About AutoChatMessage
The plugin sends chat messages at specified intervals with support for colour, size, underlining and italics.
This plugin features:
- Option to send messages sequentially or randomly
- Option to change the colour of the text <#EEB134>Message</color>.
- Option to add a new line without sending another message /n
- Ability to write in italics <i>Message</i>
- Ability to underline the text <u>Message</u>
- Possibility to change the size of the text <size=14>Message</size>
/acm.reload - Requires permission AutoChatMessage.Admin
Config File:
{ "Interval": 60, "Messages": [ "<size=14><#03FCE7><u>Hello, player!</u></color> <#FCF403>Welcome to the server!</color></size>", "<size=14><#FCB103>Plugin By:</color></size>/n<size=10><#FCF403><u>Kalvi</u></color></size>", "<size=14><#A1FC03><i>Thank you for downloading the plugin</i></color></size>" ], "RandomMessage": false }