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Player Loadouts 1.0.0

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About Player Loadouts

The most convenient Loadout plugin for BattleField servers. Ability to set default loadout for the players and has options for VIP features as well.


  • Easy to setup in few commands
  • Save multiple default loadouts
  • Blacklist item and skins in the config
  • Whitelist item and skins for VIP features


  • /loadout - Shows all player commands
  • /loadout save - Saves player full inventory, wear & belt
  • /loadout bar - Saves player hotbar
  • /loadout wear - Saves player wear or clothings
  • /loadout reset - Resets player saved loadout & set the default loadout

                                                                                        ADMIN COMMANDS

/pl create <LoadoutName> - Creates a loadout copying your inventory
/pl save <LoadoutName> - Overwrites an existing loadout with your inventory
/pl setdefault <LoadoutName> - Sets a default loadout for players
/pl list - Shows available default loadouts
/pl banitem - Adds the currently held item to the banned items list
/pl baniteminv - Adds all items in your inventory to the banned items list
/pl banskin - Adds the currently held item's skin to the banned skins list
/pl banskininv - Adds all skins from items in your inventory to the banned skins list
/pl clearbanitems - Clears all items from the banned items list
/pl clearbanskins - Clears all skins from the banned skins list
/pl resetdefaultloadouts - Resets all default loadouts
/pl resetplayerloadouts - Resets all player-specific loadouts
/pl resetplayer <PlayerName> - Resets a specific player's loadout
/pl remove <LoadoutName> - Removes a specific default loadout
/pl give - Gives you your saved loadout or the default loadout
/pl give <LoadoutName> - Gives you a specific loadout


  • PlayerLoadouts.admin - Required for /pl commands
  • PlayerLoadouts.save - Required for save command
  • PlayerLoadouts.bar - Required for bar command
  • PlayerLoadouts.wear - Required for wear command
  • PlayerLoadouts.reset - Required for reset command


  "Default Loadout": "Default",
  "Black listed Items (ShortNames - https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/)": [
  "Black listed Skin IDs": [
  "Whitelisted Items (Perms Based)": [
      "vip": [
      "vip2": [
  "Whitelisted Skins (Perms Based)": [
      "vip": [
      "vip2": [
  "Chat Setting": {
    "Chat Avatar": 0,
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FFD700>[</color>LOADOUTS<color=#FFD700>]</color> "
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0
  "PlayerHelp": "<color=#FFD700>Availale Commands:</color>\n<color=#FFD700>/loadout</color> save - Saves your loadout\n<color=#FFD700>/loadout</color> wear - Saves your loadout wear\n<color=#FFD700>/loadout</color> bar - Saves your loadout bar/belt\n<color=#FFD700>/loadout</color> reset - Reset your loadout to default loadout",
  "AdminHelp": "<color=#FFD700>Available Commands:</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl create <LoadoutName></color> - <color=#808080>Creates a loadout</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl save <LoadoutName></color> - <color=#808080>Overwrites an existing loadout with your inventory</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl setdefault <LoadoutName></color> - <color=#808080>Sets a default loadout for players</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl list</color> - <color=#808080>Shows available default loadouts</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl banitem</color> - <color=#808080>Adds the currently held item to the banned items list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl baniteminv</color> - <color=#808080>Adds all items in your inventory to the banned items list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl banskin</color> - <color=#808080>Adds the currently held item's skin to the banned skins list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl banskininv</color> - <color=#808080>Adds all skins from items in your inventory to the banned skins list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl clearbanitems</color> - <color=#808080>Clears all items from the banned items list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl clearbanskins</color> - <color=#808080>Clears all skins from the banned skins list</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl resetdefaultloadouts</color> - <color=#808080>Resets all default loadouts</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl resetplayerloadouts</color> - <color=#808080>Resets all player-specific loadouts</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl resetplayer <PlayerName></color> - <color=#808080>Resets a specific player's loadout</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl remove <LoadoutName></color> - <color=#808080>Removes a specific default loadout</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl give</color> - <color=#808080>Gives you your saved loadout or the default loadout</color>\n<color=#00FF00>/pl give <LoadoutName></color> - <color=#808080>Gives you a specific loadout</color>",
  "NoPerm": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
  "Save": "Your loadout has been saved.",
  "Bar": "Your loadout bar has been saved.",
  "Wear": "Your loadout wear has been saved.",
  "Reset": "Your loadout has been removed.",
  "NoLoadout": "No loadout data found.",
  "ItemBlackListed": "<color=#DC143C>{0}</color> item is black listed & will not be saved on your loadout.",
  "SkinBlackListed": "<color=#DC143C>{0}</color> item skin is black listed & will not be saved on your loadout."



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