About Minimalist Hud
A simple, minimalist, and modern hud with events, player counter, and other things for your server.
Are you tired of using complex game panel plugins with an ugly interface? Now you can have a simple and minimalist interface on your server with just basic events and player counters, and you can configure it however you want.
★ Most native events.
★ Game time with overrides for day and night.
★ Simplified player counter.
★ Sleepers counter.
★ Excavator event.
★ Large Oil rig & Small Oil rig events.
★ Economics & IQEconomic integration.
★ Minimize & maximize button.
/mhtoggle - Toggle between showing or hiding the UI (Needs admin perm or missionminimalisthud.toggle)
Quote{ "Panel anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Panel offset": "12 -118 232 -12", "Economics plugin (Economics/ServerRewards/IQEconomic)": "Economics", "Toggle UI Commands": [ "mhtoggle", "minimalisthud" ], "Can minimize and maximize the panel?": true, "Minimize and maximize buttons": { "Minimize": { "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "0 -104 20 -84", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/cCZgtt92/MHMinimize.png", "Icon color": "0 1 1 1", "Icon size": 12.0, "Background color": "0.07 0.15 0.23 1" }, "Maximize": { "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "12 -36 36 -12", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/59vZS7p8/MHMenu.png", "Icon color": "0 1 1 1", "Icon size": 22.0, "Background color": "0.07 0.15 0.23 1" } }, "Events panel": { "Cargo plane": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "0 -24 24 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/qM4yzSWq/MHAirdrop.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.55 0.78 0.24 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Bradley APC": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "28 -24 52 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/RZ0tTfSz/MHBradley.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.8 0.28 0.2 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Helicopter": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "56 -24 80 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/y8WJRHj1/MHPatrol.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.8 0.28 0.2 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "CH47 Chinook": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "84 -24 108 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/y8rZpdx3/MHChinook.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.8 0.28 0.2 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Cargoship": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "112 -24 136 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/RVdffGzR/MHCargo.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.65 0.41 0.88 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Escavator": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "140 -24 164 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/jjpJKFzs/MHExcavator.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "1 0.74 0 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Large Oil Rig": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "168 -24 192 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/fT8tkLxq/MHOil-Large.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.55 0.78 0.24 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } }, "Small Oil Rig": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "196 -24 220 0", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/dtsZqdTT/MHOil-Small.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0 0 0 0.75", "Active overrides": { "Background color": "0.45 0.64 0.82 1", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1" } } }, "Server info panel": { "Users": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "0 -52 52 -28", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/jS9DQF3z/MHPlayer.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0.23 0.48 0.29 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Font size": 12 }, "Sleepers": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "56 -52 108 -28", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/KYMR9DCC/MHSleeper.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0.24 0.24 0.24 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Font size": 12 }, "Time": { "Refresh interval (seconds)": 3.0, "Day overrides": { "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/fLQk10Ny/MHSun.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "1 0.73 0 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1" }, "Night overrides": { "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/8PSxKRn9/MHMoon.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0.15 0.15 0.27 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1" }, "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "112 -52 192 -28", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/fLQk10Ny/MHSun.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "1 0.73 0 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Font size": 12 } }, "Misc panel": { "Balance": { "Enabled": true, "Anchor": "0 1 0 1", "Offset": "0 -80 108 -56", "Icon url": "https://i.postimg.cc/tgZVKjnS/MHEco.png", "Icon color": "1 1 1 1", "Background color": "0.23 0.46 0.31 1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Font size": 12 } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 1 } }