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About XWaterSleepingBag

Deploy floating sleeping bags with customizable settings like distance from land, movement, and wave effects, giving you total control over placement. Breaks on collision with boats or cargo ships, and can be picked up with a hammer. Reskin restrictions and cooldown settings keep things balanced, while multilingual support ensures accessibility. Be careful—if the sleeping bag rolls over, you won’t be able to respawn on it!


Key Features

  • There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
  • Ability to disallow sleeping bag reskinning.
  • Ability to customize the maximum distance from land.
  • Ability to disable drifting towards the island.
  • Ability to disable movement. [ Sleeping bag will always stay in the same place. ]
  • Ability to disable the effect of waves.
  • Ability to set CoolDown to default. [ CoolDown settings by permissions. ].
  • The sleeping bag breaks down in a collision boat/cargo ship.
  • A water sleeping bag is subject to the limit of regular sleeping bags.
  • The water sleeping bag can be picked up with a hammer.
  • A water sleeping bag can be broken in any number of ways.
  • If the sleeping bag rolls over, you cannot respawn on it.




xwatersleepingbag.use - allow a sleeping bag to be placed.
xwatersleepingbag.admin - allow a player(administrator) to use the command to give sleeping bags.


give_wsb steamID amount - to give a water sleeping bag to a player.


bool IsCustomWI(WaterInflatable mountable) - check if the board is part of the water sleeping bag.
bool IsWSB(SleepingBag bag) - check if the sleeping bag is a - water sleeping bag.


  "General settings": {
    "Item: Water sleeping bag - SkinID": ?,
    "Item: Custom name": "Water sleeping bag",
    "Default sleeping bag - SkinID": ?,
    "Allow sleeping bag reskin": false,
    "Distance to the edge of the map. The sleeping bag cannot be placed far from the land. [ The default value is 0, which is the edge of the map. Set any value to increase or decrease the distance to land. (100.0 or -100.0) ]": 0.0,
    "Enable drift towards island": false,
    "Enable movement": false,
    "Enable wave effect": true,
    "Default CD": 300.0,
    "List of permits and CD for water sleeping bag": {
      "xwatersleepingbag.cd90": 90.0,
      "xwatersleepingbag.cd150": 150.0,
      "xwatersleepingbag.cd210": 210.0
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