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Message added by Monster,

Statistics with a unique coefficients system.
Creating unlimited number of categories, subcategories.

Create custom TOPs and give out any number of awards.

You can get the finished configuration in PM.

Update 2.1.0 - Added Global TOP. TOP of N-servers of the project.  →  [ View image ]
Update 2.1.2 - Added pages for categories with subcategories.  →  [ View image ]
Update 2.1.4 - Added to the statistics: Upgrade and Built.  →  [ View image ]
Update 2.1.5 - Added admin mode. Deleting stats of inactive players.
Update 2.1.7 - Added plugin statistics: Raidable Bases and Trivia 2.0. Added pages for TOP players.
Update 2.1.8 - Added plugins(events) support by developers: KpucTaJl and Adem. Added plugin support: XBarrelEvent.  →  [ View image ]
Update 2.1.15 - Added support for levels from SkillTree. Added 4 APIs.

13 Screenshots

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  • 595
  • 198.75 kB

About XStatistics

XStatistics - statistics for your server.


->   In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true   <-

- Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
- Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XStatistics or MySQL or SQLite.
- There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
- Sound effects when interacting with the menu.
- UI settings in the configuration.
- Display TOPs in game chat.
- Ability to customize the privacy of the default statistics.
- Ability to delete a player's stats after they have been banned.
- Ability to customize grades of building blocks. [ To be recorded in statistics. ]
- Ability to add a player to the blacklist. [ Player's statistics will not be displayed in the TOPs and will not be available to other players. ]
- Ability to use MySQL or SQLite database.
- Ability to automatically give awards and clear data after a WIPE. [ Settings in the configuration. ]
[ Plugin economics or any other. Also [ RU ] GameStores. ]
- A player can hide/open his statistics. [ Need permission. ]
- A player can view the statistics of other players. [ Need permission. ]
- A player can reset their statistics to zero. [ Need permission. ]
- The player can view the entire list of players and search. [ Need permission. ]
- Creating an unlimited number of categories, subcategories and pages.
- Creating custom TOPs, coefficients and awards. [ Unlimited number. ]
- Various admin commands to manage player statistics.
- Support and compatibility with many plugins.
- Server events (Bradley, Chinook, and Patrol Helicopter) count as stats for the player who did the most damage.
- Checking OwnerID of Building blocks, Constructions and other entities.
- Ability to create a Global TOP of your project. [ For this purpose it is enough to enter MySQL data and server name into the configuration.]
[ This TOP can be disabled in the configuration and only the TOP players of the server can be used. Or you can use two TOPs at the same time! ]
- Ability to use pages for categories with subcategories.
- Administrator Mode. [ View hidden player stats, open player search and more ].
- Automatic deletion of statistics of players who have not logged connection the server for N days.
- Ability for players to disable messages with the TOP players in chat.


If your server is visited by more than 500 players, it is recommended to use SQLite or MySQL.
Statistics were tested on a server with 120 online and 5000 players in the database. Excellent result on optimization.


To display player avatars you need to customize the configuration of the ImageLibrary plugin!



What are the statistics at this point?


- Player Name.
- Player avatar.
- Player Status - (Online, Offline, Unknown).
- Player first and last connection to the server.

- Hide/Open your statistics to other players.

- Playtime - WIPE and ALL TIME.
- Killing Players - WIPE and ALL TIME.
- Deaths/Suicides - WIPE and ALL TIME.
- Kill Death Ratio - WIPE and ALL TIME.

- Displaying all players.
- Player Search.
- Player reset his statistics.

- Top players in the game chat.

- Gathering any resources.
- Gathering any collectable resources.
- Harvesting any crop.
- Catch any fish.
- Opening any crates.
- Craft any items.
- Use of any explosives.
- Using FPV kamikaze drones. [ Plugin - XKamikazeFPVDrone ]
- Plugins: Raidable Bases, Trivia 2.0 and XBarrelEvent.
- Plugins(events) by developers: KpucTaJl and Adem.
- Kill/Raid of any entities. [ Players, NPCs, Animals, Server events, Barrels, Building blocks, Constructions, etc. ].
- Building blocks upgrade.
- Structure is built. [ Walls, Ceilings, Stairs, Seeds, etc. ]

- Creating an unlimited number of categories, subcategories, pages and custom TOPs.
- Creating a Global TOPs.
- Unique coefficient system and custom TOPs.

- Ability to use a database to store data. [ MySQL or SQLite ]

- Comfortable admin mode.
- Removing statistics of inactive players.

--- And many more in the future.


Global TOP data is manually deleted from the MySQL database. [ It is important that the servers are turned off so that online players data is not written to the database ].
Or after all servers are wiped, run the command -  player_stats_reset globaldata null - on one of the servers.
[ Also take into account the servers parameters, for a fair TOP they should be the same! ]


Shortnames to customize statistics


Use the following custom subcategory names for server event statistics. [ The list of shortnames should be empty! ]
- bradleyapc
- patrolhelicopter
- ch47scientists.entity

- For FPV kamikaze drone: xkamikazefpvdrone

Custom TOP - online. Use the name of the - "online".

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---



xstatistics.use - access to the statistics menu.
xstatistics.top - access to the TOPs of subcategories.
xstatistics.coefficients - access to view the coefficients.
xstatistics.player - access to view player statistics, player list and player search.
xstatistics.resetwipe - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - WIPE.
xstatistics.resetall - access to the ability for a player to reset his statistics - ALL TIME.
xstatistics.shstats - access to the ability to hide/open your statistics.
[ If the permission has been revoked, the statistics privacy will automatically change to default. ]
xstatistics.admin - access to admin mode.


/stat, /stats, /statistic, /statistics - to open the statistics menu. [ Commands can be changed in the config. ]

Server console --- Admin commands.

stats_ct <customTopName> - to see the top players. [ Custom TOP. ]
stats_t <subcategoryName> - to see the top players. [ TOP subcategory. ]

player_stats_reset statswipe <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE.
player_stats_reset statsall <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - ALL TIME.
player_stats_reset all <steamID> - to reset a player stats to zero - WIPE and ALL TIME.
player_stats_reset global <steamID> - delete a player from the database Global TOP. [ Player must be offline! ]

player_stats_reset globaldata null - Delete data from a table in a MySQL database - Global TOP.
[ Use this command after all of your servers have been wiped. ] [ The command can be used on any of the Global TOP servers. ]

player_actstats global true/false - change statistics privacy for all players.
player_actstats <steamID> true/false - change statistics privacy for a player.

stats_give_award - start giving out awards for TOPs.

stats_clear_data_wipe - to clear all statistics - WIPE. [ Same as after a server wipe ]


- void API_AddSubcategoryValue(BasePlayer player, string subcategoryName, long amount) - Add a value for the subcategory. player - must be online and not equal to null.
- void API_SetSubcategoryValue(BasePlayer player, string subcategoryName, long amount) - Set a value for the subcategory. player - must be online and not equal to null.
- bool API_CheckForSubcategory(ulong userID, string subcategoryName) - Check if a subcategory exists.
- long API_GetSubcategoryValue(ulong userID, string subcategoryName) - Get the subcategory value.



  "General settings": {
    "Privacy of statistics. [ True - initially opened | False - initially hidden ]": false,
    "Link to image of hidden statistics": "https://i.ibb.co/MDmy1Jx/zvh4xlf.png",
    "Number of pages": 3,
    "Enable statistics update/save logs in the server console": true,
    "Player banned. Delete his statistics for the wipe": true,
    "Player banned. Delete his statistics for all time": false,
    "Player banned. Delete his statistics from the Global TOP of servers": false,
    "Delete a player stats for the Wipe, if he hasn't connected in server for N days": false,
    "Additionally delete stats from the Global Top database. [ There is protection from deleting data if a player moved to another server from Global TOP. ]": false,
    "Number of days to delete statistics": 5,
    "List of commands to open statistics": [
    "Player blacklist [ SteamIDs ]  -  Statistics will only be available to the player himself and the administrator. Statistics will be hidden from other players and will not be displayed in the TOPs.": []
  "Database settings": {
    "Use database instead of oxide/data/XDataSystem/XStatistics files": false,
    "[ True - MySQL | False - SQLite (oxide/data/XDataSystem/XStatistics/xstatistics.db) ]": false,
    "MySQL_Host": "",
    "MySQL_Port": 0,
    "MySQL_DB_Name": "",
    "MySQL_Username": "",
    "MySQL_Password": "",
    "MySQL table name - 1 [ Name must be unique if multiple server data is stored in the same database ]": "StoredData",
    "MySQL table name - 2 [ Name must be unique if multiple server data is stored in the same database ]": "StoredDataT",
    "Use MySQL for the Global TOP of servers": false,
    "Server name for the Global TOP of servers [ Maximum 30 characters ]": ""
  "Settings for award distribution": {
    "Automatically give out awards after a wipe": false,
    "Automatically clear data after awards have been given": false,
    "Automatically clear data after a wipe (when automatic awards are disabled)": false,
    "[ RU ] Секретный ключ - GameStores": "",
    "[ RU ] ID магазина - GameStores": "",
    "Where will the awards be given - [ 0 - GameStores | 1 - plugin economy, rewards or in-game store ]": 1,
    "Plugin name": "Economics",
    "Method name(API)": "Deposit",
    "Method(API) data type - [ 0 - double | 1 - float | 2 - int ]": 0,
    "Displayed currency": "$"
  "Third-party plugins statistics settings": {
    "RaidableBases - statistics for the base owner": true,
    "RaidableBases - statistics for the base raiders": true,
    "RaidableBases - statistics for the base intruders": false
  "Settings the general layout of categories": {
    "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
    "OffsetMinY": 0.0,
    "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
    "OffsetMaxY": 0.0
  "GUI settings": {
    "Close the menu by tapping on an empty area of the screen": false,
    "Color_background_1": "0 0 0 0.95",
    "Color_background_2": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95",
    "Color_background_3": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95",
    "Color_background_4": "0.217 0.221 0.209 1",
    "Category background color": "0.317 0.321 0.309 0.75",
    "Subcategory background color": "0.467 0.471 0.459 1",
    "Background color of coefficients/tops/players": "0.367 0.371 0.359 1",
    "Background color of custom TOPs and coefficients": "0.267 0.271 0.259 1",
    "I'm in custom TOP. Background color": "0.567 0.571 0.559 1",
    "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75",
    "Color progress": "0.68 1 0.57 0.5",
    "Color of filled progress": "1 0.5 0 0.5",
    "Active next/reset button color": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1",
    "Inactive next/reset button color": "0.35 0.45 0.25 0.4",
    "Active next/reset button text color": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1",
    "Inactive next/reset button text color": "0.75 0.95 0.41 0.4",
    "Active back/close button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1",
    "Inactive back/close button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 0.4",
    "Active back/close button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1",
    "Inactive back/close button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 0.4"
  "Settings messages TOP in chat": {
    "Display custom TOPs in chat": false,
    "Display TOPs subcategories in chat": true,
    "Interval of custom TOPs messages in chat": 1100,
    "Interval of messages of TOPs subcategories in chat": 850,
    "List of custom TOPs that will be displayed in chat. [ Custom TOP name ]": [
    "List of TOPs subcategories that will be displayed in the chat. [ Subcategory name ]": [
  "Settings custom TOPs and awards": {
    "farmDesc": {
      "Subcategories that are in the TOP and their coefficients. [ Subcategory name - coefficient ]": {
        "wood": 0.1,
        "stones": 0.25,
        "metal.ore": 0.35
      "Awards. [ Place - Award ]": {
        "1": 30.0,
        "2": 25.0,
        "3": 20.0,
        "4": 10.0,
        "5": 5.0
    "craftDesc": {
      "Subcategories that are in the TOP and their coefficients. [ Subcategory name - coefficient ]": {
        "explosive.timed": 1.0,
        "ammo.rocket.basic": 1.0,
        "explosive.satchel": 1.0
      "Awards. [ Place - Award ]": {
        "1": 30.0,
        "2": 25.0,
        "3": 20.0,
        "4": 10.0,
        "5": 5.0
    "killDesc": {
      "Subcategories that are in the TOP and their coefficients. [ Subcategory name - coefficient ]": {
        "diesel_barrel": 0.2,
        "skull.human": 1.5,
        "skull.wolf": 1.0
      "Awards. [ Place - Award ]": {
        "1": 30.0,
        "2": 25.0,
        "3": 20.0,
        "4": 10.0,
        "5": 5.0
    "online": {
      "Subcategories that are in the TOP and their coefficients. [ Subcategory name - coefficient ]": {},
      "Awards. [ Place - Award ]": {
        "1": 30.0,
        "2": 25.0,
        "3": 20.0,
        "4": 10.0,
        "5": 5.0
  "Setting up categories and subcategories": {
    "Resource": {
      "resource": {
        "OffsetMinX": -137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 209.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": -137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 209.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "wood",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "wood",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10000,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "stones",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "stones",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10000,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "metal.ore",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "metal.ore",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10000,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Pickup": {
      "pickup": {
        "OffsetMinX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 209.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 209.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "clone.potato",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "clone.potato",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "clone.hemp",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "clone.hemp",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "mushroom",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "mushroom",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Kill": {
      "kill": {
        "OffsetMinX": -137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 77.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": -137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 77.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "diesel_barrel",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "diesel_barrel",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 250,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "skull.human",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "skull.human",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "skull.wolf",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "skull.wolf",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 100,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Craft": {
      "craft": {
        "OffsetMinX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 77.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 77.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "explosive.timed",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "explosive.timed",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 75,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "ammo.rocket.basic",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "ammo.rocket.basic",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 100,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "explosive.satchel",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "explosive.satchel",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 150,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Loot": {
      "loot": {
        "OffsetMinX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": -54.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": -54.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "cratecostume",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "cratecostume",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "box.wooden",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "box.wooden",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 50,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Growable": {
      "growable": {
        "OffsetMinX": -95.0,
        "OffsetMinY": -54.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": -95.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": -54.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "pumpkin",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "pumpkin",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 125,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "potato",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "potato",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 125,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "corn",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "corn",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 125,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Fish": {
      "fish": {
        "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMinY": -185.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": -185.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 1,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "fish.smallshark",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "fish.smallshark",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "fish.troutsmall",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "fish.troutsmall",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 30,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "fish.salmon",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "fish.salmon",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 30,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Explosive": {
      "explosive": {
        "OffsetMinX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 8.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 8.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 2,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "rocket_basic",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "ammo.rocket.basic",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 20,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "rocket_hv",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "ammo.rocket.hv",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 30,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "rocket_fire",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "ammo.rocket.fire",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "explosive.timed.deployed",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "explosive.timed",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "explosive.satchel.deployed",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "explosive.satchel",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 30,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "grenade.f1.deployed",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "grenade.f1",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 20,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "drone": {
        "OffsetMinX": 265.25,
        "OffsetMinY": 8.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": 265.25,
        "OffsetMaxY": 8.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 2,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "xkamikazefpvdrone",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "drone",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 12,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [],
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Upgrade": {
      "upgrade": {
        "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMinY": 139.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": 139.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 2,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "foundation",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "wood",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 20,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "wall",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "stones",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 20,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": [
    "Built": {
      "built": {
        "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMinY": -123.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": -123.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 2,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "barricade.wood.cover",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "barricade.wood.cover",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "barricade.metal",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "barricade.metal",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
    "Plugins": {
      "RaidableBases": {
        "OffsetMinX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 77.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 77.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "raidablebasesLVL1",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "door.hinged.wood",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "raidablebasesLVL2",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "door.hinged.metal",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "raidablebasesLVL3",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "door.hinged.toptier",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "RaidableBasesNPC": {
        "OffsetMinX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": 77.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": 77.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "raidablebasesNPC",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "hazmatsuit_scientist",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 30,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "Trivia": {
        "OffsetMinX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMinY": -54.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": -52.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": -54.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "triviaEast",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "carburetor1",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "triviaMedium",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "carburetor2",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "triviaHard",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "carburetor3",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 5,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": [
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "XBarrelEvent": {
        "OffsetMinX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMinY": -54.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": 137.5,
        "OffsetMaxY": -54.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "xBarrelDeath",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "diesel_barrel",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 25,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "KpucTaJlPlugins": {
        "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMinY": 209.0,
        "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": 209.0,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "supermarketEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "triangulationEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "gasStationEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "arcticBaseEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "junkyardEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "airEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "satDishEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "harborEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "powerPlantEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "waterEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "battery.small",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
      "AdemPlugins": {
        "OffsetMinX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMinY": -185.5,
        "OffsetMaxX": 0.0,
        "OffsetMaxY": -185.5,
        "Number of the page on which the category will be displayed": 3,
        "Enable pages for a category": false,
        "Number of subcategories on a page": 0,
        "Setting subcategories": [
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "caravanEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "megaphone",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "convoyEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "megaphone",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null
            "Subcategory name. [ Unique / Must not be empty ]": "sputnikEvent",
            "Shortname of the item for the image. [ Mandatory if there is no link to the custom image ]": "megaphone",
            "Amount of resource to fill the progress bar": 10,
            "Link to custom image": "",
            "Shortnames that will count toward the subcategory": null,
            "List of classes(grades) of building blocks to be recorded in statistics. [ Leave 'null' if it is not a building block ]": null

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