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XGatherUP 1.1.2

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About XGatherUP

XGatherUP - increase in rates for XP.

- Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
- Storing player data in - oxide/data/XGatherUP
- There is a lang ru/en.
- Sound effects when interacting with the menu.
- Configuring the issuance of XP. [ Loot, kill, break barrels, open crates, pick from the ground, harvest ]
- Setting up starting rates for each category.
- Setting up bonus rates for each category according to the permit. [ Multiple permissions can be configured ]
- Setting up permissions to access the upgrading of a certain category.
- Mini-panel with XP quantity. [ You can hide ]
- Customization of categories for which you can increase rates. [ Bonus mining, mining, picking from the ground, components, harvesting ]
- Setting the maximum level, XP for upgraging one level, rates for one upgraded level, a list of resources/components for which the rates will be increased.

->  Overview - YouTube  <-



How do the rates for components and other contents of the crates work?

Players can have different rates for items/components in crates. The rates of the player who first looked into the crate are taken into account.
For example: an ordinary player looking into the crate will find 20 HQM and 2 C4, and a player with upgraded rates or bonus permishene will find 60 HQM and 6 C4.

Shortnames for config settings.


Bonus gather:

- sulfur.ore
- metal.ore
- stones
- wood

- sulfur
- metal.fragments
- charcoal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pickuping resources:

- sulfur.ore
- metal.ore
- stones
- wood
- cloth
- bone.fragments

- sulfur
- metal.fragments
- charcoal

- white.berry
- green.berry
- red.berry
- blue.berry
- yellow.berry
- black.berry

- potato
- corn
- pumpkin
- mushroom

- diesel_barrel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- hemp.entity

- white_berry.entity
- green_berry.entity
- red_berry.entity
- blue_berry.entity
- yellow_berry.entity
- black_berry.entity

- potato.entity
- corn.entity
- pumpkin.entity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Killing / barrel breaking:

- oil_barrel
- loot-barrel-1
- loot-barrel-2
- loot_barrel_1
- loot_barrel_2

- bear
- polarbear
- stag
- boar
- chicken
- wolf
- simpleshark

- testridablehorse
- rowboat
- rhib
- kayak
- submarinesolo.entity
- submarineduo.entity
- scraptransporthelicopter
- minicopter.entity
- snowmobile
- tomahasnowmobile

- ch47scientists.entity
- bradleyapc

- scientistnpc_ch47_gunner
- scientistnpc_patrol
- scientistnpc_roam
- scientistnpc_roamtethered
- scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol
- scientistnpc_excavator
- scientistnpc_oilrig
- scientistnpc_heavy
- npc_underwaterdweller
- npc_tunneldweller
- scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300
- scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any
- scientistnpc_cargo
- scientistnpc_full_lr300
- scientistnpc_full_shotgun
- scientistnpc_full_any
- scientistnpc_full_pistol
- scientistnpc_full_mp5

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Opening crates:

- crate_normal
- crate_normal_2
- crate_normal_2_medical
- crate_normal_2_food
- crate_basic
- crate_tools
- crate_mine
- crate_underwater_basic
- crate_underwater_advanced
- crate_ammunition
- crate_food_1
- crate_food_2
- crate_fuel
- crate_elite
- crate_medical
- wagon_crate_normal
- wagon_crate_normal_2
- wagon_crate_normal_2_medical
- wagon_crate_normal_2_food
- foodbox
- vehicle_parts
- codelockedhackablecrate
- codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig


/rate - open the menu to upgrading rates.
xp_give <SteamID> <Amount> - give ХР.


  "General settings": {
    "Use plugin balance to increase rates [ Default, XShop, Economics ]": "Default"
  "GUI settings": {
    "Number of categories per line": 6,
    "OffsetMin - menu": "-475 -255",
    "OffsetMax - menu": "475 180"
  "Setting up permissions and additional rates": {
    "xgatherup.default": {
      "Resource": 1.5,
      "Harvest": 2.0,
      "Loot": 0.75
  "ХР settings | Shortname : ValueXP": {
    "ХР for pickup resources": {
      "stones": 10.0,
      "sulfur.ore": 15.0,
      "metal.ore": 12.5
    "ХР for harvesting": {
      "potato.entity": 2.5,
      "corn.entity": 1.75,
      "hemp.emtity": 0.25
    "ХР for bonus gather": {
      "stones": 5.0,
      "sulfur.ore": 10.0,
      "metal.ore": 7.5
    "ХР for kill / breaking barrels": {
      "boar": 10.0,
      "loot-barrel-1": 7.5,
      "heavyscientist": 2.5
    "ХР for open crates": {
      "crate_normal": 5.0,
      "crate_normal_2": 1.0,
      "crate_tools": 3.5
  "Category settings": {
    "Resource": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "wood",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "stones",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metal.ore",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 15,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "sulfur.ore",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 15,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "hq.metal.ore",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 10,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 5.5,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "mushroom",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 15,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 0.5,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
    "Harvest": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "pumpkin",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 10,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "corn",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 10,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
    "Loot": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "semibody",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalpipe",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalblade",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [
        "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default",
        "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "scrap",
        "Maximum upgrading level": 20,
        "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1,
        "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0,
        "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75,
        "Link to custom image": "",
        "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [

Monster's Collection

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