experienced!

Hope to implement more on the plugin in future updates.

  • Maybe UI to show TOP Clans or Kills when the event running
  • Maybe add a mode like Maze Capture The Area
  • Maybe Free Maze Arenas? or Paid

7 Screenshots

  • 8.1k
  • 63
  • 191.33 kB

About Maze

The Maze plugin adds intensive pvp combat within a maze environment. Players navigate through the maze, engaging in intense battles to eliminate opponents and be on top of the leaderboard.

How does Maze work?


Welcome to our thrilling maze event, where the clock starts ticking the moment you enter.

As soon as the event initiates, every player receives a notification, signaling the beginning of the challenge. A broadcast echoes through the realm, inviting all daring souls to participate by typing /maze and diving into the action.

Upon entering, players find themselves at designated spawn points, strategically positioned outside the main arena. Here, safety reigns supreme as it's a PvE area, shielding participants from any harm.

Before the adrenaline rush commences, a countdown timer displays the door opening time, creating anticipation and excitement among the contenders. Once the countdown concludes, the door swings open, unleashing players into the heart of the maze where PvP thrills await.

Navigating through twists and turns, players engage in fierce battles, showcasing their skills and tactics. Every move counts as they strive to outmaneuver opponents and secure victory.

As the clock ticks away, tension mounts. The maze's outer walls begin to vanish, gradually altering the landscape, intensifying the challenge.

Ultimately, victory belongs to the most formidable clans, determined by the highest kill count. Their triumph earns them prestigious rewards, celebrating their mastery of the maze.



  • Easy setup with a Video
  • Multiple arena setup
  • Easy configurable
  • Setup winning rewards
  • Leaderboards UI


  • /maze - Teleports to maze arena when available
  • /maze_stats - Shows leaderboard
  • /maze setup - Shows a list of commands available for admin (Admin Only - Requires maze.admin Permission)
  • /mazestart <ArenaName> - Starts a specific maze(Also Console Command)
  • /mazestop - Stops a running maze(Also Console Command)
  • /maze create <ArenaName>- Create a maze arena where you are standing
  • /maze edit <ArenaName> - Select an arena to edit
  • /maze radius <Number> - Change arena radius
  • /maze pastefile <CopyPasteName> - Set copypaste maze file to arena
  • /maze location - Change arena location to where you are standing
  • /maze setspawn - Set spawn postion for arena players to teleport
  • /maze spawnclear - Clear all spawn points
  • /maze adddoor - Place an arena door to your standing location
  • /maze cleandoors <ArenaName> - Remove all the arena doors from the arena
  • /maze list - Show all arena and its settings
  • /maze delete/remove <ArenaName> - Remove or deletes an arena
  • /maze paste <ArenaName> - Place the arena CopyPaste file for testing
  • /maze cleanarena <ArenaName> - Clears the entire arena
  • /maze start <ArenaName> - Starts a Maze(For Testing)

Setup Video:



  "Maze Automatic Event": true,
  "Maze Automatic Event Interval (In Seconds)": 3600,
  "Maze Automatic Event Random From List": [
  "Maze Event Player Teleport Timer (In Seconds)": 15,
  "Maze Event Before Notification (In Seconds)": 300,
  "Maze Event Door Opening Notification (In Seconds)": 300,
  "Maze Event Door Closing In (In Seconds)": 600,
  "Maze Event Removing Walls Radius": 10,
  "Maze Event Shrink Amount": 3,
  "Maze Event Removing Walls Timer (In Seconds)": 15,
  "Maze Event Protected radius after Arena Radius": 25,
  "Maze Event Door Prefab": "assets/content/structures/interactive_garage_door/sliding_blast_door.prefab",
  "Maze Event Blocked items": [
  "Maze Event Blocked Commands": [
  "Rewards upon winning({PLAYER})": [
    "inventory.giveto {PLAYER} supply.signal 1"
  "Maze Chat Setting": {
    "Chat Avatar Icon": 0,
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FFFF00>Maze</color> -> ",
    "Winner Message": [
      "<color=#FFD700>Maze Results:</color>",
      "Winner -> <color=#FFFF00>{WinningClanName}</color>",
      "<color=#FFD700>Totals:</color> Kills: {ClanTotalKills}, Deaths: {ClanTotalDeaths}, KDR: {ClanTotalKDR}",
      "Damage: {ClanTotalDamage}, Headshots: {ClanTotalHeadshots}",
      "<color=#FFD700>Aggregate Maze Totals:</color>",
      "- Total Kills: <color=#FFD700>{TotalKills}</color>",
      "- Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{TotalDamages}</color>",
      "- Number of Participants: <color=#FFD700>{Participents}</color>"
    "Participents Message": [
      "<color=#FFD700>Personal Stats</color>",
      "Kills: <color=#FFD700>{Kills}</color>, Deaths: <color=#FFD700>{Deaths}</color>, KDR: <color=#FFD700>{KDR}</color>, Total Damage: <color=#FFD700>{Damages}</color>, HeadShots: <color=#FFD700>{Headshots}</color>",
      "Shooting Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{Accuracy}%</color>, HeadShot Accuracy: <color=#FFD700>{HeadshotAccuracy}%</color>"
    "Maze Event Top Bar Message": [
      "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalTeams}</color><b> TEAMS REMAINING</b></size>",
      "<size=15><color=#FFFF00>{TotalPlayers}</color><b> PLAYERS REMAINING</b></size>"
    "Discord Setting": {
      "Enable Discord Webhook": false,
      "Discord Webhook URL": "",
      "Discord Webhook Message": [
        "**Maze Event Finished**",
        "Winner -> **`{WinnerClanName}`**",
        "**Clan Totals:**",
        "Kills: `{ClanKills}` Deaths: `{ClanDeaths}` KDR: `{ClanKDR}`",
        "Damages: `{ClanDamages}` Headshots: `{ClanHeadshots}`",
        "**Maze Totals:**",
        "Total Kills: `{TotalKills}`",
        "Total Damages: `{TotalDamages}`",
        "Participents: `{Participents}`"
  "Maze Map Marker Setting": {
    "Display Name": "Maze",
    "Marker Radius": 0.4,
    "Marker Transparency": 0.75,
    "Marker Color": "#FFFF00"
  "Stop player from joining Maze event if they dont have clan": true,
  "Save old postion to teleport players back when event ends": true


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