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XRaidProtection 1.2.1

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About XRaidProtection

XRaidProtection - night protection of buildings from raids.


->   In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true   <-

- Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
- There is a lang ru/en/uk/es/fr/pt-PT/pt-BR.
- Sound effects when interacting with protection.
- Setting the protection time range.
- Setting the protection percentage.
- Customize GUI/chat messages. [ Custom setting for each type of protection ]
- Setting up a list of protected prefabs in addition to building blocks, doors, large walls and gates (they are protected by default).
- Support for the IQChat plugin.
- Setting up protection in the first N days after the wipe.
- Setting the protection percentage for privileges. [ The highest in the list of permissions is valid ]
- Setting protection activity on certain days of the week. [ Example: weekdays only ]
- Possibility to allow twigs to be broken during protection.
- Notification of players in the chat about the activation and deactivation of protection.
- The ability to always display the UI when protection is active/inactive.
- The ability to include vehicle protection.
- The ability to configure a different percentage of protection for each day after a wipe.


->  Overview - YouTube  <-



/protect - view protection status.


  "Messages in chat and GUI": {
    "Interval between messages. Min - 10 sec": 30
  "Setting the protection duration": {
    "Start protection | Hour": 22,
    "Start protection | Minute": 0,
    "End protection | Hour": 7,
    "End protection | Minute": 0,
    "Timezone - UTC+0:00": 0,
    "Protection activity check timer (.sec)": 120,
    "Use local computer/hosting time. [ Requests to an external time service and time zone will be disabled ]": true
  "General settings": {
    "Sound effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab",
    "Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5,
    "Protection percentage for all vehicles. 1.0 - 100%": 0.5,
    "Protected all vehicles": false,
    "Enable sound effect": true,
    "Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe": false,
    "How protection will work in the early days of the wipe - [ True - all day | False - only in the specified time range ]": false,
    "How many first days after the wipe will be active protection": 3,
    "Percentage of protection by day, only at ( Protection activity only in the first days of the wipe ). If the list is empty or no day is specified, the protection percentage will be taken from ( Protection percentage for all players. 1.0 - 100% )": {
      "1": 1.0,
      "2": 0.7,
      "3": 0.5
    "Enable GUI message": true,
    "Enable chat message": false,
    "Allow breaking twigs during defense": true,
    "Enable protection for players with permission when the main protect is not active": false,
    "Enable protection against damage from helicopters, MLRS, submarines, etc. [ Excluding rot damage ]": true,
    "0 - Protection only for players with permission, 1 - Protection for all players, 2 - Protection for players with permission and for all players": 1,
    "What days of the week protection can be active - [ Does not apply to protection in the early days of the wipe ] - [ Sun - 1, Mon - 2, Tue - 3, Wed - 4, Thu - 5, Fri - 6, Sat - 7 ]": [
  "GUI settings": {
    "AnchorMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0",
    "AnchorMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "0.5 0",
    "OffsetMin [ When damage is dealt ]": "-194.5 80",
    "OffsetMax [ When damage is dealt ]": "175.5 110",
    "Use icons [ When damage is dealt ]": true,
    "AnchorMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0",
    "AnchorMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "0.5 0",
    "OffsetMin [ Status is always displayed ]": "-194.5 -6",
    "OffsetMax [ Status is always displayed ]": "175.5 24",
    "Use icons [ Status is always displayed ]": false,
    "Text color": "1 1 1 0.4",
    "Text size": 12,
    "Always display UI when protection is active": true,
    "Always display UI when protection is inactive": true
  "List of prefabs that will be protected": [
  "Setting permissions - [ Permisssion | The percentage of protection by permission. 1.0 - 100% ]": {
    "xraidprotection.elite": 0.9,
    "xraidprotection.perm": 0.8,
    "xraidprotection.vip": 0.7
  "Wipe date": "01/01/2023",
  "Time": "2023-01-01T00:00:00.00+00:00"
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