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Monument Events 1.1.0

   (2 reviews)

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About Monument Events

The Monument Events plugin creates amazing events on the monument from preconfigured presets from config. It creates CustomNPCs around the monument which will roam the monument during the event. Then it will spawn CH47 Helicopter which will drop Hackable crates & spawn configured Patrol Helicopters which will roam the monument vicinity. When players try to unlock the Hackable Crate there will be a CH47 Helicopter which will carry NPC and drop on the monument and will give players an amazing raged experience.



  • Amazing event for engaging players for monument conquest
  • 10+ Monument preset preconfigured
  • PVE/PVP support
  • Easy setup everything is pre-configured, so drug and drop and it will auto start from the selected time
  • Massive configure option for individual monuments (Except a few not added)



  • /mestart Preset_Name | monumentID - Starts any specific event (Console & Chat command)
  • /mestop Preset_Name | monumentID - Stops the event (Console & Chat command)
  • /mestartrandom - Starts a random from presets (Console & Chat command)
  • /meadd edit PRESET_NAME - Select a monument for editing spawn points (Chat command)
  • /meadd npcspawn - Creates NPC spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command)
  • /meadd wavespawn - Creates Wave Npc spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command)
  • /meadd cratespawn - Creates Crates  spawn points for the selected monument (Chat command)
  • /meadd stopedit - Deselect the current editing monument (Chat command)



  • MonumentEvents.admin - Permission required for using commands



Coming Soon



  "Event Timer Interval (In Seconds)": 1,
  "Event Notification Timer (In Seconds)": 300,
  "Chat Settings": {
    "Chat Avatar Icon": 0,
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=#FFFF00>Monument Events</color> -> ",
    "Chat Notification Type(CHAT/TIP/BOTH)": "BOTH"
  "Scheduled Events": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Minimum Time Between Events [In Seconds]": 3600,
    "Maximum Time Between Events [In Seconds]": 7200,
    "Max Events On Server At Once": 3,
    "Minimum Required Players Online": 1,
    "Spawn Event From The Schedule Events List": false,
    "Schedule Events List": [

DATA:  NPCData.json SettingsData.json





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