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Message added by Monster,

Full-featured Kits plugin. Easy and fast creating/editing of kits in UI. Modules, blueprints, genes, slots, ammo, chance, amount, skins, commands, and more that can be customized.

Also to your attention - full-featured Auto Kits plugin: XAutoKits. The plugins complement each other perfectly.
XKits can run on its own, it does not need the XAutoKits plugin.

I will be glad to any suggestions to improve the plugin. Write in a PM.

10 Screenshots

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About XKits

XKits - offers a beautiful menu of kits for your server, offering a seamless experience for players to access and manage their kits.

What about giving kits to players?

  1. The plugin features its own system for granting kits, both temporarily and permanently.
  2. It can operate entirely on a permissions system.
  3. You can easily combine both options for flexibility.


Key Features:

  • Language Support: Switch plugin language in the code - LanguageEnglish = true.
  • Interface Optimization: Adjusts for different monitor resolutions.
  • Data Storage: Player data is stored in oxide/data/XDataSystem/XKits.
  • Multi-language Support: Available in Russian, English, Ukrainian, and Spanish.
  • Sound Effects: Adds sound effects when interacting with the menu.
  • Optimized UI Timer: Enhanced UI update timer for better performance.
  • CoolDown Reset: Automatic reset of CoolDown after server wipe.
  • Easy Kit Management: Create, edit, and view kits, cooldowns, limits, items, blueprints, modules, genes, chances, and slots in the UI.
  • UI Kit Editor: Edit kit items and seed/clone genes directly within the UI.
  • Inventory Protection: Prevents misplacement of items in the Wear/Belt container.
  • Chat Customization: Customize avatar and prefix for chat messages.
  • Default Kits: Set default kits for new players and a list of kits available immediately.
  • Kit Deletion: Specify the duration before a kit is deleted, ideal for events.
  • Usage Limits: Set a limit on how many times a kit can be taken (e.g., 5 uses in total).
  • CoolDown Setting: Set a CoolDown period for each kit.
  • Inventory Check: Clears player inventory before giving a kit and checks for available space.
  • Kit Availability: Displays kit settings, including deletion time, CoolDown, and maximum number of uses, in view all kits mode.
  • Automatic Kit Selection: Players can independently select/change their kits from the available ones.
  • Custom Kit Images: Default size is 230x544, adjustable in configuration. Custom images available for an additional fee.




xkits.use - access to menu.
xkits.admin - access to admin functionality.
xkits.showall - access to the ability to view all kits.
xkits.ignorecd - allow to ignore CoolDown.


/k, /kit, /kits - to open the kits menu.  [ Commands can be changed in the config. ]
/k kitName, /kit kitName, /kits kitName - to take a kit.  [ Commands can be changed in the config. ]

/kit.admin givekit kitName - give a kit to the inventory of the player you are looking at. (Admin permission)

xkits_admin_kit_ccmd give steamID kitName seconds - give kit to a player.
[ You can change the seconds and thus change the date of deleting the kit from the player. 0 - the kit will always be available to the player. seconds: 1000 or -1000. Automatically converted to Unix-time. ]
xkits_admin_kit_ccmd remove steamID kitName - remove a kit from a player. [ The kit will no longer be available to the player. ]
xkits_admin_kit_ccmd givekit steamID kitName - give a kit to the inventory of the player.


bool API_GivePlayerKit(BasePlayer player, string giveKitName, bool dropMessage = false) - give a kit to the inventory of the player.
[ dropMessage - display in the console the number of items that did not fit in the inventory. ]

bool IsKit(string kitName) - check if a kit exists.
double GetKitCooldown(string kitName) - get kit CoolDown. (sec.)
double GetDeleteKitUnixDate(string kitName) - get date of kit deletion. (Unix-time)
string GetKitImageURL(string kitName) - get link to the image of the kit.
string GetKitPermission(string kitName) - get permission of the kit.
int GetKitAmountOfUses(string kitName) - get number of uses of the kit.
void PlayerTimerRemove(BasePlayer player) - remove player from UI update timer. (Useful for custom menu)


object CanTakeKit(BasePlayer player, string takeKitName) - is called when a player tries to take a kit. Return not null will prevent this action.
object CanGiveKit(BasePlayer player, string giveKitName) - is called when trying to give a kit to the player inventory using the API. Return not null will prevent this action.


  "General settings": {
    "SteamID profile for custom avatar": 0,
    "Chat prefix": "<size=12><color=#FFFFFF50>[</color> <color=#00FF0050>XKits</color> <color=#FFFFFF50>]</color></size>\n",
    "List of kits that will be available to the player at all times - [ Will be given to the player ]": [],
    "List of commands to open the menu": [
  "GUI settings": {
    "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95",
    "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95",
    "Color_background_3": "0.217 0.221 0.209 1",
    "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75",
    "Block color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5",
    "Color of the active button next": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1",
    "Color of the inactive button next": "0.35 0.45 0.25 0.4",
    "Text color of the active button next": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1",
    "Text color of the inactive button next": "0.75 0.95 0.41 0.4",
    "Color of the active button back": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1",
    "Color of the inactive button back": "0.65 0.29 0.24 0.4",
    "Text color of the active button back": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1",
    "Text color of the inactive button back": "0.92 0.79 0.76 0.4",
    "MainIMG_OffsetMin": "16.5 -99.55",
    "MainIMG_OffsetMax": "-16.5 117.25",
    "InfoIMG_OffsetMin": "10 35",
    "InfoIMG_OffsetMax": "106.2 -35"
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Monster's Collection

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