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About XFireGloves

XFireGloves - are fire gloves. After putting them on, the player mines melted resources with any tool.

- Each glove can be customized. [ Default config is 2 gloves ]
You can create an unlimited number of different gloves.


->   In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true   <-

- There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
- Mining of remelted resources.
- Pickuping of remelted resources.
- Radiation accumulation when mining with fire gloves.
- Adjusting raites of mined and picked up resources in gloves.
- Set the number of glove usings ( lives ). [ Gloves will be deleted after N actions. Number of stones and pickups from the ground ]
- Customizing custom items with glove recycling.
- Customizing crates and the chance to find gloves in them.
- Binding to SkinID (Do not lose functionality if put in a "Backpack").
- Information in chat when a player puts on gloves.
- Information in chat when gloves break.
- Gloves can only be put in slot 7. [ For optimization ]
- Permission to be able to use gloves.
- Customize the list of items that can smelt/fry gloves.
- Customize the list of items that will not be affected by rates.


To correctly spawn gloves in the loot container, remove/comment the following line of code in the BetterLoot plugin.
630 - container.inventory.capacity = container.inventory.itemList.Count;



Permissions to be able to find fire gloves in crates: xfiregloves.glovesloot


Command to give gloves via console or store - gl_give %STEAMID% SkinID_gloves


  "General settings": {
    "Use permission for a chance to find gloves in crates: xfiregloves.glovesloot": true,
    "Display information in chat when a player puts on gloves": true
  "List of fire gloves": {
    "SkinID": {
      "Name of the fire gloves": "Fire gloves",
      "Permission to use gloves": "xfiregloves.default",
      "Rates of mined resources in gloves": 2.0,
      "Rates of picked resources in gloves": 2.0,
      "Amount of radiation when picked resources": 2.0,
      "Amount of radiation in bonus mining": 1.0,
      "Number of usings": 25,
      "List of resources that can smelt gloves": [
      "A list of resources that are not affected by rates": [
      "List of custom items after recycling": [
          "Item shortname": "wood",
          "Item skin": 0,
          "Item name": "",
          "Chance [ 100.0 - 100% ]": 50,
          "Text [ If it's a note ]": "",
          "Number of usings [ If it's a glove ]": 0,
          "Minimum amount": 50,
          "Maximum amount": 100
      "Enable delete gloves after N usings - only for smelting": true,
      "Enable delete gloves after N usings - when mining/pickup any resources": false,
      "Enable smelting of mined resources": true,
      "Enable smelting of pickuped resources": true,
      "Enable mined resource rates": true,
      "Enable pickuped resource rates": true,
      "Enable custom items after recycling fire gloves": true,
      "Enable gloves to drop out of crates at a certain chance": true,
      "Enable radiation accumulation when pickuping resources": true,
      "Enable radiation accumulation when bonus mining": true,
      "Customize the gloves drop chance from crates and barrels. Name crate/barrel | Drop chance: 100.0 - 100%": {
        "crate_tools": 50.0,
        "crate_normal_2": 50.0
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