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About VoteDay

The plugin adds the ability to skip nights by voting with the /voteday command.
Additionally, the command can be used by people who have permission.

Every day at 19:00 in-game time the voting is turned on, if the voting is successful the time is switched to 8:00 am.


/voteday: Starts voting for skipping the night if voting is not already in progress. Requires the “voteday.use” permission.

/voteday reload: Reloads the plugin configuration. Requires “voteday.admin” permission.

/voteday set timevote <seconds>: Sets the voting time in seconds and saves it to the configuration file. Requires the “voteday.admin” permission.

/voteday set requiredpercentage <percentage>: Sets the required percentage of votes (ranging from 1 to 100) and writes it to the configuration file. Requires the “voteday.admin” permission.


voteday.use: Allows the player to participate in voting.
voteday.admin: Allows the player to reload the plugin configuration and change the voting settings.

Configuration file

  "VoteDuration": 180.0,
  "RequiredPercentage": 50


  "VoteStarted": "<color=#FFFF00>Vote to skip the night has started! You have {0} seconds to vote. Type /voteday to vote. {1} votes are needed to pass.</color>",
  "VoteCount": "<color=#00FF00>{0} players voted yes out of {1}.</color>",
  "VotePassed": "<color=#00FF00>The vote passed! {0} players voted yes out of {1}. Skipping to day.</color>",
  "VoteFailed": "<color=#FF0000>The vote failed. {0} players voted yes out of {1}. The night will continue.</color>",
  "NoPermission": "<color=#FF0000>You do not have permission to use this command.</color>",
  "AlreadyVoting": "<color=#FF0000>A vote is already in progress.</color>",
  "AlreadyVoted": "<color=#FF0000>You have already voted.</color>",
  "ConfigReloaded": "<color=#00FF00>Configuration reloaded successfully.</color>",
  "InvalidCommand": "<color=#FF0000>Invalid command usage. Use /voteday set timevote <seconds> or /voteday set requiredpercentage <percentage>.</color>",
  "VoteDurationSet": "<color=#00FF00>Vote duration set to {0} seconds.</color>",
  "RequiredPercentageSet": "<color=#00FF00>Required vote percentage set to {0}%.</color>",
  "InvalidPercentage": "<color=#FF0000>Invalid percentage. Please enter a value between 1 and 100.</color>"


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